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  • 7/30/2019 Wrong Address


    Kerry-Ann Williams


    Communication Studies 3B

    December 12, 2012

    Reflective Piece


    The purpose of this piece is to evoke a personal and understanding response in readersabout the discrimination that persons from various ethnicities experience, whether

    intentional or otherwise. The reader is also informed of the far-reaching implications in

    the professional and personal lives of those who are discriminated against. The short

    story shows the struggles faced by an African American woman in the nineties, when

    racism was prevalent and consideration for womens rights was close to non-existent.

    The story records her triumph over the oppression in her workplace from her white boss

    and her female counterparts when she applies for a job as a junior partner in a prominent

    law firm. The context through which the theme will be presented is to write a short story

    which would be transcribed onto either a brochure to be handed out at a seminar or

    motivational speech or as a piece in a newspaper column such as the Careers section in

    the newspaper. The intended audience is young people embarking upon their first

    professional journey or those joining the working world for the first time.

  • 7/30/2019 Wrong Address


    Wrong Address

    As she sat there with her head in her hands and tears running down her face, it was then

    Tamlin Marshall knew that the world would never be the same ever again. Her problems

    all began on the day she was born, Tamlin mused.

    Early Tuesday morning at 8 oclock, Tamlin woke with a sense of purpose, ready

    to begin the new day. She had the feeling that the new day would be the luckiest day of

    her life. She got, showered and dressed with caution and a keen attention to detail. That

    morning, Tamlin had an interview with the prominent law firm, Hutchinson and Wilson,

    as a junior partner within the firm. It was her dream job and nobody was going to stand in

    her way.

    As Tamlin closed the door on her way to the train station, she ran into her elderly

    neighbour, Mrs. Haggerty, whose husband had been deceased for the past 7 years.

    Mawning Tamlin

    Good mawning Ms. Aggerdy

    How yu doing mi dear? Hevery bady alright? Ow Mammy and the pickni dem


    Dem alright enuh Ms. Aggerdy.

    Tamlin glanced at her watch and said

    Im sorry Ms. Aggerdy but I running late dis mawning. Tek care.

    Alright dear. See yu lata.

    Tamlin ran the rest of the way to the train station and arrived with only 5 minutes to


  • 7/30/2019 Wrong Address


    You can do it Tammy. Youve been working towards this since you were a little girl.

    Do not blow it now.

    Tamlin entered the ornately furnished office with a hint of trepidation. The beige walls

    seemed to belittle her while the enormous mahogany desk and book cases swallowed her

    confidence whole. She looked around at her opulent surroundings and gave herself a

    mental shake.

    A few minutes later, after she was settled, a tall imposing white man with a slight hunch

    entered the room, surrounded by a sense of power and an air of good breeding. Tamlin

    sprang to her feet and stuck her hand out, hoping that she wasnt sweating which would

    effectively ruin the appearance she had carefully cultivated this morning.

    Good morning Ms.....Marshall, he greeted her with a smile that didnt quite reach his

