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© 2009 Mobile VCE

The Virtual Centre of Excellence in Mobile & Personal Communications:

Dr Walter TuttlebeeChief Executive, Mobile VCE

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© 2009 Mobile VCE

Industry led, world-class, strategic researchEndorsed & supported by UK Government

Undertaken by top UK research Universities

Strategic, not-for-profit, research to facilitate industry growth

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The Company

Strategic Innovation for a Global Industry World-Class, Industry-Led, Research that Grows the Industry

Established in 1996 by the communications industry Not-for-Profit, funded by Industrial Members & UK Government Major international Operators & Manufacturers High financial gearing for the industrial members

Industrial Subscription: £45k in 2010 Research Programmes: £2.2m in 2010

Research defined & steered by the Industry Membership

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International Linkageseg

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Objectives, Approach & Operating Model

Research Content & Mechanisms

Member Benefits

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Objectives, Approach, Operating ModelObjectives, Approach, Operating Model

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Original Goals To harness the research capability of a selected group of UK

universities into a cohesive world-class Centre of Excellence To influence the direction of long-term research through dialogue

between industry & the academic community To carry out programmes of research with a focus on cross-

disciplinary & well-managed programmes To provide a mechanism for industry to work collectively with key

Universities to secure the necessary flow of the most skilled experts To secure international recognition

Underpinning Approach: work with industry to use vision and technology research to facilitate industry growth

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Achieving the Objectives

Critical Success Factors… Strong & Sustained Industry Leadership

Board of Directors, 5 industry, 3 university Clear industry definition of goals & research responsibility

Commitment from the Universities to Deliver Mutual respect & esteem between industry & academics

Research Excellence Independently assessed as world class Reflects both the university & industry inputs

Global Perspective & Engagement Industry membership from Asia, America & Europe Industry membership from across the value chain / value web

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Approach: Strategic, Industry-led, Research


Telecom Operators

Handset Mfrs

Infrastructure Mfrs

Component, Software, …

Convergent Industries


Shared Future Shared Future VisionVision


Univ Research Teams

Industry Steering Groups

‘Define & Lead’

‘Seed & Feed’

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Vision Led Research to Grow the Industry

A Global View Our Industry Members, based in the key Geographical

Regions, develop shared long term vision: Europe – strong traditional ‘telecom’ providers… America – home of the free market, of the Internet pioneers… Asia – high growth markets, major suppliers, new requirements… ALL the global players seek to have a global view, which is coloured to

differing degrees by local factors and pace of change

Shaping our Research Trends & Challenges - Industry members Technical Approaches - Academic members

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Core Programme Funding

Members’ Core Fund

UK GovernmentSupport

Gov’t Funds

- - - Members’ Subscriptions - - -

Industry Defined & Steered Research ProgrammeWorld Class Research & Patents

New Product & ServiceRevenues

Seeds & Feedsin-house

R&D activities

One-Way Trapdoor

• High financial gearing• Strengthens the research base available to the global industry• Known, qualified, research staff who appreciate industry’s needs

Operating Model

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Operating Model

Principal Sources of Value

Ensuring the Future Strategic industry-defined research, ahead of the curve A proven source of innovation – ‘seeds & feeds’ our members ‘Early warning radar’ – for opportunities & threats

Partnership & Cost Sharing An open innovation approach, amongst members New industrial, and academic, relationships are formed Outsourcing and sharing R&D costs

Projects can get done that might otherwise fall off the budget list

People & Expertise Ready access, to industry-aware, high calibre researchers Build strong relationships with the research community One stop portal to access a wide range of R&D capability

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Two Types of Research

Core Programmes Integrated, strategic, research funded by member subscriptions

All industry members define, participate, share the benefits & have royalty-free access to IPR. Attracts additional UK government funding

Core 1 1997 – 2000, ~50 myrs Core 2 1999 – 2003, ~100 myrs Core 3 2002 – 2005, ~75 myrs Core 4 2005/06 – 2009/11, ~130 myrs Core 5 2009 – 2012, ~100 myrs

Elective Programmes Research projects commissioned by one or more industrial members

Programmes are usually initiated a single industry member Mobile VCE helps identify industrial members with common research needs Industry players select the most appropriate university team assisted, if

needed, by Mobile VCE – specialist research manpower Examples – MIMO channel characterisation, intelligent handset antennas, …

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Industry Vision drives Research Definition

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Industry Vision drives Research Definition

‘2020 Vision’ Outworking the 2nd Century of Radio

Usable, Embedded, Ubiquitous, Networked

Two Realms of Impact Mass Market - Personal Lifestyle Enterprise - Transformation of other Industries

Resultant Core 5 Research Themes User Interactions for Breakthrough Services Designing Flexible Networks Green Radio

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Industry Vision drives Research Definition

‘2020 Vision’ Industry Futures’ Day

‘2020 Vision’ paper addresses: Primary drivers of evolution IJI ‘It Just Is’

A Vision of invisible technology & ease of use

Major areas where new research is needed

VCE Industry member consultation Agreement on priority themes & challenges

Collaborative programme building Embryonic Industry Steering Groups Programme Definition Documents

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Industry Engagement that Works

Consensus Industry Vision Industry-populated Visions Group develops a shared agenda

Industrial Steering Groups Define & manage the detailed programme

Industrial Chairman responsible to lead each work area Steering Groups meet every 3 months Industrial members provide feedback, direction and decisions on patents,

publications, etc, to the research teams Workshops – as desired, to address scenarios, business models, etc

Remote participation supported & encouraged, eg Industry Steering Group presentations available with audio via web Webex increasingly used to facilitate remote meeting participation

Industry Reviewers Industrial staff can keep close to leading edge in specialist areas

One-on-one & technical meetings with researchers A means to assess and develop potential recruits May or may not physically attend Industry Steering Group meetings

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Industry Engagement

Web-based Tools support f2f meetings Dedicated research areas in the members’ website Progress monitoring & management Deliverables & publications management Mechanisms in place to support remote participation – incl. Webex Meeting presentations available, with audio, via web

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© 2008 Mobile VCE

Interactions with: A new device ecosystem The user’s environment -

woven into the fabric of life Intelligence in the network

Re-defining the user experience & simplifying complexity

Enabling new personalised, contextualised, capabilities

Core 5 User Interactions

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Adaptable Unpredictable user needs

Service agnostic Tailored ‘user experience’

Evolvable architecture Network Virtualisation,

yet supporting competitive differentiation

Robustness, Efficiency Self-validating

Business Model Neutral Autonomous management Seamless & ‘Invisible’

Core 5 Flexible Networks

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© 2008 Mobile VCE

The Drive for Bandwidth Base stations = power hungry Data overtakes voice,

40x increase forecast 2009-14 Faster, fatter = yet more energy (no

change is not an option)

Going Green Efficient wireless

Green = Reduced OPEX ! Vital to support data growth

Energy awareness as well Spectrum awareness

Energy efficient multipliers Goal: 100x improvement

Core 5 Green Radio

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International Linkages Europe

eMobility, WWRF

Asia MoUs with leading research organisations in Japan, Korea & China Regional Conferences, Industry Missions, Bilaterals

Korea Industry missions & conferences – 2004, 2005, 2007 (ongoing links)

Japan Industry missions & bilaterals – 2002, 2003, 2006 Symposia/conferences – 2002, 2006, 2009 Researcher secondments via JSPS

China Industry missions & invited talks – 2004, 2007, 2008 UK-China Science Bridge 2009, 2010 – ongoing

North America Links with the Wireless Innovation Forum (SDR Forum)

strategic technical contributions to their activities, common Director Industry Mission

Industry mission – US West Coast – 2007

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Member BenefitsMember Benefits

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Research Outcomes

Annual CD-ROM Library for Members Containing all major reports, tools, seminars & deliverables Reports electronically searchable by keyword Past issues available for purchase by new members (but not non-members)

Software Tools & Models – examples Advanced traffic / service models – video traffic, GPRS, etc Radio simulation tools Propagation campaign databases – SISO, SIMO, MIMO

Commercial Exploitation Industrial members use our work to ‘Seed & Feed’ in-house programmes Example - algorithms & tools used for 2.5/3G development/deployment Elective pre-development research through Mobile VCE can take work further

Patent Portfolio Patent filing decisions made by our Industrial members ~50 patent filings presently maintained, of which… 30 patents granted

Many public domain publications – ‘exec summaries’

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Sources of Value

Ensuring the Future

Industry needs to know what new technologies will be emerging, but no longer can do it all – Mobile VCE pioneered open innovation before the phrase existing within its member community

‘Seed & Feed’ – a way for companies to ensure the future ‘Seed’ – watch progress and, when a research area gets hot, use

the technical reports & meet with the team to ‘seed’ a new in-house activity. Get it up and running quickly.

‘Feed’ – manage internal programmes to build upon and be complementary to Mobile VCE research, thereby stretching the internal research budget

Research radar – a ‘window on the future’ Access to experts – through building long-term relationships,

companies grow to understand Univs’ real areas of deep expertise Easy access for placing direct contracts when needed

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Sources of Value

Partnership & Cost Sharing Value through trusted relationships & insights

More than just a financial multiplier (but that helps) Visions activity – strategic enabler of new focus (cf Green Radio)

Core Programme – typically >40x financial multiplier Industry-defined programme based around shared vision Cost - £45k (2010) company subscription Value - £2.2m (2010) of research (plus other benefits)

Elective Programmes – typically 4-6x financial multiplier Initiated – by an individual company, with others joining in Size – typically from £25k to £250k Number of companies engaged – typically 1-6 Things can be done that might otherwise ‘fall off the budget’

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Sources of Value

People & Expertise

Relationships are an investment Know who to ask, when an answer is rapidly needed Know who to recruit, by seeing them perform

Quality researchers, with real value Quality – ‘the quality of researchers is outstanding across the Mobile

VCE programs, when compared to many other fora’ Industry-aware - researchers who understand what industry needs

and can thus hit the ground running when subsequently recruited Invest now to recruit later when times improve & necessitate

Advice & Direction Mobile VCE is able to point in the right direction Direct contracts with Universities when full IPR ownership is needed Access and relationships with EPSRC, TSB, etc

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Member Benefits

Industrial Members derive many different benefits…

Strategic Vision – shared industry exploration of possible futures

A ‘window on the future’ – threat & opportunity monitoring

World class industry-led research – defined & steered by industry – ‘seeds & feeds’ in-house programmes

Elective research – cost-sharing, at the request of individual companies or groups of companies with shared interests

Networking, to identify & shape industry trends and to create new initiatives and partnerships

Royalty-free access to a growing patent portfolio

Recruitment & Training of company research staff

Very cost effective - high financial gearing of subscription (40x)

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Thank you !

New Industrial members are welcomedFor further information please contact:

Dr Walter TuttlebeeE-mail: [email protected]: +44 1256 338604WWW:
