Page 1: WR_ARP committee presentation


West Yorkshire’s darkest night

14-15th March 1941

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@WR_ARP: Friday 14th March 1941, 8.25pm PURPLE ALERT, *LEEDS*: All ARP and AFS staff to stations, please.

@WR_ARP: Friday 14th March, 1941, 9.10pm, AIR RAID ALERT, *LEEDS*. Please make your way to your nearest shelter or place of safety.

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@WR_ARP: 14th March 1941: High Explosives dropped at Bolton on Dearne, Ferrybridge Power Station and at Ryhill; numerous fires caused by Incendiaries

@WR_ARP: 14th March 1941: Gun fire and planes over north Leeds (report from Taylors Tanning Machinery, Bramley

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@WR_ARP: 15th March 1941: The West Riding of Yorkshire, (Leeds, Huddersfield and Castleford in particular) is experiencing a 'sustained air attack'.

@WR_ARP: 15th March 1941: Leeds AFS - incendiary fires in City Square (Post Office/Barclays Bank/Yorks Penny Bank) & at Mill Hill Unitarian Chapel

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@WR_ARP: 15th March 1941: Leeds Town Hall and Museum on fire, hit by Indendiaries and High Explosives. AFS and Police in attendance.

@WR_ARP: 15th March 1941: Leeds AFS report Kirkgate Markets now on fire; fire at Geocomellis Restaurant, Boar Lane

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@WR_ARP: Saturday 15th March 1941, 3.10 am ALL CLEAR *LEEDS*: Enemy raiders have now passed.

@WR_ARP: 16th March 1941: Casualty figures from Leeds for 14-15th March air raid: 65 killed (8 of whom children), 258 injured.

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