Page 1: Web viewRohr posits that the word “wonder” can connote at least three things ... the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences

Small Group Study Guide

The Naked Now:Learning to See as the Mystics See


Richard Rohr

April 10 – May 22, 2016

Unity of Fairfax

This guide belongs to: ____________________________

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Dear Friends,

Charles Fillmore, co-founder of the Unity movement, has been described as a mystic. And what exactly is a mystic? Here’s how he himself defined the term: “One who has intimate, firsthand acquaintance with God; a [person] of prayer. Jesus was the greatest mystic of all ages.” (Revealing Word, p. 137). I like to think that we Unity students are mystics, following the path that Jesus himself walked – a path that allowed him, and allows us, to know our oneness with our Creator. In this state of unity, we can access and utilize the spiritual principles that allow us to “live life on life’s terms,” to be “in the world, but not of it,” and “to have life and have it abundantly.”

The mystical path is not unique to Christianity. All the world’s faith traditions have mystics, those individuals who have had intimate, firsthand acquaintance with God. They include such luminaries as Sufi Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Hindu Rabindranath Tagore and Taoist Lao Tzu.

Fillmore says, “The Bible contains more high mysticism than all other books. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. It is necessary to call on one's own spiritual light to enter into the deep mysticism of the Bible.” (Revealing Word, p. 137). Using both the Bible and the Christian experience as his foundation, Richard Rohr invites you to journey with him into the mystical Christian tradition. Long-time Unity students will feel right at home, even if some of the language is fairly traditional in spots. I invite you to keep an open mind and engage in this study on your own, or preferably with one of our small groups.

Our small group ministry places emphasis on five key spiritual disciplines:

✓ Communion - group members grow in their faith and their spiritual practice.

✓ Connection - group members engage with each other in a deep, meaningful manner.

✓ Compassion - group members proactively seek to support and care for each other.

✓ Community - groups enrich the community by choosing to serve together in some way.

✓ Challenge - group members gain practical insights about spiritual principles that affect every area of their lives as a result of the support and dialog within their group.

Your small group leader has received facilitation training to guide the group in this shared journey of discovery that integrates these disciplines. The small group leader is not the teacher, nor does the small group leader have “the answers.” Their role to facilitate the creation of a safe container in which group members can share, learn and grow together in their understanding of the concepts and ideas in the material.

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Each chapter of The Naked Now could easily be the springboard for a class or meeting of its own; however, as we only have seven weeks, I invite you to not try to discuss all chapters and sections of chapters. Be present with what is before you (and that’s part of the mystical experience). You will note that this guide has relatively few questions. That is intentional; the goal is that group members will bring to the gathering for exploration the topics of greatest insight or challenge.

Finally, an important aspect in learning to see as the mystics see is to engage in deep spiritual practices on a regular basis. The Appendices of the text lists several you or your group might choose to do; however, I encourage you to explore a variety of spiritual practice classes and opportunities offered both in and out of Unity of Fairfax. In week 2 and after, the second question is a general question that asks about the reading for that week or the practices in the Appendices at the end of the book. Feel free when answering that question to comment on or request engagement of any of the practices that peak your interest.

The mystical way of seeing and experiencing the world does not manifest overnight, so be patient with the process and trust the process. It simply is an uncovering of your true nature – a nature that may have been covered over with years of limited beliefs, incomplete perspectives and unhelpful constraints.

So, are you ready to experience “the naked now?” I sure hope so!

Peace be with you and namaste!

Rev. Russ

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Reading Schedule for The Naked Now small group series

Week 1 April 10: Collision of Opposites

Read: Preface

Week 2 April 17: Practicing Heaven Now

Read: Part One, chapters 1 - 5

Week 3 April 24: The Radical Perceptual Shift

Read: Part One, chapters 6 - 9

Week 4 May 1: Transformed People Transform People

Read: Part Two, chapters 10 - 13

Week 5 May 8: Opening the Door

Read: Part Two, chapters 14 - 16

Week 6 May 15: What Do We Mean by Being “Awake”?

Read: Part Three, chapters 17 - 19

Week 7 May 22: Sinners, Mystics and Astrophysicists

Read: Part Three, chapters 20 - 22

Note: Throughout the text, there are references to pages from The Naked Now. This refers to:

Richard Rohr. The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See, The Crossroad Publishing Company, 2009.

The text is available in the Unity of Fairfax bookstore.

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Our Small Group Agreements

Welcome to the first week of your seven-week small group study! In the first meeting, your facilitator will lead you in a conversation of group dynamics and practices including such things as opening and closing prayers, late arrivals and absences. Your active participation in the discussions will enrich this experience for you and the other members of your group.

Please note that this discussion guide is just that—a guide. Sometimes a group will have such a rich discussion on one question that the group will not cover the other questions in the guide. That’s perfectly okay. Each group, and each meeting of the group, will have its own rhythm.

Group members will be at different levels of comfort with small group processing. Below you will find a listing of group agreements with space to add any others that your group creates. Keeping these agreements will foster a sense of trust that will add to the vitality of your group.

The intention for this small group study is:






We will start and end on time, meeting _____________________ (day) from ___________ to _________ for the next ______ weeks.

We agree to be a __________________________ (open/closed) group for the duration of this agreement. (“Open” means allowing new people to join the group at any time during the seven weeks.)

We agree to the following values (check those the group agrees on):

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□ Confidentiality: I hold anything that is said strictly confidential.

□ Attendance: I give priority to the group meetings for the agreed number of weeks.

□ Acceptance: We accept each other unconditionally. We are not here to “fix” each other.

□ Feelings: We respect each other’s feelings.

□ Okay to Pass: No one is required to share.

□ Okay to Disagree: I accept that others may not hold the same view I have.

□ Participation: I speak for myself only and I listen to others attentively.

□ Balance: We seek a balance in our sharing times. Everyone is welcome to share, and no one dominates.

□ Positivity: We are positive in all our communications.

□ Prayer Support: I am willing to pray for others.

Other agreements:




With Spirit within as my guide, I, ___________________________________________________ intend to uphold the above agreement to the best of my ability.

During each small group series, groups are asked to review the “Small Group Agreements” and commit to adhering to them. You are encouraged to review these agreements, and to integrate these guidelines into how you participate in the group.

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Week 1, April 10: Collision of Opposites

Read: Preface

In the Preface to The Naked Now, Richard Rohr provides autobiographical information about the factors that shaped his spiritual life: He was born in Kansas, is from a German Catholic family, was greatly influenced by Vatican II. To the extent that you are comfortable sharing, each group member is invited to do the same. Please be mindful of time in order that all members have time to share. Your small group facilitator may request that each person keep to a certain time frame.

Where are you from?


What are three key influences that shaped your current spiritual understanding?




Describe one key highlight of your spiritual journey.






In another venue Richard Rohr said, “I use the word mysticism in a very traditional and classical sense. It is not pointing to something esoteric and unavailable to the masses, but it does point to something that is only available to those who go beyond the surface and exterior, those who experience the inner grace and connectivity of all things.

As Jesus, Paul and Bonaventure each said in their own way, mysticism is often foolishness to the educated and obvious to the simple. I emphasize connectivity because that unteachable gift is what I always see in true mystics, and this is what makes them different from other people; it is

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also a quality that makes them seem rare. Mystics know and enjoy the connected core of reality that is hidden to those who do not desire it or search for it. ‘What you see is what you get’ (Matthew 7:7-8). Joy is intrinsic to mysticism; when deep joy is not present in your life, you might well be ‘religious,’ but you are definitely not a mystic.” (Notes from a class with Richard Rohr)

Describe your current understanding of what it means to be a mystic.






Rohr says that “Joy is intrinsic to mysticism.” How has joy been a part of your spiritual life?






What do you think Rohr means when he says, “When you can be present, you will know the Real Presence?” (The Naked Now, p. 12).






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Week 2, April 17: Practicing Heaven Now

A Note about the Appendices: The final section of the book entitled “Practicing the Naked Now,” (pages 163-181) contains appendices that are extensions of a chapter. Here, the author suggests spiritual practices that relate to the chapters in the book. If you have time, read the appendix that correlates to each chapter. Feel free to integrate your experiences of the practices into your weekly responses.

Read: Part One, chapters 1 - 5

Beginning with the second week of the study, the first question for consideration will be the same. It’s this: Is there one idea from last week’s reading or discussion that you would like to explore further? If so, what is it?






Also from the second week forward, you will find that the second question will be the same each week. The question is this: Of all the sections in the reading for this week, or in the Appendices section, which section stands out for you as especially meaningful or thought-provoking and why? It’s possible the group consciousness will have been drawn to one or two sections over all the others. If so, the facilitator may initiate a discussion of those sections prior to, or instead of, addressing the questions in the study guide for this week.






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Throughout the text, Richard Rohr highlights the fact that mystics live peaceably with paradox – paradox defined as “a statement or possibility that seems self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality expresses a possible truth.” ( Share a paradox you found in the reading for this week and your reaction to it (an example is the paragraph in bold on page 24):






Rohr says, “Now do not let the word ‘mystic’ scare you off. It simply means one who has moved from mere belief systems or belonging systems to actual inner experience. All spiritual traditions agree that such a movement is possible, desirable, and available to everyone.” He goes on to say, “Some call this movement conversion, some call it enlightenment, some transformation, and some holiness. (The Naked Now, pp. 29-30). Describe a time when you had an “actual inner experience” of the sacred, oneness or pure joy. What helps (helped) you to get to this experience? How did it change you?






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Richard Rohr suggests that one of the reasons we see dualistically and then make choices about the truth of things is because it gives us a sense of control. He posits that a more mature spiritual approach is necessary, one where we know and touch the moment or situation without bias. He suggests this is a more vulnerable place to be, leaves us without a sense of control and may allow us to experience God’s presence in a way we would otherwise not have. How do you respond to this idea?






Why do you think people tend to see dualistically, in an either-or manner?






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In the section entitled “A Debate Everyone Can Win,” (The Naked Now, pp. 43-44) Rohr describes the “consequentalist debate” in Tibetan Buddhism. (This debate was modeled at Unity of Fairfax during the visits of the monks from the Drepung Loseling Monastery in 2013 and 2015.) It is a spiritual practice whose aim is to teach wisdom, rather than correct theological answers. Rohr considers this a type of “salvation.” How do you understand the term “salvation,” and share why you agree or disagree with his assessment.






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Week 3, April 24: The Radical Perceptual Shift

Read: Part One, chapters 6 - 9

Optional beginning exercise for this week: The subject of silence is referenced in some key ways in the reading for this week. As an option for this week (and future weeks), consider starting your meeting by sitting together in silence for 10 to 15 minutes.

Is there one idea from last week’s reading or discussion that you would like to explore further? If so, what is it?






Of all the sections in the reading for this week, or in the Appendices section, which one stands out for you as especially meaningful or thought-provoking and why?






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Rohr posits that the word “wonder” can connote at least three things – standing in disbelief, standing in the question itself, and standing in awe before something. Why do you think he says that allowing “all three ‘standings’ to remain open inside of you… is a good way to grow spiritually?” (The Naked Now, p. 46).






On pages 53 and 54 of The Naked Now Rohr lists a number of ways in which the “one God of all the earth” might be experienced. He adds, “I would even say that on the practical level, silence and God will be experienced simultaneously – and even as the same thing.” (The Naked Now, pp. 53-54). Share whether or not your own experience has been reflected in this statement. If so, how?






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“Wisdom is not the gathering of more facts and information, as if that would eventually coalesce into truth. Wisdom is precisely a different way of seeing and knowing those ten thousand things. I suggest that wisdom is precisely the freedom to be present. Wise people always know how to be present, but it is much more than that. Presence is wisdom.” (The Naked Now, pp. 59-60). Explain your understanding of the words “wisdom” and “presence.” Why do you think Rohr connects the two?






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Week 4, May 1: Transformed People Transform People

Read: Part Two, chapters 10 - 13

Is there one idea from last week’s reading or discussion that you would like to explore further? If so, what is it?






Of all the sections in the reading for this week, or in the Appendices section, which one stands out for you as especially meaningful or thought-provoking and why?






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The content of chapter 10 “What About Jesus” may seem very familiar to Unity students for in it Rohr highlights the message that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine - and so are you. He says, “[Jesus] seemed to know that this mystery of being both divine and human would take a very long time to absorb, understand, accept, or reconcile… It is the ultimate paradox, and every Christian and every human being struggles with it anew, both in themselves and in him, every day.” (The Naked Now, pp. 69-70). Why do you think people struggle with this mystery?






Compare and contrast the above teaching of being both fully human and fully divine with the popular concept that we are “spiritual beings having a human experience.”






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Discuss with your group the section “The Prayer of Jesus” found in The Naked Now, pp. 70-74.

How does Rohr’s explanation of the prayer practices of Jesus relate to your own prayer practice?






What do you think or feel when you read Rohr’s words, “Prayer [is] an interior practice to change the one who is praying.” (The Naked Now, p. 74).






In your own words, explain what is meant by the expression “Transformed people transform people.” (The Naked Now, p. 86). How have you experienced this in your own life?






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Week 5, May 8: Opening the Door

Read: Part Two, chapters 14 - 16

Is there one idea from last week’s reading or discussion that you would like to explore further? If so, what is it?






Of all the sections in the reading for this week, or in the Appendices section, which one stands out for you as especially meaningful or thought-provoking and why?






Rohr says, “You cannot bypass the necessary tension of holding contraries and inconsistencies together if you are to live on this earth.” (The Naked Now, p. 106). What does he mean by this, and how does one do this?






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Chapter 15 of The Naked Now (pp. 116 – 121) presents 12 different clarifications of the concept of “faith.” How have these clarifications added to your concept of faith?






Rohr says that great love and great suffering “are the primary spiritual teachers.” “Only love and suffering are strong enough to break down our ego defenses, crush our dual thinking, and open us up to Mystery.” (The Naked Now, p. 122). Explain why you agree or disagree with him. If you are comfortable doing so, share with your group an example of each from your own life.






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Week 6, May 15: What Do We Mean by Being “Awake”?

Read: Part Three, chapters 17 - 19

Is there one idea from last week’s reading or discussion that you would like to explore further? If so, what is it?






Of all the sections in the reading for this week, or in the Appendices section, which one stands out for you as especially meaningful or thought-provoking and why? Note: this week’s questions reference Appendix 2 specifically.






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“The dualistic mind gives us sanity and safety, and that is good enough. But to address our religious and social problems in any creative or finally helpful way, we also need something more, something bigger, and something much better. We need ‘the mind of Christ.’” (The Naked Now, p. 133). What is “the mind of Christ” to you? How might you experience it?






Throughout the text, Rohr references “the third eye” which defines as:

The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra. In Theosophy it is related to the pineal gland. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers.” (

Even if you have already done so, review Appendix 2 / Training for the “third eye” on page 166. Are there elements of this description that are difficult for you to grasp? Are there any in particular with which you resonate. Note your reactions to Appendix 2 and be willing to share them with your group.






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Rohr writes, “Such utterly free and gratuitous love is the only love that validates, transforms, and changes us at the deepest levels of consciousness. It is what we were created for.” (The Naked Now, p. 141). Describe how love has impacted and shaped you, both in the giving and receiving of it.






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Week 7, May 22:

Read: Part Three, chapters 20 - 22

Is there one idea from last week’s reading or discussion that you would like to explore further? If so, what is it?






Of all the sections in the reading for this week, or in the Appendices section, which one stands out for you as especially meaningful or thought-provoking and why?






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How comfortable are you with the world of paradox around you? How comfortable are you with the paradoxes that you find within yourself?






“In short, good leaders must have a certain capacity for non-polarity thinking and full-access knowing (prayer), a tolerance for ambiguity (faith), an ability to hold creative tensions (hope), and an ability to care (love) beyond their own personal advantage.” (The Naked Now, p. 158). Share why you agree or disagree with Rohr on his definition of a good leader, and cite an example of someone in your personal life whose leadership best exemplifies these traits.






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Rohr comments on the Law of Attraction, also known as the “Secret,” by saying, “The Secret seems to be saying that your mind creates the outer world. I am saying that you do create your response to it, and that response, for all practical purposes, is your reality.” (The Naked Now, p. 160). Comment on why you agree or disagree with Rohr that your response, not the outer condition, “is your reality.”






Make a list of the members of your group and list at least one thing each person has said or shared that you found especially thought-provoking or meaningful to you. Share your list with your group, and be sure to thank your group members for their sharing. Alternately, you could write down something for which you are grateful about each group member and give it to them.






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Is there anything else you would like to share with your group? If so, jot some notes here as a reminder of what you would like to say.






Post Script

Small group programs are used in many different settings to promote community and provide an intimate experience of learning. Your participation in this study highlights your willingness to be a part of our vibrant spiritual community and its commitment to be a spiritual center for education, practice and service. Thank you for investing your time and energy in this experience.

Richard Rohr is founder of the Center for Contemplation and Action in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Information about the CAC can be found at

Your spiritual study will continue throughout your life. To the extent that you are willing to lean into it, you – and the world - will be blessed beyond measure. You are encouraged to refer back to the book and your answers from time to time in order to reaffirm the wisdom of the text, but more importantly, the awareness of your own inherent wisdom.

If you are interested in participating as a small group facilitator, please consider joining the next small group facilitator training. Details of the date and time will be announced through Unity of Fairfax’s regular communication channels.

Small Group Ministry at Unity of Fairfax would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of ministry coordinator, Donna N. Lee. Her gifts of coordination, organization and inspiration are blessings she shares generously. Thank you, Donna! Thanks, too, to Fran Patchett for assistance with curriculum development, Kathy O’Brien with editing, and to the small group facilitators and group participants!

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