Page 1: xxxxxxxxx 2018 Geneva Pres Newsletter€¦ · Just for fun, we are thinking of having a photo booth with historical clothes. If you have hats, gloves or other period clothes for children

The Geneva Pres


Page 2: xxxxxxxxx 2018 Geneva Pres Newsletter€¦ · Just for fun, we are thinking of having a photo booth with historical clothes. If you have hats, gloves or other period clothes for children

The Presbyterian Church in Geneva

24 Park Place Geneva NY 14456

(315) 789-1343 Website: Rev. Dr. Deborah Lind-Schmitz - Minister Fritz Aude - Treasurer Kathleen Breese - Director, Christian Education Paula Breese - Coordinator of Youth Ministries Linda Cox - Church Organist Richard Cox - Director of Music and Adult Bell Choir Deb Drennen - Nursery care Rev. W. James Gerling - Pastor Emeritus Joe Iannopollo - Assistant Custodian Kate Komara, Lorraine Jones - Children’s Choirs Art Lewis - Webmaster Beth Nicholas - Parish Nurse Alan Schenck - Financial Administrator Fred Schühle - Clerk of Session Colleen VanAllan - Secretary

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Summer Celebrations and Sabbath Surrender Summer Celebrations: As I write, the aroma of strawberries wafts through my kitchen along with the cool summer breeze. My inclination is to surrender to the moment, relax and appreciate.

By now the Strawberry festival is a memory and we are looking forward to the next celebration, the 220th Anniversary on Sunday, July 22.

The 220th worship beginning at 9:30 am will include Jay Hanagan’s dramatic portrayal of our founding minister, Rev. Jedediah Chapman who organized eleven churches (correction from June’s Newsletter) including Ovid, Oaks Corners, Ithaca and Geneva. Eleanor Stearns will embody Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell who was inspired by the Presbyterian Church pastor to complete her medical degree as the first female physician. Rev. Jim Gerling will share his reflections on the uniting of North and First Presbyterian churches. And, we will dedicate our new quilted “All Are Welcome” banner sewn by Liz Carty.

After worship (around 10:45 am) you are invited to a historical presentation and guest speakers. A walking tour is planned using Dr. Hart’s Presbyterian Presence in Geneva map concluding with the Chapman Manse (1802). Also, there is an interior tour of the church focusing on the stained glass windows and banners.

Just for fun, we are thinking of having a photo booth with historical clothes. If you have hats, gloves or other period clothes for children and adults, please give me a call. Remember we have 220 years of history to celebrate; so chose your favorite decade. Plan to enjoy the celebration!

Sabbath Surrender: Summer Sabbath implies Holy rest and spiritual renewal. The July and August worship services will provide opportunities to surrender to the holiness in creation and in our lives.

July and August sermons and services will focus on taking time to reflect, rest and revive. Make time for Sabbath in community, take a holy moment and join us in prayer and reflection.

Pastor Deb

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July 1 Immigration Sunday - Healing/Communion Mark 5:21-43, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

July 8 Grace, Strength in Weakness 2 Corinthians 12:2-10

July 15 Holy Abandon, Dancing Before God Psalm 24, 2 Samuel 6:1-19

July 22 220th Anniversary Celebration Hebrews 11 (selected passages)

July 29 Loaves and Fish, Believing the Impossible Psalm 14, John 6:1-21

August 5 Communion, Manna in the Wilderness John 6:24-35

August- Theme- Spiritual Nourishment

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Have a great summer!! See you in September!!!! NEED SOMETHING TO DO?: VOLUNTEER AT THE COMMUNITY LUNCH PROGRAM ONE OF THE THURSDAYS IN AUGUST. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION to benefit Geneva Head Start LOOK FOR THE BASKET 2 CENTS – A - MEAL We will collect 2 cents offerings on JULY 1 & AUG. 5 You can make a difference in the lives of hungry people!!!

Have a great summer!!! See you in September!!!!

Youth Fellowship Grades 6-12

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COMMUNITY LUNCH PROGRAM The Presbyterian Church is serving on THURSDAYS IN AUGUST The Community Lunch Program of Geneva provides a nutritious meal to people who are hungry, raises awareness about hunger and empowers the community to respond to this need. The Presbyterian Church has agreed to provide the volunteers for the Thursdays of August. If you want to help with this ministry of compassion please sign up in the space below and put the sheet in the offering plate or return it ASAP to the church office or call the office, 315-789-1343. Please plan to work from about 9:30 am-1:00 pm. YES!! I want to help with the Community Lunch Program in August. I will work:

_____Thursday, August 2 _____Thursday, August 9 _____Thursday, August 16 _____Thursday, August 23 _____Thursday, August 30

I am willing to be: ____Kitchen coordinator ____helper Name:______________________________________ email:__________________ phone:______________

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To our dear Church family: How does one begin to say Thank You when it seems so trite? Ron and I keep reliving Sunday and the wonderful reception given for us. There were so many people in Church that day, unusual for a summer service. The poster board with pictures was a delight. The gift of pen and note cards will come into good use. The scrap book with many cards and lovely words will have a special place in our new abode. We are getting cards in the mail so that our mailman must think we are having an anniversary. Joan McClure and Art Lewis followed us around as though we were royalty or at least movie star candidates. Joan then put all her photos in an album and gave them to us. The cake was beautiful and delicious and the flowers added a special touch. Thanks to all who had anything to do with that morning. The song by the choir brought tears to my eyes. Such a great group and one that I will always treasure. Thanks so much. God has been good to us by putting us in Geneva in 1986 and I found a home as Clerk of Session at the then First Presbyterian Church. Sitting with Jim Gerling for 21 years and then Pastor Deb for 5 made my duties relatively simple. God gave me the gift of a singing voice and to record and I was able to use these gifts to praise Him. A job brought us here and now family wants us back. We will be living in Elgin Illinois, just half an hour from our daughter and her 3 sons and my sister. Ron also has a niece and nephew there. This is not easy for us but we feel it is right. We will never forget you and will keep in touch by email. Our moving day is June 29. And now, May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You ‘till we meet, ‘till we meet again.

With grateful thanks we say Peace be with you.

Fondly, Bette and Ron

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Dear Church Family, My baby (who is now 22 years old) just graduated from college!! He is glad to be done and on to the next phase in his life. He “enjoyed” most of his time in college as did my girls. But there were a few rough patches along the way for all of them.

A number of you have kids headed off to college or a trade school. Freshman year is a learning experience for everyone. I’d like to give you some information we found helpful in keeping the kids healthy and happy.

First, once your child turns 18, they are considered an adult. Some schools take this to the extreme and will not notify parents if their child is in a serious accident without a HIPPA form filled out. My kids all had these on file at their schools so we could be called with an emergency. Check the policy at their school. Have your kids know where the school clinic is and how to access it. They are all going to be sick at some point. Encourage them to get a flu shot when available. When living in a dorm, diseases spread like wildfire. They need to be up to date on all the immunizations. I have seen enough college kids with meningitis to say it is no longer uncommon, and it can be deadly.

Another thing to talk about is what we used to affectionately call the “freshman 15”. Most colleges now have healthy choices on the meal plan that aren’t just pizza and tacos. Discuss eating healthy and trying to get into the habit of fitting in exercise (at least 2 ½ hrs. a week) if kids aren’t involved with sports, dance or yoga.

Also discuss safety. Not all students are brought up with the same morals or values. We want kids to be kind and tolerant of others, yet not be bullied or cave in to peer pressure just to fit in. Ask them to choose who they go out with wisely. Even if they don’t drink or do drugs, if the people they go somewhere with do, they may find themselves in a bad situation. They need to be ‘street smart” about people. Girls need to be particularly careful of drinking too much and unfortunately the “date rape” drugs are used more than you would like to think. Girls should not walk across campus alone at night. Colleges do not like to advertise their problems, rape is one of them.

Encourage you kids to call once a week to check in. College is a great experience and learning opportunity. It also is very stressful at times. Giving your kids encouragement when the going gets tough does help. Your kids are all great, encourage them to just be themselves! Best of luck to all our grads!!!

God Bless, Beth

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From the church office . . . . . Please note that information for the Sunday bulletin needs to be in the office by 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Have you moved, changed your email address or your phone number recently? If you have, help us keep your contact information accurate by calling Colleen in the church office or by emailing her at [email protected] with the changes. Church Directory changes: New address for David and Colleen VanAllan (effective July 11, 2018) 493 W. River Road, Waterloo, NY 13165 New address for Howard and Anna Scribner (effective July 11, 2018) 493 W. River Road, Waterloo, NY 13165

A Note from the Treasurers – The Treasurers would like to remind everyone that bills still need to be paid during the summer. Please keep your pledge up-to-date either by placing in the offering plate any Sunday or by mailing in to the church office at 24 Park Place. Have you considered electronic transfers for your pledge? Several folks already do. This can easily be established as a monthly transfer throughout the year to make your life simpler. Contact Alan Schenck for more information – 789-1343 or [email protected] Other options are also available. Transferring shares of stock provides you a charitable deduction at the current market value and the capital gain is not taxed. If you are at least 70-1/2, you can transfer money directly from your IRA to the church anytime during the year. Thank you.

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SUMMER CALENDAR July 1 – Communion service – 9:30

July 3 - Ontario/Yates Hospice Bereavement Group – 1:00

July 4 – Independence Day - Church office closed

July 8 – Worship service – 9:30

July 14 – Memorial Service for Patricia Melvin – 10:00

Memorial Service for Edita Carle – 1:00

July 15 – Worship service – 9:30

July 16 – annual calendar meeting – 7:00

July 17 - Ontario/Yates Hospice Bereavement Group – 1:00

July 19 – Choir rehearsal – 7:00

July 22 – 220th Anniversary Celebration / Worship service – 9:30

July 29 – Worship service – 9:30

August 5 – Communion service – 9:30

August 7 - Ontario/Yates Hospice Bereavement Group – 1:00

August 8 – Worship Committee meeting – 7:00

August 11 – Wixom/Detrie wedding – 1:00

August 12 – Worship service – 9:30

August 14 – Communications Committee meeting – 7:00

August 19 – Worship service – 9:30

August 21 - Ontario/Yates Hospice Bereavement Group – 1:00

August 15 – September NEWSLETTER DEADLINE – noon

August 26 – Worship service – 9:30

Sept. 2 – Worship service – 9:30

Sept. 3 – Labor Day - Church office closed

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What’s that big blue box for? Heading up the stairs to the Christian Education rooms, you may have noticed a big blue bin with a round hole cut in the top.

That’s where Boy Scout Troop 4 collects empty bottles and cans to raise money for high adventure trips.

In previous years, funds from deposit bottles and cans left there helped Scouts and leaders spend 10 days at Philmont Scout Ranch, near Cimarron, N.M., in 2012; and week aboard a 75-foot, three-masted schooner cruising the Florida Keys, based at Sea Base near Islamorada, Fla.

Many folks are now in the habit of bringing whatever bottles and cans they have each time they come to church – for Sunday worship, a committee meeting, or other community event. Pick-up of larger quantities can also be arranged.

We appreciate your help. – Fred Schühle,

assistant scoutmaster

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We will be welcoming families to our church later this year as part of our mission to help homeless children and their families in our community. Please be watching for the many ways that you and your family can get involved. There will be opportunities to volunteer for as little as two hours, so there is something for everyone. Please contact one of our Family Promise coordinators (Martha French, Kristy Garretson, or Barb Weinberg) for more information. Join the Echomen as they rock to support Family Promise on Friday, July 20 at Club 86. Dinner will be available 6:00 – 8:00 (Cabaret food menu) with music starting at 8:00 and will rock on until 11:00. FPOC will provide baskets for a raffle. If you are interested in providing a basket, contact Lauren Lamb 585-281-4070. Or just come and rock the night away! Admission tickets are $10.00 and will be available at the door or by contacting Don Damick Agency at 315-789-3753. Join the fun on Saturday, July 28 at 10am on the Canandaigua City Pier for the 2nd annual FPOC Bed Race! Come out and support our team, The Presbyterian Pirates. For more information, contact Lauren Lamb or Kate Komara or you may also contact the Bed Race Committee Chair, Lori Donohoe, at [email protected]. Check for volunteer opportunities as well.

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Our Graduates High School

Jacob Drennen, son of Kelly and Deb Drennen GENEVA HIGH SCHOOL

ACTIVITIES: JV Golf; Varsity Hockey; Varsity Lacrosse – team captain 2017 & 2018 HONORS: MVP in Lacrosse 2016 & 2017 All League Goalie of the Year 2017 Scholar Athlete – ice hockey 2017 Top of the Trade in Criminal Justice – Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center INTERESTS: Lacrosse, hunting, fishing, weight lifting. Played on the Sweet Lax lacrosse team – traveling to many different states to compete HIGH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT: Ronnie’s Cedar Inn, Geneva YMCA FUTURE PLANS: Attend Hobart College to play Division 1 Lacrosse

Sam Alexander, son of Floud and Ave Alexander GENEVA HIGH SCHOOL

ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society; Interact Club; Link Crew; Outdoor Ed CHURCH ACTIVITIES: Acolyte, Usher HONORS: 3 year Army ROTC Scholarship, National Honor Society, Honor Roll, High Honor Roll HIGH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT: Geneva Public Library FUTURE PLANS: Attend UB – ROTC commissioned as an officer

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Ben DeMoras, son of Heather and Mat DeMoras PENN YAN ACADEMY - Salutatorian

ACTIVITIES: Science Olympiad - Freshman through Senior year; Outdoor Adventure Club – President Senior and Junior year; National Honor Society – President Senior year; Natural Helpers; Varsity Club - President Senior year, Vice President Junior year; Band Council – President Senior year, Vice President Sophomore, Treasurer Junior year; Ski Club – President Junior year, Vice President Senior year, member 2011 through present CHURCH ACTIVITIES: Elected Elder, Acolyte, Lay Reader, Usher, ORFF HONORS: New York State Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation Eagle Scout Rank Earned in June 2017 University of Rochester’s 2017 Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology 2017 Dartmouth Alumni Club Book Award. Recognized in 2017 by Hobart and William Smith Colleges as one of the Finger Lakes Region’s Top Scholars Recipient of the Yates County Distinguished Youth Award for the 4th quarter of 2017 Selected as the 2017 DAR Good Citizen for Penn Yan Academy. 2017 Outstanding French Student Award Varsity Club Award for Boys’ Cross Country 2015-16, 2016-17 Varsity Club Award for Boys’ Track 2016-17 Sportsmanship Award for Boys’ Cross Country 2015-126, 2016-17 Sportsmanship Award for Goys’ Track 2016-17 NYSPHAA Scholar Athlete for Boys’ Cross Country 2015-16, 2016-17 NYSPHAA Scholar Athlete for boys’ Track 2016-17 Section V Track and Field Championships – 3rd place in both 1600m and 3200m run Section V Cross Country Championships – 2nd place NYSPHSAA Cross country Championships – 63rd place out of 130 Section V All Star Team for Cross Country 2017-18 Finger Lakes East all League Team for Cross country and Track 2016-17 National Honor Society – inducted junior year National Foreign Language Honor Society – inducted junior year Rotary Outstanding Youth for the Month of April 2017 Attended NY Boys’ State , June 2017 – a co-web developer Penn Yan Middle School – 8th Grade Boy – unanimous faculty vote

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Penn Yan elementary – 2011 NYS Comptroller Award for outstanding citizenship qualities INTERESTS: web development capabilities, Beekeeping – Langstroth hive management HIGH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT: Cornell University New York State Agricultural Experiment Station - Temporary Service Technician, assisting Dr. Lawrence Smart researching sustainable crops including Shrub Willow and Industrial Hemp, Summer 2017 FUTURE PLANS: will be attending Cornell University’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences in fall 2018. Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences with a Minor in Communications Brennan Bates, son of Jim and Tammy Bates

GENEVA HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Varsity Football, Wrestling, Chamber Choir, Marching Band CHURCH ACTIVITIES: Acolyte, usher, ORFF INTERESTS: Music and wrestling, playing in a band called THE JEWELS HIGH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT: NIKE, Geneva YMCA FUTURE PLANS: Taking a gap year to decide what I want to do in the future.

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Noah Lahr, son of Beth and Dan Lahr MIDLAKES HIGH SCHOOL

ACTIVITIES: Midlakes High School Trap Team INTERESTS: loves to hunt and fish and spend time in the outdoors with his dad. HIGH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT: The Ramada Inn and Tractor Supply Co. FUTURE PLANS: currently works at Triplett Machine in Phelps and will have a full-time position with them upon graduating, where he will continue to learn the machining trade. Kyle Hornbeck, son of David Hornbeck and Connie Heindl

LYONS CENTRAL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Varsity Cross Country team CHURCH ACTIVITIES: Lay read, usher HONORS: Varsity letter for Cross Country INTERESTS: playing guitar, singing, running/exercising, video games HIGH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT: volunteer at Phelps Community Center FUTURE PLANS: To look for steady work; work on my mom’s horse farm while I decide on a career that’s right for me. College Master’s Degree Zach Bley - Masters in Business Administration, University of Delaware. He is the Assistant Director of Facilities at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland. Doctorate Degree Karen Fahy - University of Rochester Warner School with an Ed.D. in Educational Administration. Currently working for Rochester City School District as the Executive Director of ELA, Integrated Literacy, Learning and Leadership.

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Summer Let’s Talk

JULY 19, Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes Presenter: Rachel Gregory of Safe Harbors will be giving an overview of their work, with emphasis on their new program to help children who have experienced domestic violence. Time: 7 pm Location: home of Scott and Judith McKinney RSVP by July 12 to the church office. Attendance limited to 20.

AUGUST 15, Cuba 2018

Presenters: Jim Spates and Jennifer Morris, who traveled to Cuba in March of this year. Time: 7 pm Location: home of Tim and Sandy Merwarth RSVP by August 8 to the church office. Attendance limited to 20.

The topics are important, the conversation thought-provoking, the company welcoming. Please join us!

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In memory of Michael Dickson by Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kubasik of Waterloo, NY. In memory of Helen Lovley by Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kubasik of Waterloo, NY. In memory of Barbara Jones by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bleakley, Mrs. Helen Kipp, Mr. & Mrs. Karl Siebert, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Damick, and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Burt of Geneva, NY, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Heft of Gahanna, OH, and Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schumacher of Upper Arlington, OH. In honor of Lucy Gray Scrivener, baptized on June 17, 2018, by Joan Braun and the Braun family, Estero, FL.

CHANCEL GUILD REQUEST- For our summer Sunday services, we would appreciate it if members would donate flowers from their gardens. Donors could either arrange two bouquets in vases we supply or provide the flowers to a Chancel Guild member to arrange. If you have flowers to offer, please contact: Colleen (315-789-1343, [email protected]) or Ti Siebert (315-789-4092, [email protected]) Please indicate which Sunday you could provide the flowers. We are also in need of empty juice cans (tall) or stewed tomato cans (shorter) for taking chancel flowers to our members in the hospital or nursing homes after our Sunday services. Please bring cans to the church office. Thank you!!

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Summer Worship Memorial Day Weekend thru Labor Day Weekend

We will worship together at one service in the Sanctuary starting at 9:30AM

We look forward to seeing you! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Support groups can play a key role accompanying individuals through their grief process including; self-care and support, coping with feelings, communication, and an opportunity to connect with peers who have similar experiences. Ontario-Yates Hospice grief support groups are free, open to the public and offered on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 1:00 to 2:30 PM at The Presbyterian Church, 24 Park Place, Geneva NY.

If interested contact: Jan DiDuro, Bereavement Coordinator at Ontario-Yates Hospice, at [email protected] or 315-759-8225

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SERRV International Fair Trade Gift Shop The SERRV Committee would like to thank our members and friends for their ongoing support throughout the year. Not only do your purchases provide you with unique gifts, they also help the artisans and farmers around the world who crafted your product to change their lives for the better. We have hosted three away sales over the last two months which enable us to make donations to several church and community projects. Hosting these sales has left our shop very sparse, but we are again restocked with a variety of jewelry, scarves, pottery, kitchen items, chocolate and much more. With summer upon us the shop will only open upon request, which will include Sundays after the 9:30 service. A member of our committee will be happy to accommodate anyone wishing to find a gift any Sunday or during the week. Call the church office or seek out one of our committee members and we will help you. Committee members are: Sandra Ansley, Beverly Burrall, Jean Harman, Barbara Maw, Carol Morse, Kathy Price, Beth Reiners, Jackie Schmit, Lou Tarr. We will be opening again after both services Rally Sunday.

DEACONS Happy Birthday to the Church!

God has given us so many gifts, what gifts can you give to the church? Our church is filled with so many talented, caring and compassionate congregants. Please consider what gifts you will share this year with our church family. Are you able to help with coffee hour occasionally, drive members to church, bake, set up/clean up for events, visit those in the hospital, provide meals to those in need, or usher? All of these gifts are appreciated and don’t require any long term commitment. If you would like to share your gifts with the church, please contact the church office and Colleen will be able to get your name to the correct person to contact you.

For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have. 2 Corinthians 8:12

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Take Note

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!

Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody!

With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!

There are many songs to sing or play, dances to embody, ways of expressing our grief, ways of celebrating the life we have been given, the life which in which we are embedded, and the gift of the enduring love of our God. Life is a call to that song -- just listen to the birds if you doubt it. We are all called to the celebration of Life, each in our own way, and we are called to share that celebration with others. So find a way, an opportunity, to share your special expression of that celebration with your friends and family, anywhere and everywhere; and share it with us at church. Your celebration or cry comes from the one who gives us life.

God picks up the reed-flute world and blows. Each note is a need coming through one of us, a passion, a longing-pain. Remember the lips where the wind-breath originated, and let your note be clear. Don't try to end it. BE Your Note. I'll show you how it's enough. Go up on the roof at night in the city of the soul. Let Everyone climb on their roofs and sing their notes! Sing loud!


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Deaths: Franklin L. Seeley, Sr., member #661, died June 19, 2017 Lynn Upton, former member #1211, died July 1, 2017 Stuart W. Messur, member #492, died July 25, 2017 Bryce Daniel Walker, non-member, died July 30, 2017 Rebecca (Becky) Addona, member #5, died August 1, 2017 Evelyn F. Bell, non-member, died August 17, 2017 Betty J. Bixler, member #56, died August 19, 2017 Bruce Davis Huie, member #376, died September 25, 2017 William Raymond Demuth, member #215, died November 4, 2017 Janice Allen, member #20, died November 28, 2017 Kenneth Allen, member #14, died November 20, 2017 Delnora (Dolly) Travis, member #1454, died December 28, 2017 Eugenia (Jean) Marshall, member #1008, died January 8, 2018 Olive Conover Washburn, former member #769, died January 18, 2018 Pamela Ramey, non-member, died February 11, 2018 Patricia (Rountree) Melvin, member #1361, died March 14, 2018 Martin K. Reynolds, non-member, died March 20, 2018 Mae Switzer, member #722, died March 27, 2018 Dr. Michael H. Dickson, member #226, died March 28, 2018 Edita Carle, member #144, died April 8, 2018 Helen M. (Jackson) Lovley, member #462, died April 22, 2018 Barbara Jones, member #405, died May 9, 2018 Suzette Dorothy Dobbin, former member #229, died May 17, 2018

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PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Thank you to everyone for their help and support for the 64th Annual Strawberry Festival. We are very appreciative of

everyone’s willingness to participate. It does take a village to coordinate this. Especially thank you to Donna Newcomb and Bev Burrall for coordinating this event again this year. We also want to take this opportunity to shout a big THANK YOU to Bette Schubert for her many years of service in many capacities in our church. In addition to her many years of service as Clerk of Session, Bette has been the treasurer of Presbyterian Women and also has coordinated and worked at many of the memorial receptions in our church. We will miss her and Ron and wish them well as they move to Illinois. Camp Director Lea Kone is asking for some items for Camp Whitman: These are some items that we wish we could have at Camp Whitman, but that our budget will not allow for. If you think you could help donate one of these items to help benefit our staff and campers' experiences this summer, then please check out our Amazon wish list by using the link below. The next meeting of Presbyterian Women will be on September 16th immediately following the 10:30 AM service in the Conference Room at Church. All women are welcome and encouraged to join us.

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July 01 Elfredia Frick July 11 Taylor Champlin Kerry Goria July 12 Pamela Berta July 02 Lorraine Millis Robert Eberle July 03 Joan Braun July 14 Alexander Hornbeck Preston Garretson July 15 Sophie Heieck July 04 Kimberly Aliperti July 20 Meghan Kincaid July 05 David Van Gorden July 23 Alexander Komara July 07 Helen Lovley July 25 Beth Newell July 08 Paula Fox Anna Scribner July 10 Amber Drennen July 26 Sara McClure Karen Fouracre Wendell L. Roelofs Tom McClure July 27 C. Donald Addona July 29 Kimberly Oswald July 31 Mary-Kate Barnes

Aug 03 Kristen MacEachran Aug 15 Stephen Reiners Teri Ramos Aug 16 Mark Equinozzi Aug 04 Sharon P. Best Richard Morse Laverne Sessler Aug 17 Ellyn Colquhoun Aug 05 Greg Loeb Aug 18 Linda Sharp Katherine Reiners Aug 21 Stella Carlyon Aug 08 Emily Jones Ellie Dobbin Aug 09 Lisa Gage Aug 23 Noah Lahr Nehemiah Williams Aug 25 Hannah Burrall Aug 10 Jason Havelin Heather DeMoras Aug 11 Sandra Ditch Aug 26 Kristina Curtis H. Daniel Schreher Debbi Oswald Aug 12 Shane Cieri Aug 30 Marsha Foote Aug 13 Vincent Aliperti Donna Loeb Aug 14 David VanAllan Aug 31 Amy Goria Luke Weber
