
58-25 Queens Blvd., Woodside, NY 11377 T: (718) 280-5000; (800) 627-1244 F: (718) 204-4726 E: [email protected] W:

Nature & Cultural Journeys for the Discerning Traveler




OCTOBER 7 TO 16, 2018 NOVEMBER 4 TO 13, 2018

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

EGYPT ~ AN OVERVIEW Discover the allure of sun-drenched sands, bustling cities, majestic monuments and Pharaonic treasures on a journey to Egypt. From literary writers, including Agatha Christie and Penelope Lively, and films such as The Mummy, Cleopatra and Indiana Jones, the lure of this ancient country with its incredible Egyptian civilization that ruled for three millennia is hard to resist – tourists, archeologists and historians flock to its treasure trove of romantic, and sometimes savage, history. Dissected by the mighty Nile River that flows north into the Mediterranean Sea, the Egyptian landscape is awash with low-lying sand dunes broken by sandstone plateaus and cliffs in the southwest near the Nile and Red Sea. The only fertile area is a small five to ten-mile section in the Nile Valley, where 98% of the country’s 74 million people reside and the location of capital city, Cairo. Get ready to

soak up the exotic mix of cultures, where Arabic is the official language, followed by English and French, as you begin your unforgettable adventure to a land steeped in time and timeless civilizations.

YOUR ITINERARY DAY 1 USA/EN ROUTE The excitement of your odyssey begins as you board your overnight flight to Cairo. (Meals Aloft) DAY 2 CAIRO Upon your arrival in Cairo, this afternoon, you will be met by your Classic Escapes representative, who will assist you through Customs and escort you to your hotel. As the heart of both ancient and modern Egypt, Cairo demonstrates the dichotomy of all things Egyptian as the medieval and the contemporary Western worlds come together in a confusion of earthen houses and towering modern office buildings, of flashy cars and donkey-drawn carts. For the next three nights you will enjoy first class accommodations right by one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Giza Pyramids. After check-in, the rest of your day and evening are at leisure. Le Méridien Pyramids Hotel is a luxury hotel located just outside the city, offering views of the Giza Pyramids. With a peerless choice of restaurants and cuisines, a Royal Club floor, a magnificent swimming pool, and spa amenities, Le Meridien Pyramids is conveniently located only twenty minutes from Cairo's city center. The local area offers a host of attractions, such as Giza Zoo, Pyramids at Giza and Great Sphinx of Giza. Additional local attractions include Hanging Church and Cairo University. The 523 guestrooms of the hotel are fully furnished and equipped with modern facilities for your ease and comfort. Onsite amenities include massage, treatment rooms, spa services, a spa tub, a fitness facility, a sauna and a steam room. Overnight at the LE MERIDIEN PYRAMIDS HOTEL OR SIMILAR in standard room. (Meals Aloft, D) Upgrade to pyramid facing room: $100 per person double occupancy; $200 per person single room

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

DAY 3 CAIRO/EGYPTIAN MUSEUM & PYRAMIDS OF GIZA/KHAN EL KHALILI BAZAAR A full day of exploration with your guide is in store today. Spend the morning exploring the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, where you'll discover the world's richest collection of pharaonic treasure, including Tutankhamen's. Although the sheer number of items on display can be daunting, the ground floor takes you on a journey through the history of ancient Egypt and may prove to be the best way to begin your exploration. At an optional cost ($25 per person) your tour will include entry into the famous Mummy Room which contains the corpses of 11 of Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs including Seti I and his son Ramses II. The figures still have features, and there is something awe-inspiring about gazing at the face of someone who died 3,000 years ago. After lunch, journey to the Sphinx and the Pyramids at Giza, built over 4,500 years ago. The Sphinx of Giza is a symbol that has represented the essence of Egypt for thousands of years. The body of a lion with the head of a king or god, the Sphinx has come to symbolize strength and wisdom. From the north side the profile of the Sphinx reveals the proportion of the body to the head; it would appear as though the head is small in proportion to the body. Because of the changing desert terrain, the body of the Sphinx has been buried several times over the past several thousand years. Most recently in 1905, the sand has been cleared away to expose the magnitude and beauty of the entirety of the Sphinx. The paws themselves are 50 feet long while the entire length is 150 feet. Although the head of the Sphinx is badly battered in some places, traces of the original paint can still be seen near one ear, leading archeologists to believe that originally the Sphinx was painted and quite colorful. It is impossible to give proper attention here to the complexity of Egypt’s gifts – especially the infamous pyramids. Despite the great archeological discoveries in Egypt, recent indicators are that only 30% of the Egyptian antiquities have been unearthed, leaving 70% still buried under the sands. While the pyramids built here seem to be all funerary in nature, to regard them as merely tombs is an oversimplification. Each tomb is actually a complex of buildings, as it was the dead pharaoh’s palace of the afterlife, where he was mystically transformed and resurrected as a full god. Located behind the Sphinx is the largest and oldest of Giza’s pyramids – Cheops. This pyramid is thought to have been built between 2589 – 2566 BC. It would have taken over 2,300,000 blocks of stone with an average weight of 2.5 tons each. The total weight would have been 6,000,000 tons and a height of 482 feet. Cheops is thought to have been the ruler of a highly structured society and very wealthy. He was buried alone in this massive tomb. His wives may have been buried nearby in smaller mastabas. (Entrance fee to the pyramid is not included and is at additional cost of $20 per person.)

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

The day ends with a visit to the Khan El Khalili Bazaar, known for its narrow alleys and hundreds of shops selling all types of Egyptian handicrafts, silver and gold jewelry, cottons, copperware and perfumes. Overnight at the LE MERIDIEN PYRAMIDS HOTEL OR SIMILAR. (B,L) DAY 4 CAIRO AT LEISURE Your day is at leisure to enjoy Cairo on your own. An optional excursion is offered to Memphis & Sakkara and Old Cairo. MEMPHIS, SAKKARA & OLD CAIRO (OPTIONAL TOUR – EXTRA COST OF $105 PER PERSON) Journey this morning through the Egyptian countryside to Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt, which reached its peak between 2,700 and 2,270 BC. Little is left, other than the beautiful Alabaster Sphinx and an enormous reclining statue of Ramses II. Continue on to the necropolis of Sakkara where fourteen pyramids were built, including one of the world’s oldest stone structures, the step pyramid of Zoser. Spread over seven kilometers of desert, Sakkara is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. In the afternoon, after lunch, discover Old Cairo with a visit to the Citadel of Salah El Din built by the famous Arab Sultan, Salah El Din (Saladin), in the 12th century. Also visit the Mohammed Ali Mosque situated inside the citadel known for its alabaster wall. Overnight at the LE MERIDIEN PYRAMIDS HOTEL OR SIMILAR. (B; L if taking the optional excursion)

DAY 5 CAIRO /LUXOR Fly this morning to Luxor where you check into your deluxe cruise ship and enjoy lunch on board. This afternoon’s exploration begins with a tour of the Luxor Temple, standing in the center of the city. Many festivals were celebrated in ancient times and the Temple of Luxor was the center of the most important one, the festival of Opet. Built largely by Amenhotep III and Ramesses II, it appears that the temple's purpose was a suitable setting for the rituals of the festival. Continue to the extraordinary Karnak Temple, a complex of obelisks, pylons, courts, colonnades, halls, reliefs and sanctuaries once connected to Luxor Temple by a two-mile path lined with sphinxes. It is the largest religious structure in the world, a 60-acre archeological treasure built by generation after generation of pharaohs. The most important temple area is dedicated

to Amon-Ra and was in use for over 2,000 years, longer than any other religious building in history. The sheer magnitude of this colossal structure is nearly beyond comprehension. Return aboard your cruise ship for the balance of the day at leisure. This evening you may choose to attend a Sound and Light Show presentation at the Karnak Temple (at an additional cost - $45per person).

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

The best way to explore the mystery of the Nile is by sailing along the magnificent river, enjoying the glamorous sun by daytime, hugging the full moon with your eyes at night and spending the time of your life on board your luxurious vessel. When you’re not touring enjoy the wonderful facilities on board, everything from the refreshing swimming pool on the sun deck to cocktails at one of the bars or even some retail therapy in the curio shop. Each room features personal safes, sound proof windows, individually controlled air conditioning, telephone, full mini bar, individual interactive TV, hair dryer, bathrobe, and 24-hour room service. The M/S Amwaj Living Stone is a spacious 5-star river cruiser offering luxurious and high standards accommodations that provide the ultimate comfort, elegance and style. It has 62 deluxe cabins total, all of them beautifully decorated, and equipped with full length panoramic windows, air-conditioning, en-suite bathroom and shower, hairdryer, dressing table and living area, international dial telephone, satellite LCD TV plus an individual safe and mini-fridge. The restaurant offers both buffets at breakfast and lunch and a la carte dining at dinner in an elegant and warm atmosphere. You can treat yourself to the spa, massage, steam room and sauna–all manned by a professional crew, or enjoy swimming and relaxing on the Sun Deck. Overnight aboard the M/S AMWAJ LIVING STONE OR SIMILAR. (B,L,D) DAY 6 LUXOR/ESNA/EDFU Start your day with an optional balloon ride. Before sunrise, you will be met at your hotel and taken to the balloon safari site. Look on with excitement as the balloons are inflated. As your balloon floats above the ancient monuments of Luxor’s West Bank, you will see Thebes, Valley of the Kings and Queens, Queen Hatshepsut Temple, Ramses Temples and more of the wonders of the West Bank. (Additional cost of $125 per person) This morning, visit Luxor’s West Bank and explore the ancient city of Thebes. Stand in awe at the necropolis of pharaohs and nobility as you are greeted by the Colossi of Memnon: two giant seated statues of Amenophis III. Tour the Valley of the Kings, where you are surrounded by the eternal tombs of the pharaohs from the 18th and 19th dynasties of the New Kingdom. From 1903-1906 an Italian expedition discovered about 80 tombs, some of which belonged to children of royalty. Many were severely damaged having been burned and or reduced to being used as stables for donkeys and camel. You will visit three very different tombs (Optional visit to the tomb of the boy Tutankhamen is available at additional cost) of the many in the area. Within them, you'll see ancient paintings and carvings in colors that retain much of their original freshness illustrating the life of the owner and his passage to the afterlife. Here you will also see and learn about the work of Dr. Kent Weeks and his study of KV 5. (KV is an abbreviation for the Valley of the Kings, followed by a number to designate individual tombs in the Valley.) His work has unearthed great progress in the exploration of this particular tomb. There seems to be yet another level of chambers in KV 5 which brings the chamber count to over 120 and the newly discovered corridor will add significantly to that number.

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

Continue to the Valley of the Queens and Nobles and the mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut sheltered by the surrounding cliffs. The ancient Egyptians gave it the name Set Neferu, meaning "seat of beauty." Return on board in time for lunch. As the ship sails to Edfu enjoy an afternoon relaxing on the sundeck while watching local life unfolding on the river and its banks. Overnight aboard the M/S AMWAJ LIVING STONE OR SIMILAR. (B,L,D) DAY 7 EDFU/KOM OMBO/ASWAN This morning take a horse and carriage ride to visit one of the best preserved temples in Egypt, the Horus Temple, which honors the falcon-headed god. Ptolemy II began construction of the temple in 237 BC., but it was not completed until 57 B.C. Without question, this 118-foot-high, 262-foot-wide temple is one of the most splendid examples of late temple architecture. The incredible number of inscriptions on its walls has greatly enriched our knowledge of Egyptian civilization, especially in the area of theology and cult practices. Return aboard the ship and sail to Kom Ombo to visit a unique third-century temple with beautiful stone reliefs, murals and a dramatic view of the Nile. Kom Ombo is home to an unusual double temple built during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. The temple is dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek and the falcon god Haroeris (Horus the Elder). Return on board and continue sailing towards Aswan where the ship will dock for two days. Overnight aboard the M/S AMWAJ LIVING STONE OR SIMILAR. (B,L,D) DAY 8 ASWAN This morning you will be taken by a small boat to the island of Aglikia. Visit the complex at Philae where its main temple, dating from the third century B.C., is dedicated to the goddess Isis when the area was the last bastion of ancient Egyptian religion and hieroglyphic usage. It is also a superb example of threatened cultural heritage being saved in the face of modern civilization's march to change the environment. Like Abu Simbel, the Temple was moved in its entirety when the High Dam was built and Agilkia became its new home. After lunch you will tour one of Egypt's modern wonders—the Aswan High Dam—completed in 1971 and located just south of Aswan. It was constructed not only to regulate the yearly flood of the Nile, but also to create a water reservoir capable of storing water to prevent famine during severe droughts. The reservoir is known as Lake Nasser, named after Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser who undertook the national project of the dam construction in 1960. During the course of construction, provisions were made to repatriate the Nubian inhabitants, and, in a multi-national effort, to relocate the Great Temple of Abu Simbel. Also visit Aswan's Granite Quarries, and Unfinished Obelisk. Continue by felucca (traditional sailboat) to Kitchener’s Island with its beautiful gardens and to the mausoleum of the Agha Khan. Overnight aboard the M/S AMWAJ LIVING STONE OR SIMILAR. (B,L,D)

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

DAY 9 ASWAN/OPTIONAL ABU SIMBEL/CAIRO Upon disembarkation after breakfast this morning enjoy time at leisure in Aswan or enjoy an optional excursion to Abu Simbel. Optional activity (at an additional cost - $495 per person, additional): This morning you have a chance for an optional flight and visit to Abu Simbel. As you approach the site on foot you'll discover the

massive temples dedicated to Ramses II and his legendary wife Nefertari. These architectural wonders are two of the most tremendous monuments constructed in the ancient world, over 100 feet high and guarded by colossal stone figures of Ramses II. The entire monument was cut into 2,000 pieces and moved to its present site when the Aswan High Dam was constructed, a feat almost as amazing as its original construction. The temple was so perfectly reconstructed that on only two days a year, the sun shines from the entrance all the way into the sanctuary, 112 feet away. Continue on your flight to Aswan and meet up with the rest of group going to Cairo. This optional must be booked in advance before you depart the USA and is based upon availability at the time of booking. Transfer to the Aswan airport in time for your onward flight to Cairo. On arrival, transfer to your hotel and enjoy the remainder of the day at leisure. The Radisson Blu Hotel is situated in one of Cairo's most prominent districts, Heliopolis, a suburb of tree lined avenues and home to Egypt's diplomatic and presidential offices and prime residential areas. Accommodation is offered in one of the 427 guestrooms all equipped with modern facilities for your convenience. A wealth of

dining options range from Italian cuisine to Asian dishes. Each meal is prepared with fresh, local ingredients. At Filini, guests enjoy concept dining that focuses on traditional Italian fare served with a modern twist. MIX restaurant offers Lebanese and Asian options, along with the renowned super breakfast buffet. Overnight at the RADISSON BLU HOTEL. (B) DAY 10 CAIRO/USA This morning, depart Cairo and bid farewell to Egypt arriving back home eager to share memories and photos with your family and friends. (B, Meals Aloft)

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change


DAY 10 AMMAN/MT. NEBO/MADABA/PETRA Today get ready to discover the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as you fly to Amman, Jordan and head for Petra. En route, visit the city of Madaba, where you will see the oldest map of the Holy Land – one of many beautifully preserved mosaics on the floor of Saint George’s Church. A short drive leads you to the alleged burial site of Moses – Mt. Nebo, which overlooks the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. Nearby, Franciscans have built a structure to protect a 4th and 6th century Byzantine Church. Arrive in Petra in the late afternoon and your home for the next two nights. After dinner at your hotel, get set to discover Petra on an unforgettable journey by night. Your hotel is located at the entrance to Petra site, stands your 183-room luxury hotel. Boasting authentic antiques, artwork and fine gold inlay, it is one of the most notable hotels in the Middle East and a recipient of the Aga Khan award for outstanding Islamic architecture. Overnight at the PETRA MOEVENPICK HOTEL. (B,D)

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

DAY 11 PETRA Depart for a full day tour of Petra, the soul stirring, rose-red city and Jordanian national treasure, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Petra was an ancient Nabataean capital settled by industrious Arab traders more than 2,000 years ago. Petra’s unique location enabled the Nabataeans to dominate the ancient Arabian trade routes, and the city became wealthy from the tolls it levied on the caravans that sheltered there with their precious cargoes of spices, silks, ivory and animal hides. In the ancient world, Petra was renowned for its refined culture, massive architecture, and ingenuous system of dams and water channels. In the years following the Emperor Trajan’s annexation of Petra, the city declined and slipped into obscurity until it was “discovered” in 1812 by a Swiss traveler. Excavations that revealed the astounding workmanship and the incredible ruins at Petra did not begin until 1924. Ongoing excavations continue to reveal more information about the Nabataean Kingdom. Petra still forms part of the domain of the Bedouin. You will see them with their horses and camels as you begin your unforgettable trip into this cultural landmark. After passing tombs outside

the city, you come to the “Siq,” an immense crack in the Nubian sandstone almost one half mile long. This winding fissure separates overhanging cliffs that appear to meet 300 feet overhead. Near the end of the passage, the Siq makes one last turn and out of the gloom Petra's most impressive monument Al Khazneh (The Treasury) appears in the sunlight. One of the most elegant remains of antiquity, Al Khazneh is nearly 140 feet high and was carved from the mountain’s solid rock in the First Century B.C. Originally used as a Nabataean king’s tomb, Al Khazneh was later used as a Nabataean temple. Film buffs will recognize it from its starring role in the final scenes of the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Beyond Al Khazneh you are surrounded by hundreds of Petra's sculpted structures, soaring temples, elaborate royal tombs, a Roman amphitheater (seating 3,000) large and small houses, burial chambers, banquet halls, water channels and reservoirs, baths, monumental staircases, cultic installations, markets, arched gates, public buildings and paved streets – it’s quite overwhelming! This afternoon return to your hotel in Petra. You will want to visit the nearby shop where you can buy the fine traditional crafts of the Queen Noor project.

Dinner at Petra Kitchen is a delightful way to round up your Jordan travel experiences. Like any home kitchen, the Petra Kitchen is a relaxed, informal atmosphere where you’ll gather to prepare an evening meal, working alongside local women under the supervision of an experienced chef. Each evening meal includes soup, cold and hot Mezza, salads and a main course—all typical Jordanian dishes. You will get an inside glimpse of the secrets behind the famous regional cuisine of the Levant. Petra Kitchen offers an evening of learning, fun and a very special dining experience, with each dish gaining the special flavor of a reward well-earned. Great care has been taken to make Petra Kitchen a truly Jordanian experience—right down to the furnishings, all crafted in Jordan, the tableware, all

produced by the Iraq al Amir Women’s Co-operative, and the aprons and table linen, all hand-embroidered by the Jordan River Foundation. Overnight at the PETRA MOEVENPICK HOTEL. (B,L,D)

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

DAY 12 DEAD SEA Follow the Araba Valley Road to the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, lying some 1,300 feet below sea level. En route, visit the Crusader Castle at Kerak, and Bethany, the Baptismal site of Jesus at the Jordan River. The excavations conducted at Bethany have uncovered a first century A.D. settlement with plastered pools and water systems that were used almost certainly for mass baptisms, and a V-VI Century Byzantine settlement with churches, a monastery, and other structures most probably catering to religious pilgrims. Resume your drive to the Dead Sea and your fabulous resort. Set on the northern shores of the Dead Sea at the lowest point on earth, your deluxe resort offers a soothing, therapeutic atmosphere with an oriental flair. Designed around a traditional stone village, and

decorated throughout with an impressive collection of antiques and artworks, the resort benefits from a superb range of facilities and modern amenities. Overnight at the MOVENPICK DEAD SEA RESORT. (B,D) DAY 13 JERASH Drive to Jerash, one of the best-preserved examples of Roman civilization in the world. Jerash, part of the Decapolis, has been called the “Pompeii of the East” for its unique state of preservation. The city features theaters, churches, temples (Zeus and Artemis), a Nymphaeum and colonnaded streets. Proceed to the Saracen castle at Ajlun, a 12th-century castle built by Saladin

in his successful campaign to drive the Crusaders from Jordan in 1189, and an outstanding example of Arab and Islamic military architecture. Overnight at the MOVENPICK DEAD SEA RESORT. (B,L,D) DAYS 14/15 AMMAN/CAIRO/NEW YORK Rest and laze at the Dead Sea before you transfer to Amman for your flight to Cairo where you will spend the night at the RADISSON BLU. Next morning, connect with your flight back to the USA. (B, Meals Aloft)

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change

INCLUSIONS • Flights between Cairo/Luxor and Aswan/Cairo. • Flights between Cairo/Amman/Cairo on the post-extension. • Superior 5-star accommodations throughout as indicated or similar. • 5-Day/4-Night Nile cruise aboard a deluxe cruise ship. • American breakfast in Cairo, all meals while on Nile Cruise; other meals as specified on the itinerary. • Sightseeing in Egypt by deluxe air-conditioned vehicle. • All entrance fees. • Hotel taxes and service charges for included services. • Two bottles of water per day. • English speaking Egyptologist guide on sightseeing. Different Egyptologist on cruise. • Complimentary luggage tags and passport wallet. • Complimentary Emergency Evacuation Insurance.


• International flights between New York JFK and Cairo (quoted separately.) • Gratuities to guide-Egyptologist and other conveyance attendants. • Porterage at hotels. • Tips for cruise staff. • Passport and visa fees and service charges for obtaining visas. • Excess baggage charges levied by airlines. • Meals and beverages, other than specified. • Laundry and other items of a personal nature. • Personal and baggage insurance. • Cost for anything not specifically mentioned in the listing above.

Please not the itinerary sequence is correct at the time of writing, but is subject to change.

CLASSIC ESCAPES CONSERVATION FUND In keeping with our mission to provide exciting, educational, and fun-filled experiences that nurture and directly support the diverse wildlife and cultures we visit around the world, Classic Escapes has established the Classic Escapes Conservation Fund to ensure that a percentage of all profits go to support conservation and wildlife researchers performing their critical work in the field. Project support has included wild dog, elephant, rhino and cheetah conservation in Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania and Namibia, penguins in Punta San Juan Peru, tiger preservation in India, and sponsoring school children in Kenya, among many other projects around the world. By traveling with Classic Escapes, you are supporting travel as a tool for building the mutual respect, awareness and understanding that are vital to preserving this planet for future generations.

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change


Participants: • Should be able to walk at an easy pace over sand and uneven terrain at sites of ancient ruins for three or four

hours at a time in heat. In order to visit the tombs you will have to walk down narrow passageways in a bent position. You will be expected to be able to climb in and out of small boats.

• You should be in good physical health to enjoy this destination to its fullest.

General • True adventure in travel can sometimes be accompanied by unexpected changes in conditions, itineraries and

occasionally your accommodations. Participants should travel with a spirit of adventure and flexibility. • Remember to pack your patience and sense of humor! Be willing to look past self-imposed ideals of Western

amenities and do not compare these new experiences with your life back home. • Travel often includes visiting destinations with modest infrastructures and a bending definition of comfort. That

being said, some locations are nestled in absolute luxury where pampering is the norm. • Participants should generally be in good health and prepared to travel in locations without medical facilities.

Air Schedules Choosing the best possible air arrangements for our travelers is always a challenge. We work with many airlines that offer the best level of service, routings and value for our programs. While there may indeed be more direct routings available with another airline, the cost of these flights may not be within the budget that allows us to give you the best value possible. If you prefer to purchase your own international air, please let us know. This tour begins and ends in Cairo.

Upon registration, you must provide your full legal name as it appears on your passport. In the event an airline ticket is issued with incorrect information you have provided, you will be responsible for charges associated with reissuing the tickets.

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change


OCTOBER 8 TO 16, 2018 NOVEMBER 5 TO 13, 2018











Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change



HOW TO BOOK: Fill out and sign the enclosed reservation form and send it, along with the relevant deposit as shown below, to: Classic Escapes, 58-25 Queens Blvd, Woodside, NY 11377 OR scan and email to [email protected] OR fax to 718-204-4726. Upon receipt of your signed reservation form and deposit, we will, subject to availability, reserve your spot on the tour. You may consider your booking confirmed when you receive a confirmation notice and invoice via email from us.


DEPOSIT: A deposit of $750 per person for the main trip and $250 for the extension must be submitted at the time of booking. Deposits may be paid by check or charged to American Express, MasterCard, Visa or Discover. FINAL PAYMENT: Final payment is due 95 days before departure – you will receive a final invoice via email. RATES: Rates are based on the minimum number of guests outlined in this document, plus airfare costs, currency exchange rates and other factors and are subject to change. Though it is rare for Classic Escapes to make a price adjustment after promotion of an itinerary, we do reserve the right to assess a surcharge if the minimum is not met, or if increases are forced upon us by airlines or other partners or because of changes in currency exchange rates. NOT INCLUDED: Cost of passport and visa fees, and service charges for obtaining visa fees; excess baggage charges levied by airlines; laundry and other items of a personal nature; optional travel insurance policy; cost for anything not specifically included in listing above. SINGLE SUPPLEMENT: The quoted rate is valid for the first two single rooms booked and on a first-come, first-served basis. If more than two single rooms are needed, an additional supplement will apply. Single accommodations are not guaranteed, but will be provided at additional cost if available (see reservation form for cost.) The single room supplement pays for privacy, not better accommodations. For passengers who are traveling alone and wish to share a room with another tour member, we will do our best to provide a roommate. However, if this is not possible, you will be required to pay the single room supplement prior to your departure from the USA. GRATUITIES AND TAXES: Gratuities for baggage handling, service charges and taxes imposed by hotels, and entrance fees to all points of interest as outlined in the itinerary are included. U.S. and foreign airport taxes are included in air costs. Tips to camp staff and drivers and naturalist are NOT included.


TRAVEL INSURANCE: We recommend travel insurance. Travel insurance can provide financial reimbursement should the unexpected occur. CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations are only effective on receipt of written notification. The following per person fees are applicable on this tour:

• Up to 95 days prior to departure, less $300 handling fee. • 94-85 days prior to departure, deposit is forfeited. • 84 to 75 days prior to departure, less 50% of tour cost. • Less than 75 days prior to departure, we will NOT refund any payments made.

These cancellation fees are also in addition to any fees imposed by airlines. CHANGE FEES: Once you reserve your tour, changes are possible subject to availability of air or land space at the time of request. Should there be any change fees imposed by airlines or ground operators, or additional costs incurred due to availability of any space, this cost will be invoiced to you. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: We would be happy to make additional travel plans for you, including specially arranged pre- or post-tour extensions different than those that may be offered in conjunction with this tour. A service charge of $150 per person (over and above the cost of the services required) will be assessed.

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change


PASSPORT & VISAS: The onus is upon the guest to ensure that passports and visas are valid for the countries visited and for the applicable time period, as outlined by the U.S. Department of State ( or by the passport holder’s country. Classic Escapes, their staff and their agents cannot be held liable for any visas, etc. not held by the guests, nor for the cost of obtaining visas. PRE-DEPARTURE INFORMATION: Upon receipt of your registration and deposit, we will email your pre-departure information to you. This packet contains all the information you need to prepare for your tour, including the complete itinerary, packing checklist, required documents, etc. FINAL DOCUMENTS: Final documents and tickets will be emailed to you approximately two weeks prior to departure, provided all monies have been paid in full.


AIR TRANSPORTATION: Optional, economy-class flights via EGYPTAIR are provided at additional cost between NEW YORK JFK, and CAIRO. Internal flights within Egypt are provide in the land cost on EgyptAir, however if international air is not on EgyptAir, additional costs for the internal flights will apply. Rates are based on special promotional fares; cancellation fees apply once tickets are issued. Departures from other cities in the USA are possible at additional cost; inquire at the time of reservation. Please note that these promotional fares are subject to 10 passengers traveling together on the same airline routing and itinerary. If this minimum is not met, the special group rates are not applicable and it might become necessary to issue instant purchase tickets earlier than when final payment is due in order to take advantage of airfares that are similar to the group rates. Should this occur, you will be contacted with the details. AIRLINE SEATING: All planes are non-smoking. We can request a seating preference on your behalf, however requested seats cannot be guaranteed. Requests should be made in writing no later than 60 days prior to departure. Bulkhead and/or emergency row seats can only be requested at airport check-in on the day of departure. Boarding passes will only be issued at the airport on the day of departure. You may inquire about seat changes during check in, based on availability and is at the sole discretion of airport staff. FREQUENT FLYER MILEAGE: EgyptAir is a member of Star Alliance which has 28 members. For a list of the airline’s partners, visit You may obtain frequent flyer mileage on your flights. Become a member of the mileage program for any of these airlines and present your frequent flyer card at all flight check-ins to obtain credit for your flights. Remember to keep the boarding passes until you receive a statement with the mileage credit. TRANSFERS: Roundtrip airport transfers are included in the tour.


ACCOMMODATIONS: You will marvel at the wonderful accommodations provided throughout your tour. All rooms have private bathroom facilities and air conditioning and/or fans. All rates are based on double occupancy. Most rooms are twin-bedded, but king-size beds are occasionally available and should be requested in advance. Accommodations listed in this itinerary are correct at time of writing, but on rare occasions may be substituted for a different property of comparable quality. MEALS: All meals as specified in the itinerary. Please notify us if you have special dietary needs or requests, and we will do our best to accommodate. INOCULATIONS: When it comes to vaccination and disease prevention, we suggest that travelers first review information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( and then review those details with their personal physicians. WATER: It is always advisable to drink bottled and/or filtered water when traveling overseas. Safe drinking water will be provided to travelers free of charge in the vehicles and during meals. BAGGAGE: On average, international flights from the USA allow one piece of checked luggage, each not exceeding 50 pounds; however we always recommend that you check your airline’s policy just before departure, as luggage limitations are always subject to change. Despite this weight allowance, we always suggest guests travel light. Also soft-sided duffel bags are ideal for this tour, as they stow best in vehicles and airplanes with limited space.

Schedules, accommodations and prices are accurate at the time of writing. They are subject to change


RESPONSIBIITIES: Neither Classic Escapes (the Company) nor any person or agent acting for, through or on behalf of the Company shall be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever and without restricting the generality of the aforegoing shall particularly not be responsible for loss or damage arising from any errors or omissions contained in its brochure or other literature, loss or damage caused by delays, sickness, theft, injury or death. In addition the Company shall have the right at any time at its discretion to cancel any trip or the remainder thereof or make any alteration in route, accommodation, price or other details and, in the event of any trip being rendered impossible, illegal or inadvisable by weather, strike, war, government or interference or any other cause whatsoever, the extra expenses incurred as a result thereof shall be the responsibility of the passenger. The Company may at its discretion and without liability or cost to itself at any time cancel or terminate the guest’s booking and in particular without limiting the generality of the aforegoing it shall be entitled to do so in the event of the illness or the illegal or incompatible behavior of the guest, who shall in such circumstances not be entitled to any refund. PHOTOGRAPHY: The Company reserves the right without further notice to make use of any photograph or film taken on the tour by our photographers without payment or permission. We guarantee that no photographs of a compromising nature will be used. CHANGES TO SCHEDULES: Although every effort is made to adhere to schedules it should be borne in mind that the Company reserves the right and in fact is obliged to occasionally change routes and hotels as dictated by changing conditions. REFUNDS: While the Company uses its best endeavors to ensure that all anticipated accommodation is available as planned, there shall be no claim of any nature whatsoever against the Company for a refund either in the whole or part, if any accommodation or excursion is unavailable and a reasonable alternative is not found. If the guest is unable to use any service provided in the itinerary, then there are no refunds due. AIRLINE CLAUSE: The airlines concerned are not to be held liable for any act, omission or event during the time the passengers are not on board their planes or conveyance. The passengers’ tickets in use by the airline or by other carriers concerned when issued shall constitute the sole contract between the airlines and the purchaser of these tickets and/or passengers. DELAYS: We cannot be held liable for any delays or additional costs incurred as a result of airlines not running to schedule. If one of our drivers is unable to take a trip due to illness, etc. we reserve the right to substitute with another driver. This agreement is made subject to and shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the country in which the trip takes place. Classic Escapes act merely as an agent for the operating companies. To the best of our knowledge the itinerary is correct at the time of printing. We cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or changes that may occur after printing. CONSENT: The payment of the deposit OR any other partial payment for a reservation on a trip constitutes consent by all guests covered by that payment to all provisions of the conditions and general information contained in this brochure whether the guest has signed the booking form or not. The terms, under which you agree to take this trip, cannot be changed or amended except in writing signed by an authorized director of the Company. INSURANCE: It is a condition of booking, that the sole responsibility lies with the guest to ensure that they carry the correct comprehensive travel and medical insurance to cover themselves, as well as any dependents/traveling companions for the duration of their trip. Classic Escapes, including their representatives, employees and agents will take no responsibility for any costs, losses incurred or suffered by the guest, or guest’s dependents or traveling companions. Please visit the website to enroll – For any questions you may have on insurance, contact Travel Guard at 1-866-385-4839 and refer to ARC #71298. INCLUDED EMERGENCY EVACUATION COVERAGE: For the convenience of our travelers, Classic Escapes provides a complimentary Medical Insurance Plan during this trip through Travel Guard Group, Inc. This includes:

• Emergency evacuation insurance up to $100,000. • Up to $25,000 medical expense and up to $500 dental expense coverage subject to the terms and limitations of the insurance

policy. • 24-hour worldwide travel and medical assistance.

Please click here to view complete coverage of details.


Enclosed is my deposit for $ ______________ ($750 per person for the main trip and $250 for the extension) to hold __________ place(s) on the Great Escape to Egypt. I wish to join the following departure:

October 8 to 16, 2018 November 5 to 13, 2018

Please refer to Your Journey At A Glance page for all pricing for main trip and single supplement. Please make check payable to CLASSIC ESCAPES and mail to 58-25 Queens Blvd., Woodside, NY 11377 OR Charge deposit to MasterCard Visa American Express Discover (Credit Card Authorization form needs to be completed and returned to Classic Escapes via email to [email protected] or fax to 718-204-4726)

Final payment is due 95 days before departure. You will receive an invoice via email.

A copy of your passport must accompany this form to confirm reservation. Upon receipt of your signed reservation form, passport copy and deposit we will, subject to availability, reserve your spot on the tour. Passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the return of your trip and have four consecutive blank pages in the visa section. 1) NAME (As appears on passport): Mr. Mrs. Ms. Date of Birth (M/D/Y) / / Passport No. Green Card No. Expiration Date Nationality 2) NAME (As appears on passport): Mr. Mrs. Ms. Date of Birth (M/D/Y) / / Passport No. Green Card No. Expiration Date Nationality STREET ADDRESS: CITY: _____________________________________________________________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP: PHONES: HOME: ( ) __________________________ OFFICE: ( ) ___________________________ MOBILE: ( ) E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________FAX: ( ) I certify that I have not recently been treated for, nor am I aware of any physical or other condition or liability that would create a hazard to myself

or the other members of this tour.

The two of us above are sharing a room and, where possible, would like a room with: ONE TWO Beds (Make one selection only)

I am sharing with ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (form sent separately) I/We wish to upgrade to pyramid facing rooms in Cairo ($100 per person double occupancy; $200 per person single room) I/We wish to participate in the optional excursion to Memphis/Sakkara/Old Cairo ($105 per person) I/We wish to do the Sound & Light Show in Luxor with transfers included ($45 per person) I/We wish to do the balloon safari in Luxor ($125 per person) I/We wish to do the Abu Simbel excursion ($450 per person) I/We wish to participate in the optional post-extension to Jordan I desire single accommodations, if available, and will pay the additional single supplement cost: All rates quoted are based on tariffs and value of foreign currencies in relation to the U.S. dollar in effect as of December 21, 2017, and are subject to change. See cancellation penalties applicable as outlined on Conditions of Travel. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU OBTAIN TRAVEL INSURANCE. RESERVATIONS ARE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO TOUR CONDITIONS AND WILL BE CONFIRMED ONLY IF ACCOMPANIED BY COMPLETED FORM SIGNED BY THE TOUR PARTICIPANT(S). SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________

CLASSIC ESCAPES INC. 58-25 Queens Blvd., Woodside, NY 11377

Tel: 800-627-1244 Or 718-280-5000 Fax: 718-204-4726

Email: [email protected] (We recommend that you keep a copy of your selections as noted above for your future reference)


58-25 Queens Blvd., Woodside, NY 11377

T: (718) 280-5000; (800) 627-1244 F: (718) 204-4726

E: [email protected] CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION Please Note: If you wish to charge your deposit to Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover, this authorization form MUST be completed and returned to us along with your reservation form before we can process your application. I authorize (Classic Escapes Inc.) to charge my VISA/MASTERCARD/DISCOVER/AMEX listed below: Name appearing on credit card Card number Expiration date Card Verification Number* Card Type Billing address of credit card Amount of transaction Services rendered/Items purchased Phone number Signature Date *How To Locate Your Card Verification Number: (Visa, MasterCard, Discover: Locate the credit card number on the back of the card above the signature box. Enter the 3 digit number which follows the credit card number. American Express: Enter the 4 digit number found directly above and to the right of the credit card number.) I understand that all rates quoted on this tour I’m making a payment on are based on tariffs and value of foreign currencies in relation to the U.S. dollar in effect as of December 21, 2017, and are subject to change. Refund of deposit is made if cancellation is received in writing up to 95 days prior to departure, less $300 per person handling fee. Thereafter, refund is made less any cancellation charges levied, based on the schedule outlined in Conditions of Travel.

PLEASE NOTE: At times, our bank requires photocopy of credit card (both sides) and driver’s license or document showing signature of cardholder, in order to process the charge.

While it is not required at this time that you include these materials with your deposit, if our bank requests it, we will contact you for these copies.
