  • 8/6/2019 WSSP - Identification Report


    KONINKRIJK BELGIE Federale Overheidsdienst Buitenlandse Za k e nBuitenlandse Handel enOntwi k k e l ings sa menwe r k in 9

    ons kenmerk D13/tb/2007 / 3 ~ :B ! ) 3datum De Heer C MichielsDirecteur-voorzitter van het

    Directiecomite van BI C

    2 6 , . Hoogstraat 1471000 Brussel2 0 0 7

    Onderwerp: Vietnam: Notificatie van de identificatie van het pr'Ogramma "Water'supply and sanitation in Phu Cat and Phu My (Hoc Mon reservoir)and for solid waste in 4 districts (An Nhon, Tay Son, Phu My andHoai Nhon)"

    Geachte Heer,

    Hierbij wil ik U de identificatiefiches (zie bijlage 1) van bovenvermeld programma over-makenDit programma werd gedutende het Uitgebreid Partnercornite van 5 oktober 2007goedgekeurd door beide partijen.

    In de bovenvermelde 'Agreed Minutes of the Extended Joint Working Team Mee-ting' van 5 oktober jl. (zie bijlage 2) wordt voorgesteld om een algemene forrnuleringvoor het volledige progr'amma te doen. Iijdens de uitvoer:ing zal echter prioriteit gege-yen worden aan 'Water Supply :in Phu Cat and Phu My' De uitvoering zal verder demodaliteit nationale./provinciale uitvoering volgen Het is duidelijk dat de uitvoering opptovinciaal niveau gebeurd De verwijzing naar "National Execution" betekent dat ineerste :instantie VN verantwoordelijk is voor de uitvoering; het verwijst niet naar het ni-veau (centraal ofgedecentraliseerd).

    Verder werd overeengekomen am de 'basic design> van de verschillende projecten (voorzover deze nag niet beschikbaar zijn) uit te voeren op het budget van het 'Study andConsultancy fund"

    [)!F~GEi\lt----.----- ....__...,.-._....,,-.--.0 0 0 7 3 0 2 9 1 0 2 0 0 7

    EGMONT - Karmelietenstraat 15, 1000 BrusselorgCc . b e

  • 8/6/2019 WSSP - Identification Report


    Om de uitvoering te bespoedigen, is er ook overeengekomen dat aile 'basic designs'voor het volledige programma zullen goedgekeurd worden op het gepaste niveau voorde ondertekening van de Bijzondere Overeenkomst

    Ten slotte is er overeengekomen dat het programma design consistent rnoet zijn methet NIP betreffende 'sanitation and environment', en dat de rol van de technische as-sistent niet verwaarloosd mag worden, zelfs al geldt de modaliteit 'national execution'Beide partijen kwamen overeen dat het aspect van onderhoud en uitvoering al in deformulering moeten worden opgenomen

    Andere belangtijke punten die verder opgenomen moeten worden in de formule-ring zijn: nagaan op welke wijze het beheer en de exploitatie van de watervoorziening-

    vuilnis ophaling zal gebeuren, wat de aanwezige capaciteit is, welke bijkomendevorming nodig is;zoeken naar synergieen met andere programma's in de provincie 0Y/ereldbank);nagaan welke de bijdrage van de provincie/ district zal zijn, rol van provin-cie/ district bij de realisatie van het programma

    Institutionele versterking is zeer belangrijk en de formulering moet zeker onderzoekenwat de capaciteit is en wat nodig is om deze eventueel te versterken

    Aangezien de 'basic design' en eventueel ook de 'detailed design' op het studiefonds zalgebeuren moet de formulering zich vooral richten op de volgende punten: Evaluatie van de beschikbare capaciteit voor uitvoe.ting en beheer;

    Risico analyse voor een "nationale" uitvoering (fiduciair, financieel, capaciteit);Uitvoeringsmodaliteiten en hoe het programma opzetten; betrokkenheid vanprovinciale en district autoriteiten;Betalingsmodaliteiten, opvolging, audit, etc,

    Ik wens in herinnering te brengen dat zoals vermeld in het ISP, de definitieve verbinte-nis van de Belgische Staat pas van kracht is na het gunstige advies van de budgettaire in-stantie en na de ondertekening van de Bijzondere Overeenkomst

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    Het Belgische maximumbudget voor het gehele progt'amma wordt beperkt tot 5 miljoenEuro en de geschatte dum van de prestatie is drie jaar:

    Op basis van de identificatie en van wat voorafgaat, verzoek ik U de forrnulering vanhet volledige programma op te starten en een IFD op te maken:

    Met de meeste hoogachting,

    Voor de MinisterDe Ditecteur-generaal


    . b e

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    Water supply and sanitation in Phu Cat and Phu My

    DGDC intervention number 3004523Navision code BTCPartner institution MPI, MARD, Sinh Dinh PPC, (eventueel An Nhon, Tayson, Phu My en Hoai Nhon DPC's)Duration of Specific Agreement 36Estimated starting date of interventionPartner's contribution

    I Dcl~ancontribution 5.000.000 EuroWatervoorziening (ook drinkwater) en kleinschalige

    Intervention sectors saneringWatervoorziening en -sanering - AfvalverwerkingTo contribute to poverty reduction, promoting theeconomic development including agricultural production,

    Overall Objective enhancing public health and improving living conditionsand life quality for the local people in the project areas inPhu Cat, Tuy Phuoc and Phu My Districts, Binh DinhProvince.Ensure sufficient water supply in both flooding and dryseasons, through the Phu Cat piped water supplysystem, for people living in 5 communes at the level of80 litters per capita per day and meeting the decision ofthe Ministry of health on drinking water quality;Ensure sufficient water supply in both flooding and dryseasons, through the piped water supply system usingwater from the Hoc Mon reservoir at the level of 80litters per capita per day and meeting the decision of theMinistry of health on drinking water quality;

    Specific Objective Reduce water-born diseases such as sore eyes,dysentery, diarrhoea, gynaecological diseases,dermatological diseases etc as well as expenditures bythe people in the project areas for the diseasesexamination and cure;Ensure sufficient water from the Hoc Mon reservoir as agravity irrigation system for 262 ha of agricultural land ofMy Chau commune;To increase agricultural productivity and yield, andtogether with the development of aquaculture in thereservoir to contribute to poverty reduction for thecommune's people.


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    Hanoi, September 2007

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    1. Subject of the Intended Cooperation Performance:Being advised, in the framework ofthe Cooperation Program between the Government ofVietnam and the Belgium Government, by the BelgiaI Technical Cooperation and theBelgial Embassy in Vietnam, on the current very difficult situation related to watersupply and sanitation in Binh Dinh - a coastal province in the central part of Vietnam, theBelgium Government intends to provide some financial supports for improving thesituation in some of districts of the Binh Dinh province, The support are planned to beallocated in the following components: (i) Water supply and sanitation in Phu Cat districtand rehabilitation of Hoc Man reservoir in Phu My district; and (ii) Solid wastemanagement in 4 distr icts, namely An Nhon, I ay Son, Phu My and Hoai NhonGiven that the implementation would not last fO I a long time, expetedly only severalyears, including the entire implementation procedure, starting from identification study,through formulation study and investment project preparation to construction ofcomponents' items, the component (ii) Solid waste management in 4 districts, namely AnNhon, Tay Son, Phu My al1d Hoai Nhon should be considered as a project, which willstrut as a quite new project for the districts,2. Designated Ministries and Institutions:F01 the project preparation and implementation, proposed is participation and cooperationof the following institutions:

    a, From the donor 's side:Embassy of the Belgian Kingdom in Vietnam, represented by the DevelopmentCooperation Counsellor;Belgial Technical Cooperation (BTC), represented by the Resident Representativein Vietnam.

    MPI;Mo_C;Binh Dinh PPC;Binh Dinh DPI;Binh Dinh DoC;An Nhon, Tay Son, Phu My and Hoai Nhon DPCs,.

    b. Fromthe Vietnamese side:

    3. Project Objectives:a. Overall Objective:The overall objective of the Project for solid waste management in 4 districts of AnNhon, Tay Son, Phu My and Hoai Nhon is to reduce environment pollution, improve thelife quality for people in the project area, enhance the people's awareness of environmentprotection through creating a good habit of hygienic collection and treatment of solidwaste, improve the image of the towns, promoting thereby economic development inconnection with tourism, contributing to poverty reduction,h. Specific Objectives:


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    Specific objectives of the project include the following:1..Ensure the collection and treatment of the domestic solid waste amount generated

    by Binh Dinh town, Dap Da town, and Nhon Thanh, Nhon Hung, Nhon Loc, NhonHoa, Nhon Tan and Nhon Tho communes in An Nhon district;

    2 . , Ensure the collection and treatment of the domestic solid waste amount generatedby Phu Phong town and lay Phu, Tay Xuan and Binh Nghi communes in Tay Sondistrict;3. Ensure the collection and treatment of the domestic solid waste amount generated

    by Binh Duong town, Phu My town and the Deo Nhong residential cluster in PhuMy district;4 Ensure the collection and treatment of the domestic solid waste amount generated

    by Bong Son town and Hoai Due, Hoai My, Hoai Huang, Hoai Tan and Hoai Xuancommunes in Hoai Nhon district

    Due to the development of the towns and in order to optimize the investmenteffectiveness, the project's investments should be phased. It is proposed that the solidwaste management project funded by the Belgium Govemment would be the Phase 1 (12years, counting from the project completion, expected in 20lO), In Phase 2, the provincewould manage to seek for funding sources for the landfiels expansion (by constructingmore dumping cells), depending on the actual needs,4. Beneficiaries and the Choice Justification:4 1. Beneficiaries,Beneficiaries of the solid waste management project in An Nhon, Tay Son, Phu My andHoai Nhon districts include all the residents of Binh Dinh town, Dap Da town, and NhonThanh, Nhon Hung, Nhon Loc, Nhon Hoa, Nhon In and Nhon Tho communes in AnNhon district; Phu Phong town and Tay Phu, Tay Xuan and Binh Nghi communes in TaySon district; Binh Duong town, Phu My town and the Deo Nhong residential cluster inPhu My district; and Bong Son town and Hoai Due, Hoai My, Hoai Huong, Hoai I an andHoai Xuan communes in Hoai Nhon district and institutions in the area, The total numberof beneficiaries is 280,000 people now (in 2007) and more than 328,000 people in year2022 (based on the average population growth rate of LJ % in the province). The.dailygenerated solid waste amounts in the areas have been canculated based on the existingaverage amount of 0.2-0.3 kg/person. day at present and estimated as 0.,45 kg/person .dayin year 2022, as some of the town will become provincial towns and some of thecommunes-towns). Specifically:

    Beneficiary area Population Existing Population Solid wastein 2007 solid waste in 2022 amount inamount 2022(ton/day) (ton/day)

    Binh Dinh town, Dap Da town, 112..336 33,7 132368 59,6and Nhon Thanh, Nhon Hung,Nhon Lac, Nhon Hoa, NhonTan and Nbon Tho communesin An Nhon district


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    Phu Phong town and Tay Phu, 52.195 15,7 61.503 27,7Tay Xuan and Binh Nghicommunes in Tay Son distr~~~Binh Duong town, Phu M y 19,451 5,8 20..674 , . 9,3town and the Deo Nhongresidential cluster in Phu MydistrictBong Son town and Hoai Due, 96,457 28.9 113..657 51,1Hoai My, Hoai Huong, HoaiTan and Hoai Xuan communesin Hoai Nhon district

    Total 280.439 84.1 328.202 147,742. Justification for the ChoiceThe towns and communes proposed to be included in the project have relatively higherpopulation density than other districts in Binh Dinh ..Moreover, like other districts, theylack clean water for uses as well as solid waste there has not been properly managed, yettheir concern about solid waste management becomes now more urgent.All the proposed communes locate along the National Highway No 1, so it is convenientfor solid waste collection. The solid waste management situation in the communes isalarming. The generated solid waste has not been collected at all but buried in the gardennext to the house or arbitrarily thrown, even discharged into surface water SOUI'ces,causing environment pollution and impacting on the people's health .. In the towns, thecollection rate is not high as it is some 50-60% in average.According to the province's orientation development planning, some of the towns willbecome provincial towns in the neal future, e.g ..Sinh Dinh town (2010), Bong Son town(2010- 2015), Phu Phong, Phu My and Binh Duong towns (before 2020), and some of thecommunes lying along the National Highway No..l will become towns" The averagegenerated solid waste amount will be then some 0,45 kg!,For that reasons, in order to come up with the urbanization process in the towns andcommunes, choosing the areas as priority for constructing landfields for solid wastetreatment is quite reasonable, which will help improve the living conditions, reduceenvironment pollution, reducing thereby the IDOlbidity rate and expenditures for medicalexamination and cure, building up a beautiful image of the new urban centers in theprovince, contributing to comprehensive economic development.Proposed location of the landfills is presented in the table below:

    District Landfill location Area of the Length Estimateddumping cells in of the investementPhase 11Total access (billionplanned area of mad VND)the landfill (ha) (kIn)

    AnNhon Nam Tuong 2 hamlet, 3,7/30 3 18


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    Nhon Tan communeTay Son Phu An hamlet, Tay 1,8/12 2,5 11

    Xuan communePhuMy Phu Nhieu hamlet, My 0,6/30 1 7

    Phong communeHoai Nhon L~i Due hamlet, Hoai 3,2/25 1,5 14Due commlme._-----Total 49

    The total construction investment cost given in the table above fo r the landfills has beenestimated based on the following:

    Estimated amount of solid waste generated and accumulative in beneficiary areasin Phase 1 (12 years), counting from year 2010;The solid waste amount has been calculated for the population in the area in 2022year based on the existing population and average growth late of L 1% in theprovince;The average solid waste amount for the towns to become Category IV urbancenters as of 0,45kg/person. day according to the Binh Dinh province'sorientation development planning and solid waste management planning;Collection rate of 80% for beneficiary areas (including both towns and communesnearby);Density of the waste at the dumping cells is 850kg/cubic meter;Average height of the waste layer is assumed to be 9m;Coefficient applied in calculation of the landfill area including surrounding area,fencing, and auxiliary facilities is taken as 12;Formula for calculation of the landfill area as in the Binh Dinh province's SolidWaste Planning;Investment rate of 3 billion VNDlha for the construction of a landfill with similargeological conditions as in the proposed areas; 1..3 billion VNDIkm for concreteaccess road of a width of 5,5m; and 2..5 billion V ND for equipment including 1compressor/transport vehicle, 1 small bulldozer to operate at the dumping site andsome improved carts for colleting solid waste to the transfer points along the road.

    The choice of the landfills' locations is quite reasonable due to the following:All the landfills are of small scale for towns and some communes nearby;The distance to the nearest residential area is -3km in the major wind direction;They all are located not fin from the National Highway No, 1, thus convenient f O Itransporting solid waste;They are located not too fin from the distric centers (less than 8km);Good geological conditions, low absorption;They all have a reserved land area for expanding the dumping site for a long timeof use;They all have a wide green zone around.

    Fat Hoai Nhon, the location of the landfill has been changed in comparison with the firstproposal by the district because the previously proposed site to be located in Thiet Dinh


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    hamlet (Bong Son town) will be used for the construction of an industrial zone followingthe Decision of the PPCThe new location for the landfill has been confirmed by the DPC to be in Lai Due hamlet,Hoai Due commune Ihis is a public land area, handed over in the past to a plantationfarm, now will be returned for the landfill construction, However, awaiting the newlandfill being constructed, solid waste generated by Bong Son town will still be disposedof to the old dumping site in Thiet Dinh hamletThe total investment for the construction of the landfills for the 4 beneficiary areas thatis proposed to be funded by the Belgium Government is about 49 billion VND,5. Relevance with CPRGS and MDGs:The CPRGS emphasized the objective to reduce poverty, especially in rural areas, narrowthe more and more increasing gap between income levels in urban and rural areas, ensurerural areas can equally benefit from the overall economic development, and ensurecomprehensive and sustainable growth,Among the 8 MDGs, the following relatively directly and very much depend on thesanitation improvement in rural areas, including improving the solid waste collection andmanagement:

    Reduce children's mortality (goal 4);Eradicate HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases (goal 6);Ensure environmental sustainability (goal 7)

    According to the Binh Dinh PPC and the Dl'Cs, the average collection rate of solid wastein the towns is some 50-60%, with the highest reaching 80-90%, while in rural areas(communes, even the ones next to the towns), solid waste has been arbitrarily dischargedwithout collection. There are a number of reasons for the situation, including a lack ofhygienic dumping sites and staff! finance for the collection.Implementation of the solid waste management project in An Nhon, Tay Son, Phu Myand Hoai Nhon districts will help improve living conditions.rreduce morbidity tate,especially of children, reducing thereby the expenditures for medical examination andcure. Environment improvement through management of solid waste will contribute toenvironment sustainability, creating a beautiful image of the new urban centers in theprovince, contributing to development ofvarious businesses, including trade, services andtourism In addition, it will help reduce the pollution situation of surface waters andagricultural land areas that have been encroached and occupied by solid waste so far,increase the mea for cultivation and aquaculture, increase the productivity and yield,indirectly contributing to increasing the incomes in both rural and urabn areas.This is quite in line with the CPRGS objectives and MDGs as mentioned previously.6. Coherence with other Bilateral and Multi-lateral Donor's and NationalHarmonization Agenda


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    It can be noticed that the Belgium Government, as a donor, is proactive in supportingIUIal and urban sanitation in Binh Dinh province ..This support activities by the Belgium Government, as at national level, is somehowcoherent with other bilateral and multi-lateral donors as they also provide supports insanitation sector, beside water supply, which is also support subject of other donors likeFinland, Denmark, Swisszerland etc .. in different localities in Vietnam, The Belgialsupport for Binh Dinh province will contribute to poverty reduction in the province inparticular and together with other donors' projects, contribute to poverty reduction andsustainable development countrywideAccording to the Pads Declaration, the harmonization aspect in development cooperationis demonstrated in increasing project/program based support and this was once againstated in the Hanoi Core Statement that the donors and GoV will maximize theharmonization based on the project/program approach This aims to make the supportcorrespond with the priorities of Vietnam and its localities, based on the existing systemsand capacities that are now being gradually improved through maximum possiblecooperation in analysing, planning, colaborating and information sharing andimplementation monitoring based on determined indicators,At present, according to the Binh Dinh PPC and PCs of districts proposed to be includedin the project, water supply and sanitation issues are of major concern, first priority andactual need, which has got the same view from the donor-Belgium Government- based onthe proposal by Sinh Dinh Pl'C.Thus, the support form Belgium Government for the mentioned project are quite in linewith the spirit of development cooperation harmonization that has been stated andemphasized in the Paris Declaration and Hanoi Core StatementThe project is also coherent with the national agenda on development harmonization,which clearly stated that economic development must be in harmonization withovercoming the biggest social concerns such as hunger elimination and poverty reductionetc ..Sustainable development already become the view point of the Party and integrated in theGoV policy and has been affirmed in the Resolution of the IX Party National Congresswhich advocated "rapid, effective and sustainable development in parallel with executingsocial progress and equality and environmen protection" and "socio-economicdevelopment closely integrated with proteting and improving the environment, ensuringharmonization between man-made environment and natural environment, preservingbiological diversity",In order to implement the set out sustainable development objective as well asinternational commitment to sustainable development, GoV has issued Decision15312004/QD-TTg dated August 17, 2004 on the Strategic Orientation for SustainableDevelopment (Vietnam Agenda 21), which set a basis for implementing the Strategy onSocio-Economic Development, for setting up development strategies and plans fordifferent sectors and localities in order to harmonize economic development with


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    implementing social progress and equality and environment protection, ensuringsustainable development of the country.With all the above, including the objectives and benefits as mentioned previously, theProject for solid waste management in 4 districts of An Nhon, Iy Son, Phu My and HoaiNhon is closely coherent with the national agenda on development harmonization, whichput stresses on Sustainable rural and agricultural development (Section 2.4), Sustainabledevelopment of regions and localities (Section 2.5), Improving sanitation (Section 3..5),Protecting water environment and sustainably using water resources (Section 4.2), andInternational cooperation for sustainable development (Section 5J)7. Maximum financial support from Belgial side and project implementationschedule:The Belgian side's financial SUppOItfor the solid waste management project in 4 districtsof An Nhon, Tay Son, Phu My and Hoai Nhon is proposed to be about 49 billion VND. ,However, this will need to be more precisely determined in the formulation stage.Due to very urgent need of the localities fO I solid waste management, this support shouldbe disbursed as soon as possible for the project implementationHowever, to go through all the stages of the project implementation includingidentification study, project formulation, investment project preparation, it would take, asusual, some 2 -3 years with different stages and approving agencies before theconstruction works have been completed and handed over to the localities formanagement and operationTherefore, the anticipated project implementation is 3 years, counting from the end of2007.8. Measures to ensure the project integration and sustainability after its closure:In order ensure the integration and sustainability of the project after its closure,comprehensive and synchronous measures should beapplied, including the ol!es relatedto management institution, human resource development for operation and maintenanceof works, as well as ensure local financial sources for sustainable exploitation, operationand management These measures should be clearly determined during the next steps ofthe project as they me important part ofthe process and should focus on the following:

    Management institution - in order to clearly identify the institutions to be incharge of vat ious stages of the project: construction phase and particularlyoperation phase, ensuring cost recovery and sustainable operation of the system;The operation staff should be trained to gain appropriate skills for operating andmaintaining the works items to ensure their smooth operation;Local financial sources should be clearly identified - The local government willprovide the counterpart financing for the works construction investment, while thebeneficiary people will pay for their use of services in the operation phase; DUlingthe project formulation and investment project report preparation (former FS),finacial mechanism for operation phase should be clearly identified;


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    Monitoring activities and reporting - appropriate mechanism for monitoring andreporting of exploitation and operation, service provision activities and theireffectiveness should be set up with possibility of adjustment for more effectiveand sustainable system's operation;In construction phase: The Binh Dinh DoC should be the investment owner toorganize and manage the proejct implementation through a PMU to be set up;Provincial! district government (PPc/ DPCs) should be the asset owner;In operation phase: the PPc! DPCs could still sign contract with the existing solidwaste collecting cooperatives for collecting solid waste and operating thelandfields 01 organize bids to select appropriate private enterprises to undertakethe activities base on the contract signed with DPCs. This issue should beconsidered and decided on in the formulation step and investment projectpreparation (former FS) step ..


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    Asian Development BankComprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth StrategyCenter for Rural Water Supply and SanitationDanish International Development AssistanceDepartment of Natural Resources and Environment (Provincial)Department of Construction (Provincial)Department of Finance (Provincial)Department of Planning and Investment (Provincial)Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Provincial)Government of VietnamHuman Resources DevelopmentIndicative Cooperation ProgramInformation, Education, CommunicationLaw on Water ResourcesMinistry of Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentMillennium Development GoalsMinistry of ConstructionMinistry of FinanceMinistry of Natural Resources and EnvironmentMinistry of Planning and InvestmentNon-Government organizationNational Target ProgrammeOfficial Development AssistanceProvincial People CommitteeSocio-Economic Development Plan 2006-2010Ilms of ReferenceVietnamese Development GoalsVietnam Dong



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    REFERENCES~Summary report on Water supply project at Phu Cat district, prepared August2007Feasibility study report on water supply project at Eastem area of Tuy Phuocdistrict and South-East area of Phu Cat district, prepared June 2006.,Summary report on rehabilitation of Hoc Mon reservoir for agricultural anddomestic water supply at Phu My district, prepared July 200TSummary report on solid waste management project at Tay Son district, preparedJuly 2007.,Summary report on solid waste management project at An Nhon district, preparedJuly 2007"Summary report on solid waste management project at Phu My district, preparedJuly 2007Summary report on solid waste management project at Hoai Nhon district,prepared July 200},Feasibility study report on solid waste management project at Hoai Nhon district,prepared June 2004,Report on master plan of solid waste management at Binh Dinh province till year2020,Statistical yearbook 1006 of Binh Dinh province"Statistical yearbook 2004 of Tay Son district.Statistical yearbook 2006 of An Nhon districtStatistical yearbook 2006 of Phu Cat districtStatistical yearbook 2006 of Phu My district.Statistical yearbook 2006 of Hoai Nhon districtLaw on Construction No" 16/2003 /QHl l issued 2611112003 by the XI NationalAssembly, fourth session and related legal documentsLaw on Environmental protection, 2005"Law on Water resources, 1998,Government Decree No. 91/2002/NB-CP, 11 November 2002 on the functions,tasks, powers and organizational structure of MoNRE.Government Decree No 36/2003/NB-CP, 4 April 2003 on the functions, tasks,powers and organization structure of MoCGovernment Decree No 86/2003/NB-CP, 18 July 2003 on the functions, tasks,powers and organization structure of MARDGovernment Decree No 16/2005/NB-CP 7 February 2005 on the management ofinvestment construction project.Government Decree No. 112/2006/NB-CP 29 September 2006 addition andrevision of some articles of Government Decree No. 16/200S/NfJ-CP on themanagement of investment construction project


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    ICXD 233: 1999 .~ The parameters in selection of surface water and ground waterfor domestic water supply purpose ..TCXDVN 33:2006: Water supply - Distribution system and facilities - DesignstandardThe standard 1329/2002IBYIIQ> for drinking water issued by MOH, 18 April2002.Vietnam Construction code ~ Volume LSolid waste management strategy fO I urban and industrial areas in Vietnam till2020.Circular No. 0112001!TTLT-BKHCNMI-BXD, 18 January 200: Guidance ofregulations of environmental protection for selection of location, construction andoperation of solid waste landfill.TCXDVN 261:2001: Solid waste landfill- Design standard.ICXDVN 320:2004: Hazardous waste landfill- Design standard.Regulations of hazardous waste management issued enclosed with decision No ..1S5/1999/QH-IIg, 02 December 1999 by the Prime Minister,Regulations of solid waster management hom hospitals issued enclosed withdecision No ..257511999/QD-BYI, 27 August 1999 by MOR.Water supply and sanitation project for 9 towns in Binh Dinh province, funded byWB.Red River Delta rural water supply and sanitation project, funded by WBThe pilot water supply and sanitation project in Lim town - Bac Ninh province,funded by WEThe pilot water supply and sanitation project in Minh Due town - Hai Phongprovince, funded by WB..Water supply and sanitation programme fO I small towns in Vietnam, funded byFinland


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    'rYt.t, I: 00( ' lOfJtem h l l 'l ' 1g 5 km ' ' ' v c 0 : 1 0 '

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    1. General context in the Binh Dinh province:Location and natural conditions:Binh Dinh is a coastal province in South Central region. There are total 10 districts and 1city. The province terrain is sloped from West to East, mountainous area accounts for70% with slope above 25, delta mea accounts for 15%. Binh Dinh is in the climate ofmid-central area, the average lowest temperature is not below 22C, the differencebetween lowest and highest temperature is about 6 - 7C The yearly rainfall is about1..600 - L700 mm in delta area and 2.000 m m in mountainous area. The drought periodprolongs from February to August, causing difficulty fOI agriculture and otherproduction

    Ur'ban ana:


    Surface Water. There ate 4 rivers running through Binh Dinh including: Lai Giang, Can,La Tinh and Ha Thanh. All these rivers originate from mountainous area in the province,flowing from West to East to the littoral lagoons. All the big rivers are illy in dry season.The water volume in dry season accounts for 12 - 15% of total volume in the year.

    Underground water .. there hasn't been overall survey on the reserve and master plan onunderground water in Binh Dinh. The informations about the ground water are collectedthrough hydrography and geology surveys for separate projects ..From the data surveyedby these projects, the underground reserve is not big and directly affected by the rainfalland waterf lows of-the livers ..Through the investigation of ground w ater f ro m the projectswhich have been being implemented, shows that the bottom of aquifer is depth of 15 -35m from ground surface, thickness of 3 - 19m, and the roof of aquifer is depth of 1.,8-8m from ground surface. Most these areas locate along the livers ..

    Socio-economic situation:

    According to the statistic data in 2006, the urban population in Binh Dinh is 409,000persons, accounting f O I 26..1% of total provincial population. The urban regions havebeen formed and developed along to the nation highways No. 1 and No. .19. There ate 13urban regions. Qui Nhon city is national urban class II and is province's socio-economic


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    and cultural centre, Other urban regions in Binh Dinh are provincial level urban anddistrict level urbanExcept Qui Nhon city with population of 264,800 persons (statistic data in 2006), otherurban regions have population from 5,000 and 20,000 All are urban class V, and aremainly towns - centre of districts.

    Rural areas:

    According to statistic data in 2006 the population in rural area is 1,157,000 persons,accounting for 73.9% of total provincial population, The populations in rural area arelocated in 127 communes of 10 districts and 1 city" They are divided into:Agricultural population living on rice, vegetable and aquaculture production.' mainly livein delta regions and coastal sand bank regions, the important economic and mainagricultural production regions of the province. The general characteristics of theseregions are: high population density, population living on many professions: agricultural,aquacultural production, home craft, trade ....In general, these regions are developed quiteequally In some regions, the infrastructure development projects have been carried outincluding water supply systems, electricity systems. Some regions are planned to becometown centre However, there at e mountainous regions where economy is underdevelopedand water is lacked for agr icultural production. In these regions, the population density islow and the residents mainly concentrate along the banks of river such as An Lao andKim Son rivers, living on lice and field production.Agricultural and forestry population living on industrial crop and forestry production.mainly live in mountainous regions where there are forests and where the rivers areoriginated from and play important role on water supply. The characteristics of theseregions are: economy is under-developed, there are mainly ethnic minorities, productionmethods are backward, infrastructures are lacked of, and the life of residents are indifficulties.


    Population living along highway and near industrial parks' mainly distribute alongnation highways No 19, No, 1 and province roads, Theil main activities are trading andagricultural production,In general, in illban regions, there are many disadvantages with infrastructures, economicgrowth is still low. In rural regions, infrastructures are not invested, economy is under-developed Population is not distributed evenly, most of residents concentrate alongnational ways and provincial ways and along the big rivers

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    Economic development characteristics:

    Binh Dinh is one of five coastal provinces in the main Central main economic regionwhich have a natural area of 6,024 krrr', population of 1,566,000 people with density 260persons! kIn2 The provincial GDP in 2006 was 12,314 billion dong, the GDP growthrate from 1995-2006 averaged 9.48%, in which industIy-construction increased by14..06%, agriculture-forestry-fishery increased by 7..08%, other industries by 10..24%.GDP in 2006 increased by 12% against 2005, reaching 7.8 million dong per capita.Regarding economic structure in 2006: industry-construction accounts for 28.2%,agriculture-forestry-fishery: 366%, other industries: 35.2%. In agriculture-forestry-fishery production value, agriculture makes up 71 .83% , forestry: '3.12%, fishery: 25.05%.In industry-construction production, construction occupies 24..64%, industry 75.6%mainly in processed industry.In general, Binh Dinh is an agricultural province Agriculture accounts for 263% oftotalprovincial GDP, industry account for 21 2% and other industries are not exceeding 7%each. The industry in the province is at medium and small scale, the facilities for industryare in weakness.

    2. General soeio-economie situation of districts in project:

    In the context of general socio ..economic situation of Binh Dinh province, the districts inthe project mainly focus on agriculture-forestry-fishery production However, economicstructures are different between districts depending on the geographic locations ofdistricts .. lay Son and An Nhon districts are in the West of the province, concentrating onagricultural and industrial production. However percentage of.agricultural production ishigher than industrial production ..Phu Cat, Phu My, Hoai Nhon are coastal districts in theEast of province, agriculture and aquaculture are two main industries, howeverpercentage of agricultural production is higher than aquaculture. The economic growth inthese provinces is still low. The rate of poor households is 8.8% in An Nhon district and18..98% in Hoai Nhon. The poor households concentrate mainly in the communes, suchas Nhon Phong, Nhon Hanh, Nhon Tho and Nhon Tan communes of An Nhon provincewith the rate of poor households from 10..12% to 13..57%..The rate of poor households inCat Nho, Cat Ihang, Cat Hung, Cat Chanh, Cat Tien communes of Phu Cat district isfrom 14.2% to 202%


    .3. Situation of water supply, drainage/sewerage and sanitary:

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    (1 ) Tay Son district Ihe areas that will get benefit from the project are Phu Phong I own,Tay Phu, I ay Xuyen, Binh Nghi communes with total population of 52..195 persons,in which population ofPhu Phong Iown is 24219 persons

    Water supply: Phu Phong town and surrounding areas have water supply systemwith total length of water pipeline of 11 km, the percentage of benefit residents is60% with water consumption unit of 80 liters/person/day. In remaining communeswithout water supply, the residents use water for life and production from varioussources: rain, wells etc. .Drainage/sewerage: Ihere is only drainage system in Phong Phu town .. Thesystem collects rain water, wastewater from households. Ihe water after collectedare discharged to ponds 01 Con River .. In communes without drainage/seweragesystem, wastewater from households is discharged directly to nearby gardens,ponds or livers.Sanitary facilities: include: septic tanks, pour-flush latrines, double vault latrines,single vault latrines. The septic tanks are mainly concentrated in the towns. Thepercentage of sanitary facilities in this area is still low.

    (II)An Nhon district the beneficiaries from the project are Binh Dinh Iown, Dap DaTown, and Nhon Thanh, Nhon Hung, Nhon Loc, Nhon Hoa, Nhon Tan, Nhon Thocommunes with total population of 112,336 persons ..

    Water supply: At present, there is a water supply project for Binh Dinh Town andDap Da town which ale constructed by finance from World Bank and will befinished by August 2008.. In remaining communes without water supply, theresidents use water f o x life and production from various sources: rain water,shallow/dug wells etc, .Drainage/sewerage: there is only drainage system in the towns, however thisdrainage system is not fully completed. Ihe systems collect lain water,wastewater from households. The water after collected are discharged to ponds orliver In communes without drain system, wastewater from households isdischarged directly to nearby gardens, ponds or rivers,Sanitary facilities: In towns, some households have septic tanks. In communes,households mainly use pour-flush latrines, double vault latrines, single vaultlatrines and flow forward to the general sullige pit. Ihe percentage of sanitaryfacilities in this area is still low.


    (III) Phu Cat distr ict: beneficiaries from the project are Cat Thang, Cat Chanh, CatTien communes of Phu Cat district, Phuong Thang, Phuoc Hoa communes of TuyPhuoc district. Iotal population in these communes is 52,218 persons,

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    Water supply: There is no water supply system to in these communes. Mosthouseholds are using water from rain water tanks and shallow/dug wells for dailylife and production activities .. The water from the wells is only enough in rainyseason In dry season, as the wells are commonly dried up, the household have todepend 'Onrain water, water from ponds and livers These communes locate atdownstream of Con river flowing to Thi Nai lagoon, so the level ofterrain is verylow and this area is always flooded in rainy season. During flooded time, all thewells are polluted. So most households have to construct simple filtrationfacilities for filtering water for drinking, cooking and washing ..In dry season, thedry rivers make the ground water level lower and make the wells dry up too .. Insome areas of littoral communes the ground water is alunitized and saline, theinhabitants have to go 2-3 km for getting or buying water for cooking anddrinking ..Drainage/sewerage: at present no communes have wastewater collection system.Wastewater is discharged directly to household's gardens, ponds, lake Drchannels, then flown into river.Sanitary facilities: the current sanitary facilities include: septic tanks, pour-flushlatrines, double vault latrines, single vault latrines. The percentage of sanitaryfacilities in this area is still low, not exceeding 40%. In rainy season, all thesanitary facilities and husbandry farms are flooded, causing pollution to this area ..At present, some big farming households are supported a part of cost to buildbiogas tank. The supported fund of 1 million VNDIhDusehDld is taken from (i)loan from clean water and rural sanitary program (ii) biological ail project fundedby Holland.

    (III) Phu My district The benefited areas from the project are My Due and MyChau communes with population 'Of18,162 persons.

    Water supply: There is no water supply system to provide water service toinhabitants in these communes. The households in these areas are using waterfrom rain water tanks, shallow wells, drilled wells etc. for domestic andproduction activities ..The water is only enough in rainy season, in dry season thewater is very scarce. In some places the water is unable to use because of beingalunitized or turbid in the dry season. The inhabitants have to go to remote areasfor getting water.


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    Drainage/sewerage: There is no wastewater collection system in these areas, thewastewater from domestic and production activities is discharged directly tohouseholds' garden, ponds or irrigation channels and rivers.

    Sanitary facilities: The sanitary facilities include septic tanks, pour-flush latrines,double vault latrines, single vault latrines and flow forward to the general sulligepit Most septic tanks are in the towns only. However, the percentage of hygienicfacilities in these areas is quite low.

    (IV) Hoai Nhon district The benefited areas from project are Bong Son town andHoai Due, Hoai My, Hoai Huong, Hoai Tan and Hom Xuan communes withtotal population of 96,457 persons.

    Water supply: There is a water supply project for Bong Son town underconstruction by finance from WB and it is expected to complete in August 2008.,Until now, there is no water supply system to provide water service to inhabitantsin the communes. In these areas the inhabitants get water from various sources fordomestic activities such as rain water, shallow wells, dug wells etc,Drainage/sewerage: There is only drainage system in the Bong Son town, blackand grey wastewater hom the households is discharged directly to their gardens,ponds 01 nearby irrigation channels and after that discharged to the livers, In thecommunes, there is no drainage/wastewater collection system and treatmentfacilities, the wastewater from households is discharged directly to their garden,ponds 01 nearby irrigation channels and rivers, In some communes there isagricultural processing industry, waste water in these areas is polluted with highorganic componentsSanitary facilities: There me only some septic tanks in the town Most are pour-flush latrines. The latrines in the communes are double vault latrines, single vaultlatrines, pour-flush latrines and flow forward to the general sullige pit. Thepercentage of latrines in the district area is quite low,

    4. General situation ofsolid waste management:

    (1 ) T ay Son distr ictAt present, the solid waste in the Phu Phong town and surrounding areas has beencollected, The percentage of collected solid waste is 50% in the Phu Phong town, In theother communes in the district, solid waste is not collected, The households dig pits in


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    their garden [01 grounding solid waste In addition, the solid waste is thrown out to theirrigation channels and river banks.The collected solid waste from the town a day is approximately 6 m3 and a small trucktransports it to the landfill once a day. The collection of solid waste is carried out by ateam administrated under agricultural cooperative and the households have to pay servicefee to the cooperative,The location of landfill is in Tay Xuan commune, the landfill is surrounded by mountainsso that it does not affect the residents The distance from landfill to nearest resident areais about 3 km and in the surrounding areas there is no agricultural activities, Everyday,solid waste is gathered here for grounding ..However, grounding of solid waste here doesnot meet technical requirements, this landfill is served imperative demand of site for solidwaste only and has not been constructed completely.


    The solid waste from hospitals in district areas is transported to Quy Nhon for treating"(II) An Nhon district'

    In Binh Dinh and Dap Da towns,the solid waste is collected about 12 tons per day,approximately 60% of total solid waste in the towns and accounting for 15% of total solidwaste in the whole district. The solid waste in communes is not collected" The solid wasteis gathered and grounded in the household's garden or thrown out to nearby irrigationchannels or river banksIn Binh Dinh and Dap Da towns, there are two teams who are responsible for collectingsolid waste. These teams are administrated under the agricultural cooperatives.Everymonth the households have to pay solid waste collection fee to the team withservice fee of 10,000 VND/monthlhousehold 111 Dap Da town and 7,000VND/monthfnousehold in Binh Dinh townThe current landfill is located at Phu Son hamlet in the Nhon Hoa commune which isonly 300m fill: from nearest resident area. It significantly affect the residents. In order tohelp the collection team treat solid waste, the district authorities supply treatingchemicals, chemicals for killing fly, mosquitocidal chemicals etc..; The landfill isoverloaded now and must be closed soon.All the solid waste from the hospitals in the district area is stransported to Quy Nhon fortreating

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    (111) Phu Cat distr ictThe solid waste is collected in the town and surrounding areas only, the percentage ofcollected solid waste is nearly 80%, The solid waste collection is made by a team underthe administration of district office, The households have to pay monthly service fee andthe service rate is decided by Provincial People Committee,In the communes the solid waste is not collected" Solid waste is grounded in thehousehold's garden 01 thrown out to nearby irrigation channels OI river banks" Theuncollected solid waste in the communes will be swept away by the flood waters andcauses pollution to the resident areas

    (IV) Phu My distr ictNow the solid waste is collected in areas of the Binh Duong and Phu My towns only, Inthe communes, waste has not been collected yet There is a collection team in each townand the service fee is 5,000 VNDlhousehold/month 100% of solid waste is collected inthese towns,The distance from nearest resident area to current landfill is 500 m. In the future thedistrict authority will move the landfill to new area with distance of 500 m from currentlanffill. So the distance from nearest resident area to the new landfill will be more than 1kill, Now, the solid waste from Binh Duong town is gathered to the landfill with distanceof 3 km from the town" In the future this landfill will not be used, Waste will be gatheredto new landfill


    (V) Hoai Nhon districtDaily solid waste from production bases, restaurants, markets, schools, households etc.,;in district is quite a lot with the main components of organic substance, nylon bagsetc "" At present Nguyen Tin construction limited company is responsible for collectingand transporting the solid waste in the district mea with service fee of 7,000VND/mont}1Jhousehold - The service fee is decided by District People Committee. Thecompany has a garbage truck type 13 tons and a truck type 7 tons ..Everyday about 12-15tons of solid waste are collected by the company, the quantity of solid waste is mainlyfrom Bong Son and Tam Quan towns and Hoai Tan, Hoai Due and Hoai Hao communes ..The population in these areas is 85,053 persons ..About 22,500 persons are contracting inthe solid waste collection service .. The number of households taking part in the solidwaste collection service are highest in Bong Son town with 1,159 households and Tam

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    Quan town with 1,462 households. The daily collected solid waste accounts for about26% of total solid waste in the district area.The solid waste is transported and gathered into the temporary site at mountainous area atThiet Dinh hamlet in Bong Son town and the mountainous area at Iuong Xuan hamlet inTam Quan Bac commune. This service provides works for 15 local labours with incomeof 500,000 VJ\1D/capitalmonth (10 working days). The current solid waste landfill istemporary only, because in the future an industrial zone will be built in this area, and tillthen the landfill will be moved to new site at Lai Due hamlet in Hoai Due commune.In order to raise people's awareness of environmental protection, the local authority hasconducted many lEe campaigns for environmental protection and solid waste collectione..g. environmental day, day for making world cleaner etc.. .., the activities are for raisingpeople's awareness:+All the households in the town have to pay the solid waste collection fee.+ The district authority has conducted the lEe campaigns and these programmes havebeen developing to commune level+ The district authority has paid for wastewater treatment technology, then instructinghouseholds to construct wastewater treatment tanks, Most of the households processagricultural products and they see the improvement of quality of treated water.+ The lE e campaigns have been conducting on the days when there ar'e activities forenvironmental protection

    Through the IE e campaigns the people's awareness of environmental protection isimproved The households in the difficult areas for collecting solid waste are carrying outgathering and grounding hygienically In the areas where solid waste is easily collectedthe households request the district authority to provide the truck for collecting solidwaste,

