
Darius Barazandeh presents,

You Wealth Revolution Shift 2012

Interview with Symeon Rodger

Date: April 24, 2012

Topic: The Body Holds the Key: Ancient

Secrets for Shifting Consciousness and

Manifesting the Life You Really Want

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Darius: Hello and welcome. This is Darius Barazandeh. You’re tuning into

the You Wealth Revolution Shift 2012 and I am very excited – in

fact, incredibly excited – to have our amazing guest here today

and somebody that I have actually done quite a few interviews

with. I’ve actually purchased programs for family members. I have

shared it with the people that I love because of the depth and I

would say, really, the practical power of our next guest’s work.

I’ve got to be honest with you. I interview and I sort of walk hand-

in-hand with so many of the foremost leaders in thought and

healing and mind evolution and manifestation and very seldom do

I actually take some of this work and say, “You know what? I’m

going to get this for my mother or my grandmother or someone.” I

really say, “I want my mom to do this every day,” and this guest

here has that distinction.

So I really want you to send an enormous amount of love and an

enormous amount of just attention and retention as we go

through this interview so that you can pay attention to where you

maybe haven’t been following some of these principles and then

you can retain and use that retention to bring into your life these

principles and make them real and so we’re going to do exercises.

We are going to do quite a lot, but let me get started.

Dr. Symeon Rodger is arguably the world’s top expert in the

ancient systems of the world and the ancient systems of personal

development and I feel very strongly that a certain bit of the truth

has been left out of the modern interpretations. The incomplete

story and one of the things I believe is that the incomplete story

that you’ve been told about your own personal development and

manifestation and wellness is what is creating the blocks for so


Dr. Symeon has combined his vast knowledge of these ancient

systems, but didn’t stop there. He combined it with modern

science and rigorous attention to historical fact and he has created

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life-liberating and life-transforming paradigm shifts for people

organizations, institutions and everything in between.

Symeon has distilled over 45 years of his research and his

experience into his books, one of them being, The Five Pillars of

Life: Reclaiming Ownership of your Mind, Body and Future. He’s

also using his book to raise money to help the World Vision Fund

to bring medical supplies to desperately needed places in

developing countries.

He is a married priest. Dr. Symeon is a spiritual father in the

Eastern Orthodox Church. He is also a university professor, a

martial arts expert and he used to run top secret intelligence

operations for the Canadian Government.

He is the founder of Rock Solid Life Systems and Warrior Coaching

International. He also has taught everything from Christian

theology and spiritual life to Chinese energy arts such as qi gong

to intelligence analysis. He has his own radio show and has been a

guest on many others.

He is also the founder of the phenomenally successful, Mindset

Mastery Virtual Bootcamp, a teleseminar series on various aspects

of mindset peak performance. He’s interviewed such notables as

T. Harv Ecker, Janet and Chris Attwood, Dr. Alex Lloyd, Mark

Joyner, Cynthia Kersey, Loraline Meyer, Jack Zufelt and others.

Without further ado, let’s send Dr. Symeon Rodger just a ton of

love, part of pure energy from the heart and just know with

expectancy that you are going to get the answer that you may

have been looking for for a long time here today. Expect that to

happen. It will happen. Dr. Symeon, welcome back to the You

Wealth Revolution Shift 2012.

Symeon: Thanks, Darius. It’s wonderful to be here.

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Darius: Well, I am so excited to have you. I’m so excited to open up our

dialogues again. I know the last time we were here was just an

incredible dialogue and we went so deep. I guess the first question

is now we are deep in 2012, at this point, where we were in sort of

this whole new change and shift environment, what is happening

in 2012 and why is it so difficult for so many people to really

manifest the life that they want? What is keeping them stuck?

Does 2012 have anything to do with that?

Symeon: Well, that’s a huge question, Darius, and the fact is I don't think

any of us really know for sure what the significance of 2012 is and

whether we’re creating that or did the Mayan calendar designers

just stop for lunch and never get back to work or is there a reason

for this.

We don’t really know, but what we do know is that obviously

whatever the Mayan calendar means, we know that we are in the

middle of a shift. The reason we know this is because, in fact, the

entire world view on which our entire civilization is built has been

proven to be false. It’s been proven to be false by science itself,


So when quantum physics was discovered essentially…basically,

90 years ago, the Newtonian vision of reality on which our

civilization has been based for centuries was shot to pieces.

Unfortunately, most people live their lives imbued with the

Newtonian world view. They look at the world in a very

mechanistic, individualistic way where the world is a harsh,

unfeeling, dangerous place and somehow our mission in it is to

survive. The Newtonian world view is fundamentally about

scarcity and, fortunately, it’s been proved wrong.

The problem is people act as if they haven’t got the memo, but the

thing is this world view is doomed. The Newtonian world view is

doomed because every day science is coming up with more and

more stuff saying it isn’t what we thought. Consciousness plays a

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huge part in the universe. It plays a huge part in how things

happen. It can change the molecular structure of objects. It

changes. Emotion and consciousness are fundamental. They’re not

simply chemical reactions in the brain that are irrelevant.

So it’s a huge change in paradigm, a huge change in how we live

and if people are not able to manifest the kind of life they would

like, there are at least a couple of reasons. One is that they don’t

yet understand the process or are not executing that process

properly and the other is that in their day-to-day lives, they are

very much stuck in the Newtonian world view and in the

orientation to life that that requires, if that makes sense.

Darius: Yeah. It makes a ton of sense. I think for a lot of people it

represents a huge possibility. Yet, so many people have been

studying and trying and yet for a lot…I’ve seen two groups. One

group where things are just becoming easier and easier and

they’re creating more in their life or manifesting more whereas

others are sort of…they’ve attached themselves to the incomplete

science that’s been spouted by so many experts and their lives are

getting more and more difficult.

What is the big problem? What is the thing that’s happening that’s

keeping people stuck and not being able to create using the law of

attraction or some of these other sort of almost quasi-mainstream


Symeon: Well, I think, really, it’s a misunderstanding of the process because

there is a lot out there on the law of attraction, as you say, and

pretty much everybody – I’d say everybody on this call – if you

asked them to outline sort of what are the basics, the real basics,

they could do it. All of us can do it. We have a basic idea of what

the law of attraction is and what manifesting means and then

we’re stuck because we don’t know why it’s not happening for us.

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So really what I’d like to do today – what I’d like to focus on if I

might – is what I feel are the two key dynamics that are vastly

underestimated in importance. Not nearly enough emphasis is put

on these two particular dynamics and that’s principally why

things are going south for people. Is that okay?

Darius: Yeah, I’d love to do that. Can I ask you really quickly, from your

background how did you get involved in this field because it’s

kind of almost unusual that someone who is a clergyman is also

connected to the law of attraction and these ancient hysterical

teachings? Where is the commonality and as a follow-up to that,

what was your life like before you really uncovered some of these

secrets? Was there ever a time when things were not as easy or

elegant as they are possibly now?

Symeon: Oh yeah. Funny you should ask that. As a matter of fact, when I

first got into business, which was about ten years – ten, eleven

years ago – what I encountered was that I had huge mindset

issues. I had these huge sets of doubts, fears and self-limiting

beliefs as much as anybody else did. I had them in spades and this

was really, I think because it was the first time I’d stepped so far

out of my comfort zone and, of course, if you stay in your comfort

zone, you never know this stuff, right?

Darius: Exactly.

Symeon: As they say, what you want in life is always just the other side of

your comfort zone. So if you stay where you are and you don’t

move, well, obviously, you don’t advance at all. So I was here

beginning business in the personal development world and I had

pretty much very little idea of what to do. I just knew I had these

huge mindset issues to deal with and the one thing, maybe the one

advantage I had, although, in spite of all the great struggles, one

advantage I had from my background as a priest in the Orthodox

Church was the fact that I knew from experience – and it’s going

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to sound maybe strange to some people and not to others – I knew

that prayer actually worked.

I mean prayer in a very narrow sense, which is asking for

something because I had been tracking it. I actually knew for sure

that when I asked for something in the proper way it came and it

instilled in me such a belief that it was never even a question and

the funny thing is when I was doing my pastoral work, people

would come to me sometimes and say, “I pray and pray and

nothing happens or nothing gets better,” and I’d look at them kind

of quizzically and say, “Really? You're kidding.”

Then I realized there was more to it than that because so much

has to do with it’s not the prayer itself and it’s like for the law of

attraction, it’s not what you’re putting out there. It’s something

much deeper and you hit the nail on the head when you talk about

the specific energetic setpoint where the level of vibration that

person has…another way to look at that is to talk about what do

you actually expect to happen? What does your body/mind

organism expect on a subconscious level because that’s what

you’ll get? It’s not what you’re asking for you’ll necessarily get. It’s

where you’re set internally, that’s what you’ll get.

Over 20 years of pastoral counseling, I saw this over and over in

people and I became utterly convinced people get in life in terms

of health and relationships and career and the whole shebang,

they get what they expect.

So I love this concept of this specific energetic setpoint because

everybody has one and it’s about shifting that, which is the same

thing as saying shifting your consciousness or raising your

vibration, whatever you want to call it. There are I believe, in the

whole sort of science and manifesting, if you want to call it that,

that there are two fundamental dynamics that people are ignoring

and, really, it’s those things that we have to look at.

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In order to help people today - everybody on this call – to help

everybody on this call be able to recognize what’s going on and

very quickly and very easily raise that energetic setpoint and do

so in a way that’s reliable and sustainable and do it by bringing in

one huge ingredient that’s totally missing, almost totally from

almost all of the law of attraction stuff and that ingredient is our

physical body.

Darius: Wow. First of all, I’m curious about when you talk about this

amazing component that was a part of your prayer and

expectancy and this energetic setpoint, which we’ve talked about,

which I’ve seen as well, is that some people create incredible

things. Other people can barely eke by with a very dismal and

difficult existence and what’s the difference and you recognize

that and now we’re going to go deep into this.

What I love about you, Symeon, is you not only have this religious

background, but this ancient studies background and, really, the

background of a scientist who really researches and meticulously

looks at everything and takes it apart. So I am absolutely excited

to go through this.

Let me just kind of tell you where people are at because people

are also feeling how powerful this call’s going to be. Alton said, “I

am liking this already. The flow and connection has been totally

established.” Another person said, “This is going to be one

amazing call. I love Dr. Symeon Rodger.” Another person said,

“How in the world did we get so lucky to have this process?”

So let’s get started. What are some of the things that we need to

know? Educate us and I’m going to be here taking notes and

asking questions as well.

Symeon: Okay. Well, let’s get going then. This is going to be a lot of fun

because the first concept – and it’s a wonderful concept – is that

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you need to feel consistently great. Again, you need to feel

consistently great. That’s the primary concept.

Now, if you think about all the law of attraction programs you’ve

ever seen or heard, there’s a sort of mention there somewhere –

sometimes not much more than a footnote – that you really do

have to be a good emotional space. Well, the whole thing is there’s

not nearly enough emphasis put on this and there’s almost no

instruction about how to do it, but feeling consistently great is

vital because what I saw in my 20 years of pastoral practice, too –

and I’ve seen it definitely every day since – is that not only do

people get what they expect, but they get what they feel good

about or somehow feel comfortable with and feeling consistently

great is absolutely vital.

Let’s talk about that concept for a minute. Let me ask you this. If

you were able to shift your consciousness or raise your vibration

or raise your specific energetic setpoint – whatever you want to

call it – once you’ve done that, how are you going to feel?

Darius: Wow. I would think you’d probably feel pretty good.

Symeon: Oh yeah. You’d feel absolutely wonderful and that’s the whole

point because what I’m getting at here – and I didn’t meant to use

you as a guinea pig, but, well, you’re here – was just that raising

your consciousness or raising your energetic setpoint is

functionally the same thing as feeling consistently great. So if they

are the same thing, in other words, if you’re specific energetic

setpoint or facing that equals feeling consistently great, then

logically feeling consistently great also equals raising your specific

energetic setpoint. It’s kind of like that.

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: Okay. So what this means is that you can work the equation from

both sides. It’s not so much about sitting around meditating and

hoping that somehow your vibration is going to get raised, but

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that if you set as your objective that you want to feel really good

all the time, that will over time – in fact, very quickly – start to

raise your vibration because many of us, many people, even many

apparently lighthearted, outgoing, happy people carry around

huge amounts of negativity.

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: You don't have to poke the bear very much before the bear let’s

out that negativity. So you know that people are carrying this

around and the whole thing about feeling consistently great is we

have to go on a bit of a witch hunt for negativity. We really do. You

see because negativity or…well, let’s back up for a minute. Most of

what people are telling you right now is that you need to change

your thinking.

Darius: Exactly.

Symeon: Well, the problem with changing your thinking is (a) they’re not

telling you how to do it or (b) the unspoken idea here is that you

use your thinking to change your thinking. Well, you can’t use

rational mind to change the rational mind’s thought patterns

because those thought patterns are emotionally driven and the

rational mind cannot be used to harness the emotions because the

out-of-control rational mind is a slave to the emotions in the first

place. It’s like Einstein, who said you can’t get out of a problem

with the same level of thinking that got you into it and so working

simply through your ability to think through your rational mind,

trying to change your life, well, you might as well try to scoop

water with a tennis racket. It’s not going to work.

Darius: So what I’m hearing is that just trying to think positive when the

emotions and the feelings and the vibration’s really – because the

emotion is a vibration – it’s coming from a much deeper place.

Sort of irrational or emotional or unconscious is going to be

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literally impossible over the long term to do that. Yet so many

people say, “Think positive.”

Symeon: Yeah, they do and the problem with that, of course, is it actually

comes from the model of the human person - sort of

anthropology, if you will – that we know is wrong. It comes from

earlier scientific data where it was thought that your entire

mental and emotional life resided in your brain. We know now

that's totally untrue and ancient civilizations are what I call in, The

Five Pillars of Life, authentic ancient traditions. That is ancient

traditions that could prove that they get results. All of them say,

no, you’re intelligence is not limited to your brain.

So if we talk about intelligence in general or you can call it

consciousness if you want, your intelligence is non-local. Again, it

is non-local. Meaning another way of saying that it’s intelligence in

the human being is actual distributed and we know that

scientifically now because we know there are huge neural nets in

the heart and we know you have huge neural nets in your gut, in

your belly.

So you were talking about the chakras during the intention circle,

right, and we know that wherever there are chakras, in fact, those

are neural plexuses. There are brain cells there. Ancient

civilizations knew that emotions are not in your head and we’re

going to talk about this in a minute. Now, feeling consistently

great is, of course, primarily an emotional category, right?

Darius: Okay. Yeah.

Symeon: It is physical in a couple of ways because, obviously, you can’t feel

emotionally great if you’re physically ill, exhausted or have

chronic discomfort. We know that and that’s pretty easy to

understand, but also here’s something that’s not readily

recognized in the west. Your emotional condition depends to a

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great extent on the condition of your physical condition. One

conditions the other. So it’s very important to understand that.

One way to understand that is…what I would like you to do now,

everyone who’s listening, if you could go into your memory bank

and think of an emotional experience you had some time in your

life that was so strong that you felt it very definitely at a certain

place in your body.

Now, that could have been something negative like somebody

breaking up with you in a relationship or it could have been

talking to somebody you had a real crush on or it could have been

a sudden fright or having to do public speaking or something like


It could have been a very positive event, too. It could have been an

enormous feeling of love or an enormous feeling of joy or

gratitude. It could have been anything like that, but think of

something that was so powerful yet when you consider it you

realize, yeah, I felt that in my body.

Darius: Okay. Everyone do that now. I had a situation like that recently.

Okay. Everyone do that.

Symeon: So your emotions are not in your head, right?

Darius: Mm-hmm.

Symeon: This in the thing. As we said, intelligence is distributed and if we

look at the ancient models of the human person, whether it’s from

Indian medicine or Chinese medicine or whatever, we realize that

the emotions are linked to bodily tissues.

Take another example. If you have a phobia about

something…now, every here, all of us can probably relate to this

because probably all of us have had some sort of phobia at some

point. When you're in the grip of a phobia, you may realize with

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your rational mind it’s ridiculous. You can analyze it as stupid, but

does that change how you react?

Darius: No.

Symeon: No because it’s got you. It’s got your entire body. It’s got you

physically and why is this? Well, the thing is if we look at the body

the body has several key information highways and the two most

important information highways in the body are the ones that we

know of – and we’re still discovering things – are the central

nervous system and the energy system.

The energy system is quite complex. In Chinese medicine, specific

emotions are actually linked to different tissues, to different organ

systems. So, for instance, if we talk about an organ system in

Chinese medicine, take your kidneys, for example. Your kidneys

are, of course, are sort of at the lower back there, but when we

talk about the kidneys in Chinese medicine, we don’t mean just

the organs in your lower back.

We mean the entire kidney energy system, which begins in the

soles of your feet and comes up your legs to meet the kidneys and

every other organ has a similar system distributed throughout

your body. For instance, the lung energy system ends at your

thumbs, so each of these energy systems is associated with certain

positive and negative emotions. The liver, for instance, is

associated in a positive sense with patience and kindness, but

anger and frustration and all that is its negative aspect.

So all of this is to say that emotions are really right there in your

body and that’s why things like acupuncture, meridian-tapping

and other things can release these emotional blockages or

even…sometimes at a workshop, we’ll do a simple demonstration

having people change their breathing pattern or something and

that will release a trauma and suddenly they’re in tears on the

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floor, unloading some negative emotional energy, so all of this is

trapped in the body.

Darius: So, what I’m hearing and I want to hear from everybody and see

kind of where you are experiencing as you hear this, is that the

very blocks and things that may keep us from manifesting the life

that we want are not necessarily in our conscious thinking or in

our ability to think positive as we’ve been taught, but deeper in

the body and our goal then or at least one of our goals should be

to have processes to begin to release that from the body and then

also turn on something else in the body that maybe can help us to

manifest more, which is that higher energetic setpoint that is in

our body’s own emotional structures and, Symeon, is that kind of

a summary of what we’ve stated so far?

Symeon: Yeah, I think so pretty much, Darius. It’s the fact that the only way

to get into the positive emotional space that we want to be in is to

work through the body because if we don't do that, we’re not

clearing out. If we’re just trying to think our way into a positive

emotional state and I’m not saying we shouldn’t try to use our

thoughts, but if we’re simply trying to do it that way and not

working through the body, the risk is we don't clear out the

energy channels, so the emotional energy remains locked and we

keep feeling the same way we’re feeling, which isn’t a huge

advantage, right?

Don't forget this negative emotional energy also impacts how you

feel emotionally, but also impacts you physically and it damages

your health, actually. I mean the idea that it has an effect on the

physical body is easy to see from the idea that stress creates

all…well, accordingly to modern research, stress is behind

something like 85% of illness, but obviously, you can get an ulcer

from too much stress or something like that, but almost

everybody here probably is familiar in some way or has heard of

applied kinesiology, also known as muscle-testing.

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Darius: Yes.

Symeon: So just for the sake of a little demonstration, if you can put your

arm out to your side. Put your right arm out so it’s straight out to

your side at shoulder level, parallel to the floor, so your palm’s

facing down, your arm is just resting there, held straight out and

imagine that I’m standing behind you and I’m going to put my left

hand very gently on your left shoulder.

Darius: Okay.

Symeon: My index finger of my right hand, I’m going to put the top of your

right wrist. So my right hand is on top of your right wrist and I am

going to try to push your arm down and you’re going to try to


Darius: Okay.

Symeon: Now, what I’m going to do is…if I were actually there with you,

what I would say to show you how this works is, “I’d like you to

say, ‘My name is Darius Barazandeh,’’’ and I would try to push

your arm down and you would easily resist me because I’m

pushing with one finger.

Darius: Right.

Symeon: Your arm’s not going anywhere. Now, if I say to you, “Say ‘My

name is John Smith,’’’ and you say, “My name is John Smith,” and

try to resist me. That one finger of mine will push that arm right

down. You go weak the moment you say something that is untrue.

Likewise, I can do the same thing if I have you…the same type of

demonstration works extremely well. First, if I get you to think of

something wonderful, joyful and happy, I can’t push your arm

down. If I get you to think of something that puts you in a negative

emotional state, whether it’s anger, fear, whatever, that arm is

practically falling. I just have to blow on it and down it goes.

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Darius: Yeah. So the emotions affect the body instantly and affect the

systems of the body instantly.

Symeon: Oh, absolutely and that’s the whole point. So if you’re in a

persistently negative emotional state what you’re doing is

continually weakening yourself. You’re losing your personal

resilience and you’re damaging your physical health and that’s

why there are large-scale studies tying emotions to illness like Dr.

Gabor Maté, for instance – the guy in Vancouver – has written

extensively about this in relation to cancer and that’s only one


Now, what does this mean as far as manifesting goes? Well, if you

want to manifest good things, of course, you have to stay in

positive emotional states. There’s no other way, but to do that you

have to keep your body’s information highways in good repair.

You have to clear them out and keep them in good repair and the

only way to do that is to work with and through the body.

So how do we do that? Well, here’s a little demonstration for you

and just do this one, everybody, to the…stay within your range of

motion and your physical abilities, but if you can stretch, do a

morning stretch. Pretend you’re doing a morning wake-up stretch.

Claps your fingers together, stretch your arms over your head,

stretch them out to the side.

Darius: I’m doing it now.

Symeon: Yeah. Just move your arms around a little bit and stretch a little


Darius: Okay.

Symeon: Okay. Yeah. Doesn’t that feel good?

Darius: Yeah.

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Symeon: Oh yeah. Of course it does, but the point here is that there’s a

whole lot more going on when you do that than most people are

aware of. See, what you’re doing there is all of those muscles as

you were moving your arms around lengthening and contracting

those muscles, a whole bunch of different things are happening.

First of all, you're lubricating all those muscles, so all the cells in

those muscle groups are getting more and more nutrients and as

you stretch out, you're improving the tone of the blood vessels

that run all through that muscle group. That means that that

muscle is more easily detoxified. It means the blood vessels are

maintained in good health.

Therefore, the circulatory system and the heart don’t have to

work as hard. It means that the nerve fibers that move through

those muscles are also being toned as you do that and the vital

information that flows through your body to keep your cells

working properly is able to flow.

Even more than that, every muscle group is wrapped in a type of

tissue called fascia. Fascia is very thin. It’s white, elastic-y, very

tough, kind of like the body’s Saran wrap and so every time you

move those muscles around, you're stretching the fascia. What

that does is it keeps the fascia lubricated. Why is that important?

Not only because the fascia guarantees your posture, especially

the fascia in your torso, but because as you do that, much of your

body’s energy system, especially the 12 acupuncture meridians,

much of that information or energy moves through the fascia


So as you keep the fascia well-toned, you’re keeping your energy

system well-toned as well. By moving around your arms like that,

by doing that stretch, you’re also engaging the tendons and the

ligaments, right because tendons connect muscle to bone,

ligaments connect bone to bone and as you do that, you’re

protecting the joints and the joints are critical because they

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protect your posture. By keeping them well-toned, you prevent

toxins from building up in the joints and you allow the energy to

flow through the joints much more easily.

So by doing all this, you’re keeping your body’s primary

information pathways or nervous system and your energy system

toned and by doing this, you’re moving toward the whole

possibility of clearing out your emotions. That’s why people feel

so much better after exercise. Of course, they do.

Darius: We’re getting a lot of questions that are coming in because a lot of

people are really getting this. It’s really sort of this aha. I’ve been

trying to clear out these beliefs. I’ve been trying to recreate my life.

I’ve been trying to release the past and I’ve been doing it all

mentally and I’ve been trying to…somehow on this magical part

that I call my mind…I don’t know it is. I’ve been trying to do

something there.

Most of us because we’re conditioned to think that our mind is in

our head, we’ve been trying to control that little chatter voice in

our mind or our head that we keep hearing that is uncontrollable

and a lot of you are saying, “Wow. This is something different,”

and I agree. Tracy just asked – she’s from Gilbert – she says,

“Okay, so how do we clean out,” – and that’s a really good word –

“clean out these systems by ourselves?” Then she’s also asked,

which I think if you could follow up, is what happens when we do?

Is there something else that will guide us when we clear out these

emotional systems and they’re no longer blocked with this

residue of past emotion throughout out body?

Symeon: That is as beautiful question. That’s a two-part, two parts of a

beautiful question. We’re getting to the guidance system. We’re

going to talk about that, but how do you do it? So how do you

clean out the emotional blockages? I would say there are two

principle ways and both of them work partly through your body.

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One, which we’re going to talk about a little bit later, is using a

simple energy psychology technique. Something like the

Emotional Freedom Technique and we’re going to talk about that

in a little bit, but the reason for using that kind of technique, a

meridian-tapping technique like EFT, is it’s so easy. There’s no

reason not to have this tool in your arsenal because it’s just too

easy, too dirt simple and it takes almost no time.

Now, there are other energy psychology techniques as well, but

principally what Chinese medicine would tell us is very simple.

They have an adage. They say, “A door that is always in use, its

hinges never rust.” That’s, of course, a metaphor for the human

body. The human body is a use it or lose it proposition. So what we

need to do comes down to this.

If we want to keep our emotions well-toned what we need to do is

take all the tissues in our body through their complete range of

motion on a regular basis. That’s the first one. Take all of our

tissues through their complete range of motion on a regular basis

and, second, we need to learn how to bring energy or chi into our

tissues from the outside world.

Okay, I know there’s a bit of a how-to there, but we’ll talk about

that, but basically to begin – to begin, right off – if you do nothing

else, begin taking your body through its range of motion. Get some

stretching in, do a yoga class, do something. Move, basically,

because don’t forget, your body has to move. There are some

parts of your body that don’t work if you don’t move.

For instance, the lymph system, the lymphatic system, is a key

element of your immune system. It doesn’t work unless you move.

It becomes stagnant and builds up toxins unless you move. So it’s

really important to do that. That’s part of the key. So if we want to

clean out our emotions, want to clean out all of these blockages,

part of what we have to do is definitely work through the body.

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Now, let’s do another demonstration that will sort of show you a

slightly different aspect of this.

Darius: Okay.

Symeon: Okay, two things. One very quick – what I’d like you to do is pick a

finger, any finger and just focus your attention on the tip of that


Darius: Okay. Everyone do that with us. Pick a finger and focus your

attention on the end. I feel kind of like my body just tingling

because as you were talking about the body and clearing system, I

feel sort of just a different awareness in my body. I want to see if

everybody else is feeling that. Okay. Let us know and then I’m

going to focus on my finger and I’d like you to do the same.

Symeon: Okay. Go focus your mental attention on the tip of one finger and

simply ask yourself this question – what physical sensations do I

detect at the end of this finger using only the power of my mind?

What physical sensations are there? Ask yourself that and see

what you come up with. What do you feel, Darius?

Darius: I feel so many things. I feel the blood going through. I feel tingling.

I feel the air coming from the air conditioner in my office. I feel

heat. I also feel kind of like an awareness. I can almost feel like the

awareness of the bone and the tissues and the energy circulating

in there, a lot of different things.

Symeon: You’re the first person I’ve ever talked to who got all those

sensations at the same time, but that’s okay. People will say it’s

hot or it’s cold or there’s a pulse or there’s tingling and there’s no

right or wrong answer. That’s all fine. Whatever you felt or didn’t

feel was fine. The point is this. Well, there are two points. The first

point, the most basic one, is you are able to detect what is

happening at a remote location on your body using only the

power of your mind. Okay?

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Now, it gets even better. If we were able to hook you up to

instruments that were sensitive enough, we could prove to you

that by focusing your mental attention on the tip of your finger,

you measurably changed the physiology at the end of that finger.

We could prove to you that by focusing on the end of that finger,

you measurably increased the flow of blood, therefore, the flow of

oxygen and the flow of energy or chi to the end of that finger and,

of course, if you increase the flow of blood, oxygen and energy to

anywhere in your body, is that a good thing?

Darius: Right. That’s a very good thing, yes.

Symeon: Yeah. Healing reaction, right, and so you've done all that simply

using the power of your mind and your mind has affected your

body. Now, let’s look at the flipside because it’s very important

that we understand we can work both sides of the question. How

do people breathe in our culture?

Darius: Well, very shallow, right?

Symeon: Right. That’s right. Most adults breathe very shallow, exactly. They

breathe high in the chest. Let’s do a little breathing experiment

here. Again, be careful of your own health if you have any health

issues, but feel free to participate. What you can do is just have

your back straight. You can stand if you wish and inhale.

We’re going to just inhale twice through the nose and exhale

through the nose and as we do that, as we inhale, we’re going to

expand the chest and raise the shoulder. So try that. Ready?

Inhale. Expand the chest. Raise the shoulders. Exhale. Breathe

Number two, expand the chest. Raise the shoulder and then

exhale. That feels really good, doesn’t it?

Darius: Yeah.

Symeon: Of course, the catch is it’s a demonstration of chest breathing. It’s

an exaggerated version, but it’s how people breathe in our culture,

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except for small children. Infants, toddlers, breathe properly, but

adults almost always breathe in the chest. If you don’t believe me

then watch them when you’re at a meeting sometime or anywhere

you can just watch a bunch of people sitting and breathing.

Darius: What you’re saying is that is not what we want to be doing. So

while that felt good and we took a deep breath, which most people

tell us to do, actually, that’s now how we’re supposed to be doing

it and maybe just a corollary is that actually keeping options and

things…? This unawareness of how to actually use the body, that’s

actually keeping emotions locked into our system and thereby

preventing our true manifestation then?

Symeon: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Darius: Wow.

Symeon: That’s what we’re going to do. Let’s first though have a quick look

at real breathing, the way the human mind/body organism is

designed to breathe.

Darius: Okay.

Symeon: To do that, take the thumb of one hand and place it on your navel.

So the rest of that hand is resting comfortably on your lower

abdomen just below your navel.

Darius: Okay.

Symeon: Okay and then this time when we inhale – we’ll do two breaths

again – when we inhale, your chest and shoulders will basically

not move. However, when you inhale the inhaling will push your

abdomen outwards. So you’ll be pushing that hand outward and

it’ll come back in when you exhale. So try that. Breath number

one, expand your abdomen and exhale. Expand and exhale.

Now, before we go on we’re just going to add… because I

sometimes take more time to do this demo, but I want to have to

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go through it for you fairly quickly. We’ll just add one piece to it.

We’re going to try two more breaths with a slight modification

because some people like it better. It gives them a better feeling

and that is imagine instead of expanding only outward to the

front, imagine you have an inner tube around your waist and

you’re going to fill it. Okay. So here we go. Inhale, expand all the

way around and exhale. Breath number two, inhale, expand all the

way around the abdomen and exhale.

Darius: Wow.

Symeon: How did that feel?

Darius: Wow. That felt very different. I almost felt like the area around me

– kidneys and all that around the inner tube – it sort of felt like a

purging and like they were breathing, too. It was like everything,

the whole system, was kind of breathing.

Symeon: Yeah. It’s amazing you should say that because there is a stage

later in breathing practice that’s call womb-breathing when, yeah,

the whole system does breathe and the whole point, though, is

when…if we go back to chest breathing, let’s say, well, what’s

wrong with chest breathing? Well, here’s the point – and you

alluded to it – that it’s keeping emotions locked in a place. In other

words, what happens is chest breathing is associated with

negative emotional states.

Darius: Oh my gosh.

Symeon: We’re vulnerable to negative emotional states. For instance, all of

the authentic ancient traditions knew that if you found a person

and we know this today. It’s obviously true. We can experiment

and see it. If you find a person who’s in a negative emotional state,

whether it’s fear, anger, rage, jealousy, it doesn’t matter what it is,

what happens?

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Well, the more worked up they get, the higher their breath gets in

the chest, the more their energy rises into the chest and the head

and if you want to dissipate that negative emotional state, if you

want to pull them out of it, get them to breathe into their belly,

into their abdomen and very quickly that negative emotional

energy will go. It’s been dispersed.

You see, what these ancient traditions knew was that if you

breathed with the belly, you are far less vulnerable to negative

emotional states. Your emotions won’t control your lives and

that’s why all of the meditative systems that are out there,

including the original Christian tradition of prayer, by the way,

focus on breathing into the belly, so very important.

There is a thing, too, is once you breathe into the belly, it allows

you to see for the first time maybe – and this especially happens in

the meditative state – it allows you to see for the first time that

you are not your emotions. You are not your brain, thoughts or

your emotions, which is what your cultural has taught you. Your

culture has taught you since you were knee high to nothing you

are your brain and your thoughts and your emotions. It is not


Darius: Wow.

Symeon: You have your thoughts. You have your emotions, but you do not

have to be a slave to them and that’s why when in meditation,

when people talk about arriving at the experience of being the

observer, the place of the observer, that’s what it is. You’ve

disassociated your true self, who you really are, from all the

garbage, from all the emotions whether good or bad.

So all of that’s really important, but there’s something else and

you alluded to it as well. You talked about a purging going on.

Well, think about chest breathing. Find your lower ribs. Just feel

where your lower ribs are and ask yourself: If I’m chest breathing

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is there any movement physiologically going on here at all below

where my ribs are?

Darius: No.

Symeon: No. There isn’t and that’s really a key because what it means is

your middle and lower digestive tract are all stagnating. They’re

not moving whereas if abdominal breathing is your default

setting, then every time you take a breath, with every breath, all of

those organs are being massaged and because they’re being

massaged what it means is they’re getting more blood, more

oxygen, more energy and it means they’re being detoxified on a

continuous basis. There’s your purging.

How much better do you think you’re going to feel is your body is

being continually naturally detoxified and if you’re almost

invulnerable to negative emotion states? How much better do you

think you're going to feel? You think you’ll be able to feel

consistently great? That’s the whole thing. People forget this.

We cannot maintain the kind of posture we have, maintain the

kind of breathing we have…it’s a bit like maintaining the so-called

standard American diet, right? If you want to feel consistently

great, there are a bunch of things you need to think about in your

life, but principally, you have to work through your body to get at

these emotions to clear out these emotional blockages.

Now, the neat thing is…going back to the finger demonstration for

a minute. There, what we did was we affected physiology using

only the power of the mind, right?

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: By dropping our breathing in the belly, which allows us to reduce

the negative emotional state there, what we’re doing is we’re

affecting the mind using the body. So, in other words, we can work

both sides of the equation and we can work them at the same

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time. It’s very, very powerful as a way to work and it’s 100 times

more powerful than sitting thinking about trying to change your

thinking, which is a lost cause.

Darius: Wow. I want to hear what people have been experiencing, what

you’re feeling as you get this information. I think for a lot of

people it sort of opened up a new possibility.

Katy just wrote us in. She's from Brazil. She said, “I feel like my

whole body is breathing. The soles of my feet feel incredibly

warm.” Another person said, “I feel tingling and radiating when I

look at my finger.” A lot of people are starting to just sort of feel

this awareness in the body.

Now, Dr. Symeon, when we do this, how will this begin to affect

the challenges that keep us from manifesting, the constant

lingering fears, the doubt, the frustration, maybe the judgment we

sit in ourselves with and that we plague ourselves, pleasing

ourselves with it every single day? How will people begin to feel a

shift in themselves? What will it be like?

Symeon: Well, it’s an amazing thing, Darius, because it feels much lighter.

First, we need to become aware of what we’re doing to ourselves.

So it’s not an instantaneous process, but it’s a deep process which

is why it works, right. Some people are always looking for the

magic pill that they’ll manifest everything they want by tomorrow.

Well, the thing is it’s a journey and it’s a lot of fun if you do it the

right way. What could be more fun than trying to feel consistently

better than you are now? Trying to feel consistently great? Is

there anything better than that?

This is precisely about that. So this allows you to progressively

clean out the emotional garbage and recognize the emotional

garbage and have tools on hand to zap it away very quickly once

you recognize something is there and blocking you, but this is

only part of the equation because what we’re getting into is really

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the next part to the Tracey’s question, which is a guidance system.

Once we’ve done this, where do we go?

A quick footnote before that because people were writing in

talking about feeling all kinds of interesting things in their bodies.

One thing you'll notice apropos of both the finger demonstration

and the breathing is that if you sit quietly and breathe

abdominally, you will notice eventually and you can notice this

dynamic very quickly with the fingers, the toes, eyes, ears,

principally those areas, that you’ll feel something like air rushing

into your fingertips, for instance, when you breathe in and

something like air rushing out when you exhale.

Eventually, you can feel this kind of dynamic anywhere on your

body and what it’s really showing is you’re becoming more

sensitive to a dynamic becoming already exists and has been there

your whole life and on one has ever taught you to pay attention to

it and that is that as you inhale energy is coming into your body.

As you exhale, energy is being pushed outward towards the

surface of your body and beyond – very, very important.

Darius: Wow.

Symeon: Marital arts in the Orient have used this dynamic for centuries to

protect themselves in combat, so it’s kind of a standard thing, but

it’s a really neat thing because it changes your entire perception of

reality, so just a little something to play with.

Now, I said at the beginning there were two principle dynamics

that don’t get enough press, if you will, in the manifestation

process and one is feeling consistently great – setting that as your

benchmark, trying to feel consistently great.

The second one is switching over from what I call the rational

guidance system to the intuitive guidance system. Now, what does

that mean? It means that we in the west have been taught to be

problem-solvers since were kids. So basically in the west, in our

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culture, when something goes wrong in our life we’re expected or

we expect of ourselves, which may be worse, that we have to

figure out what’s going on and we have to solve it.

The only problem with the rational guidance system – I mean it

sounds very plausible, right? We should be individualists. We

should be responsible. We should take charge. We should solve

our own problems and all that. The problem with the rational

guidance system is this – it doesn’t work. Wherever you are in

your life right now, believe me, the rational guidance system is

what got you there. Now, why doesn’t it work?

Well, the rational guidance system is interesting for a couple of

reasons. One is because the entire burden is on you to solve the

problem. It puts you in a very kind of fearful place. It’s like have a

weight on your shoulders. So, right off, it’s really bad. Second, it’s

depending on your knowledge, your understanding and

knowledge of how to solve the problem. That’s what you’ve

primarily got to work with. So you do have to figure it out.

Now, you can pretty much see where this is going because right

away it’s putting you in a place of fear, a place of scarcity because

when you confront a problem and you realize how complex it is,

you feel how can I get out of this this? It seems insoluble and it’s

putting you also in a place where you…of course, you can only

plan. You can only figure things out based on what you can

actually see, right?

Darius: Right.

Symeon: Right. So based on resources that you can see and the factors that

you know of and the process as you know of, that’s all you have to

work with. So it’s very, very limiting from that point of view.

When the truth or how manifesting really works is quite different.

Very different because in fact experience will show you and

anyone like yourself – you’re in business, I mean you know –

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almost all the good things that happen, happen from things that

come out of the blue that you never expected. People you’d never

had contact with or things like this, things that are totally out of

your perception.

Darius: I agree.

Symeon: Yeah and you didn’t create them, right?

Darius: Yeah. I’d set certain things in motion or have a hunch. It’s like,

okay, I’ve got a hunch that this would work or this is a good idea

and then I would set it in motion and be open to intuition and it

would be I’m taking a shower and, oh, this would be a great idea,

but for years I would sit and try to sort of orchestrate things and

figure out what I would do and my little rational mind only had

certain answers.

It wasn't until this huge situation happened where I had like no

other choice, but to surrender, that I actually got the guidance to

come in and say, okay, now that I’ve exhausted all my rational

outcomes, now I’m just going to be open to guidance and then it

came in and I said, “Oh well, I need to be doing this,” and the rest

is history. So yes, very true!

Symeon: Oh, absolutely, that’s it and so that’s why the intuitive guidance

system works much better because the thing is and this is the

liberating thing. The liberating thing here aside from the fact…I

mean it’s pretty liberating already to say that your only real task

is to feel wonderful. What could be a nicer recipe, right, and you

can always do a little something that will make yourself feel a

little bit better. It’s something that you can continually work


Here’s the other good news. The other wonderful news is that you

don’t have to figure it out. You simply have to place the intention.

Have the intention there and then expect that it will work out, not

know how it’s going to work out. Teachers of the law of attraction

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are quite right when they say you don’t need to know about the


You do not because you can’t know about it. You have no idea how

this is going to work out. Not any and it’s okay. You don’t have to.

That’s the wonderful thing and what this means is all you have to

do is listen to this inner voice and, of course, the catch is you can’t

listen to the inner voice until your emotions are calmed, right,

until some of these blockages are removed.

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: This is the reason I call it the intuitive guidance system. Some

people call it the emotional guidance system. The only reason I

hesitate with that ‘emotional’ as a word is because as lot of people

make decisions based on their “emotions,” which means the side

that they got up on, the hormones that are coursing through their

veins or the phase of the moon.

Those are emotional decisions and we’re not talking about

emotional decision-making in the bad sense. We’re talking about

being completely clear, being calm and centered and from there

just allowing that inner voice to guide you, which is very different

than what we do.

We get up in the morning in the west and we make to-do lists and

then we get mad at ourselves because we haven’t got it all done.

When if we were able to calm down and relax, we’d be able to

actually get up in the morning and just tune in with ourselves to

see what needs to be done. It’s a very different approach to life. It

is a totally different approach to life and switching takes time. It

does, but it’s the foundation of what we’re really talking about


Darius: Wow. I mean what I’m hearing is this is a different paradigm that

really hasn’t been taught very clearly. I think actually nobody has

integrated the eastern philosophy with sort of the manifestation,

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law of attraction…well, we even go beyond that, but sort of like

this idea of manifestation through the eastern awareness, but then

also the knowledge of body where we’re bringing in sort of what a

whole emotional system is in the body and bringing all of that


It sounds like for a lot of people this is something that could…if

you don’t really understand each of those pillars, you could very

easily find yourself, well, I guess as they say, stuck.

Symeon: Could I do one last demonstration to tie a couple of things

together for you?

Darius: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Symeon: Okay. This will only take a minute. Now, everybody, hopefully,

wherever you are as you have either a coffee cup or something

that you can pretend is a coffee cup, in other words, something

that you can grab and pretend to drink from of really drink from.

It doesn’t matter. Or a water bottle, it’s okay.

What I’d like you to do is simply sitting where you are or standing

where you are, simply grab that coffee cup or water bottle and

drink from it or pretend you’re drinking from it. Just pick it up,

take a drink, put it down. Okay?

Darius: Okay. I did it.

Symeon: Now, as you did that, I'm going to bet that almost everybody did

what we call an isolated arm movement. So the rest of your body

really didn’t move. You just picked it up with the arm and put it

back down and as you did that you might have been thinking

about something else.

Now, this time we’re going to do it a little differently because

there’s a saying in tai chi that for animals in the wild, when one

part moves, all parts moves. So this time as you pick up the coffee

cup or water bottle, your entire body is going to move. So just

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imagine your whole body moves in some way. It’s one

coordinated effort. Try that.

Darius: Okay.

Symeon: This time we’re going to add to it one thing, which is imagine that

that whole body movement begins from just below your

abdomen, which is your body’s primary energy storage area. It’s

one of the chakras in Indian medicine and it’s also called the lower

elixir field or lower dantian in Chinese medicine.

So imagine that the movement starts in your lower abdomen. So

try that, again, a very smooth, whole body movement. You can

move any part of your body you want. There’s no right or wrong.

It just has to feel smooth.

Now, next time – this is for the next one – we’re going to add

breathing to it. So I don’t care if you exhale for one part and inhale

for the other or vice versa. It doesn’t matter. Just focus on your

breathing and maintain that whole body movement. Okay? Try it.

Again, there’s no right or wrong way.

Darius: Okay.

Symeon: You’re trying to be with the process and try it a second time.

Remember, this time you’re focused only on what you're actually

doing. You're totally present. How did that feel?

Darius: Just a lot more grounded and calm, slower.

Symeon: Yeah. It’s slower only because it’s a learning process, but the fact

is what we’re doing here, this integrating of breath movement and

mental attention is incredibly significant. It’s one of the pillars of

the Daoist longevity tradition and it became in Japan a whole

science called haragei – the art of the belly – and what it is, it

allows you…you know how meditation is wonderful, right,

because if you sit and meditate, you enter this wonderful space

and the only problem with sitting meditation, as probably

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everybody here as experienced, is it seems to end rather abruptly

when you have to move, when you have to get up.

What this does, this process…once you learn how to integrate

these things you can stay in a meditative state all day long you can

preserve and build up energy all day long instead of spending it

uselessly. You become much more focused. You're in charge of

your emotions. You think when you want to think and you really

begin to own your own space. It’s a totally different way of doing

things and, again, it allows you to be totally present in the present

moment. You probably saw the Tom Cruise movie, The Last


Darius: Yes.

Symeon: There’s a wonderful line in there were he says about the Japanese

people he’s observing – and this is way back around 1870 – he’s

saying from the moment they get up they are totally devoted to

the perfection of whatever they’re doing and this is what this

allows you to do. This is what allows you to stay in that wonderful

emotional space and not get hijacked by circumstances. It’s an

incredible process. In a sense, it’s the real chocolate of the whole

thing. So I just wanted to mention that very quickly. So there you

go, over to you.

Darius: Okay. So what we got here were a couple of big truths. First being

that trying to change our thoughts doesn’t work and for so many

people it’s not working. In fact, I’ve heard a few people say this.

It’s no doubt that right after the movie, The Secret, came out we

had a year later one of the biggest economic collapses where

people actually were much poorer, lost a lot and it was all of this

idea of excess coming from the wrong place and sort of the wrong

ideas of manifestation and the wrong ideas of trying to get more

without really being more. It was just sort of this false idea and it

collapsed for a lot of people in a big way and now we understand

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that there’s this energy that can stay trapped in the body and that

we can release it.

I guess a question that’s coming up for me is what are some signs

and symptoms that as people are going through their life and

really trying to understand – Okay, how I am going to shift my life?

What are some of the signs that somebody would look for in their

life to be clear that maybe they are still holding this trapped

emotion in their body and maybe their internal guidance system

is turned off?

Symeon: The first thing would be fears, doubts and self-limiting beliefs, in

other words, blockages.

Darius: Okay.

Symeon: Okay, because if those are still hanging around then obviously

they haven’t been cleared out. So that’s a really major sign. Other

signs are…and some of these have to do with just not knowing

what the real procedure is, but one is not being clear on what you

really want and somehow trying to force clarity when you can

never force clarity.

It comes when it comes, but the whole clarity issue is something

in the program we’re going to be talking about. I do go into that

because it’s a huge thing. People come and say, “I’m not clear on

what I really want,” and you ask, “How often do you ask yourself

what you really want?” “Oh well, not much.”

If you don’t think about what you’re interested in and what you

really want, what you’d like your life to be like, then, of course, no,

you’re not going to be clear because you’ve been trained not to

think about that, by the way. The educational system never taught

you to think about that. In fact, it taught you not to.

So it’s really important to understand, yeah, there is some signs

that things aren’t…if you’re not going in the right direction. The

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principle sign, though, is ask yourself how you’re feeling. If you're

feeling really good and increasingly feeling really good on a

consistent basis, you’re on the right path.

Darius: Those are some amazing and very truthful sort of self-

introspection, self-diagnosis ideas and truths. So I want to hear

what are some of the big challenges that people are facing right

now from this from where you are right now and what question

do you have for Dr. Symeon Rodger.

One person says, “I’ve been studying. I’ve been trying to learn. I’ve

been trying to do everything I can, but I’m not earning any more

money.” How does money fit into this because there’s so many

people that becomes a very limiting reality when they just don’t

have any money?

Symeon: It is a very limiting reality and, certainly, I’ve been there. You’ve

probably been there.

Darius: Yeah.

Symeon: Go back to what we talked about at the very beginning that you

get what you expect. Not so much what you think you’re asking

for on a conscious level, but what you somehow you really expect

on a deeper level and that’s what we’re trying to transform and

the thing is you don’t want to fight against it.

You don’t want to fight against that negativity. That just builds it

up. You don’t want to repress it, but you don’t want to fight

against it. You just want to more and more shift, which is a great

word. Simply shift your attention to what you would like rather

than what you don’t want.

Focusing on what you don’t want is only good insofar as you get

really clear on what you don’t want, which is okay, but the shift

has to feel natural and has to feel good. If you find yourself

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fighting with the negativity, that’s not the right path because

you’re never going to feel good doing that.

That’s one of the liberating things about the real process is that

you don’t have to fight against your own mentality, against your

own blockages, against your own subconscious beliefs. You don’t

have to fight against all that stuff. What you want to start to do if

money is a real hang-up is probably not even focus on that at the

beginning, but it’s to build up your faith in the process itself by

focusing on something you would like, but that you’re not

desperate for. This quality of desperation is really dangerous

because it’s very negative, of course. It’s a very scarcity-oriented


So, hopefully, that makes sense. You want to work with things that

make you feel good and slowly over time you get much better at

this and eventually your faith in the process is so ironclad that you

don’t even worry about it anymore and it’s almost like your

birthday. You know you’re going to get presents on your birthday.

You don’t ever think about it.

Darius: Yes. Yes. Yes.

Symeon: That’s what you want. You just know it’s going to show up

somehow. You don’t know how it’s going to show up, whatever it

is you want, whether it’s money or something else, but you don’t

have to know, but you just know it’s going to show up and that’s

as beautiful place to be and it’s beautiful spiritually to be in that

place because you’re not desperate.

You’re not fighting against yourself. It’s just a quiet knowing that,

yeah, it’s going to work out because it always has. It always does

and it doesn’t usually work out exactly the way I think it’s going to

work out or the way I think that maybe it should work out, but it

always does. Sometimes in a better way than I thought it should.

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Darius: Yes and I think that’s great advice because so many people right

now are just staying focused on that thing that they don’t have

and being so stressed and really trapping more and more emotion

in the body and then not having tools to unlock that emotion and

then that shuts off the internal guidance system. It’s going to keep

them in a worse and worse place and I really feel as if so many

people have been sort of trapped and it’s not their fault.

It’s not their fault that they didn’t have the complete information.

They’ve just been really sort of sold a generic vanilla type of way

that they’re supposed to create the life that they want without

really understanding the true laws and verities behind that

creation process. So I agree there completely.

We’ve got another person, Jessica from Missouri. She wrote in. She

said, “I’m constantly worried. I’m worrying all the time. What do I

do with that,” and then Susan also said, “Thank you. This is a

godsend to me today.” So we’ve really made a big difference in

quite a few people. So, okay, for Jessica who’s worrying a lot, what

does she do?

Symeon: Well, you see, for that kind of thing, for Jessica, for worrying a lot,

clearly, it’s a result of blockages or it’s a result perhaps of some

emotional trauma. Whatever it is one of the things that you would

be best advised to do probably is to begin working with EFT, with

the meridian-tapping technique because that will help you

manage those worries much more quickly and much more

efficiently and then to realize…you can actually use your rational

mind for this. You can analyze all the worrying you've been doing

and you’ll probably realize when you look at it rationally, that it’s

a waste of energy because of all the things you worry about – and

this is true for any of us – barely a tenth ever come true.

Darius: Yes.

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Symeon: There's this huge investment in nothing at all and eventually, as

your faith in the process builds up what you realize is that the

world is not this hostile place that outside of you, but that your

world is a manifestation of you and your expectations, what you

experience as a manifestation of you and your expectations and

that’s a wonderful place to be because you realize it’s not a hostile


It’s not out to get you and so you can relax. You finally will be able

to relax within yourself, especially when you do some of these

practices. You’ll be able to relax within yourself much more easily

once you work out some of the emotional energies that are

trapped in the system, but starting with, I think, a meridian-

tapping technique or at least having that as something you can use

when this stuff arises is a really good idea.

Darius: I love the points that we’ve made on this interview. It’s really that

your body and the trapped emotion in the body is the key to really

creating the life that you want. It’s realizing that. It’s

understanding how the system works and then going back to the

intuitive part of the body as a guidance to the things that you

really want in your life versus staying in this tiny infinitesimal

part that is the mind that is full of deception and full of the

monkey mind as the Buddhists would say and all of the trappings

and illusions that keep us stuck.

So I know you work with people, high level corporate people. You

work with people just like a lot of us seekers on this call who are

trying to revolutionize their life. We had one of your programs

that my mom even used that was incredible for her own health

and vitality and her resilience. Tell me about going deep into this

aspect of your work because there’s some practical things and

some ancient secrets in here as well that a lot of us just really have

not been exposed to that I think a lot of people here would

absolutely find life-transformative.

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Symeon: Well, yeah and that’s certainly my hope, Darius, and the program

that I have for you today is one that already…I just opened it

about three weeks ago and we already have over a couple of

hundred people in it.

Darius: Wow.

Symeon: What it is is it’s a combination of things and let me tell you what

they are. The first is an audio-visual program called Rock Solid

Tranquility. Rock Solid Tranquility… in the demonstration I just did

of picking up the coffee cup and how to do that – integrating your

breath, your movement, your mental attention, of learning how to

breathe, learning what real posture is, learning, in other words,

how to just be in the world in a way that you don’t set up a

negative emotional dynamic, that you make yourself pretty much

impervious to it.

That’s what Rock Solid Tranquility teaches you. It’s a DVD with an

84-page color manual. It’s really quite simple to learn and it’s a lot

of fun to learn. It’s a dynamic that will teach you this and it’s

essentially how to keep yourself safe from negative emotions,

keep yourself totally centered. You will learn the world’s simplest

and most powerful meditation system as well. That’s part of it. So

it’s all of the things we’ve been talking about. Many of them are

right there.

The second element is called Rock Solid Health Qi Gong. Now, qi

gong for those who don’t know has sometimes been called

Chinese Yoga. It’s a series of different types of Chinese energy

exercises. It looks a bit like tai chi except that even though it’s

used as exercise, tai chi is, basically, it’s a martial art. I suppose it’s

for killing people, okay?

Qi gong is not. Qi gong is for healing people and what I have in

there are the five most powerful qi gong systems and those are

there to help you essentially clear out those energy blockages and

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really strengthen the overall foundation of your body/mind

organism simultaneously so you become pretty much

invulnerable to disease because these qi gongs were developed to

defeat the disease process and principally to defeat it by using a

very simple, but very powerful dynamic that we already talked

about, which is take your body through its complete range of

motion on a regular basis and learn how to bring energy into it

and that’s what qi gong does.

The first of the five qi gongs – I won’t go into all of them right now,

but you can read more about them on the web. The first of the qi

gongs is a self-massage set and many people like to do it first thing

in the morning. The self-massage set is really wonderful because

it will wake you up in the morning and it is something you can do

in five minutes once you know how to do it and I’ve had people

contact me with amazing miraculous healings even that have

taken place because of just doing the self-massage.

One lady, her mother had suffered serious asthma and was doing

the finger massage and suddenly she felt relief from her

symptoms, which had never happened before. So that’s Rock Solid

Health Qi Gong.

The next element is my book, The Five Pillars of Life, which is a

study of the ancient world’s best traditions of spiritual life, health,

maintenance and martial arts and what did they really know and

what could they really prove. So it really goes into the whole

spiritual foundation of it as well as bringing the physical aspect.

The next element is the Warriorship Black Belt Program, which is

a full-scale personal development program that talks about

everything in your life that the educational system never taught

you. In other words, it’s not just qi gong and the Rock Solid

Tranquility, but there are a couple of meditations in there. There’s

how to fill your life with love and affection. There’s how to

manage your time and energy. There’s how to look after nutrition,

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how to detoxify your body. All of these various things and various

skills that everybody needs to know and everybody should know,

but nobody does because the educational system is useless.

Darius: Symeon, let me do this because we’re getting a lot of people

asking where is this and there’s so much interest in what we’re

doing here. Let me tell them real quick so people can follow along

and it’s at

One of the things that I know about you is that you go really far in

giving people a ton of value and what I’m seeing here is stuff that

you’ve never even offered to us. It’s almost like where you’ve

offered one piece, you’ve now included so much more for like a

complete holistic transformation for people.

Symeon: Well, actually, if you add it all up I believe it comes to $692 worth

of stuff for just $97 and we’re also saving the environment

because we can send all this to you digitally. You can access

everything online and there is one more element, which is really a

key, especially for Jessica, but not just for Jessica, for all of us,

which is when we talked about meridian-tapping and the

Emotional Freedom Technique. Well, my dear friend, Carol Look…

Carol uses my qi gong and I use her EFT.

Carol Look, if you don’t know her, is one of the top people in the

EFT world and she is also its top expert in using EFT for

manifestation in using EFT to manifest the life you want and Carol

just expressly for this program created an audio for you to take

you through the EFT and so that’s part of it as well.

Now, what I’ve added to that is there are four online audios that

go with this where I explain to you, I guide you through this and

tell you how to use all of those stuff in order to manifest the life

you want. In other words, I’m not just dumping a bunch of stuff on

you. I want to walk you through it and show you how to use it and

so there are four audios that do that, but there are also ongoing

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audio trainings that I do with the group and as a matter of fact we

have a call this coming Thursday, for instance. So that‘ll be a Q&A

call with a bunch of…we’ll talk about some of the exercises that

people have and have been doing.

So it’s an ongoing community learning how to do this, how to

work through the body in order to really manifest the life people

want. Clear all of this out, raise vibration, which is this absolutely

critical element for ourselves and for everybody around us. As

humanity, we have to change the way we do thing. We have to get

out of the dead-end paradigm and we have to do it pretty quickly

because there’s a bunch of stuff coming down the pipe in terms of

food shortage, water shortage, population growth and climate

change that if we don’t get our act together we’re going to get


Darius: Yeah and I know you talk a lot of about that sort of resilience

because we are coming upon a time when we need to have that

resilience and I want to talk about that a little bit. I also want to

talk about sort of the negative energies that are out there – the

energy vampire, so to speak – that is not just an individual, but the

systemic energy of fear that is slowly being released or released

quite rapidly into our collective consciousness and protection

against that because that’s a part of resilience, but let me let

people know where they can go. It’s at

Dr. Symeon, so this includes quite a lot here. It’s $97, which is a

tremendous value. There is also a 90-day unconditional

guarantee. So three months they can use this. Eliminate the seven

deadly spirals of disease, take charge of their emotional life, enter

into a deep calm, protect their vital ability and their vital gift to

feel amazing, zap negative emotional states, learn the ancient

secrets of manifesting that you have learned and developed and

used and get really clear on what you want and connect to your

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body’s internal guidance system for 90-days, for $97and if it’s not

for them, there’s nothing to lose, but only themselves to gain.

Symeon: Yeah, that’s right and, honestly everybody, I sincerely hope this is

an amazing help for you because you see what this is not. This is

not a typical A to Z law of attraction program. I don't think

anybody needs that these days. I don’t think any of us do. I think

what we really need is just to understand the dynamics better and

that's why we’ve talked about today feeling consistently great and

switching to our intuitive guidance system and how to do this

stuff and get rid of the blockage.

Darius: Well, let’s do this. I mean we talk about kind of where we’re going

and there is a lot of fear and there’s a lot of change, obviously. We

are changing and as we change people that are in lower vibration

get fearful and we can take up a lot of the fear in the world.

Maja from Toronto is asking, “Is there such a thing, Dr. Symeon, as

an energy vampire that leaves you completely drained just by

sending loving thoughts and listening with an open heart of

somebody?” I guess the corollary would be how do you protect

against that in a world where do many people are kind of in that

state where they’re sort of sucking our energy at times if we’re

not careful?

Symeon: Well and that really is, Darius. I mean we have to be really careful.

Of course, there are people who are so bad that they are really

vampires, energy vampires. They will suck you dry and those are

almost people you need to disassociate with, especially when

you’re more vulnerable. Once you become stronger it’s not so

difficult, especially if you don’t realize what’s going on. Once

you’re more aware and once you can protect yourself a little

better, it’s not so bad, but we live in a society, of course, where

we’re deliberately, I would say, fed a diet of fear and anxiety.

Darius: Exactly.

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Symeon: The media hits us with it all the time. Think of it. If it’s not what’s

going to get you this year – Is it killer bees? Is it swine flu? Is it

some mosquito-borne virus? Is it terrorists? Is it….? Come on. The

list is endless. So we do have to be careful and makes sure that

we’re putting ourselves in a positive emotional state where

there’s a lot of information out there, the intent of this – conscious

or otherwise – is to make us feel anything, but consistently great.

Darius: Yeah. I like to say it keeps us locked sort of in the third

dimensional reality of fear and that’s the greatest control

mechanism that exists is keeping human beings in that third

dimensional fear reality and now’s the time to expand beyond that

and get out of the mind and the fearful state and into the true

intuitiveness and truth that we are and release those emotions

and protect ourselves and create that resilience.

Symeon: You’ve developed the intention circle for the whole purpose of

helping people to really lift their vibration and raise their specific

energetic setpoint and that means living without fear. So really if

you want another benchmark for what to do, it’s this – establish

from this point on in your life that you have a zero tolerance

policy for fear – zero.

Darius: Wow. Wow.

Symeon: You will learn to recognize when you’re operating in the domain

of fear or anxiety and determine you are going to zap it right

away. That's when you do your EFT or whatever and, of course,

you may be so overburdened with fear that you can’t imagine

doing that, so one step at a time, but the whole point is decide

from now on, no, I do not live with fear.

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: Because it’s always an illusion anyway. I mean it’s not worth

ruining your life.

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Darius: Yes.

Symeon: Worst that can happen…anyway, it’s a zero-tolerance policy for

fear. That should be our watchword.

Darius: Yeah and then the next step being to really release those trapped

energetic emotions in the body and really create that bodily

resilience and then really connect to that inner knowing. You’re

clear on what you want and live your life from that place and I

think that is a huge formula for transformation.

Let me let people know again where they can go. They can go to Dr. Symeon, do you have

any, I guess, maybe some of your favourite stories or situations of

people that you’ve worked with or that have really sort of

embodied this message and what their lives became when they

really tapped into this? Looking at this page, there’s a ton of

people who have had some pretty profound shifts in their life

doing your work; anybody that stands out in your mind as

someone that really embodied the possibility of this program?

Symeon: Well, one person who’s there, I think, on the page. Her name’s

Raven. She talks about how she was able to get the life that she

wanted and break out precisely out of the fear that was holding

her back. In other words, get out of her comfort zone and realize

that…the funny thing is, as you know, when you step out of your

comfort zone, you realize that it wasn’t scary at all.

Darius: Right.

Symeon: So that’s one person that was profoundly affected and this whole

approach, though, of working through the body is something that

tends to give a person a completely different feeling of what it

means to be a human being and the fact that very few people are

talking about this means that so many people are trying to change

their life based on inadequate knowledge or inadequate tools.

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Trying to think their way to a better mindset and thinking your

way to a better mindset just isn’t happening.

So as you begin to work through the body, you begin to feel so

much better and as you begin to focus on simply feeling great…the

neat thing is when you begin to focus on feeling great, what does

that mean? Well, of course, it means you begin to ask yourself

more and more often how am I feeling. So you become more and

more aware.

Very often, we go through the day or a lot of people do in sort of a

low-level daze, feeling not that great and they accept that as

somehow normal. It’s not normal. Normal is feeling consistently

great and when we begin to ask ourself that question –How am I

feeling right now? What I can I do to feel a bit better? That’s when

life changes and that’s when our vibration changes and our

outlook on life changes and that's when we become a real gift to

people around us because they see the shift in us and they say…

Well, I think there’s another guy on the page – a friend of mine –

Partho from India. As he says, People are asking me why they’re

seeing this change in me and asking me why? What happened? And

his life changed. Everybody’s life changes when they engage in

this type of process and people begin to notice, but whether they

notice or not, the thing is that it changes you. Heck with other

people as long as it’s actually working.

Darius: Wow. Well, I agree completely. I want to ask this last question. Is

there a conspiracy to sort of keep us locked in the mind and

locked in a fearful state and maybe do some people leave out

some of the information on how to really transform from sort of

the truth of the ancient practices and understanding to sort of

now a watered-down version that just keeps people frustrated?

I’ve heard that a lot in some of this industry that some people

don’t want to teach everything because if people truly transform,

they’ll lose customers and clients. Do you say that’s a possibility?

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Symeon: Well, certainly, it’s something to consider because clearly we seem

to have a media and a political establishment that profit from

keeping people in fear and from keeping people in a place where

they’re easy to manipulate.

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: If you look as the last decade of US history, for instance, if you look

at the Bush administration, the war in Iraq and the whole thing,

you realize, wait a minute; none of this makes actual sense from the

point of view of national interest. None of it, so you have to ask

yourself, well, why did this happen? Why was it bungled so badly?

How profited even when it bungled? Things like this and certainly

there are documentaries out there. There’s a wonderful

documentary called, Thrive, which is…

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: Thrive definitely is telling you that it is a conspiracy. It’s not only

telling you. It’s mapping it out for you and showing you exactly

how it works and why. Now, I’m not here just to support or not

support that thesis, but it is definitely worth considering, but

whether there is a conspiracy or not, what we do know is that we

live in a society where people are, for the most part, living in a

fearful state at a low level. There’s a constant low-level anxiety

going on, that this is perpetrated. It is.

Darius: Yes.

Symeon: We need to get out of it. This is not sustainable. This is not to the

profit of us or the planet. So we have to change ourselves and as

we change ourselves, each one of us, then everything around us

can begin to change too.

Darius: Yes, absolutely. Agreed, agreed. Dr. Symeon Rodger, thank you so

much for being here and sharing your message, your truth, your

expertise. Your very scientific, analytical, truthful, deep approach

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to true manifestation and shifts in our bodies using the ancient

techniques and truths of the past and also the most cutting edge

practices of today. I just so much want to thank you for being here.

Symeon: Well, thank you, Darius. It’s been wonderful to be here and thank

you, everybody, for listening in. It’s been an honor and a privilege

to be here.

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