Page 1: You know you are a recruiter when

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You Know You Are a Recruiter When…

Page 2: You know you are a recruiter when

…You have list of excuses why you can’t refer a friend, family member, or other terribly unqualified individuals for a job at your company.

Page 3: You know you are a recruiter when

…You only go on vacation to places that have wi-fi.

Page 4: You know you are a recruiter when

…You coach interviewers that asking questions such as: “if you were to come back as an animal what would it be and why” does not really add value to the candidate experience.

Page 5: You know you are a recruiter when

…Everyone you know asks for career advice.

Page 6: You know you are a recruiter when
Page 7: You know you are a recruiter when

…Someone you knew a previous company, whom you never actually interacted with, suddenly sends you an InMail asking "how are you doing?" or " we should catch up soon."

Page 8: You know you are a recruiter when

…You know all the nice ways to say “better luck next time.”

Page 9: You know you are a recruiter when

…The first thing you do after meeting somebody is connecting with them on LinkedIn.

Page 10: You know you are a recruiter when

…You are the “go-to” resume proofer for your

circle of friends

Page 11: You know you are a recruiter when

…Your internal lie-detector is a whole lot more accurate than the CIA’s/MI6’s.

Page 12: You know you are a recruiter when

…You can conduct an interview only looking at a resume for 5 seconds.

Page 13: You know you are a recruiter when

…You have dreams (or nightmares)

…about Boolean Search Strings.

Page 14: You know you are a recruiter when

…You start every phone conversation (including with family) with "Have I caught you at a bad time?” or “Is this a good time?”

Page 15: You know you are a recruiter when

...You are interviewing babysitters and several times you try to close them.

Page 16: You know you are a recruiter when

You've called your HR Leader at home at 6:45pm on a Friday night, requesting an outrageous exception be made for an offer…

….because the candidate has a competing offer from another company that expires at 7:00pm that night.

Page 17: You know you are a recruiter when

…You spend as much time closing candidates, as you do coaching them on how to quit – to the point of role playing.

Page 18: You know you are a recruiter when

…You prefer to do a drive-by of different company headquarters instead of touring celebrities’ homes.

Page 19: You know you are a recruiter when

…You check out potential date's LinkedIn profile before saying yes to dinner.

Page 20: You know you are a recruiter when

…You talk to 100+ students at a career fair and can barely speak the next day.

Page 21: You know you are a recruiter when

…You pull up a friend’s profile on LinkedIn and start giving tips. Then without realizing you’ve set a date to take a new profile photo for them.

Page 22: You know you are a recruiter when

…You know what a purple squirrel is.