
© 2012 Mobile VCE

Green Radio:

Outcomes and Future Prospects

John Thompson and Tim O’Farrell

With Support and Assistance From

Simon Armour (Bristol), Vasilis

Friderikos (KCL), Lajos Hanzo (Soton)

and Simon Fletcher (NEC)

© 2012 Mobile VCE

Energy and CO2 emission Challenges

25 million Base Towers 5 million Base Towers

0.8% World (290 Mtones)0.8% World (290 Mtones)

Talking Costs?

Telecom India (per year)•Electricity: 26 TWh•Diesel: 3 billion litres

Talking Costs?

Telecom India (per year)•Electricity: 26 TWh•Diesel: 3 billion litres

Base Stns cause 60-80% of network power consumptionBase Stns cause 60-80% of network power consumption

© 2012 Mobile VCE

Green Radio Project Structure

3Network Architecture and Radio Techniques

© 2012 Mobile VCE

Green Radio Project OutcomesThere is no one magic bullet to save energy Rather we need to combine a range of solutions

© 2012 Mobile VCE

Going Beyond Green Radio Tech

Future network architectures Small cells vs Cloud base stations Self-organising and self-healing networks

Energy efficiency of handsets Smartphones but not-so-smart battery technology Finding the balance between the network and handset

Future energy sources Ensuring reliable energy sources beyond 2015 Renewable energy/off grid solutions embodied vs

operational energy consumption Spectrum management issues

Coordination of multiple licensed spectrum bands that are opening up via auctions and unlicensed spectrum

Radio technologies to handle all the available bands!

© 2012 Mobile VCE

Green ICT Applications

Future Cities Ubiquitous, invisible sensors Information harvesting and gathering Intelligent Cyber-physical systems Sustainable low carbon environments

Digital Economy Reliable information infrastructure Low Carbon Manufacturing Sustainable communications systems

Intelligent Transport Systems Low Carbon Vehicles and Transport Driverless Transport Systems Smart Roads and Junctions