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Cotravaux and CCIVS are looking for a volunteer to support the program


“Service Civique” (Long-term volunteering) – 8 months starting on November 10th, 2014 – Paris

The World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) initiative was launched in 2008 within the framework of the World Heritage Education Programme, to mobilise and involve young people and youth organisations in World Heritage preservation and promotion, through volunteering actions (workcamps, youth action camps etc.). The project is coordinated by UNESCO World Heritage Centre and CCIVS. - CCIVS is an International Non Governmental Organisation (INGO) engaged in the field of International Voluntary Service (IVS), created under the aegis of the UNESCO in 1948. It brings together more than 100 international and national organisations from all over the world. UNESCO House – 1, rue Miollis – 75015 Paris, France – +33 1 45 68 49 36 – Cotravaux is the coordination of voluntary service organisations in France, created 50 years ago. Cotravaux gathers 11 national members organisations and a regional network, all involved in the voluntary work. 11, rue de Clichy - 75 009 Paris - +33 1 48 74 79 20 ‘Service Civique’ is a French volunteering program open to young people from 16 to 25 years old. The volunteers sign a contract with the hosting organisation for 6 to 12 months, and receive a financial support from French State. Cotravaux has an agreement to receive volunteers. CCIVS and Cotravaux share a same vision of voluntary work: “Voluntary service is an exchange between an individual, or a group of individuals and a local community. The volunteer or group of volunteers offers time, energy and effort to a project of benefit to a community, and through this project the community offers to the volunteer or group of volunteers an opportunity for experimentation, learning and personal and collective development.”

PROJECT: SUPPORT THE “WORLD HERITAGE VOLUNTEERS” CAMPAIGN During the project, the volunteer will participate to the following activities: - Participate in the evaluation and analysis of the 2014 WHV projects - Together with UNESCO World Heritage Centre: support the preparation and coordination of the 2015 WHV campaign (supporting with: launch the call for participants, receive and treat applications, coordinate the projects, communicate with the partners, monitor the projects, evaluate the campaign etc.) - Participate in the preparation, organisation, coordination, animation and evaluation of the different actions organised during the campaign (seminars, trainings etc.) - Participate in the WHV promotion and communication: website update, community management on social media, elaboration of communication tools such as leaflets, flyers, etc. - Reinforce communication between and with the various partners.

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Profile of the volunteer: - Young under 26 years old - Nationality: UE and EEE citizens, internationals living in France for more than a year (staying permit needed) - To be motivated by the project, dynamic, willing to develop your communicational and organisational skills in an intercultural and international environment - Interest for intercultural exchange and dialogue - Able to collaborate in a team but also to be independent on some projects - At ease with computers and internet: the volunteer will use internet, office software applications and desktop publishing with programs such as Adobe InDesign and Dreamweaver - Some previous volunteering experience would be appreciated - As English is the official language in CCIVS, a good knowledge of written and oral English is necessary.

Practical conditions: - The volunteer might have to travel in France and outside of France - Participation duration: 30 hours per week, from Monday to Friday; the volunteer may support actions exceptionally during weekends - During the project, the volunteer will be guided by a referent and can access some trainings if they want - The volunteer will undertake the project in the CCIVS office in Paris: UNESCO House – 1, rue Miollis – 75015 Paris, France. - The specifics of the organisation, the activity programme, the days off will be set with the team, under the responsibility of the referent person at CCIVS. Service Civique contract A ‘Service Civique’ contract will be signed between the volunteer, Cotravaux and CCIVS. The volunteer will benefit from social welfare during his volunteering. The contract sets the concrete conditions of the Service Civique project. It is notified to the French State for the volunteer to benefit from a recognized status and the covering of the allowance and social security to become effective. The volunteers will benefit from 2 days off every month. The days off can be taken all together at the end of the contract Allowance and social security: - Monthly allowance: monthly financial support of 467,34 € covered by French State - 106,31 € covered by CCIVS (+106,38 € per month for students who receive a scholarship and for people who receive RSA – see for more information). Allowance augmentation: Young people who receive the RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active), or a CROUS scholarship (over the 5th scale) can benefit from an augmentation of the allowance of 106.38€/month (2014). - Social security will be covered by the French State

You want to be part of this project? Please send us a letter explaining your interest in the project, your will to become a volunteer, your previous experiences and commitments, your expectations and perspectives, etc. By email to [email protected] and [email protected]
