

Working Paper

The University of Chicago1126 E. 59th Street Box 107

Chicago IL 60637

e Macroeconomic Consequences of Early ChildhoodDevelopment Policies

Diego Daruich∗

New York University

January 20, 2018Click here for latest version


e macroeconomic consequences of large-scale early childhood development policies dependon intergenerational dynamics, general equilibrium (GE) eects on labor and capital markets, andthe deadweight loss of raising taxes to nance the policies. To study these policies, this paper ex-tends a standard GE heterogeneous-agent overlapping-generations macro model with earnings riskand credit constraints to incorporate early childhood investments (parental time and money) andestimates it using US data. We validate the model by performing an RCT evaluation of a short-runsmall-scale government program that funds early childhood investments and showing that the ef-fects on children’s education and adult income in the model are similar to the empirical evidence. Wethen evaluate a permanent large-scale version of this early childhood program, taking into accountGE and taxation eects, and nd that it yields a 10% welfare increase (in consumption equivalenceterms), reduces inequality by 7%, and increases intergenerational mobility of income by 30%—ap-proximately enough for the US to achieve Canadian or Australian levels of inequality and mobility.Welfare gains are twice the ones obtained by introducing the same early childhood program asa short-run partial-equilibrium policy—similar to an RCT. Although GE and taxation eects reducethe gains by one-tenth each, the long-run change in the distribution of parental characteristics morethan compensates for those reductions. Key to this welfare gain is that investing in a child not onlyimproves her skills but also creates a beer parent for the next generation. Although earlier gen-erations gain less, welfare gains are positive for every new generation and grow rapidly during thetransition.

JEL Classications: J13, J24, J62.Keywords: Inequality, Intergenerational mobility, Early childhood, Education, antitative model.

[email protected]. I am grateful to my advisors Raquel Fernandez and Gianluca Violante. For helpful comments, Ithank Christopher Flinn, Julian Kozlowski, and Pau Roldan. I also received valuable feedback from participants at seminarsand conference sessions at New York University, the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, theEconometric Society, and the SED. is paper was previously circulated under the title “From Childhood to Adult Inequality:Parental Investments and Early Childhood Development.”

1 Introduction

Early childhood environment has been shown to signicantly impact adult outcomes.1 Garcıa et al.(2017), for example, estimate that for every dollar invested on an early childhood program, children’slifetime labor income increases by 1.3 dollars. is evidence suggests that if these programs were scaledup they would increase welfare, reduce inequality, and increase intergenerational mobility. A large-scaleprogram, however, would be associated with taxation and general equilibrium (GE) eects that cannotbe accounted for in small-scale empirical studies. Macroeconomic models of inequality and mobilityare well suited to study such eects, but they generally ignore the role of endogenous early childhooddevelopment. is paper lls this gap by incorporating early childhood development into a standardmacroeconomic model. It shows that underinvestment in children’s development is an important sourceof inequality and social mobility; and that large welfare gains can be obtained by large-scale governmentpolicies that target young children directly.

e model has two main building blocks. e rst is that parental choices are important to a child’ssubsequent outcomes. An individual’s education choice (college/no-college) and earnings depend onher assets, skills, and her taste for education. e key element here is that the level of these skills isdetermined by (money and time) investments made by her parents during her early childhood. Collegecan be nanced either with parental transfers (which are endogenous) or through working and bor-rowing. e second building block is the GE life-cycle Aiyagari framework in which these investmentsand intergenerational linkages are embedded. is GE framework allows aggregate education and skillsto aect prices. It also includes endogenous labor supply which is important for the nancing of thepolicies to have distortionary eects. Both building blocks are important to the welfare evaluation oflarge-scale policies that target children.

e model is estimated using simulated method of moments to match evidence from the US in the2000s. In addition to matching standard moments (e.g., average hours worked and the share of collegegraduates), we target ones that are informative about parental investments. e laer, along with thechild’s current skills and parental skills, are inputs into the child’s future skills as in Cunha et al. (2010).Our model requires us, moreover, to specify explicitly how time and money aggregate to form “parentalinvestments.” We do this via a CES aggregator and estimate the parameters of this function by matchingthe average amount of “quality” time parents spend with their children, the average expenditures onchild care and education, and the correlation between time and expenditures.

We use the evidence from a randomized control trial (RCT) to test the validity of the model’s predictionson the eects of government investments towards early childhood development. Garcıa et al. (2017)study, using an RCT framework, two programs in which a small group of disadvantaged children were

1Early childhood refers to the period when children are under 4 or 5 years old. e literature on the importance ofthis stage is large. ompson and Nelson (2001) summarize the research in developmental neuroscience that is pertinent toearly brain development while Elango et al. (2015) summarize the economics literature on the importance of early childhoodenvironment.


brought to high-quality early childhood development centers in North Carolina. e program’s costwas approximately $13,500 per child-year. An equivalent program in the model implies introducinggovernment expenditures towards early childhood development of $13,500 per child-year, but withthree specic characteristics to be comparable to the RCT. First, the RCT focused on a small group ofchildren so prices and taxes in the economy would not be aected. Second, the experiment focused onchildren of low-educated and low-income parents, so in the model we focus on children of high-schooleducated parents whose income and wealth are among the boom 2%. Finally, the RCT involved onlyone generation of children so we do the same in the model. We nd that children’s college graduationrate and future labor income in the model increase by similar amounts to those found by Garcıa et al.(2017).

We then evaluate a universal version of this childhood investment program taking into account thedistortionary taxation costs and GE eects. Welfare gains, computed for newborns under the veil ofignorance, are 10% in consumption equivalence units.2 Moreover, the childhood investments programis associated with an income inequality reduction of 7% and an increase in intergenerational mobilityof 30%, approximately enough for the US to achieve Canadian or Australian levels of inequality andmobility. It is important to note that the welfare gains achieved by the early childhood program aretwice as large as if the same resources were used to fund a lump-sum transfer.

Comparing to the case in which the program is permanently implemented, we nd that if such govern-ment investments were introduced for only one generation and in a small-scale they would achieve lessthan one-half of its benets on welfare gains. We interpret this as evidence that a randomized controltrial is likely to underestimate the long-run benets of such a policy. General equilibrium forces—bylowering the wage of college graduates and therefore the return to those investments—and raising taxesto nance the additional government expenditures reduce welfare gains by one-tenth each. At the sametime, the long-run change in the distribution of parental characteristics generate over two-thirds of thegains—more than compensating for the GE and taxation eects. e key mechanism is that investingin a child today not only increases that child’s education and income, but also creates a beer parent(and hence beer inputs in the skill formation technology) for the following generation.

Even though benets take time to accrue, our transition dynamics evaluation shows that if the policywas implemented permanently, every new generation would be beer o and over three-fourths of thelong-run welfare gains would be achieved aer one generation only. Older generations alive at the timethe policy is introduced, however, are not beer o. ese cohorts are paying higher taxes to nancethe initial costs of the program but are receiving gains only indirectly through their children, whichresults in net losses of welfare for them on average. A mechanism, such as government borrowing, thatmanages to pass the cost to the future generations can reduce the losses for the older generations. Westudy this form of scal adjustment in Appendix D.

2Our main analysis focuses on a large-scale policy that invests the same amount as the early childhood RCT in NorthCarolina. Moreover, long-run welfare gains with this level of expenditures are close to the maximum that is achievable usingalternative levels of resources for this policy.


Why do government investments in childhood development increase welfare? While several factorsplay a role, the main channel for welfare improvement lies in the governments capacity to make up fora parent’s inability to borrow against her child’s future income created by her parental investments.3

To illustrate this channel, consider a poor parent who, by investing in the early childhood developmentof her kid, would raise a high-skilled, high-income child. e parent would then want to smooth con-sumption intergenerationally. e fact that this investment must come at the cost of her own lifetimeconsumption reduces her incentive to invest. If the child could promise to compensate her parent inthe future and parents could borrow against their own future income, this problem would be avoided.Government investments in early childhood can be thought of as (imperfectly) replacing the missingcompensation-borrowing mechanism via the power of taxation. e government invests directly inchildren and taxes them once they are adults.

e rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the literature. Section 3 introducesthe model. Section 4 presents our empirical ndings on parental investments and returns to skills byeducation groups. Section 5 explains the model’s estimation and validation exercises. e policy analy-sis exercises are presented in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes. e Appendix contains additionaldetails and policy counterfactuals. ese include parenting education programs, college subsidies, andoptimal tax progressivity—and how this changes when early childhood development is endogenous,relative to the standard case in which it is exogenously xed and, hence, policy invariant.

2 Related Literature

Macroeconomic and policy analysis of inequality can be divided in two strands. One subset of the liter-ature focuses on the top 1%, with a particular interest on wealth and bequest taxation (e.g., Pikey andSaez, 2003; Diamond and Saez, 2011; Saez, 2016). e other one focuses on the boom 99%, typicallylooking at the role of skills and education (e.g., Katz and Murphy, 1992; Autor et al., 2008; Abbo et al.,2013). In addition to income taxation, some of these papers also study college-education policies (e.g.,Benabou, 2002; Abbo et al., 2013; Holter, 2015; Krueger and Ludwig, 2016).4 Among quantitative anal-yses of inequality, the standard model is based on Aiyagari-style life-cycle models, focusing usuallyon adult income shocks and abstracting from endogenous initial conditions (e.g., Keane and Wolpin,1997; Hugge et al., 2011). We also use a standard macroeconomic Aiyagari-style life-cycle model butwe introduce new intergenerational linkages that allow us to endogenize those initial conditions andevaluate policies that target young children. e closest model to ours is probably Abbo et al. (2013),which studies optimal college borrowing and grants. Our borrowing and grants structure is not as exi-

3In addition, borrowing constraints as well as uncertain returns to investments (together with risk-averse agents andlack of insurance) can ineciently reduce parental investments. We use the model to provide an estimate of the role of eachof these sources of ineciency in determining the welfare gain. We nd that the introducing a form of intergenerationalborrowing (i.e., implemented as a compensation system) leads to the largest gains.

4Holter (2015) evaluates the importance of education stages before college as well. He, however, focuses on cross-countrypartial-equilibrium comparisons of government education policies aer the early childhood stage.


ble as theirs, but we introduce endogenous parental investments in the formation of skills. e dynamicinteractions between borrowing constraints and parental investments in children development may beimportant since limited assets and borrowing can limit the capacity of parents to invest money towardstheir children, which, due to complementarities, may also reduce their incentives to invest time towardsthem. is aects the income and wealth of the next generation, which once again shapes their capacityand incentives to invest in their own children.

Previous literature on childhood development estimates the production function of children’s skills (e.g.,Todd and Wolpin, 2003; Cunha et al., 2010; Del Boca et al., 2014). We use the skills production function(and estimates) of Cunha et al. (2010) in our model but, unlike them, we model explicitly how invest-ments are chosen by parents. is is necessary to study how policies aect parental investment choicesand the welfare in an equilibrium framework. Previous papers have modeled parental investments (e.g.,Del Boca et al., 2014; Abbo, 2016; Caucu and Lochner, 2017), but have abstracted from general equi-librium forces (and saving decisions in the case of Del Boca et al.) which limits their capacity to evaluatelarge-scale policies.5 Cunha et al. highlight two properties regarding childhood development: dynamiccomplementarity (i.e., skills produced at one stage raise the productivity of investment at subsequentstages) and self-productivity (i.e., skills produced at one stage augment skills aained at later stages).Our model incorporates these and connects them with inequality and social mobility in an environmentsuitable for policy analysis.

Including parental investments in a quantitative Aiyagari-style life-cycle model allows us to evaluatelarge-scale policies that directly focus on childhood development—which may reduce inequality andpromote intergenerational mobility. Previous theoretical papers have highlighted that an environmentwith intergenerational investments in skills can lead to inecient investment in children. Loury (1981)and Baland and Robinson (2000) use partial-equilibrium models to show that borrowing and parentaltransfers constraints (i.e., parents cannot borrow against their children’s future income) can lead toineciently low levels of investments, which the government can improve on by enforcing higher in-vestments towards children. Aiyagari et al. (2002) shows that general equilibrium eects may imply thata world with borrowing and parental transfers constraints may lead to higher parental investments thanan economy with complete markets due to the eect on aggregate wealth and interest rates—thoughit is still the case that ineciency in investments arises with incomplete markets. We contribute tothis literature by providing a model that is suitable to quantitatively evaluate the eect of governmentinvestments towards children, in an economy that takes into account uncertainty in the returns to in-vestments, general equilibrium eects (both through the interest rate and the wage of college educatedworkers), and the distortionary role of changing taxes to nance policies.

To the best of our knowledge, there are only two papers that introduce early childhood developmentin a quantitative general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents. First, Yum (2016) incorporates

5Restuccia and Urrutia (2004) extend an overlapping-generations model to incorporate intergenerational investmentsin human capital. ey do not focus, however, on early childhood development and endogenous labor supply (importantfor the cost of raising taxes to nance policies).


parental time investments into a general equilibrium model but, dierently from his work, our modelexplicitly takes into account the ndings of the empirical literature which highlights the need for mul-tiple periods of parental investments. Moreover, we also include monetary inputs in the formation ofskills, exible parental transfers, and allow for borrowing as observed in the data—which is importantto study policies that may be aected by borrowing constraints.6 Second, Lee and Seshadri (2017) alsostudy parental investments in a general equilibrium model. ey focus, however, on reallocating subsi-dies across dierent development stages, while we explore alternative levels of government investments.Furthermore, we study the transition dynamics which is the key exercise to show the importance forwelfare gains of taking into account intergenerational dynamics (i.e., investing in a child today not onlyincreases that child’s education and income, but also creates a beer parent for the following genera-tion). Given the importance of this mechanism, our transition evaluation shows the relatively fast paceat which this policy can be expected to yield its large returns (i.e., most gains are accrued aer only onegeneration).7

3 Model

e model has two main building blocks. e rst is that parental choices are important to a child’ssubsequent outcomes. An individual’s education choice (college/no-college) and earnings depend onher assets, skills, and her taste for education. Although all these are endogenously related to parentalchoices, the key element here is that skills are determined by parental investments (money and time)during her early childhood. e second building block is the GE life-cycle Aiyagari framework in whichthese investments and intergenerational linkages are embedded. is framework includes wage uncer-tainty and incomplete markets. Given our interest in studying costly policies, we want to take intoaccount the cost of raising tax revenues so we include endogenous labor supply and distortive taxa-tion. Given the evidence that early childhood policies increase college graduation, general equilibriumis important to study the potential eect on the wage of college graduates. A representative rm com-bines the dierent types of labor (by education) and capital to produce the nal consumption good.Finally, the government levies taxes on consumption, labor, and capital in order to nance some xedexogenous expenses as well as provide a lump-sum transfer and retirement benets.

6e set of policies is dierent. In particular, including monetary investments allows us to interpret government invest-ments in early childhood within baseline framework of the model.

7Another dierence with these papers is that we include both cognitive and non-cognitive skills which Cunha et al.(2010) highlight to be important for the estimation of the elasticity of substitution of the skill production function. Althoughour results are qualitatively similar in a model with only cognitive skills and one with both types of skills, we found thatdierences in the magnitude of the eects emerge.


Figure 1: Life Cycle




Live w/parents


Collegestage Working stage




Transfer to childChild is independent





3.1 e individual problem

ere is a dynastic framework with four main stages (20 periods total): childhood, college, labor, andretirement. Figure 1 shows the life cycle of an agent, in which each period in the model refers to fouryears. Let j denote the age in periods (e.g., j = 1 refers to ages 0–3 while j = 2 to ages 4–7). From j = 1until j = Ji the child lives with her parents. At age j = Ji , individuals become independent (i.e., startmaking choices) aer nishing high school with a level of skills that depends on their parents’ invest-ments as well as an amount of assets also decided by their parents. Idiosyncratic uninsurable risk makeslabor income stochastic. Individuals rst choice is between going to college or remaining a high-schoolgraduate. Once agents exit the education phase, they enter the third stage, which represents their labormarket experience. roughout their lives, agents choose their labor supply, savings, and consump-tion expenditures. ey can borrow only up to a limit, and save through a non-state-contingent asset.e framework is one of uncertainty both in earnings as well as child’s skill development: Individu-als choose how much time and money to invest in their child’s development, but the nal outcome isuncertain. Before the child is of college age, the agent decides the amount of monetary resources totransfer to them. e last stage is retirement. At this time, agents have two sources of income: savingsand retirement benets. Before going into more details about these stages, we explain some elementsthat will make the rest of the model clearer.

Credit market Agents can only trade risk-free bonds, but interest rates are dierent for saving andborrowing. Agents with positive savings receive interest rate equal to r , while those borrowing payinterest rate equal to r− = r + ι, where ι ≥ 0. e wedge between interest rates is important to capturethe cost of borrowing, which is a form of insurance relevant for the quantitative analysis. Individualsface borrowing limits that vary over the life-cycle. Student loans are explained in detail below. Youngworkers (i.e., under the age of 20) and retired households cannot borrow. Let e ∈ 1, 2 be the level ofeducation of the agent, which stands for high-school and college graduate, respectively. Workers withaccess to borrowing (i.e., aer age 20) are subject to credit limit of a(e). Estimates of a(e) are based onself-reported limits on unsecured credit from the Survey of Consumer Finances.


Wage process e wage of individual i with education e at age j is given by weεej (θ ,η) where we

is the wage of education group e and εej (θ ,η) is the eciency units. εej (θ ,η) includes the age prolefor the education group, the returns to skills θ , and the idiosyncratic labor productivity given by η

which evolves stochastically following Γe,j (η). Notice that we allow for education- and age-dependentidiosyncratic shocks. e parametrization and estimation details are presented in Section 4.

Preferences e agent is risk averse and her preferences are represented by u (c,h)which is increas-ing and concave in consumption c and decreasing and concave in hours worked h. Future is discountedby β . We model altruism a la Barro and Becker (1989), in which the agent cares about the utility of herchild (i.e., it is not a warm-glow model).

3.1.1 Education stage

At j = Ji the agent has the option to go to college (for one period, until j = Je ). e individual statevariables are savings a, skill θ , and school taste ϕ. e agent chooses whether to go to college or startworking. All agents become independent as high-school graduates (e = 1). If an agent chooses to goto college, her education changes to e = 2. e education decision is irreversible. e monetary costof education is pe , but, as is common in the literature (e.g., Heckman et al., 2006; Abbo et al., 2013),we also allow for school taste ϕ to aect the total cost of education. Modeling school taste is necessarybecause resources available to nance schooling and returns to education can only partially account forthe observed education paerns (e.g., the intergenerational persistence of education). Particularly, weassume that the school taste ϕ enters as a separate term in the value function—and we allow its valueto be correlated with the education of the parents. Aer leaving school, ϕ is assumed not to aect anyadult outcome.

College students face borrowing limits as for subsidized loans. ey have access to subsidized loans atrate r s = r + ιs where ιs < ι. To simplify computation, we assume that college student debt is renancedinto a single bond that carries interest rate r−. as(a′) is the function performing this transformation.When making this calculation we assume that xed payments would have been made for 5 periods (i.e.,20 years) following graduation.8 Borrowing limit as and wedge ιs are based on federal college loans, tobe explained in detail in Section 5.

College students are allowed to work—providing high-school level labor—but we also allow for studyingto take time h. is reduces the number of hours worked by students in the model and is importantfor the quantitative analysis since otherwise too many students would work full-time while in college,hence reducing the importance of parental transfers or borrowing to nance education.

Formally, letV sj (a,θ , e,ϕ) shows the value of an agent of age j in college and with assets a, skills θ , and

8Given the xed payment nature of student loans and the assumption that they are repaid in 5 periods, we can transformcollege loans into regular bonds using the following formula: as (a′) = a′ × r s

1−(1+r s )−5 ×1−(1+r−)−5

r− .


school taste ϕ .9 It is dened by

V sj (a,θ , e,ϕ) = max


(c,h + h

)− ϵ (ϕ,θ ) + βEη |eV

wj+1 (a

s(a′),θ , e,η) (1)

c + a′ + pe − y +T (y,a, c) = a (1 + r )y = w1εej (θ )h, a′ ≥ as , 0 ≤ h ≤ 1 − h, η ∼ Γe,0.

She can borrow up to the limit as , and the return on positive savings is 1 + r . However, if the agentdecides to borrow she pays interest rates r s > r . We denote aswe the wage for an agent who is currentlyin school at level e . e disutility of working is in u, while the disutility of going to school is in ϵ (ϕ,θ )which depends both on school taste and skills.

Vwj (a,θ , e,η) is the value of work for an agent of age j with assets a, skills θ , education e, and stochastic

labor eciency η. It is dened by

Vj (a,θ , e,η) = maxc,a′,h

u (c,h) + βEVj+1 (a′,θ , e,η′) , (2)

c + a′ − y +T (y,a, c) =

a (1 + r ) if a ≥ 0a (1 + r−) if a < 0

y = weεej (θ ,η)h, a′ ≥ ae,j , 0 ≤ h ≤ 1, η′ ∼ Γe,j(η).

e agent can borrow up to the limit ae,j , and the return on positive savings is 1 + r . However, if theagent is borrowing she pays interest rates r− > r . e return from working is the wage we scaled byεej (θ )—a function of the worker’s age, ability, and education.

en, V swj is the value of an agent who can choose between working (as a high-school graduate) and

going to college,

V swj (a,θ ,ϕ) = max

Eη |eVj (a,θ , 1,η) ,V s

j (a,θ , 2,ϕ).

3.1.2 Working stage

From j = Je until j = Jr , the agent works and her individual problem is equivalent to (2). However, theproblem changes when the child is born at the exogenously given fertility period j = Jf . We assumethat each agent has one child—or, alternatively, each household has one household ospring. For twoperiods the agent has to choose the number of hours τ and amount of moneym to invest in the child’sdevelopment of skills. Moreover, once the child become independent (at j = Jk ), the agent chooses thesize of the parent-to-child transfer φ.

9We assume that the initial draw of η takes place aer going to school, thus the agents eciency units ε are assumed tohave a value of η at the mean, i.e., zero.


Investments in child’s skills is is where the key novelties of the model are present. For twoperiods from j = Jf , the agent works and also invests directly in her child’s development of skillsθk . Hence, θk is added as a state variable at this stage. ere is an initial distribution of θk which weassume is policy invariant. en, the skill development function—which consists of two nested CESfunctions—determines how θk evolves. e outer CES is based on Cunha et al. (2010) but, dierentlyfrom them, we model parental investments explicitly in the inner CES. e outer CES function states thatnext-period child’s skill θ ′

kdepends current child’s skill θk , parents’ skills θ , and parental investments

I—as well as an idiosyncratic shock ν .e inner CES function shapes parental investments using bothtime τ and expendituresm towards the child.10

Vj (a,θ , e,η,θk) = maxc,a′,h,τ ,m

u (c,h) −v (τ ) + βEVj+1(a′,θ , e,η′,θ ′k

), (3)

c + a′ +m − y +T (y,a, c) =

a (1 + r ) if a ≥ 0a (1 + r−) if a < 0

y = weεej (θ ,η)h, a′ ≥ ae,j , 0 ≤ h + τ ≤ 1, η′ ∼ Γe,j(η)

m ∈ m1,m2, ... , τ ∈ τ1,τ2, ...

θ ′k =[α1jθ

ρ jk+ α2jθ

ρ j + α3jIρ j]1/ρ j eν , ν ∼ N (0,σj,ν )

I = A [αmmγ + (1 − αm)τγ ]1/γ .

Aer two periods, child’s skills are xed, so the problem is equivalent to (2) but with the extra statevariable θk .11

Child becomes independent Just before reaching age j = Jk (i.e., when the child is of age j = Ji )the agent needs to decide the size of monetary transfers φ to make to her child. We model this as a sub-period that takes place just before the child becomes independent, with a value for the agent denedbyVTransfer. Importantly, the transfer needs to be non-negative—i.e., the parent cannot leave debt to herchild nor borrow against her future income. When making this choice, the parent already knows therealization of his income shock η, but is not aware of the school taste draw ϕk of her child.12

VTransfer (a,θ , e,η,θk) = maxφ

VJk (a − φ,θ , e,η′) + bEVJi (φ,θk ,ϕk) , (4)

10e choice of time and money is made within a discrete set of possible alternatives for computational reasons. Whensolving the model we limit the number of options for time and money to 6 each, i.e. 36 total alternatives.

11is assumption simplies the solution but is also in line with the evidence from the CDS data that shows that whilechildren under the age of 8 tend to transition between skill’s ranks, this is not much the case for children above that age. Inparticular, if we assign children to terciles of the skills distribution and look at the transition matrix between those tercilesover time, we nd that the trace of the transition matrix grows from under 1 for children between 2 and 8 years old to over1.6 for children between 8 and 12 years old.

12e assumption that the school taste is not perfectly known to parents helps make the problem smoother which isuseful for computational reasons.


φ ≥ 0, ϕk ∼ N (ϕe ,σϕ)

Notice that unlike (3), the value function at this stage now includes the continuation value of the childVJi . is is the last period in which parents’ choices aect their descendants. As the problem is wrienrecursively, this implies that at every period in which parents’ choices aect children’s outcomes—i.e.,all previous periods—the utility of their descendants is taken into account. is embeds the parentalaltruism motives. e school taste of the children are stochastic but correlated with the parents’ levelof education—which is useful to match the intergenerational persistence of education. Moreover, recallthat the eective school distaste from equation (1) may also depend on the skill level of the agent. efunctional form of the altruism, as well at the stochastic processes of skills and school taste are speciedin Section 5. Aer the agent’s child becomes independent, the individual problem is equal to (2).

3.1.3 Retirement stage

At j = Jr , the agent retires with two sources of income: savings and retirement benets. For simplicity,retirement benets are assumed to depend on the agent’s education and skill level. Agents are assumedto provide no work at this stage, so l = 0. Unsecured borrowing is not allowed at this stage either.Formally, the problem at the age of retirement is

Vj (a,θ , e) = maxc,a′

u (c, 0) + βVwj+1 (a

′,θ , e) , (5)

c + a′ = θ + π (θ , e) + a (1 + r ) ,a′ ≥ 0,

where π are the retirement benets, which depend on the education and skill level.13

3.2 Aggregate production function

We assume there is a representative rm with production technologyY = KαH 1−α , whereK is aggregatephysical capital and H is a CES aggregator of the labor supply of the two education groups

H =[sHΩ

1 + (1 − s)HΩ2]1/Ω.

Capital depreciates at rate δ per period.

13We use education together with the skill level, as a proxy to approximate average lifetime income with which theretirement benets are determined. See Section 5 for details.


3.3 Denition of Stationary Equilibrium

e model includes Jd overlapping generations and is solved numerically to characterize the stationaryequilibrium allocation. Stationarity implies that we study an equilibrium in which the cross-sectionaldistribution for any given cohort of age j is invariant over time periods. Particularly important is thatthe distribution of initial states is determined by the choices of the older generations. e equilibriumallocation requires that households choose education, consumption, labor supply, parental time andexpenditure investments, and parental transfers such that they maximize their expected utility; rmsmaximize prots; and prices (wages of each education group and the interest rate) clear markets.14 SeeAppendix B for details.

3.4 Role for Government

Why do government investments in childhood development increase welfare? While several factorsplay a role, the main channel for welfare improvement lies in the governments capacity to make up fora parent’s inability to borrow against her child’s future income created by her parental investments.

To illustrate this, consider a parent who is poor but invests enough to raise a high-skilled, high-incomechild. e parent would then want to smooth consumption intergenerationally. e fact that this invest-ment must come at the cost of her own lifetime consumption reduces her incentive to invest. Suppose,for now, that individuals are free to borrow against their own future income. If the child could promiseto compensate her parent in the future, the parent would not need to reduce her consumption and theproblem would be avoided. is example shows that imperfect parental altruism (b < 1) is not the directsource of underinvestment. Even if parents were perfectly altruistic (b = 1), they may want to be com-pensated by (or borrow against) their children—particularly if they expect their children to be beer othan themselves as in the example mentioned.15 Lack of compensation is not the only reason. Even ifthe child could compensate her parent by transferring resources, the timing of those transfers maers.If the compensation takes place once the child is past the development stage, borrowing constraints canprevent the parent from using the transferred money at the time the parental investments take place.Government investments in early childhood can be thought of as (imperfectly) replacing the missingcompensation-borrowing mechanism via the power of taxation. Rather than children compensatingparents for their investments, the government invests directly in children and taxes them once they areadults.

Borrowing constraints can also reduce investments if the parent is poor today but expects to be richer inthe future. e parent would like to use part of the future income to invest in the child’s development.

14e government is allowed to have other expenses which are wasteful since the estimation is designed such that theincome redistribution is matched—rather than the government’s budget being cleared. However, whenever we introduce apolicy in Section 6 this is done such that these extra government expenses remain xed.

15 Even though altruism b is not the direct source of underinvestment, transfer constraints are more likely to bind if b islow.


Borrowing constraints, however, may prevent that. Finally, in addition to transfers and borrowingconstraints, our model is also one with uncertain returns to investments and lack of insurance, whichcan also lead to reduced parental investments since this uncertainty creates an extra incentive for agentsto consume and invest in the safe asset rather than on children.

ere is not a perfect way to evaluate the importance of each channel; but we use the estimated modelto provide an answer. Although these results depend on the estimation, which is shown in Section 5, webelieve it is clearer to discuss this here. We evaluate the welfare gains, using consumption equivalencefor newborns under the veil of ignorance, achieved by closing each channel independently. To dothis we rst introduce a small (i.e., prices are not aected) multi-generational family in our economythat is “special,” in the sense that it is not (and, importantly, has never been) subject to one of thesethree sources of reduced investments.16 We then estimate welfare gains by looking at how much extraconsumption would an agent need to be indierent between being born to a “normal” family ratherthan to this special family.

To capture the problem of lack of compensation we would like to introduce a new market in whichparents and children mutually decide their investments. is is out of the scope of this paper so, instead,we focus on a limited form of compensation. We introduce a transfer system in which the government“taxes” high-skilled individuals and uses that same money to pay a reward to parents with a high-skilledchild. us, instead of compensating for investments themselves, this framework rewards skills whichare an outcome of those investments. We evaluate dierent amounts of taxes/rewards and pick theone that generates the largest gains, i.e., of 9.4%. In comparison, reducing uncertainty leads to gainsof 3.8% while enlarging borrowing limits generates gains of 0.8%.17 us, these suggests that lack ofcompensation (associated also with constraints in borrowing against future generations’ income) is theleading source of underinvestment, followed by uncertainty and borrowing constraints.18,19

Loury (1981) provides a simpler partial-equilibrium model in which he can show that government in-vestments towards childhood are welfare improving even when (lump-sum) taxes are needed pay for

16It is important to allow for the dynamic eect on distributions to take place when removing closing each channel. isis why we highlight that this “special” family has never been subject to the source of the problem.

17Notice that this compensation mechanism implies that parents receive the money when the child is young but the childonly pays once she is an adult. is is important for the results: if the child has to pay before accumulating savings andthe parent receives the money only aer the child is past the development stage, welfare gains are much smaller. In thatcase borrowing constraints limit the amount of money the child can use for the reward as well as the amount of money theparent can borrow at the time the parental investments take place. In this borrowing limits exercise we made the limits 5times larger than in the baseline.

18Importantly, we nd that these welfare gains are concentrated among children born to low-skilled parents. Childrenof high-skilled and college educated parents would not gain from these changes.

19ere are alternative ways to try to measure the relevance of each channel. We also compared the investment choicesthis special families makes relative to a baseline family with similar characteristics regarding skills—results are similar ifwe compare families with similar income. We nd that a low-skilled family with laxer borrowing constraints would investbetween 20 and 30% more than a low-skilled family with the estimated borrowing constraints. In comparison, increasingborrowing limits for high-skilled families only increases their investments by less than 5%. On the other hand, eliminatingthe uncertainty in wages increases the investments of high-skilled families by 20% but has almost no eect on low-skilledfamilies.


them.20 In Section 6 we quantitatively evaluate such a policy in our more developed and estimatedmodel, which also takes into account distortive taxation and general equilibrium eects.

4 Data

is section presents evidence on parental time and money investments towards children. is evidenceis certainly subject to endogeneity concerns, so we highlight that this is only used to construct momentsfor the model’s estimation and validation. is section also shows evidence that skills increase hourlywages.

4.1 Parental Investments

e Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) survey follows a nationally representative sample of over18,000 individuals living in the US. For a subsample, the Children Development Supplement (CDS)provides information on children’s test scores, time spent with parents, and parental expenditures.Among many assessments of child skills, two are the most commonly used to evaluate children’s earlycognitive capacities: Leer-Word (LW) and Applied Problem Solving (AP). We use both and ndingsare robust to the choice of the test. e most interesting feature about the CDS is that it providesdetailed time diaries for each child. We can observe hour by hour what activity is being performed (e.g.,reading or playing), if the activity is being performed with someone (e.g., the father is reading withthe child), and if someone is around while the child is doing the activity (e.g., the father is workingwhile the child is reading next to him). e time diary is available for both a weekday and a weekendday. We obtain these time diaries and test scores for the years 2002 and 2007. For details on the sampleselection, see Appendix A.1. Using this data, we rst briey highlight that skills are good predictorsfor college graduation and are related to parents’ characteristics. Nevertheless, our main interest is onparental investments towards children’s development. We show evidence that time with children andexpenditures towards their development are associated with parents’ education and income.

Children’s test scores are good predictors of college graduation We rst focus on children whowere tested between the ages 11 and 13, and group children in quintiles according to their scores.21

We then look at college graduation rates for these children. Importantly, individuals that were oncechildren (and potentially included in the CDS) are then included in the main PSID survey. ese allowsus to connect young-age test scores from the CDS to college outcomes from the PSID. In order to reduce

20Baland and Robinson (2000) also use a simpler model of parental investments (though to study child labor) and highlightthe theoretical role of two channels: potentially binding parental transfers constraints and potentially binding borrowingconstraints. ey also nd gains from increasing parental investments (reducing child labor in their interpretation) wheneither constraint binds.

21Since age is an important determinant of test scores, we remove the age trend using a second-degree polynomial.


the concern that children may still be nishing their college education, we focus on children observed(at least once) in the main PSID sample aer they are 24 years old. Figure 2 shows that young-age skillsare positively correlated with later college-graduation rates. Children that were in the top quintile ofthe LW score distribution around age 12 are six times as likely to graduate college than children thatwere in the boom quintile.

Figure 2: College graduation rate and young-age skills







1 2 3 4 5Child's AP Score Quantile

Parents’ Education







1 2 3 4 5Child's LW Score Quantile

Parents’ Permanent Income

Source: CDS and PSID. We divide children into quintiles according to their Applied Problems (AP) and Leer Word (LW) testscores, respectively. For each quintile, we calculate the college graduation rate. Methodology is explained in the main text.

Children’s test scores are associated with parents’ characteristics Since these young-age skillsare important for later outcomes, it is important to know where the skill dierence comes from. Here weprovide some evidence that children’s skills are correlated with parents’ socioeconomic group. Figure 3reports average standardized scores (i.e., standard deviations below or above the mean) for children fromparents with certain characteristics. Using the PSID data we are able to identify the education group ofthe parents as well as estimate their permanent income.22 Test scores are positively correlated with par-ents’ income and education, which is robust to the choice of the test. Children of college-educated par-ents are on average 0.5 standard deviations above children of high-school graduates. Similarly, childrenof high-income parents are approximately 0.7 standard deviations above those of low-income parents.

22Permanent income is estimated using all income parents had between while the child was under 16 years old.


Figure 3: Children’s skills and parents’ characteristics








td D

ev fr

om M


HS Graduate College Graduate







re (






HS Graduate College Graduate

Parents’ Education








td D

ev fr

om M


1 2 3 4 5







re (






1 2 3 4 5

Parents’ Permanent Income (intile)

Source: CDS and PSID. We rst remove the age component of the scores using a second-degree polynomial. en, we standardizechildren’s Applied Problems (AP) and Leer Word (LW) test scores. We compute average standardize scores for children born tofamilies with dierent education (mother’s education) or permanent income. Permanent income is computed using all incomewhile the child was less than 16 years old.

Parental investments towards children’s development are associated with parents’ character-istics e main benet of the CDS dataset is that we can observe detailed diaries on the time parentsspend with their children. Using these time diaries, we dene “time with parents” if the parent is doingthe activity together with the child.23 First, we add up all activities to estimate total active time withparents per week. Once again we remove the age trend and approximate the average for each childaround age 4. Figure 4 suggests that that there are small dierences in total time with children betweenparents with dierent education or income levels. However, this hides substantial heterogeneity in thekind of activities dierent groups of parents are doing with their children.

23If two parents are performing the activity, we interpret this as double the hours since time constraints must hold forthe household.


Figure 4: Total time with parents and parents’ characteristics









HS Graduate College Grad

Parents’ Education


50.0 50.553.1 53.6










1 2 3 4 5

Parents’ Permanent Income

Source: CDS and PSID. We divide children according to the mother’s education or parents’ permanent income. For each group,we calculate the average total amount of time they spend with their parents. Methodology is explained in the main text.

Figure 5: Total time with parents by activity and parents’ characteristics

















HS Graduate College Grad

Mental Work Active LeisureMeals Household ChoresPassive Leisure TV/Video Games

Parents’ Education


































1 2 3 4 5

Mental Work Active LeisureMeals Household ChoresPassive Leisure TV/Video Games

Parents’ Permanent Income

Source: CDS and PSID. We divide children according to the mother’s education or parents’ permanent income. For each group,we calculate the average amount of time they spend with their parents doing each kind of activity. Methodology is explained inthe main text.

We group these detailed activities into six groups in order to facilitate the analysis. “Mental Work”refers to activities like reading, doing homework, or having conversations. “Active Leisure” groups ac-tivities like playing games or sports. “Meals” adds up the amount of time parents share meals with theirchildren. “Household Chores” refers to basic activities like cooking, showering or dressing (in the caseof young children, it is usually being showered or being dressed). “Passive Leisure” entails listening tothe radio or laying around without doing a clear activity. Finally, “TV/Video Games” refers to timeswatching TV or playing video games. Figure 5 shows the distribution of these activities across parentsfrom dierent socioeconomic groups. Even though lower-educated or low-income parents spend rela-


tively similar total amounts of time with their children as college-educated or high-income parents, adisproportionate larger share of that time is spent watching TV or playing video games. And a smallershare of time is allocated to active leisure or sharing meals.

ese activities are dierent in the amount of interaction they entail between the parent and the child,and consequent skills development. Given the evidence that watching TV and playing video games isnot typically associated with positive outcomes (Christakis et al., 2004; Swing et al., 2010), we excludethem from our denition of “quality time.” We focus instead on playing and reading since these are sug-gested to be the most productive forms of interactions between parents and young children (Samuelssonand Carlsson, 2008).24 Figure 6 shows that once we focus on quality time, parents from high socioeco-nomic groups spend more time with their children. College graduates spend 3.7 (21\%) hours per weekmore than high-school graduates. Similarly, high-income parents spend 6 (38%) quality hours more perweek with their children than low-income parents.

Figure 6: Total “quality” time with parents and parents’ characteristics












HS Graduate College Grad

Parents’ Education














1 2 3 4 5

Parents’ Permanent Income

Source: CDS and PSID. We divide children according to the mother’s education or parents’ permanent income. For each group,we calculate the average total amount of “quality” time they spend with their parents. “ality” time includes activities likereading and playing games or sports. Methodology is explained in the main text.

ese dierences in the amount of quality time may help us explain the dierences in skills developed byyoung children. Given typical concerns of endogeneity, the model in Section 3 provides a framework inwhich parents develop children skills and these skills are important for education and labor outcomeslater in life. e technology for skill development used in the model is based on the estimates fromCunha et al. (2010), where the authors focus on identication and reducing the concerns of endogeneity.Our model allows us to connect this with intergenerational mobility and inequality, and analyze thedynamic interactions between parental interactions and these two.

24e increased dierences that emerge are robust to just removing time watching TV or playing video games.


Monetary investments towards children Using PSID data it is also possible to obtain partial infor-mation on parental expenditures towards their children. We have information on expenditures towardschildren on toys, school supplies, clothes, food, medical, and vacations. Relevant expenditures on schoolfees (or costs included in the value of the house), extracurricular activities, museums, nannies, and oth-ers are not included, so this information should be read as a proxy for total expenditures, rather than asa perfect measure of them. We interpret them as more useful to compare dierent groups rather thanto estimate average total expenditures. e results from this analysis are reported in Figure 7. High-income parents spend almost twice as much on their children than low-income families do. Similarly,college educated parents spend approximately 29% more than high-school educated parents.

As mentioned above, one missing element is the fact that in order to access good public educationparents need to live in specic areas in the US, which may be associated with higher housing costs aswell. Part of the renting cost is due to the amenities that come with the area of the house, including thequality of schools available. In order to try to capture this, we calculate rent expenditures, imputing itfor house owners. Given that higher income individuals might choose to live in bigger houses and allthat is needed for a child to access public school is one room in the appropriate neighborhood, we dividethe annual rent value of the house by the number of rooms. Figure 8 shows that high-income parents(annually) spend $1,600 (133%) more than low-income parents on rent per room. College-educatedparents spend $800 (57%) more than high-school-educated parents.

Figure 7: Spending toward children and parents’ characteristics






ual E






HS Graduate College Grad

Parent’s Education



3.4 3.4





ual E






1 2 3 4 5

Parent’s Permanent Income

Source: CDS and PSID. We divide children according to the mother’s education or parents’ permanent income. For each group,we calculate the average amount of monetary expenditures towards children in the categories of toys, school supplies, clothes,food, medical, and vacations. Methodology is explained in the main text.


Figure 8: Rent cost per room and parents’ characteristics






l Exp



s ($



HS Graduate College Grad

Parent’s Education








l Exp



s ($



1 2 3 4 5

Parent’s Permanent Income

Source: CDS and PSID. We divide children according to the mother’s education or parents’ permanent income. For each group,we calculate the average amount of expenditures on rent (imputed rent for owners) per room. Methodology is explained in themain text.

Summary and other samples is aggregate evidence includes substantial heterogeneity in theparents’ characteristics. In particular, given that the model used in this paper does not have fertility ormarriage choices, we highlight that the moments used for the estimation are almost unchanged whenwe focus on a more homogeneous sample. e rst column refers to the whole sample, as studied above.e other two columns focus on families with the two parents living together while the child is underthe age of 12. Moreover, the second column focuses on families with between 1 and 3 children, whilethe last column restricts it to cases with only two children.

Weekly hours with children is the moment we use in the estimation of the model, so it is important tonote that even though married parents tend to spend more time with their children than non-married do,the dierences for sample averages are only 2 hours. Yearly expenditures (including rent) are not used inthe estimation; another estimate that includes child care is used. Nevertheless, since that estimate doesnot control for potential single parenthood it is useful to note that dierences are not too large either.We interpret these ndings as suggesting that the model estimation wouldn’t change signicantly if wemade the sample selection more restrictive.


Table 1: Parental Investments: summary for alternative samples

All Parents Together Parents Together1–3 Children 2 Children

Weekly Hours 19.1 21.5 21.1(0.3542) (0.7090) (0.7686)

Yearly Expenditures 5.0 5.6 6.2(0.1112) (0.1808) (0.2252)

Log(Hours) on College 0.189*** 0.146** 0.132*(0.0401) (0.0668) (0.0743)

Log(Hours) on Log(Income) 0.178*** 0.0104 0.0414(0.0333) (0.0718) (0.0815)

Log(Expenditures) on College 0.450*** 0.221*** 0.256***(0.0230) (0.0586) (0.0647)

Log(Expenditures) on Log(Income) 0.495*** 0.514*** 0.544***(0.0237) (0.0464) (0.0518)

Number of children 2,778 1,084 593Source: CDS and PSID. Robust standard errors in parentheses. *, **, *** denote statistical signicanceat the 10, 5, and 1 percent, respectively. It includes monetary expenditures towards children in thecategories of toys, school supplies, clothes, food, medical, and vacations as well as the rent cost perroom. Dierences arise between these results and the gures above due to the cases with valueszero—i.e., when the log is undened—but dierences are small. Methodology is explained in themain text.

e boom four rows summarize the cross-sectional evidence which is used in the validation of themodel. Part of the heterogeneity of investments across children is reduced when we focus on moreselective samples. For example, in the full sample children of college-educated parents tend to spend 19%more time with their parents than children of high-school educated parents, but if we focus on childrenof married parents this dierence is reduced to between 13 and 15%. While the regression coecient oflog(hours) on log(income) is insignicant for the married samples, the coecient of log(expenditures)on log(income) remains signicant and stable around 0.5 for all samples.

4.2 Education and Returns to Skill

We evaluate the eect of skills on wages across dierent education groups. Abbo et al. (2013) showthat skills increase hourly wages, and that this return is higher among college-educated individualsthan among lower-educated groups. We contribute to this literature by highlighting that this paern isrobust to focusing on two-adults-households. For details on the sample selection, see Appendices A.2and A.3.

We estimate the wage process for high-school and college graduates separately, allowing for dierencesacross age and skills, to provide an estimate for the returns to skill. Heckman et al. (2006) document


that cognitive skills aect earnings around ve times more than non-cognitive skills, so we make thesimplifying assumption that only cognitive skills directly aect earnings in the labor market. In theestimated model non-cognitive skills are incorporated, aecting the (cognitive and non-cognitive) skillsproduction function as well as education choices.

e wage process is an important element for the model since it determines the career prole—includingthe amount of uncertainty. We propose that the wage process of individual i with education e at age j

is given bywet ε

eij where εeij is the eciency units. is is dened by εeij = ϵejψ e

ij where ϵej is the age prolefor the education group andψ e

ij is the idiosyncratic labor productivity, which is specied as:

loд(ψ eij

)= λeloд (θ ) + ηej

ηej = ρeηej−1 + z

ej , zej

iid∼ N

(0,σ e



where θ is the level of cognitive skills and ηej is the idiosyncratic shock. e initial value of productivityof an agent ηe0 is drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero and variance σ e

η0 . e heterogeneityof the impact of skills on wages λe across education groups is particularly relevant for the educationchoices of agents with dierent abilities.

First, we use data from PSID to estimate the age prole ϵej as a second order polynomial and by educationgroups separately. Since the model has 4-years-long periods, we estimate this income process groupingobservations over 4 years. We include year xed eects to control for possible changes in averagewages over time.25 We use PSID (instead of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, hereaer NLSY)because it includes a representative cross-section every year, so it avoids having the average age ofthe sample change directly with the calendar year.26 Appendix Table A3 reports the results from thisestimation, where the main nding is that age proles are steeper for college-graduates than high-schoolgraduates.

Second, we move to NLSY to identify the eect ability has on wages. NLSY is useful for this because itreports the Armed Forces alication Test (AFQT) score for these individuals—a typical measure ofcognitive skills. For each household, we remove the appropriate age prole estimated from PSID, andestimate the returns to skill.27 Consistent with previous evidence, Table 2 shows that returns to skillare higher for college graduates than high-school graduates.

25We include individuals from the over sample in our regression in order to improve the estimation power. We introducea dummy to identify these individuals in our regression but results are robust to excluding them.

26Moreover, given the sampling methodology of the NLSY, it is still not possible to observe individuals over the age of60. And, even if we were able to, it would be harder to distinguish age eects from year eects.

27In order to ease the interpretation of the results, we highlight that the standard deviation of log(AFQT) in the sampleis approximately 0.05. Moreover, the average log(AFQT) is 5.19 and 5.38 for high-school and college graduates, respectively.


Table 2: Returns to skill by education group

(1) (2)High School College

log(AFQT) 0.533*** 0.904***(0.0216) (0.0456)

Observations 16,869 7,437R-squared 0.104 0.147# of households 3574 1479Source: NLSY. Robust standard errors in parentheses. *, **, ***denote statistical signicance at the 10, 5, and 1 percent, respec-tively. log(AFQT) refers to the natural logarithm of the AFQT89raw score. e regression includes dummies for over sample aswell as head’s gender and race. Methodology is explained in themain text.

Finally, the residual aer removing the age and skill component is used to estimate the process for theidiosyncratic shock ηej . We allow for measurement error and use a Minimum Distance Estimator, i.e.,we use as moments the covariances of the wage residuals at dierent lags and age groups, separately foreach education group. e results, reported in Table 3, suggest that shocks are persistent, particularlyso for higher educated groups.

Table 3: Income process estimation: idiosyncratic

(1) (2)High School College

ρe 0.893 0.945σ ez 0.023 0.009σ eη0 0.044 0.054Source: NLSY. A period is 4 years long. Methodology is explainedin the main text.

5 Estimation

In this section we describe how we parametrize and estimate the model. e model is estimated usingsimulated method of moments to match standard moments as well as more novel ones (e.g., moments in-formative about parental investments) for the US in the 2000s. Some of the parameters can be estimated“externally,” while others must be estimated “internally” from the simulation of the model. For these, wenumerically solve the steady state of this economy, obtain the ergodic distribution of the economy, andcalculate the moments of interest. Table 4 summarizes the parameters and moments used. Aer esti-mating the model, we validate the model using non-targeted moments as well as experimental evidence


from an RCT that involved an early childhood program.

5.1 Preliminaries

Data and sample selection e model is estimated to match household level data so an agent in themodel corresponds to a household with two adults in the data. Consequently, every household in themodel has one household as ospring. We use three primary data sources: (i) Panel Study of IncomeDynamics (PSID); (ii) Child Development Supplement (CDS) to PSID; and (iii) 1979 cohort of the NationalLongitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79). We select a population for which our model can be taken asa reasonable approximation to household behavior and impose two main selection criteria on the data.First, as is standard in the literature (e.g., Hugge et al., 2011), we drop household observations withincome below a certain threshold. We choose this threshold as the one that corresponds to one personworking 20 hours a week for the minimum wage (approximately $8,000 total annual household income).ere is no marriage decision in our model, so to avoid dierences in income and time availability dueto single parenthood, we keep only households with two adults. Details about sample selection arereported in Appendix.

Demographics A period in the model is four years. Individuals become independent at the ageof Ji (equivalent to age 16), and they start with the equivalent of 12 years of education. ey can goto college (one period), and so the maximum age for education is Je (20). Parental time and moneyinvestment decisions are made at the time of (average rst) birth Jf (28) and the period aer. At ageJk (44), just before the agent’s child becomes independent, she chooses the assets to transfer to her child.Retirement occurs at Jr (68). Death is assumed to occur for all agents at age Jd (80).

Prices Prices are normalized such that the average annual income of a high school graduate at age48 is equal to one in the model. In the (PSID) data, this income is equal to $58, 723. en, the yearlyprice of college is estimated using the Delta Cost Project to be $6, 588.28 All prices mentioned are in2000 dollars

Borrowing constraints Based on self-reported limits on unsecured credit by family from the Sur-vey of Consumer Finances, we estimate the borrowing limits for working-age individuals a(e) to be−24, 000,−34, 000 for high-school and college graduates, respectively.

Taxes and replacement benets e tax function is assumed to be T (y,a, c) = τyy + τkar1a≥0 +

τcc − ω. Based on McDaniel (2007), we set τy = 0.22, τk = 0.27, and τc = 0.07.e government’s lump

28We take into account grants and scholarships, such that only private tuition costs are considered.


sum transfer to households ω is estimated to match the income redistribution observed in the data—asmeasured by the ratio of the variance of pre-tax income to aer-tax income. erefore, the governmentis allowed to spend some amount G, which is not valued by households and which is held constant inall our counterfactuals. e pension replacement rate is based on the Old Age, Survivors, and DisabilityInsurance federal program. We use education and skill level to estimate the average lifetime income,on which the replacement benet is based. See Appendix C.2 for details.

College loans College students have access to subsidized loans at rate r s = r + ιs . According to theNational Center for Education Statistics report “Student Financing of Undergraduate Education: 1999-2000,” among the undergraduates who borrow, nearly all (97%) took out federal student loans—only13% took out non-federal loans. Moreover, the average loan value was similar for both federal and non-federal cases. Since average values were similar but federal loans were signicantly more common,we focus on federal loans for our model estimation. Among federal loans, the Staord loan programwas the most common: 96% of the undergraduates who borrowed took out Staord loans. e secondmost common loans were the Perkins loans, but they were much smaller: only 11% of borrowers usedPerkins loans and average amounts were one quarter of average Staord amounts. erefore, we focuson Staord loans. Staord oers multiple types of loans so we use the weighted average interest rateto set ιs = 0.009. e borrowing limit while in college in the model is the set to match the cumulativeborrowing limit on Staord loans ($23,000).

School taste In this class of models it is dicult to match the education distribution so we followprevious studies that introduced school taste, also known as psychic costs of education, (e.g., Abboet al., 2013; Krueger and Ludwig, 2016). We assume that school (dis)taste in utility terms follows thefunction ϵ (ϕ,θ ) = exp (α + αθloд (θ ) + ϕ). is function allows for higher skilled individuals to have(on average) lower levels of school distaste if αθ < 0. en, ϕ is an idiosyncratic shock which is assumedto follow a normal distribution N

(ϕep −


2 ,σϕ)

that has a possibly dierent mean depending on theparents’ education. Without loss of generality, we assume that this mean is zero for children of high-school graduates. Even though all parameters are related, it is intuitive to think that α is estimated tomatch the college graduation shares, αθ is estimated to match the relation between college graduationand skills, ϕep is estimated to match the intergenerational persistence of education, and σϕ is estimatedto match the variance in college graduation aer controlling for skills.

Wages We assume that wages follow the process estimated in Section 4. Recall that this estimationimplied that skills have higher returns for college graduates.

Intergenerational transmission of skills Cunha et al. (2010) estimate children’s future skills asdependent on children’s current skills, parents’ skills, and an index of parental investments—which is


an unobserved factor in their estimation.29 We assume that the child development function is of thenested CES form. e outer CES is based Cunha et al. but we parametrize the investment factor as theinner CES, with parental time and monetary expenditures as inputs. Hence, the functional forms are

θ ′k =[α1jθ

ρ jk+ α2jθ

ρ j + α3jIρ j]1/ρ j eν , ν ∼ N (0,σj,ν ) (6)

I = A [αmmγ + (1 − αm)τγ ]1/γ .

We use Cunha et al.’s preferred estimation for the outer CES, which requires allowing parameters tovary with the age of the children.30 Moreover, they allow for two separate types of skills (cognitiveand non-cognitive) so we enlarge our model to include both: θ and θk are vectors with a separate entryfor each skill. Similarly, αθ is a vector that relates each skill to the school taste and ν is a vector withindependent shocks for each skill. Cunha et al. highlight that abstracting from the two types of skillsleads to estimates that suggest that investments on low-skilled children are much less productive (i.e.,a more negative ϕj).

Investments I are assumed to be unique and cannot be separated between skills—just as assumed byCunha et al.. en, we estimate αm to match the average ratio of money to time investments, ϕI tomatch the correlation between the two investments, and A to match the eciency of these investmentssuch that the average level of cognitive skills in the estimated economy is one since we estimated theincome process under this normalization.

Agostinelli and Wiswall (2016a) use a Monte-Carlo simulation exercise to show that Cunha et al.’sestimates may be biased. In particular, they suggest that estimates of ρj may be biased towards zero, andestimates of α1j may be upward biased. Agostinelli and Wiswall (2016b) proposes another methodologybut they are only able to apply it on children who are over 5 years old, hence limiting its use for ourpurposes. However, given the importance of the skill production function, in Section 6.2 we evaluateour results would change if parameters are moved in the direction suggested by Agostinelli and Wiswall(2016a) and show that our main results are robust to relatively large changes in the parameters.

Preferences We specify the period utility over consumption and labor as

u(c,h) =c1−γc

1 − γc− µ


1 + γh.

29Cunha et al. (2010) estimate it on a representative sample—rather than a sample of disadvantaged children—whichis important for our purposes. e initial draw of θk is also estimated by Cunha et al. so we use their estimates on thecovariances—Appendix Table 10-3 in their paper—of these initial draws in our model. In particular, given the importanceof non-cognitive skills in the development function, we implement this by making children’s draw of non-cognitive skillscorrelated to parents’ non-cognitive skills. en, the initial draw of cognitive skills are correlated to the initial draw ofnon-cognitive skills.

30Appendix Table C4 shows the parameter values and standard deviations.


We follow the literature and assume that γc = 2 and γh = 2. µ is estimated to match average hours oflabor. When parents choose their time with children τ , the disutility is assumed to be linear, i.e.,v (τ ) =ξτ . ξ is estimated to match average hours with children. Finally, the altruism factor b is estimatedto match the average monetary transfers from parents to children, as estimated from the Rosters andTransfers supplement to the PSID. We estimate average transfers per age-group of children and use thatto obtain an estimate of total parental transfers of $37,300—which correspond to 62% of the averageincome.31 e benet of using this data is that we can keep the estimation sample consistent with theones used for other moments but an important caveat is that, given the data structure, we are unlikelyto observe bequests or late-in-life transfers. Nevertheless, we nd that our estimates of b are in linewith the literature. 32

Aggregate production function We assume there is an aggregate rm with production functionY = KαH 1−α , where H is a CES aggregator of the labor supply of the two education groups

H =[sHΩ

1 + (1 − s)HΩ2]1/Ω.

We set α = 13 and estimate the CES aggregator. We estimate Ω = 0.43 and s to be leads to

a elasticity of substitution between high-school and college graduates of 11−Ω = 1.75 which is close to

previous estimates (e.g., Katz and Murphy, 1992; Heckman et al., 1998). See the appendix for details onthe estimation. e per-period capital depreciation rate δ is set such that the annualized depreciationrate is 6.5%.

5.2 Simulated Methods of Moments: Results

irteen parameters of the model are estimated using simulated method of moments. b relates to thedegree of altruism, while µ and ξ are the disutility of labor and time with children, respectively. α , αθ ,ϕ, and σϕ relate to the distribution of school taste and its relation with skills and parental education. A,αm, and γ relate to the eect of parental time and money investments in building skills. ω relates to thegovernment’s redistribution of income. Finally, ι is the wedge in the interest rate between saving andborrowing.

31is procedure is similar to the one used to estimate total fertility rates which is useful since only information on recenttransfers is typically available—i.e., not the history of all transfers.

32An alternative procedure to estimate b would be to use as a target moment an estimate of the total size of family trans-fers based on sources dierent from the PSID. For example, Brown and Weisbenner (2004) use a ow-to-stock conversionmethodology to estimate that the share of wealth explained by parental transfers is around 29% (though this estimate dependssubstantially on the interest rate used). Obtaining a similar estimate in our model would require a share of total parentaltransfers equal to approximately 85%, which implies increasing the altruism factor by between approximately 0.05 and 0.08as seen in Appendix C.4. Our robustness results in Section 6.2 show that b is important for our results, but a change of thismagnitude is only likely to reduce the welfare gains of a government policy that invests in children’s development—ourmain results—by less than one-third of our baseline estimates.


We implement a simulated method of moments procedure in two steps, based on a minimum distanceestimator. We rst use a sobol sequence in order to estimate the model in a thirteen-dimensional hy-percube in which parameters are distributed uniformly and over a “large” support. e benet of thisrst step is that it provides a global method to nd potentially good combinations of parameters. InAppendix C.4 we show how the information from this step can be used to justify the selection of eachmoment, i.e., why each moment is informative for each parameter. e drawback is that the distancebetween parameter sets may be large. erefore, the second step uses the 1,000 parameter sets with thesmallest distance to start a local and non-derivative-based search algorithm to further minimize the dis-tance. Table 4 shows the estimated parameters from this second step and the corresponding momentsin the simulated economy.

Table 4: Estimation: parameters and moments

Parameter Value Std. Dev. Description Moment Data Model

Preferencesµ 342.2 (28.4) Mean labor disutility Avg. hours worked 64.5 65.3b 0.332 (0.002) Altruism Parent-to-child transfer 0.62 0.64

as share of income

School Taste:α 6.40 (0.647) Avg. taste for college College share 29 29αθc -0.781 (0.153) College taste and cog. skills relation College: cog skills slope 0.19 0.20αθnc -0.367 (0.074) College taste and noncog. skills relation College: noncog skills slope 0.06 0.07σϕ 2.06 (0.280) SD of college taste shock College: residual variance 0.18 0.17ϕ -4.60 (0.325) Draw of school taste: Intergenerational persistence 0.77 0.79

mean by parent’s education of education

Skill Formation Productivity:ξ 0.220 (0.070) Parental time disutility Avg. hours with children 19.1 17.8

of time with childrenA 2.34 (0.046) Returns to investments Average skill ratio 1.0 1.0αm 0.969 (0.012) Money productivity Ratio of money to hours 208 196γ -0.284 (0.087) Money-time substitutability Money-time correlation 0.88 0.87

Interest rateι (×102) 2.24 (0.140) Borrow-save wedge Share of borrowers 5.0 5.1

Governmentω (×102) 2.28 (0.069) Lump-sum transfer Income variance ratio: 0.69 0.69

Disposable to pre-govNotes: Parent-to-child transfers, hours worked, skill formation moments and intergenerational persistence of education are estimated from PSID-CDS data.Share of borrowers is estimated from Survey of Consumer Finances. College share, college-skills slope and college residual variance are estimated using NLSY.Bootstrap standard deviations in parentheses. All moments maer for all parameters, but each line highlights the moments that is particularly informative forthe corresponding parameter—as explained intuitively in the main text and shown more formally in Appendix C.4.

e model provides a good t of the data. Education distributions, its relation with skills, and its inter-generational persistence are close to their data counterparts. Average time working and with childrenare successfully matched. e relation between money and time investments is well captured in themodel. Finally, the share of borrowers in the simulated model is similar to the one found in the Surveyof Consumer Finances. We also remark that the average productivity of parental investments is selected


such that the average level of skills in the economy is around its normalized value of one. e incomeredistribution in the model, as measured by the ratio of the variances of log disposable-income and logpre-government-income, is close to its empirical estimate.

In Section 6.2 we test the importance of these parameters by looking at how much results change wheneach parameters is changed according to its standard deviation. Average parent-to-child transfers areslightly high in the model but we highlight that the estimated altruism factor b = 0.332 is in line withthe literature (e.g., Manuelli and Seshadri, 2009; Abbo et al., 2013; Lee and Seshadri, 2017). Moreover,it has a small standard deviation due to the observed size of parental transfers and how much thosetransfers change in the model when the parameter is moved. A second parameter of interest is thesubstitutability between time and money investments given by γ = −0.284. is suggests that theelasticity of substitution is equal to 0.78. Even though the standard deviation for this parameter is notas tight as others, Section 6.2 shows that our main results are almost unaected when we moveγ withinone standard deviation.

5.3 Validation Exercises

We test the validity of the estimated model in two ways. First, we look at relevant moments which arenot directly targeted in the estimation. en, we follow a more novel approach of using experimentalevidence to test the model predictions when a policy related to childhood development is introduced.

Non-targeted moments

Table 5 summarizes the rst validation results, i.e., those from non-targeted moments. As shown inSection 4, families from higher socioeconomic groups tend to invest more time and money towardstheir children. e estimated model displays similar qualitative features. e elasticities of log-hoursto college and log-income are similar but slightly smaller in the model than in the data when using alltypes of families. ese elasticities become even more similar if we use only families with two parentsand two children (the closest to the model), as shown in Table 1. Regarding the elasticities of log-expenditures, the model tends to produce larger elasticities than the data, which may be due to the factthat expenditures typically associated with higher-income groups (e.g., child care and school fees) arenot available in the data used to calculate these elasticities.

Chey et al. (2014) estimates intergenerational mobility, as measured by the income rank persistenceacross generations, to be 0.34. In the model this persistence is 0.36. Labor income inequality is also wellcaptured by the model: both the Gini coecient and the top-boom are below but similar to the data.33

Regarding savings, the (annualized) capital-output ratio in the estimated model is 3.15 which is abovebut close to its typical empirical estimate of 3.

33Top-boom refers to the ratio of average incomes between the top 80–95 percentiles and the boom 5–20 percentiles.


Table 5: Validation: Not targeted moments

Moment Data Model SourceInvestments towards children:Hours to College 0.19 0.10 CDSExpenditures to College 0.45 0.61 CDSHours Elasticity to Income 0.18 0.15 CDSExpenditures Elasticity to Income 0.50 0.99 CDS

Intergenerational MobilityRank-Rank 0.34 0.36 Chey

InequalityGini 0.32 0.29 PSIDTop-Boom 3.9 3.4 PSID

SavingsCapital-Output Ratio (annualized) ≈ 3 3.15All moments are computed using the estimated model in steady state. Mo-ments on investments towards children were calculated for children aroundage 4 in the data. In the model we use the average between the correspond-ing moments for children of age 0–3 and of age 4–7. Chey refers to Cheyet al (2016).

Using experimental evidence

We use experimental evidence to test the validity of the most important novelty in our model: childhooddevelopment. Garcıa et al. (2017) study a randomized control trial (RCT) in which a small group ofdisadvantaged children were introduced into two high-quality early childhood development programs(ABC and CARE in North Carolina) that costed approximately $13,500 per year.34 We introduce a similarpolicy in the model. From the steady state, we simulate a policy in which the government unexpectedlyintroduces money directly in the early development of some children. is involves adding moneydirectly in the children’s development function in equation 6—unexpectedly, when they are 0–4 yearsold, and for only one generation. In the model, this is introduced as the government spending д directlyon the child’s skills such that I = A [αm (m + д)

γ + (1 − αm)τγ ]1/γ . Although unexpected, parents areallowed to change their choices (includingm and t ) aer д is introduced.

e policy in the model is introduced with three specic characteristics in order to be comparableto the RCT. First, the RCT focused on a small group of children so prices in the economy would notbe aected. us, when we introduce the policy in the model we abstract from wage and interestrate changes. Second, the experiment focused on children of low-educated and low-income parents.

34ey report the cost was $18,000 (in 2016 dollars) but adjusting prices by ination (to obtain prices in 2000 dollars)brings the cost down to $13,500.


erefore, we also study the eect of such policy in the model on children of high-school educatedparents whose income and savings are among the boom 2%. Finally, the children introduced into thisRCT did not expect their own children to also participate in the program. erefore, the policy in themodel is also introduced as a temporary one-generation policy, in which eects are evaluated on thetargeted generation.

Table 6: Validation: Experimental evidence

GHLP (2017) ModelShare College Graduates (p.p.) 13.5 9.5Labor Income Age 30 $4.7k $4.6kLifetime Labor Income (NPV) $88k $94kWe use the estimated model (starting from steady state) to simulate experimentalevidence on early childhood development in the spirit of the study of Garcia et al.(2017)—GHLP in the table. We simulate paying monetary expenses of a value of$13,500 per child-year in the rst period of childhood development (unexpectedly,for only one cohort, and target to a small group of disadvantaged children). Wethen compare our ndings regarding labor income to those of Garcia et al.

Garcıa et al. observe the income of these children at two specic ages (the latest being age 30) anduse that to predict the gains in lifetime earnings (in net present value). Table 6 shows that these gainsin the model are in line with their ndings. ey also show that the policy led to an increase in thecollege graduation rate of approximately 13.5 percentage points. e model predicts large increases inthis rate as well, though slightly below the ones observed in the data. In Section 6 we study the eectsof a similar government investment policy that targets all children, so the success of these validationexercises gives us condence in the results we obtain in those counterfactuals.

6 Policy

As reected in the model, children cannot invest in their own early childhood or compensate their par-ents for doing so, which can lead to reduced levels of childhood investment relative to an economy inwhich the children can compensate their parents for their investments. In addition, borrowing con-straints and risk aversion together with uncertainty in returns can limit investments—as explained inSection 3.4 and explored theoretically in simpler models (e.g., Loury, 1981; Baland and Robinson, 2000;Pouliot, 2006). In particular, Loury (1981) provides a partial-equilibrium model in which governmentinvestments towards childhood are welfare improving even when (lump-sum) taxes are needed pay forthem. Here we quantitatively evaluate such a policy in our more developed model, which takes intoaccount potentially negative eects through distortive taxation and general equilibrium eects. More-over, our model features multiple periods and forms of parental investments as well as estimated returnsto those investments, making it more appropriate for quantitative evaluations.


We evaluate alternative levels of government investments in early childhood but we focus on the eectsof introducing the same amount of investmentsд as in the case of the RCT studied by Garcıa et al. (2017).We now focus, however, on a large-scale policy so we need to take into account general equilibriumand distortive taxation eects. Aer evaluating the long-run eects, we study the transition dynamicsfrom which we obtain one of our main results: most of the long-run gains of early childhood programsare given by the fact that investing in a child’s development not only increases that child’s skills butalso creates a beer parent for the next generation.

Welfare measure: Consumption equivalence for newborn under veil of ignorance

When evaluating policies we are interested in inequality, intergenerational mobility, and average in-come. As a summarizing measure that allows us to compare policies we look at welfare. is is denedby the consumption equivalence under the veil-of-ignorance, in the the baseline economy relative tothe economy with the policy in place.

Let P = 0, 1, 2, ... denote the policy introduced, with P = 0 being the initial economy in steady state.We refer to consumption equivalence as the percentage change in consumption λ in the initial economythat makes agents indierent between being born in the initial economy (P = 0) and the one in whichthe policy P is in place. In particular, let V P

Ji(a,θ ,ϕ, λ) be the welfare of agents with initial states (a,θ ,ϕ)

in the economy P if their consumption (and that of their descendants) were multiplied by (1 + λ):

V PJi(a,θ ,ϕ, λ) = EP


β (j−Ji )u(cPj (1 + λ) ,hPj

)+ β JcbV P

Ji(φ,θk ,ϕ

′, λ)

where, for the sake of clarity, we have abstracted in the presentation from including the school distasteand highlighting that policy functions depend on the states. Notice that these policy functions areassumed to be unchanged when λ is introduced. For example, consumption cP refers to the consumptionchosen by individuals in economy P and is unchanged by λ. en, for any λ we can obtain a measureof average welfare V P (λ) =

∫a,θ ,ϕ

V PJi(a,θ ,ϕ, λ) µP (a,θ ,ϕ), where µP refers to the distribution of initial

states a,θ ,ϕ in the economy P . en, we dene the consumption equivalence λP to be the one thatmakes individuals indierent between being born in the baseline economy and in the one with policyP in place, i.e.,

V 0(λP

)= V P (0) .

Welfare gains, by denition, come from two sources: (i) changes in the expected discounted utilities ateach state V P

Ji(a,θ ,ϕ, 0) and (ii) changes in the probabilities of each state µP (a,θ ,ϕ). Having explained

how we measure welfare, we now move forward with the policy evaluation.


6.1 Government Investments towards Childhood Development

We simulate a policy in which the government invests money directly in the development of involves adding government investments in the children’s development function in equation 6.In the model, this is introduced as the government spending д directly on the child’s skills such thatI = A [αm (m + д)

γ + (1 − αm)τγ ]1/γ . Parents may alter their parental investments (and other choices) asgovernment spending д is introduced. In particular, we would expect that introducing д would lead tocrowding out of expensesm. However, complementarities may lead to an increase in time investmentsτ .

Our validation exercise, as shown in Table 6, directly tested the mechanisms involved by introducinggovernment investments as a randomized controlled trial and using experimental evidence to comparethe results. Its success gives us condence in the policy evaluations we perform now. Dierently fromthat validation, we now introduce government investments in a permanent and universal manner, i.e.,investments are introduced for all children for ever. Moreover, we also take into account that revenuesneed to be raised to aord these investments: the government alters (labor) taxes τy such that thegovernment budget is unchanged. Finally, we look at the long-run eect of such policy, taking intoaccount general equilibrium eects on the interest rate and wages.

We focus here on the case in which the government invests directly only during the children’s rstperiod (i.e., between the ages 0–3), evaluating this policy for dierent amounts of resources available.We have also evaluated introducing government investments in the second period (i.e., between theages 4–7). Gains are also obtained from allocating resources to that period but they are smaller. Earlierinvestments lead to larger gains because the child skill production function implies that skills are moremalleable at younger ages. Although we focus here only on very early investments, Appendix E.1 showsthe results for other alternatives.


Figure 9 shows the results, with the horizontal axis referring to the amount of government early child-hood investments д per child-year. Introducing government childhood investments leads to substantialwelfare gains, of approximately 10% as measured by the consumption equivalence for a newborn underthe veil of ignorance. e top-le gure shows that as the expenditures per child are increased the taxrate needs to increase in order to keep the government’s budget balance. Investing in children raisesthe revenue since the tax base increases but it is not enough to nance policies that require more than$40,000 per child.

As a reference point, the early childhood program evaluated by Garcıa et al. (2017) was estimated to costapproximately $13,500 per child-year (in 2000 dollar terms). Given that this is a level of investmentsthat has actually been implemented and that the validation exercise was successful for such level, we


will focus on this level of investments for the rest of our analysis. Moreover, as shown by the top-rightgure, our estimates suggest that investing $13,500 is close to the long-run welfare maximizing, from now on, we focus on the program that invests $13,500 per child-year.

Agents prefer these resources to be used for childhood investments rather than to fund a governmenttransfer. We evaluated another policy that uses the same resources to provide an initial transfer to everyagent when they become independent at age 16. We found that such a policy would lead to a 4.3% long-run welfare gain, less than half of the one obtained using the same resources to fund the governmentinvestment program. is happens because the government can do something that these agents cannotdo by themselves, i.e., invest in their childhood.35

Figure 9: Childhood investments

0 20 40 60-10







e (%


0 20 40 60-10






s. E


. (%


0 20 40 60-10










0 20 40 60Gov. Inv. g per child-year ($1,000)









0 20 40 60Gov. Inv. g per child-year ($1,000)







n (%


0 20 40 60Gov. Inv. g per child-year ($1,000)



10 L







Notes: We simulate policies in which the government invests dierent amount of resources directly in the development of childrenages 0–3. We evaluate this policy for dierent amounts of resources available. e horizontal axis refers to the investments perchild-year. en, for example, 15 refers to $15,000 per child-year, which equals $60,000 per child. Outcomes are reported in changesfrom the baseline steady state. Consumption equivalence is determined by newborns under the veil of ignorance. Inequality refersto the variance of log-labor-income while IGE mobility refers to minus the regression coecient between children’s and parents’income ranks.

e early childhood program is associated with a signicant increase in income and intergenerationalmobility as well as a reduction in income inequality. e model suggests that if such a universal invest-ment policy were implemented it would lead to an increase in income of 7%, all of which is explainedby the increase in labor productivity of 10%—as measured by the average product of wages and laboreciency units. Intergenerational mobility—as measured by minus the rank-rank coecient used by

35Funding a transfer program provides less welfare than using the same resources for childhood investments as long asthe resources used are not too large. Once resources are over $120,000 per child (i.e., $30,000 per child-year if using it onlyin the rst period), returns on those investments are small relative to the large cost of raising taxes to aord them.


Chey et al. (2014)—would improve by 30%. is implies that the rank-rank coecient is reduced from0.36 to 0.26. Moreover, labor income inequality—as measured by the mean of the variance of log ofpre-government-income by age—would be reduced by 7%. ese last two changes are large enough forthe US to achieve Canadian or Australian levels of mobility and inequality.

Results decomposition: Long-run, general equilibrium, and taxation

Government investments towards childhood achieve most of its eects on welfare and mobility throughthe long-run intergenerational dynamics: When the government invests in a child today, it not onlycreates beer skills for that child but also creates a beer parental background for following generation.

Table 7: Results decomposition

Alternative Exercises Change from Baseline (%)Long-Run General Budget Consumption Average Labor Inequality Mobility

Equilibrium Balanced Equivalence Income ReturnsNo No No 4.1 5.3 9.2 -1.4 6.9Yes No No 11.9 10.1 15.9 -1.4 29.9Yes Yes No 10.7 7.0 10.2 -7.1 30.2Yes Yes Yes 10.0 7.0 9.8 -7.0 30.3

Notes: We simulate introducing the same level of investments as in Garcia et al (2017). Early childhood investments of $13,500per child-year when children are between 0 and 3 years old are introduced. We simulate this policy closing down some channelsto beer understand the mechanisms. Long-run refers to looking at outcomes in the new long-run steady state. When this isdeactivated we calculate the eect of a one-generation policy and evaluate the eect on that generation. General Equilibriumrefers to adjusting wages and interest rates to clear the market. Budget Balanced refers to adjusting the labor income tax tokeep the government’s budget unchanged. Outcomes are reported in changes from the baseline steady state. e main welfareestimates refer to the case in which the three channels are activated. Consumption equivalence is determined by newbornsunder the veil of ignorance. Inequality refers to labor income inequality while intergenerational mobility refers to minus theregression coecient between children’s and parents’ income ranks. Average income refers to mean labor income for youngindividuals (ages 28–31), to facilitate the comparison with the empirical evidence.

Table 7 decomposes the welfare gains by simulating the same policy applied in three alternative ways.e boom row refers to the benchmark results (i.e., long-run eects taking into accounting tax changesand general equilibrium eects). First, we introduce government investments for only one generation,without balancing the government’s budget or taking into account general equilibrium eects. Eectsare evaluated on the generation that receives the intervention so this implementation can be comparedto the one to be expected from an RCT which is typically of small scale and apply to only one generation.Dierently from the case used in the validation, the policy is evaluated on a representative group ofchildren, not on a disadvantaged group. We nd that in this case welfare gains are only 4.1%, less thanhalf of the ones obtained in our benchmark. Mobility increases by only one-h of the benchmarkincrease, while inequality is reduced by only one-fourth of the benchmark reduction.

Next, we allow for long-run eects to take place: the policy is implemented permanently and the fact


that by improving one-generation’s level of skills we are also improving the productivity of future in-vestments is also taken into account. By permanently introducing this policy, the chances of childrenbeing born into a low-skilled family are reduced. Welfare gains increase by 7.8 p.p. (11.9 - 4.1), sug-gesting that this long-run intergenerational dynamics generates over two-thirds of the baseline welfaregains of 10%. Similarly, intergenerational mobility also increases by almost the remaining four-hsnecessary to reach the baseline mobility increase of 30%. Inequality’s reduction, however, is still lessthan one-fourth of the baseline reduction.

It is general equilibrium forces that generate most of the reduction of inequality: Increasing skills aug-ments the share of college graduates which reduces the wages of college-graduates relative to high-school graduates. Even though reducing inequality increases welfare, general equilibrium forces reducewelfare gains by one-tenth of the baseline value since reducing wages of college graduates reduces thelabor productivity gains associated with this policy. Finally, taking into account that taxes need to beincreased to nance this policy reduces welfare gains by another one-tenth.

To summarize, investing in children can lead to large welfare gains as well as inequality and mobilitychanges. e long-run intergenerational dynamics—investing in a child today produces a beer parentfor the next generation—drives over two-thirds of the welfare gains and the increase of intergenera-tional mobility. is suggests that these gains may take long to accrue, but the transition dynamicsstudied below formally evaluates this concern. General equilibrium—by reducing the wages of college-graduates relative to high-school graduates—generates three-quarters of the inequality reduction butreduce welfare gains by one-tenth since they also reduce labor productivity. Finally, raising taxes toaord this policy reduces welfare gains by one-tenth as well.

Heterogeneous welfare gains

Recall that, by denition, welfare gains emerge from two sources: (i) changes in the value of an agent ateach stateVJi (a,θ ,ϕ), and (ii) the distribution over those states µ (a,θ ,ϕ). Parents are heterogeneous intheir savings, education, skills, and idiosyncratic labor productivity, all of which aect the next gener-ation’s distribution over states (a,θ ,ϕ). Consequently, welfare gains can be heterogeneous for childrenwith dierent types of parents.

Children born to low socioeconomic groups are the ones beneted the most by this policy. Figure10 shows the policy’s welfare gains once the veil of ignorance is partially revealed. Here, we lookat the consumption equivalence for an agent who knows her parent’s skill level and education group,assuming this is unchanged between the baseline economy and the one in which the policy is in place.36

36Notice that there still is heterogeneity within each of these groups since parents’ assets and idiosyncratic labor pro-ductivity can vary. We allow these two states to change when computing welfare gains for children of each group: Childrenknow they are going to be born a parent with a given education and skill group in both economies, but they also knowthat the parent’s distribution over assets and idiosyncratic labor productivity (conditional on education-skills) is dierentbetween those two economies.


Children of high-school educated benet the most, with a consumption equivalence of up to 8%. On theother hand, agents that know are going to be born to college-educated and high-skilled parents benetmuch less, with a consumption equivalence of approximately 1%.

e welfare gains for each of these groups is smaller than the general welfare gains under the full veil-of-ignorance since a large part of the gains is driven by the share of children being born to low-skilledparents being reduced. On its right panel, Figure 10 shows the share of children being born to eachof these groups in both economies. It is clear that once the policy is introduced the distribution ofskills moves upward, reducing signicantly the share of individuals born to low-skilled parents. isreduction leads to changes in the distribution µ (a,θ ,ϕ) towards states associated with higher utilityVJi (a,θ ,ϕ). To understand the importance of this eect, we can recalculate welfare gains in two alter-native ways: (i) xing the distribution µ and only taking into account the changes in VJi ; and (ii) xingthe values VJi and only considering the changes in the distribution µ. If we x the distribution µ to theoriginal steady-state, welfare gains are 2.2%, i.e., one-h of the total gains. On the contrary, if we xthe values VJi to the original steady-state, we nd welfare gains 8.2%, i.e., four-hs of the total gains.Clearly most welfare gains are driven by the fact that once the policy is introduced more children areborn with states associated with higher utility—and not as much by the change in utilities at each state.

Figure 10: Heterogeneous eects

High-School College

Low Med High Low Med High

Parent Types (Skills-Education)









s. E


. (%


Low Med High Low Med High

Parent Types (Skills-Education)







re (

%) High-School College

Initial Final

Notes: e le gure shows the welfare gains computed for children of parents with dierent cognitive skills and education levels,assuming each child knows she will be born to the same type of parent both in the original steady state and the one in which thepolicy is active. e right gure shows the share of each children born to each type of parent.

Transition dynamics

Given that we have shown that a substantial part of the benets is driven by the long-run change ofdistributions, a logical concern is that a government investment policy may take too long to accrue thislevel of welfare gains and possibly go through periods in which welfare is reduced. We evaluate thisby looking at the transition dynamics. However, transition dynamics provide a lot of exibility in its


implementation (e.g., how the policy is introduced and/or nanced in the transition). To the best of ourknowledge, no paper has studied the optimal transition with such degree of exibility. Only Bakıs et al.(2015) have looked into a constrained form of optimal transition, in which the policy is assumed to beimplemented immediately but they take into account the transition to dene optimality. is would beinteresting in our much more complicated model but is out of the scope of this study. Here we focus onstudying the pace of the transition and highlighting that this policy can be welfare improving for everynew generation in the transition.

We assume that the government investments are introduced at the previously dened level togetherwith its associated labor income tax change, unexpectedly, and are known to remain in place for ever.e government raises lump-sum taxes in the transition in order to balance its budget each period. eagents being beneted the most are the ones born later, as they receive both the government investmentand higher skilled parents. Earlier generations receive the government investment, but are not as likelyto be born to high-skilled parents since that change takes time to accrue, so it is not obvious that the rstgenerations would benet given the tax and wage changes. Nevertheless, Figure 11 shows the policy iswelfare improving for all new generations.

e rst generation to receive the government investments obtains a welfare gain of 3.2%, about one-third of the gains obtained by generations born in the new steady state. However, welfare gains increaserapidly as new generations are born. e children of this rst generation (i.e., those born 28 years aerthe policy is introduced) already obtain 7.7% of welfare gains, over three-fourths of the nal gains. ejumps in the the consumption equivalence gains during the transition are due to the intergenerationaldynamics: e kth jump arises when the rst generation with kth previous generations that receivedthe investment is born. is jumps clearly show the mechanism behind the long-run intergenerationaldynamics gains: investing in a child creates a beer parent for the next generation.

e policy is associated with a steady decrease in income inequality that is paralleled by the change inwages. Wages of college graduate steadily decrease to up to 6%, while those of high-school graduatesincrease up to 4%. As the policy is introduced interest rates also increase since agents have more incen-tives to reduce savings since future generations are more likely to be beer o—due to both higher skillsand lower lump-sum taxes. e government needs to raise a lump-sum tax of $2,000 per household-yearearly on so that, together with the increase in labor taxes, its budget remains balanced. is lump-sumtax is slowly reduced such that aer approximately 80 years it is eliminated.


Figure 11: Transition dynamics

0 20 40





s. E


. (%


0 20 40





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High-SchoolCollegeInt. Rate

0 20 40



10 V

ar L



e (%


0 20 40





s. E


. (%



0 20 40







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0 20 40






re C


e (%

) LowMediumHigh

0 20 40 Cohort





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um T

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0 20 40 Cohort





. Def



Notes: e policy (including the investments and labor income tax change) is introduced unexpectedly. We compute the transitionintroducing a lump-sum tax such that the government’s budget balances every period. Consumption equivalence is shown fora newborn from the cohort dened by the horizontal axis. Cohort 0 is the rst cohort to receive the government investments.Intergenerational mobility refers to minus the regression coecient between children’s and parents’ income ranks. It is calculatedfor the generation born in such cohort and their parents. e consumption equivalence is also reported for children born to parentswith dierent levels of cognitive skills.

Older generations alive at the time the policy is introduced lose. Figure 12 shows that the welfare lossesfor each cohort alive at that time is between 2 and 5%. Individuals aged 44 and above (i.e., cohorts under-10) are not receiving any gain from these policy since their children—and any future generation—arenot included in their utility; but they are paying higher taxes. Individuals between 32 and 40 yearsold are beneted indirectly through their grandchildren (who are going to receive the government


investments). Individuals under 28 years old are beneted through their children. Nevertheless, thesegains are not enough to compensate the losses coming from higher taxation. Older generations arepaying for the gains that are being accrued mostly by future generations so a policy, such as governmentborrowing, that manages to pass the cost to these future generations may be able to reduce the lossesfor the older generations. Alternatively, a slow introduction of the government investments may alsohelp older generations since initial costs would be reduced. More research on optimal transitions isnecessary, but in Appendix D we show that government borrowing and slow introduction of the policycan help make welfare gains more common across cohorts. In particular, we nd that a combination ofboth government borrowing and slow introduction of the policy is able to achieve welfare gains for allfuture generations and most of of the old individuals alive at the time the policy is introduced.

Figure 12: Welfare gains including older cohorts

0 20 40 Cohort






s. E


. (%


Notes: Welfare gains are reported for cohorts born aer the policy is introduced (i.e., cohorts from 0 on) as well as for cohortsalready alive at such time (i.e., cohorts less than 0). For the rst group, welfare gains are computed for newborns. For the cohortsalready alive at the time the policy is introduced, welfare gains are computed for agents with the appropriate age. For example,cohort -10 was born 40 years before the policy is introduced, so its welfare gains are computed according agents of age 40 at thetime.

6.2 Robustness

We now evaluate how sensitive our main results on welfare gains are to changes in the parameters. Westart by moving the estimated parameters according to their standard deviations as reported in Table 4.We move each parameter one-by-one from the baseline estimation and recalculate the original steadystate. en, we introduce the government investments towards early childhood just as in the previoussection and calculate the welfare gains. Table 8 reports the gains in the short-run (i.e., for the rstgeneration) partial-equilibrium case when taxes are not adjusted—similar to an RCT applied to a smallrepresentative family—as well as for the long-run general-equilibrium case when labor income taxesare adjusted such that the government’s budget is re-balanced.


Welfare gains do not change by more than one-tenth when parameters are moved in either direction.Moreover, we estimate that the total window of possible changes to the gains—by moving each pa-rameter between plus/minus one standard deviation—is at most 15% of the total gains. However, it isinstructive to analyze the eect of some parameters. First, the larger the parental altruism b the smallerthe welfare gains possibly since underinvestment is less likely to occur—possibly because it is less likelythat the parent-to-children transfer constraint binds as in Baland and Robinson (2000). A second im-portant set of parameters involves the college distaste. Larger values of α , related to the average collegedistaste, and smaller σϕ , related to its standard deviation, are associated with larger welfare gains. isis probably because agents are more likely to be low educated when either of these occur and gains arelarger for those agents. Regarding the child’s skill investment function, the larger A the smaller the wel-fare gains of introducing government investments since the original parental investments are alreadymore productive than in the baseline case. Interestingly, moving γ , the parameter controlling elasticityof substitution of time and money, within one standard deviation does not seem to aect welfare gainssignicantly.

Table 8: Welfare gains robustness to estimated parameters

Cons. Equiv. Change from BaselineShort-Run PE Long-Run GE

Down Up Total Down Up Totalb 0.03 -0.02 0.05 0.04 -0.05 0.09µ -0.02 0.02 0.04 -0.02 0.07 0.09α 0.02 -0.01 0.03 -0.54 0.86 1.40αθc 0.04 -0.05 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.00αθnc 0.00 -0.00 0.01 -0.02 -0.06 0.04ϕ -0.00 -0.00 0.00 -0.07 0.05 0.11σϕ -0.01 0.00 0.01 1.02 -0.55 1.58A 0.01 -0.01 0.03 0.13 -0.10 0.23αm -0.02 0.02 0.05 -0.12 0.14 0.26γ 0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00ξ -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.03ι -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00ω 0.02 -0.02 0.04 0.06 -0.00 0.06

Baseline 4.1 10.0Starting from the baseline estimation, we move each parameters accordingto its standard deviation as reported in Table 4: Up (Down) refers to the theestimated value plus (minus) one standard deviation. Total reports the abso-lute value of the dierence in reported results between Up and Down, i.e., ameasure of by howmuch may each parameter aects the results. We solve themodel for each given parameter set, introduce the same policy from the previ-ous Section, and report the consumption equivalence welfare gains. Short-RunPE refers to the short-run partial-equilibrium gains without adjusting taxesand Long-Run GE refers to the long-run general-equilibrium gains adjustinglabor income taxes such that the government’s budget is balanced.


Given the importance of the child’s skill production function in the model we also the study how sensi-tive our results are to changes in those parameters. Recall that the values used here are from Cunha et al.(2010), so we move parameters according to their reported standard deviations. We move each param-eter one-by-one, re-estimate the model—particularly to guarantee that the average set of skills remainsnormalized—and calculate the original steady state. Table 9 reports the welfare gains of introducing thesame government investment policy.

We nd that results are more sensitive to changes in these parameters than to the ones internally es-timated as reported in Table 8. However, moving parameters by one standard deviation never aectsresults by more than one-h, and the total changes between one standard deviation above and beloware at most one-third, i.e., keeping long-run welfare gains always above 7%. As suggested by Cunhaet al. (2010), the elasticity of substitution is among the most important parameters. According to ourresults, increasing the elasticity of substitution parameter ρ by one standard deviation would increasewelfare gains by one-tenth. e larger the elasticity of substitution, the easier it is for investments tohelp children with bad initial conditions at birth—either because of the initial draw of skills or parent’scharacteristics—making investments more eective. We nd that two other parameters are particularlyimportant. e larger α1 the more persistent skills are, so it is harder for investments to be eective.Similarly, the larger α2, the more important parental characteristics are so the more ineective govern-ment investments are.37

Table 9: Robustness to child’s skill production function

Change from BaselineCons. Equiv. SR-PE Cons. Equiv. LR-GEDown Up Total Down Up Total

α1 0.65 -0.83 1.48 1.35 -1.60 2.95α2 0.20 -0.77 0.97 0.52 -1.75 2.27α3 -0.04 -0.20 0.16 -0.01 0.37 0.38ρ -0.54 0.28 0.82 -0.69 0.92 1.61σν 0.08 -0.15 0.24 0.12 -0.47 0.59Var


)-0.10 -0.22 0.12 0.03 -0.15 0.17

Corr(θ ,θk0

)-0.07 -0.16 0.09 -0.27 0.03 0.30

Baseline 4.1 10.0We move each parameter by one standard deviation as reported by Cunhaet al. (2010): Up (Down) refers to the the estimated value plus (minus) onestandard deviation. Total reports the absolute value of the dierence in re-ported results between Up and Down, i.e., a measure of by how much mayeach parameter aects the results. We re-estimate the model for each givenset of parameters, introduce the same policy from the previous Section, andreport the consumption equivalence welfare gains. SR-PE refers to the short-run partial-equilibrium gains without adjusting taxes and LR-GE refers to thelong-run general-equilibrium gains adjusting labor income taxes such thatthe government’s budget is balanced.

37is intuition is based on an initial elasticity of substitution above one.


Agostinelli and Wiswall (2016a) use a Monte-Carlo simulation exercise to show that Cunha et al.’sestimates may be biased. In particular, they suggest that estimates of ρ may be biased towards zeroand estimates of α1 may be upward biased. ese implies that inputs may be more substitutable in theproduction of cognitive skills—given that the baseline ρ1 for cognitive skills when children are youngis above zero—and that skills may not be as persistent as in our baseline estimation. According toTable 8, both of these eects would suggest welfare gains may be larger than in our baseline results.Nevertheless, the bias in the substitutability parameter also implies that inputs may be less substitutablein the production of non-cognitive skills—given that the baseline ρ for non-cognitive skills is belowzero—which would suggest gains may be smaller than in our baseline estimation. e net eect isambiguous but Table 8 shows results change by at most one-third for a two-standard-deviation changein any single parameter, so only very large biases are likely to signicantly aect our main results.

We also estimated our model in an economy with only cognitive skills—using the estimates reportedin the Appendix of Cunha et al. (2010)—and found long-run welfare gains to be twice as large whileshort-run gains were almost unchanged. We believe that this eect is driven by two reasons. First, inthe world with cognitive and non-cognitive skills the estimation suggests that it is non-cognitive skillsthat maer relatively more for the productivity of parental investments, while it is cognitive skills thatmaer relatively more for income. is introduces more equality in the original steady state in theeconomy with two skills relative to the economy with only one. Second, the estimated values in theonly-cognitive-skills economy suggest that the elasticity of substitution is lower and parental skillsare more important than in the two-skills case. Since the long-run eect of government investmentsimproves the distribution of parental skills, investments become particularly more productive in theworld with low elasticity of substitution and a large role for parental skills. More details on theseresults are available upon request, but we believe more research should be done on how welfare gainsin this style of models are aected by increasing the variety of skills included.

6.3 Other Policies

Parenting education In Appendix E we evaluate another popular policy regarding childhood de-velopment: parenting education. ese programs focus on teaching parents techniques and games tosolve discipline problems, foster condence and capability, among others. e key dierence is thathere, rather than investing towards children directly, parents are trained on how to promote children’sdevelopment. We estimate the costs and returns of running a parenting education program based onthe randomized control trials evidence from Gertler et al. (2013) and Aanasio et al. (2016). A relevantcaveat is that this evidence is from developing countries, but we try to control for that. We implementthis program as a government policy (both in a partial-equilibrium framework similar to an RCT andin a general-equilibrium) as well as a new education private market that parents can acquire. Our re-sults suggest that such a program has the potential to increase welfare by 5–6% as well as substantiallyreduce inequality and increase mobility. Importantly, once again we nd that welfare improvements


in the long-run general-equilibrium framework are larger than if we apply the policy as an RCT. elong-run change in the distribution of parental characteristics is important to obtain all the benets,since a higher-skilled distribution of parents provides beer conditions for children.

(Constrained) Optimal tax progressivity We also study the importance of endogenous childhooddevelopment on optimal taxation—within our constrained tax function. A large share of macroeconomicanalysis of inequality focuses on progressive taxation but most of the models used for that analysisabstract from endogenous intergenerational links like childhood development. In addition to the tra-ditional trade-o between equality and eciency of labor, endogenous childhood skills leads to a newtrade-o. On the one hand, higher progressivity may let poor parents increase investments towardschild’s skills. On the other hand, such progressivity would increase insurance and reduce the aer-taxreturns to skills, thus reducing the incentive to invest towards children’s skills. In general, the questionthat emerges is: Do tax policy evaluations change once we include endogenous parental investments? emodel introduced here is useful to answer this question as it adds endogenous childhood developmentand parental transfers to a standard life-cycle macroeconomic model. In order to evaluate the impor-tance of endogenous intergenerational links, we compare the eects in our model with endogenouslinks to the eects obtained by the same model but with exogenously xed links. e model with ex-ogenous childhood development is equivalent to the original model, but where the intergenerationaltransition matrix of skills is xed to be equal to one obtained (endogenously) in the original steady matrix denes that the distribution of children’s skills depends (exclusively) on parents’ skills andeducation group. Hence, the tax system cannot aect the development of skills directly, though it mayaect it through education choices. e model with exogenous childhood skills predicts small welfareincreases from increasing tax progressivity, in line with the literature that uses this kind of models toevaluate tax progressivity (e.g., Floden and Linde, 2001; Conesa and Krueger, 2006; Heathcote et al.,ming). On the other hand, the full model developed here predicts welfare gains of almost 2% in con-sumption equivalence terms from substantially reducing tax progressivity. By increasing the incentivesto invest towards children, a less progressive taxation can increase welfare in the long run, though thiscan be associated with a very costly transition. We remark that a more exible tax function may allowfor conditional transfers that increase progressivity, allowing poor parents to invest without harmingincentives. We leave this for future research.

7 Conclusion

Doepke and Tertilt (2016) argue that there is a potentially large role for family economics within macroe-conomics. is paper moves in that direction by combining a macroeconomic model that is appropriatefor policy analysis on income inequality and intergenerational mobility, with the ndings on childhooddevelopment (where family background is crucial). We use a standard macroeconomic Aiyagari-style


life-cycle general-equilibrium model and introduce parental investment in the skills of children which,in turn, are later associated to endogenous education and labor outcomes. Parents build children’s skillsby investing both time and money during multiple periods. ese skills make education easier and arealso rewarded by the market.

is paper shows that underinvestment in children’s development is relevant for the macroeconomicanalysis of inequality and social mobility, and can be improved by government policies that target child-hood directly. Introducing universal government investments towards early childhood (e.g., mandatoryschools for children under the age of 4) leads to a reduction in income inequality of 7% and an increasein intergenerational mobility of 34%. ese changes for inequality and mobility are large enough for theUS to reach Canadian or Australian levels. is policy yields welfare gains (in consumption equivalenceterms) of 10%.

ese welfare gains are twice the ones obtained by introducing the same early childhood program asa short-run partial-equilibrium policy—similar to an RCT. Although general equilibrium and taxationeects reduce the gains by one-tenth each, the long-run change in the distribution of parental char-acteristics more than compensates for those reductions. Key to this welfare gain is that investing in achild not only improves her skills but also creates a beer parent for the next generation. Althoughthis suggests that these gains may take long to accrue, the transition dynamics analysis shows that thesecond generation to receive the government investments would already obtain over two-thirds of thenal welfare gains.

We made several simplifying assumptions in order to keep our analysis computationally feasible. In-corporating richer family heterogeneity (e.g., endogenous marriage/divorce and fertility) would helpunderstand additional eects of large-scale early childhood policies. It would also be interesting to linkearly childhood skills development with college major choices since Arcidiacono et al. (2016) show thatcollege majors are associated with pre-college skills. Finally, choosing optimal early childhood policiestaking fully into account the transition would be particularly interesting given that welfare gains areheterogeneous by cohorts. We explored some alternatives including government borrowing and slowintroduction of early childhood investments, but we believe more research is necessary.



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A Empirical Findings: Details

A.1 Child Development Supplement:

e results presented in Section 4 are for the whole sample of children born to at least high-schooleducated mothers for which we have data on their time diaries. e summary statistics for these childrenare presented in Table A1.

Table A1: CDS Summary Statistics: Whole Sample

Age Group 3-7 8-12 13-18

Leer-Word Score 16.4 41.0 48.1(10.8) (7.8) (5.9)

Applied-Problems Score 16.7 34.0 41.2(7.8) (6.2) (6.8)

Child’s Age 5.4 10.2 15.1Mother’s Age 32.3 37.4 42.3Father’s Age 35.4 40.3 45.1Mother’s Education (years) 14.2 14.1 14.1Father’s Educarion (years) 13.9 13.9 13.8Mother Works 76.7 83.6 84.8Father Works 70.3 62.5 63.5Mother’s Work Hours (weekly) 23.2 27.3 29.2Father’s Work Hours (weekly) 30.9 27.4 27.5Mother’s Hourly Wage 18.0 18.2 17.9Father’s Hourly Wage 25.3 27.7 28.5Family’s Total Income 1391.1 1433.5 1712.1Number of Children 1312 2089 1810Table shows summary statistics for sample used to studyparental investments in Section 4.

As expected test scores grow with the age of the children. Moreover, we see that as children grow olderit is more likely that the mother works. We now present the relevant dierences when we focus onfamilies with two parents and two children, the closest to our model agents.

Sample Selection: We start with all the children born to at least high-school educated mothers forwhich we can observe the variables of interest from the Child Development Supplement, i.e., 2,778children. Given that in our model there are no fertility choices, we restrict the sample to families withtwo children, reducing the number of children in the sample to 1,423. Similarly, we focus on stabletwo-parent families since our model has no marriage choices. Restricting the sample to children whoseparents remain married between their time of birth and age 12, reduces the sample to 701 children.Finally, we keep only biological children and children whose parents are at least high-school leads to a nal number of children of 667.


e summary statistics of this sample are shown in Table A2. It is seen that this sample is rather high-income and highly educated relative to a sample that includes families with more children and are notmarried. All fathers work for at least some period when children are young. Interestingly, while earlyon all fathers are working, this share goes down as the share of mothers working goes up. Even thoughthis sample is more representative of a stable high socioeconomic group, it is shown in Section 4 thatdierences on parental investments are still sizable. Dierences in parental investments including singleparent households would also be interesting, but are out of the scope of the model used here.

Table A2: CDS Summary Statistics: Selected Sample

Age Group 3-7 8-12 13-18

Leer-Word Score 18.6 43.40 50.5(11.3) (6.7) (3.9)

Applied-Problems Score 18.6 36.1 44.3(7.1) (6.1) (5.7)

Child’s Age 5.4 10.2 15.0Mother’s Age 34.9 39.3 44.2Father’s Age 37.0 41.4 46.2Mother’s Education (years) 14.9 14.8 14.8Father’s Educarion (years) 14.6 14.5 14.5Mother Works 72.5 81.2 88.6Father Works 100.0 96.4 90.6Mother’s Work Hours (weekly) 21.9 24.3 29.5Father’s Work Hours (weekly) 44.0 42.5 39.7Mother’s Hourly Wage 20.4 19.7 20.9Father’s Hourly Wage 27.9 32.8 32.1Family’s Total Income 1890.0 2222.8 2763.6Number of Children 265 445 394Table shows summary statistics for (most selective) sample usedto study parental investments in Section 4.

A.2 Income Prole: PSID Sample Selection

We start with observations of individuals between the ages of 25 and 63. Aer dropping observationsof wages below half the minimum wage or inconsistent information on hours and income, we have aninitial number of individuals in the sample equal to 22,052. e distribution across education groupswithin this starting point is:

• High-school dropouts: 3,649 Individuals (40% from SRC), with a total number of observations of32,495.

• High-school graduates: 13,091 Individuals (53% from SRC), with a total number of observationsof 104,595.


• College graduates: 5,001 Individuals (75% from SRC), with a total number of observations of44,704.

Restricting to households with two adults, the number of individuals is reduced to 17,324. We furtherrestrict observations to those with positive hours of labor in the household (but lower than 10,000annually). We also drop individuals who at least once report hourly wages under $1 or above $400. isreduces the number of individuals to 16,563. Finally, we keep individuals with at least 8 observations ofincome and who do not report extreme changes of income (i.e., annual growth above 400%, or reductionby 66%). is leads to a nal number of individuals of 5,350. ese are distributed as follows:

• High-school dropouts: 877 Individuals (40% from SRC), with a total number of observations of4,294.

• High-school graduates: 3,034 Individuals (61% from SRC), with a total number of observations of17,147.

• College graduates: 1,431 Individuals (80% from SRC), with a total number of observations of 8,880.

A.3 Income Prole: NLSY Sample Selection

We start with 12,686 individuals, with a total of 317,150 observations. We exclude observations in thearmy, and restrict to those between the ages of 25 and 63. is reduces the number of individualsto 12,683 (217,570 observations). We drop observations with top-coded earnings, and drop individualswho change education groups (aer age 25) or who have missing information on their AFQT score. isreduces the number of individuals to 11,213 (191,301). We further restrict observations to those withpositive hours of labor in the household (but lower than 10,000 annually). We also drop individuals whoat least once report hourly wages under half the minimum wage or above $400. We keep individuals withat least 8 observations of income. is reduces the number of individuals to 6,729 (94,727 observations).Aer grouping observations in 4 year periods (like the model), we eliminate observations with wagesabove $400 and who do not report extreme changes of income (i.e., annual growth above 400%, orreduction by 66%). is leads to a number of individuals of 6,694. Restricting to households with twoadults leads to a nal number of individuals of 5,607. ese are distributed as follows:

• High-school dropouts: 554 Individuals, with a total number of observations of 2,350.

• High-school graduates: 3,574 Individuals, with a total number of observations of 16,960.

• College graduates: 1,479 Individuals, with a total number of observations of 7,552.


A.4 Additional Figures and Tables

Table A3: Age prole of wages by education group

(1) (2)VARIABLES HS Grad College

Age 0.0333*** 0.0716***(0.00273) (0.00431)

Age2 -0.000326*** -0.000740***(3.33e-05) (5.19e-05)

Over Sample -0.0260*** -0.0406**(0.00968) (0.0189)

Constant 2.066*** 1.633***(0.0578) (0.0911)

Observations 17,071 8,851R-squared 0.114 0.136# of households 3031 1430Robust standard errors in parentheses. *, **, *** denotestatistical signicance at the 10, 5, and 1 percent, respec-tively. Source: PSID. Methodology is explained in the maintext.

B Stationary Equilibrium

We introduce some notation to dene the equilibrium more easily. Let sj ∈ Sj be the age-specicstate vector of an individual of age j, as dened by the recursive representation of the individual’sproblems in Section 3. Let the Borel sigma-algebras dened over those state spaces be µ =



en, a stationary recursive competitive equilibrium for this economy is a collection of: (i) decisionrules for education


(s Je

), consumption, labor supply, and assets holdings






parental time and money investmentsdζj



, and parental transfersφ


; value functionsVj

(sj),V s


(sj),V sw


; (iii) aggregate capital and labor inputs K ,H1,H2; (iv) pricesr ,w1,w2; (v)

tax policyτc ,τy,τk ,ω

; and (vi) a vector of measures µsuch that:

1. Given prices, decision rules solve the respective household problems andVj

(sj),V s


(sj),V sw


are the associated value functions.

2. Given prices, aggregate capital and labor inputs solve the representative rm’s problem, i.e. itequates marginal products to prices.

3. Labor market for each education level clears.


For high-school level:

H1 =Jr∑


∫S j

ε1j (θ )hj

(sj |e = 1

)dµj +


∫S j

εej (θ )hj(sj |e = 2


where the rst summation is the supply of high-school graduates while the second is that laborsupply of college students.For college level:

H2 =Jr∑


∫S j

ε2j (θ )hj

(sj |e = 2

)dµj .

4. Asset market clears

K =


∫S j

aj(sj)dµj .

5. Good market clears:


∫S j

cj(sj)dµj + δK +

∫S Je


(s Je

)= 2


Jf +1∑j=Jf

∫S j

dmj(sj)µj = F (K ,H )

where the last two term on the le hand side represent the expenditures on education and child-hood development, respectively.

6. Government budget holds with equality


∫S j

π (θ , e)dµj +G =


∫S j



(sj), c

(sj) )dµj .

Government expenditures on retirement benets and G equal net revenues from taxes—whichinclude the lump-sum transfer.

7. Individual and aggregate behaviors are consistent: measures µ is a xed point of µ (S) = Q (S, µ)

where Q (S, ·) is transition function generated by decision rules and exogenous laws of motion,and S is the generic subset of the Borel-sigma algebra dened over the state space.


C Estimation and Results: Details

C.1 Child Skill Production Function

Table C4: Child Skill Production Function: estimates from Cunha et al. (2010)

Cognitive Skills Non-Cognitive Skills1st Stage 2nd Stage 1st Stage 2nd Stage

Current Cognitive Skills 0.479 0.831 0.000 0.000(0.026) (0.011) (0.026) (0.010)

Current Non-Cognitive Skills 0.070 0.001 0.585 0.816(0.024) (0.005) (0.032) (0.013)

Investments 0.161 0.044 0.065 0.051(0.015) (0.006) (0.021) (0.006)

Parent’s Cognitive Skills 0.031 0.073 0.017 0.000(0.013) (0.008) (0.013) (0.008)

Parent’s Non-Cognitive Skills 0.258 0.051 0.333 0.133(0.029) (0.014) (0.034) (0.017)

Complementarity parameter 0.313 -1.243 -0.610 -0.551(0.134) (0.125) (0.215) (0.169)

Variance of Shocks 0.176 0.087 0.222 0.101(0.007) (0.003) (0.013) (0.004)

Standard errors in parentheses.

C.2 Replacement benets: US Social Security System

e pension replacement rate is obtained from the Old Age Insurance of the US Social Security System.We use education level as well as the skill level to estimate the average lifetime income, on which thereplacement benet is based. We estimate the average life time income to be yj (θ , e) = weεej (θ ,η) × h

with η and h referring to the average eciency and hours worked. en averaging over j, mean incomey is calculated and used in (7) to obtain the replacement benets.

e pension formula is given by

π (θ , e) =

0.9y (θ , e) if y (θ , e) ≤ 0.3y0.9 (0.3y) + 0.32 (y (θ , e) − 0.3y) if 0.3y ≤ y (θ , e) ≤ 2y0.9 (0.3y) + 0.32 (2 − 0.3) y + 0.15 (y (θ , e) − 2y) if 2y ≤ y (θ , e) ≤ 4.1y0.9 (0.3y) + 0.32 (2 − 0.3) y + 0.15 (4.1 − 2) y if 4.1y ≤ y (θ , e)


where y is approximately $240,000 ($70,000 annually).


C.3 Aggregate Production Function

Wages from PSID

In order to estimate the APF we need to rst estimate the wage for each year and education group.For this, we return to the PSID data and remove the the age prole. We use rst dierence in orderto remove the eect of ability. en, we estimate wage growth for each year by running a xed eectregression for each year. Normalizing wages in the year 2000 (taking into account average ability fromNLSY for each education group) we can now obtain the wages for each year and education group.

APF estimation using CPS

e last part of the estimation is done using CPS since the sample is larger and representative of thecross-section in each year. We restrict the sample to include only salary workers between the ages of20 and 60 with properly reported education groups. For each year we then calculate the total wage billω of each education group (high-school and college graduates) and use the PSID estimated wages toobtain the eciency units of labor H of each group.

We assume that the production function is the following:

Yt = Kαt H


Ht =[sH

ρ1t + (1 − s)H


We can then estimate the parameters s and ρ using the following equation:



)= loд

(1 − ss

)+ ρloд


H 11t

)We can estimate this using OLS or First Dierences. Moreover, we also do IV using lags as approach leads to estimates around 0.3 for ρ, and 0.5 for s—in line with the estimates from Katzand Murphy (1992) and Heckman et al. (1998).

C.4 Simulated Method of Moments: Moments’ Selection

We internally estimate P = 13 parameters in order to match P moments. Although the model is highlynonlinear, so that (almost) all parameters aect all outcomes, the identication of some parameters relies


on some key moments in the data. Figure C1 shows the result of the following identication exercise.First, given an hypercube of the parameter space, we draw 100,000 candidate parameter vectors fromuniform Sobol (quasi-random) points, and compute the implied moments in the model. Second, foreach parameter we associate a relevant target moment. ird, for each parameter, we divide the vectorof this particular parameter in 50 quantiles and compute the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of theassociated moment in each quantile.38 Finally, we show these percentiles of the moment along withthe value in the data. We claim that a moment is important for a parameter’s identication if, as wemove across quantiles, the percentiles of the associated moment change and cross the horizontal dashedline (i.e., the value of that moment in the data). e slope of each curve shows how important is thatparameter for the associated moment (a steeper curve implies the moment is more informative). edierence between the 25th and 75th percentiles informs about the relative importance of the remainingparameters (other parameters are more important when the 75th and 25th percentiles are further apart).

e success of this exercise relies on nding a relevant moment for each parameter. For example, thedata on transfers to children, hours worked, and hours with child identify the preference parametersrelated to altruism, disutility of work, and disutility of time with children, as shown by the rst row ofFigure C1. More precisely, there is a positive relation between the level of altruism (λn) and transfers tochildren. As parents value more their children (higher λ), they increase the transfers to them. Similarly,there is a negative association between the disutility of work (µ) and average hours worked. Whenξ = 0, the average number of hours with children converges to the maximum allowed in the solutiongrid (i.e., 35 hours).

e rest of the gures can be interpreted in similar ways. e only moment that seems to be aected by(substantially) more than the parameter selected is the money-time correlation. e money-time substi-tutability parameter γ is important for this moment but so seem to be other parameters, as suggested bythe wide gap between the 75th and 25th percentiles. is is due to the fact that when ξ approaches zeroall parents put the same amount of time (i.e., the maximum) or when the share of money αm approachesone time with children is reduced to very similar amounts by all parents. is also leads to a relativelylarge standard deviation for γ as shown in Table 4, but as we show in our robustness analysis in Section6.2, results were almost unchanged by moving γ within such interval.

38 Notice that for each quantile there are P − 1 parameters that are randomly drawn from the uniform Sobol points, and,therefore, potentially far away from the estimated parameter value.


Figure C1: Identication

(a) Transfers to children

0.32 0.325 0.33 0.335 0.34








Altruism (b)

(b) Hours worked

350 360 370 38063






Disutility of work (µ)

(c) Hours with child

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5






Disutility of time w/child (ξ )

(d) High-Low skilled ratio

2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3








Prod. of Investments (A)

(e) Ratio money-time

0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98100





Money multiplier (αm)

(f) Money-time correlation

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2






Money-time substitutability (γ )

(g) Share of borrowers

0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035







Borrowing-saving wedge (ι)

(h) Redistribution of income

0.021 0.022 0.023










Lump-sum transfer (ω)

(i) IGE persistence of education

-5 -4 -3








Mean school taste shock (ϕ)


Figure C1 (cont.): Identication

(j) Share of college grads (%)

4 5 6










Mean school taste (α )

(k) College: cog skills slope

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2






School taste-cog skill relation (αc )

(l) College: noncog skills slope

-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.10.02










School taste-noncog skill relation (αnc )

(m) College: residual variance

1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4







SD of taste shock (σϕ)

Note: For each parameter’s quantile, the (lled) blue dot shows the median while the (empty) red dots show the 25th and 75thpercentiles of the assigned moment. e black dashed line shows the value of the moment in the data. Transfers to children areestimated as a share of income. Redistribution of income refers to the ratio of the variances of log-income aer taxes and beforetaxes. Methodology is explained in the main text.

D Transition Alternatives

Figure 12 shows that introducing the early childhood investment policy and forcing the governmentto keep its budget balanced every period leads to negative welfare eects on the older individuals atthe time of the introduction. ese individuals have to pay higher taxes, but most of the gains areobtained by later cohorts (who are subject to smaller tax increases). Here we evaluate two alternativesthat transfer the cost of the policy to later cohorts to study whether, if the government is able to borrowtemporarily, permanent government investments in early childhood can be welfare improving for everycohort (on average). We focus on the case in which the government is able to borrow at an annual 3%



e rst alternative imposes that only intervened cohorts have to pay higher taxes. We nd that thisform of government borrowing alone is not enough to achieve welfare gains for most cohorts—at least atan interest rate of 3%. e second alternative adds a slower introduction of the government investmentsto the rst alternative. Government investments start at $1,000 per child-year for the rst cohort andgrow by $1,000 for every new cohort, until they reach the target of $13,500. We nd that this slowintroduction, combined with the fact that only intervened cohorts pay higher taxes, leads to welfaregains for all new cohorts and most individuals alive at the time of the introduction.

D.1 Only Intervened Cohorts Pay

Figure D2 shows the transition dynamics to the baseline policy in which the government invests $15,000per child-year, when only intervened cohorts have to pay higher taxes. To compensate for the smallerearly increase increase in taxes, the government is allowed to borrow at an interest of 3%. But it has touse the later higher taxes to pay o its debt by the time cohort 50 is born.40 We assume that higher taxesare introduced only aer cohort 16 is born, as a way of reducing the costs even further to the earliercohorts (since they accrue less gains than later cohorts).

Figure D3 shows that this form of government borrowing alone is not enough to guarantee welfaregains for most cohorts—at least at an interest rate of 3%. Even though the rst few cohorts born aerthe policy is introduced do have welfare gains (particularly because of the way taxes are introduced),later cohorts suer welfare losses since they are forced to pay o large amounts of debts. Only aer 40cohorts are born do we observe welfare gains once again.

39Smaller interest rates would make the policy easier to be welfare improving. 3% is likely to be on the upper bound of therate at which the US government is able to borrow, so we can interpret this analysis as a lower bound on the welfare gainsthat can be achieved if the government uses its borrowing capacity. We limit to foreign borrowing here, i.e., governmentborrowing does not require funds provided by the agents in the model. Requiring the government to borrow locally is nottheoretically dicult but would require an extra convergence step in the simulation.

40It is possible to allow for dierent interest rates and times in which the debt has to be repaid. Results are qualitativelysimilar, but smaller interest rates make the policy easier to aord. Longer times to full debt-repayment imply that earliercohorts are beer o but later cohorts are worse o.


Figure D2: Transition dynamics: only intervened pay

0 20 40 60 80





s. E


. (%


0 20 40 60 80





es (


High-SchoolCollegeInt. Rate

0 20 40 60 80



10 V

ar L



e (%


0 20 40 60 80





s. E


. (%



0 20 40 60 80







ent (



0 20 40 60 80










0 20 40 60 80






re C


e (%

) LowMediumHigh

0 20 40 60 80 Cohort





or T

ax (


0 20 40 60 80 Cohort






um T

ax (



0 20 40 60 80 Cohort





. Def



Notes: e policy (including the investments and labor income tax change) is introduced unexpectedly but only intervened cohortspay extra taxes. We compute the transition introducing a lump-sum tax paid only by intervened cohorts up to the time cohort 50is born, such that the government’s budget balances over the transition (assuming an interest rate of 3% annually). Consumptionequivalence is shown for a newborn from the cohort dened by the horizontal axis. Cohort 0 is the rst cohort to receive thegovernment investments. Intergenerational mobility refers to minus the regression coecient between children’s and parents’income ranks. It is calculated for the generation born in such cohort and their parents. e consumption equivalence is alsoreported for children born to parents with dierent levels of cognitive skills.


Figure D3: Welfare gains including older cohorts

0 20 40 60 80 Cohort






s. E


. (%


Notes: Welfare gains are reported for cohorts born aer the policy is introduced (i.e., cohorts from 0 on) as well as for cohortsalready alive at such time (i.e., cohorts less than 0). For the rst group, welfare gains are computed for newborns. For the cohortsalready alive at the time the policy is introduced, welfare gains are computed for agents with the appropriate age. For example,cohort -10 was born 40 years before the policy is introduced, so its welfare gains are computed according agents of age 40 at thetime.

D.2 Only Intervened Cohorts Pay + Slow Introduction

ese results clearly depend on the assumptions of times of repayments and interest rates. However,they do show that government borrowing may not be enough. Next we explore adding a slow introduc-tion of government investments to the previous transition framework. Government investments startat $1,000 per child-year for the rst cohort and grow by $1,000 for every new cohort until they reachthe target of $15,000. Just like before, we assume that higher taxes are introduced only aer cohort 16is born and the government is allowed to borrow at an interest of 3%.

Figures D4 and D5 show that this combination of slow introduction and higher taxes only for intervenedcohorts is able to achieve welfare gains for most cohorts. All new cohorts accrue welfare gains. And sodo most cohorts alive at the time of the introduction. Only cohorts for whom their children have alreadygrown up (and are not included in their utility functions) obtain welfare losses due to the changes inprices. ese losses, however, are small and could be easily compensated using an age-dependent lump-sum transfer.


Figure D4: Transition dynamics: slow introduction + only intervened pay

0 20 40 60 80





s. E


. (%


0 20 40 60 80





es (


High-SchoolCollegeInt. Rate

0 20 40 60 80



10 V

ar L



e (%


0 20 40 60 80





s. E


. (%



0 20 40 60 80







ent (



0 20 40 60 80










0 20 40 60 80






re C


e (%

) LowMediumHigh

0 20 40 60 80 Cohort





or T

ax (


0 20 40 60 80 Cohort






um T

ax (



0 20 40 60 80 Cohort





. Def



Notes: e policy (including the investments and labor income tax change) is introduced unexpectedly but only intervened cohortspay extra taxes. Government investments are introduced slowly, they start at $1,000 per child-year for the rst cohort and growby $1,000 for every new cohort until they reach the target of $15,000. We compute the transition introducing a lump-sum taxpaid only by intervened cohorts up to the time cohort 50 is born, such that the government’s budget balances over the transition(assuming an interest rate of 3% annually). Consumption equivalence is shown for a newborn from the cohort dened by thehorizontal axis. Cohort 0 is the rst cohort to receive the government investments. Intergenerational mobility refers to minus theregression coecient between children’s and parents’ income ranks. It is calculated for the generation born in such cohort andtheir parents. e consumption equivalence is also reported for children born to parents with dierent levels of cognitive skills.


Figure D5: Welfare gains including older cohorts

0 20 40 60 80 Cohort






s. E


. (%


Notes: Welfare gains are reported for cohorts born aer the policy is introduced (i.e., cohorts from 0 on) as well as for cohortsalready alive at such time (i.e., cohorts less than 0). For the rst group, welfare gains are computed for newborns. For the cohortsalready alive at the time the policy is introduced, welfare gains are computed for agents with the appropriate age. For example,cohort -10 was born 40 years before the policy is introduced, so its welfare gains are computed according agents of age 40 at thetime.

E Other Policies

E.1 Early Childhood Investments: More Alternatives

We evaluate additional alternatives to the policy evaluated in the Section 6. Instead of using all resourcesto invest in children ages 0–3, we evaluate here alternatives that use part of those resources to also investin older children (age 4–7). Moreover, we also evaluate using the same amount of resources to fund apure government transfer program that provides a lump-sum transfer to all individuals at the age of16. Figure E6 shows the results of these policies in the new steady-state, taking into account generalequilibrium eects as well as adjusting the labor income tax such that the government’s budget remainsbalanced. ere are two main results.


Figure E6: Childhood investments

0 100 200-10






e (%


Inv: 100% Ages 0-3Inv: 80% Ages 0-3Inv: 50% Ages 0-3Transfer

0 100 200-10





s. E


. (%


0 100 200-10





of L



e (%


0 100 200 Budget per child ($1,000)









0 100 200 Budget per child ($1,000)








n (%


0 100 200 Budget per child ($1,000)






or P



ity (


Notes: We simulate policies in which the government uses dierent amount of resources either to invest directly in the developmentof children or to fund a government transfer to all individuals (at the age of 16). Among childhood investment policies, we alsoevaluate dierent alternatives: (i) use all resources in children age 0–3 (as in the main text); (ii) use 80% of the resources forchildren 0–3 and 20% for children 4–7; and (iii) use 50% of the resources for children 0–3 and 50% for children 4–7. We evaluatethese policies for dierent amounts of resources available. e horizontal axis refers to the investments per child. en, forexample, 40 refers to $40,000 per child, which equals $10,000 per child-year if using all resources for investments in childrenage 0–3. Outcomes are reported in changes from the baseline steady state. Consumption equivalence is determined by newbornsunder the veil of ignorance. Inequality refers to the variance of log-labor-income while IGEmobility refers to minus the regressioncoecient between children’s and parents’ income ranks.

First, there are small gains from allocating part of the resources towards investing in older children.Using 20% of the resources to invest in children ages 4–7 and 80% for children ages 0–3, it is possibleto obtain larger welfare gains than if investing all resources in children ages 0–3. However, the welfaregains dierences are small (only 1 percentage point) and so are dierences in other outcomes (inequality,mobility, and average income). Although not shown here, we nd that gains are larger if a larger share ofresources is used in children ages 0–3 than if a larger share is used on older children. Earlier investmentslead to larger gains because the child skill production function implies that skills are more malleable atyounger ages.

Second, agents typically prefer resources to be used for childhood investments rather than to fund agovernment transfer. is happens because the government can do something that these agents cannotdo by themselves, i.e., invest in their childhood. Funding a transfer program provides less welfare thanusing the same resources for childhood investments as long as the resources used are not too large.Once resources are over $120,000 per child, returns on those investments are small relative to the largecost of raising taxes to aord them.


E.2 Parenting Education

Introducing parenting education is not trivial so we explain it in detail here. In these programs, parentsare educated on techniques that promote children’s development—including recommendations on read-ing, games, and ways to interact with children. We implement this in the model using θpe an extendedversion of children’s development function 6

θ ′k =[α1jθ

ρ jk+ α2j max θ ,θPEρ j + α3jI

ρ j]1/ρ j eν , ν ∼ N (0,σj,ν ) (8)

I = A [αmmγ + (1 − αm)τγ ]1/γ ,

which increases the productivity of parental investments I . e parenting education program can bethought of as providing a minimum training on parenting techniques, which is most helpful for lowerskilled parents. Alternatively, if parenting education were useful for everyone (e.g., if θPE entered asa perfect substitute for θ ) we would expect general welfare benets to be even larger. erefore, ourresults here may be thought as a lower bound in that respect.41

Estimating the cost of and returns to parenting education (in terms of θPE) is not easy, so we take thefollowing approach in order to estimate a lower bound on the benets of such policy. We would liketo estimate these from parenting education programs in the US but, to the best of our knowledge, thisdata is not available. In general, parenting education programs have been more popular in researchstudies from developing countries so we use that evidence instead. Moreover, even though we werenot able to nd evidence of costs and long-term impacts from the same study, we used evidence of twoprograms with similar curricula. We estimate the cost of running such policy in the US—based on theupper-bound available for Colombia (Aanasio et al., 2016)—to be $11,400 per family in the rst periodwith children.42 We also need to estimate the eectiveness of parenting education, i.e., θPE . In orderto do this, we use experimental evidence from a parenting education program that was implementedin Jamaica and studied by Gertler et al. (2013). Parents of growth-stunted children were randomly

41An alternative compelling interpretation of the eect of parenting education is to increase A. Eectively, both alterna-tives increase the derivative of θ ′k to τ orm, i.e., the productivity of investments. e key element is how to benchmark theincrease of productivity for either alternative. We present here the rst approach since our benchmarking is made on theincreased income of children from low-income parents. If we were to focus on increases inAwe would get higher returnsfor high-income individuals than if we follow our selected approach. is is in line with our objective of estimating a lowerbound on the potential impact of parenting education.

42Running a similar policy in Colombia has been estimated to cost between $450 and $750 per child (Aanasio et al.,2016). is program actively used a group of women (“Madres Lideres”) with average education equivalent to a high-schooldegree. If we assume running the program in the use would use similar inputs we can try to estimate the costs, we cancompare the salaries of similar individuals in the US and Colombia to estimate the cost in the US. In order to estimate anupper bound to such cost, we assume here that in the US they would employ college-educated women instead. In Colombia,$450 represented approximately the average monthly salary of a high-school educated person in Colombia. Assuming thiswould require a college graduate in the US (whose average salary in the 2000s was approximately $42,000), this would implythat in the US the cost of running a similar program would be between $3,400 and $5,700 per child. Disregarding potentialreturns to scale of running the program for two children per family, this would imply a cost of up to $11,400 per family inour model.


selected to participate in the program when their children were between 0 and 2. Once children wereapproximately 22 years old, Gertler et al. (2013) estimate that parenting education program led to 12%increase in the children’s income.43 As shown in Table E5, we choose θPE such that if a small share ofpoor families whose children had low initial levels of skills in our estimated economy were introducedto the parenting education program their children’s income would increase by 12% as well.44 isis obtained by θPE that is 0.3 standard deviations above the average θ . We refer to this value as thebenchmark return to parenting education.

Table E5: Parenting Education: benchmarking θPE

θPE relative to Change from Baseline (%)Avg. θ Policy benchmark Income Bottom-1.5 SD -1.8 SD 0.00-1.3 SD -1.6 SD 0.76-1.1 SD -1.4 SD 1.49-0.9 SD -1.2 SD 4.39-0.7 SD -1.0 SD 6.43-0.5 SD -0.8 SD 7.47-0.3 SD -0.6 SD 8.55-0.1 SD -0.4 SD 9.35+0.1 SD -0.2 SD 10.16+0.2 SD -0.1 SD 10.74+0.3 SD 0.0 SD 12.08+0.4 SD +0.1 SD 12.59

We use the estimated model (starting from steady state) to simulate experimental ev-idence on a parenting education program in the spirit of the study of Gertler et al.(2013). We simulate low-income, low-skilled parents with low-skilled children goingthrough the program that increases their parenting skills as explained in the main text.We then evaluate the results on children’s income at age 22. We dene the benchmarkprogram productivity as the level of skills (in standard deviation terms) required forthis income to grow by 12% (i.e., as much as reported by Gertler et al. (2012))

We now evaluate parenting education in three steps. e rst two steps estimate what the return wouldbe a government run program that introduced parenting education. Here the government enrolls (andpays for) every agent to obtain parenting education, independently of whether it is ineective for themor not—i.e., the government cannot observe or use the skills of the agents to determine their enrollment.Our third step looks at whether such a program would need to be government enforced. We introducethe program as something that agents can purchase by themselves once children are born and study itseects. For most of the analysis we focus on measures of income inequality, intergenerational mobility,

43We focus on the estimates for earnings on current job that exclude individuals that migrated to other countries (TableS.14 in the Appendix of Gertler et al. (2013)). is estimate is smaller than the average nding for all individuals of, consistently with our other choices, we are likely to obtain a lower bound on the gains of such programs.

44We focus on families whose children have a low initial draw of skills (to capture the idea of growth stuntedness in themodel). Moreover, given that these families lived in poor neighborhoods we focus on non-college graduate and low-skilledparents, whose income is in the boom 5%.


college-graduation rate, and average income. Finding policies that manage to improve these aggre-gate outcomes is of general interest. As a measure of general welfare, we also report on consumptionequivalence.

E.2.1 Parenting Education as a Government Program

We introduce parenting education in the previous steady state and evaluate the eects in the relevantcohort receiving those benets: children born to the generation receiving the parenting education. isenvironment is useful to understand the rst-order and short-term eects of the policies. Moreover,studies from the empirical literature are more comparable to this environment as their experimentalevidence is usually based on small-scale policies and eects are evaluated in the short term.


Table E6: Parenting Education Program

θPE Change from Baseline (%)relative to Cons. Avg. Inequality Mobility College Tax Taxbenchmark Equiv. Income Revenue Rate

Partial Equilibrium - Short-Run

-1.2 SD 1.11 1.64 -0.28 20.59 4.97 3.02 0.00-1.0 SD 1.64 2.30 -0.38 26.32 7.38 4.48 0.00-0.8 SD 2.04 2.91 -0.42 31.73 9.22 5.60 0.00-0.6 SD 2.41 3.45 -0.46 35.81 10.90 6.63 0.00-0.4 SD 2.74 3.91 -0.50 39.38 12.43 7.58 0.00-0.2 SD 3.15 4.51 -0.56 42.70 14.34 8.76 0.00Benchmark 3.63 5.21 -0.63 45.25 16.56 10.14 0.000.1 SD 3.85 5.53 -0.67 46.34 17.59 10.78 0.00

General Equilibrium - Long Run

-1.2 SD 1.85 1.76 -1.32 20.90 1.95 2.44 -0.07-1.0 SD 2.52 2.16 -1.66 26.75 2.76 2.65 -0.21-0.8 SD 2.97 2.40 -1.83 31.96 3.12 2.80 -0.31-0.6 SD 3.37 2.68 -2.00 35.68 3.55 2.91 -0.38-0.4 SD 3.88 2.96 -2.23 40.47 4.09 3.03 -0.48-0.2 SD 4.31 3.24 -2.43 45.18 4.41 3.15 -0.56Benchmark 4.71 3.47 -2.60 48.09 4.81 3.22 -0.640.1 SD 4.88 3.63 -2.70 50.22 4.76 3.38 -0.65

Notes: We simulate a policy in which the government sets up the parenting education program as explained in the maintext. We simulate the program under dierent levels of eciency, relative to the benchmark. e program is estimated tocost $11,400 per family for all cases. General equilibrium and long run refers to the case in which the policy is implementedpermanently and we look at the eects in the new steady state, taking into account that wages and interest rates adjustto clear the market and the government adjusts the labor income tax to keep its budget balanced. e other case focuseson the eects on the children of the rst (and only) cohort of parents is intervened, without considering changes in pricesor taxes. is case is similar to an RCT applied to a small representative sample. Regarding the columns, consumptionequivalence is determined by newborns under the veil of ignorance. Inequality refers to the variance of log-labor-incomewhile IGE mobility refers to minus the regression coecient between children’s and parents’ income ranks.

e top panel of Table E6 shows the results in the short-run partial-equilibrium case. Eects are reportedas percent changes from the baseline economy. Each row shows the outcome changes for dierent levelsof θPE . For example, -0.1 SD means that the eectiveness of the program is 0.1 standard deviations (of θ )less than predicted by the benchmark estimate. Focusing on the consumption equivalence column, it isclear that even if this policy is not very ecient (e.g., 1 standard deviation below), parenting educationstills seems to provide welfare gains. is policy can also generate new tax revenues. For example, byincreasing the share of college graduates or the share of high-skilled individuals, the average income,consumption, and savings increase, and so does the tax revenue. A 10% increase in tax revenue isapproximately equal to a $500 increase in the tax revenue per household each year. Parenting education,assuming the policy is at least as eective than the benchmark, is even able to increase the resources


available for the government in the short run (net of the extra expenditures required to run the program).

We now evaluate the parenting education program in a long-run general-equilibrium environment: it isintroduced permanently and we consider the economy in the new steady state. We adjust government(labor) taxes so that its budget does not change. We evaluate what the long-run eects would be— takinginto account the interactions between taxation, education, and parental investments towards children.e model now provides evidence that is harder to obtain empirically. e boom panel of Table E6shows the results.

Parenting education remains highly benecial. Once again, even for the cases in which the policy is 1standard deviation less eective than the estimated benchmark, we nd the consumption equivalencemeasure for welfare to be larger than zero. e eect on intergenerational mobility is almost equivalentto the partial equilibrium case. If parenting skills can be improved as much as the literature suggests,it would lead to a decrease in the intergenerational mobility rank-rank persistence coecient of 0.17points. Similarly, the eect on average income is two-thirds as strong as in the partial equilibriumcase, with the reduction being driven by the wages adjustment. e eect on college graduation isconsiderably smaller than in partial equilibrium. Parenting education also proves to be a policy thatwould increase tax revenue in the long run. By increasing the share of high-skilled, the growth inincome, consumption, and savings even allows the government to reduce labor tax rates.

E.2.2 Parenting Education Market

Next we look at whether such a program would need to be government enforced. We introduce theprogram as something that agents can purchase by themselves once children are born and study itseects. In other words, when their children is born they have one more choice to make: acquire par-enting education at the price of $11,400 (same as the government estimate) or now. Table E7 shows theresults for such exercise, for dierent levels of productivity θPE relative to the estimated benchmark. Atthe benchmark the consumption equivalence is 5.6%, which is associated with an almost 100% take-upamong the low-skilled parents. e largest eect is on intergenerational mobility which would increaseby almost 40%. Similarly, average income would increase by 7% while inequality would be reduced byalmost 7%. Relative to the benchmark, the productivity of the program would need to be below 1.6 SDfor the take-up to be very small and aggregate eects to be minimal. For lower values, no agent acquiresparenting education and hence the economy does not change relative to the initial steady state.


Table E7: Policy evaluation: comparison

Change from Baseline (%)Cons. Avg. Inequality Mobility College Tax Tax Take-Up Take-Up Take-UpEquiv. Income Revenue Rate Low Medium High

-1.2 SD 1.05 1.57 -0.68 16.89 1.03 0.27 -0.24 38.29 0.00 0.00-1.0 SD 2.29 2.26 -1.54 27.11 1.84 0.73 -0.46 68.63 0.00 0.00-0.8 SD 3.04 2.63 -1.85 33.07 2.93 0.92 -0.62 80.21 0.00 0.00-0.6 SD 3.48 2.99 -2.12 36.62 3.39 1.11 -0.70 83.16 0.31 6.07-0.4 SD 4.15 3.46 -2.32 37.41 4.20 1.23 -0.87 89.71 4.07 19.95-0.2 SD 4.82 4.06 -2.79 40.34 4.48 1.57 -0.97 96.96 17.90 22.03-0.1 SD 5.14 4.17 -3.05 41.53 4.63 1.63 -1.02 98.68 19.02 25.86Benchmark 5.60 4.52 -3.13 42.56 5.68 1.79 -1.13 99.58 25.24 28.060.1 SD 6.17 4.74 -3.46 43.42 6.24 1.96 -1.24 99.96 35.28 32.65

Notes: We allow families to acquire the parenting education program as explained in the main text. We simulate the program under dierent levels ofeciency, relative to the benchmark. e program costs $11,400 per family for all cases. e table shows the results in the new steady state, taking intoaccount that wages and interest rates adjust to clear the market and the government adjusts the labor income tax to keep its budget balanced. Regardingthe columns, consumption equivalence is determined by newborns under the veil of ignorance. Inequality refers to the variance of log-labor-income whileIGE mobility refers to minus the regression coecient between children’s and parents’ income ranks.

ere are dierences between the case in which the program is government run (and every householdis paid to go through it, even if it provides no benets) and when parenting education is market goodthat households decide to acquire. On the one hand, the government program is wasteful in the sensethat it pays for people who do not benet from the program. On the other hand, the government getslarger take-up. Among these larger take-up, it is important to consider that some families may beconstrained when deciding to acquire parenting education. For low values of θPE the larger take-upis important for low-skilled individuals. Once θPE is close to its benchmark value it also starts beingbenecial for mid-skilled and high-skilled agents.45 Around the benchmark θPE the welfare gains of theparenting education program (in general equilibrium) and the parenting education market are suggests that, if parenting education is as eective as the evidence implies, it does seem that theprogram should be provided by the government.

E.3 College Subsidies

We introduce government-funded college subsidies into our estimated model. is implies that theprivate cost of college is now reduced frompe tope(1−se)where se is the subsidy rate. Abbo et al. (2013)study this type of policies in a framework in which college subsidies have more exibility than ours.However, dierently from theirs, in our model college subsidies can aect skills through endogenousparental investment choices.

We evaluate alternative values of se , increasing labor income tax to keep the government’s budgetbalanced. We nd that there are welfare gains from subsidizing college, and this tend to be largerfor larger values of se . Full college subsidies (i.e., se = 1) are associated with welfare gains of 1.5%,

45It is possible for high-skilled agents to decide to acquire parenting education rst because we are spliing parents bycognitive skills, and the program improves both cognitive and non-cognitive skills.


and an increase in college graduation rates from 29% to 31%. Income mobility increases modestly,by 2.5%. On the contrary, there are substantial changes in the wage gap between college graduatesand high-school graduates.w2 − w1 is reduced by 40% and this is associated with a reduction in thevariance of log-income of 4%. is general equilibrium eect on wages implies that children of high-skilled college-graduates parents are not beer o aer the subsidies are introduced. e welfare gainsare concentrated on children of families with lower income who can now aord college more easily.Although this policy is associated with increases in parental investments and average skills, we ndthese changes to be relatively small (at least for this size of college subsidies and change in collegegraduation rates), suggesting that the results from Abbo et al. (2013) may not be substantially aectedif they introduced endogenous parental investments towards early childhood skills development.

To summarize, college subsidies have the scope of increasing welfare but their eect is less than one-hof the one obtained by the program that funds early childhood development investments.We remark,however, that we could make the subsidy rate se larger than one and this is associated with larger welfaregains than the ones for se = 1. But the gains are limited. For example, introducing se = 4 only increaseswelfare by 3.5%, still much lower than those obtained by the early childhood investment program. Weabstract from studying se > 1 in detail here since larger values of se are closer to a conditional cashtransfer policy than to a standard college subsidy, but results for these cases are available upon request.

E.4 Endogenous Parental Investments and the Welfare Evaluation of TaxProgressivity

Most macroeconomic analysis of inequality focuses on progressive taxation. However, most of themodels used for that analysis abstract from including endogenous intergenerational links like childhooddevelopment or parental transfers. Given that increasing the amount of income available for the poor(i.e., increasing progressivity) can have an eect on their parental investment decisions, it is possiblethat by excluding those intergenerational forces their welfare estimates of such policies may be biased.In general, the question that emerges is: Do tax policy evaluations change once we include endogenousparental investments?

e model introduced here is useful to answer this question as it adds endogenous childhood devel-opment and parental transfers to a standard life-cycle macroeconomic model. In order to evaluate theimportance of endogenous intergenerational links, we compare the eects in our model with endoge-nous links to the eects obtained by the same model but with exogenously xed links. e model withexogenous childhood development is equivalent to the original model, but where the intergenerationaltransition matrix of skills is xed to be equal to one obtained (endogenously) in the original steady matrix denes that the distribution of children’s skills depends (exclusively) on parents’ skills andeducation group. Hence, the tax system cannot aect the development of skills directly, though it mayaect it through education choices. e model with exogenous childhood development is re-estimated


to match the same set of moments (excluding the childhood development related ones) from the fullmodel. e estimated parameters and moments are shown in Table E8.

Table E8: Estimation: exogenous childhood development model

Parameter Value Description Moment Data Model

Preferencesµ 357 Mean labor disutility Avg. hours worked 64.5 64.6b 0.32 Altruism Parent-to-child transfer 0.62 0.62

as share of income

School Taste:α 5.6 Avg. taste for college College share 29 29αθc -0.6 College taste and cog. skills relation College: cog skills slope 0.19 0.20αθnc -0.30 College taste and noncog. skills relation College: noncog skills slope 0.06 0.06σϕ 1.7 SD of college taste shock College: residual variance 0.18 0.17ϕ -4.1 Draw of school taste: Intergenerational persistence 0.77 0.78

mean by parent’s education of education

Interest rateι (×102) 2.3 Borrow-save wedge Share of borrowers 5.0 5.0

Governmentω(×102) 2.1 Lump-sum transfer Income variance ratio: 0.69 0.70

Disposable to pre-gov

For both models, we evaluate modifying the labor income tax τy and adjusting the lump-sum transferωsuch that the government’s budget remains constant. For the welfare analysis we focus on consumptionequivalence under the veil of ignorance as dened in Section 6. Figure E7 shows the results. e modelwith exogenous childhood skills predicts small welfare increases from increasing tax progressivity, inline with the literature that uses this kind of models to evaluate tax progressivity (e.g., Floden and Linde,2001; Conesa and Krueger, 2006; Heathcote et al., ming). On the other hand, the full model developedhere predicts welfare gains of almost 2% in consumption equivalence terms from substantially reducingtax progressivity.


Figure E7: (Constrained) Optimal Tax Progressivity

-10 0 10 20







s. E


. (%



-10 0 10 20









S (


-10 0 10 20








h S




-10 0 10 20-10








n (%


-10 0 10 20-10






re L

ow S




-10 0 10 20-10






re H



S (


-10 0 10 20-10










-10 0 10 20-20






ey to


ds c




-10 0 10 20-20






rs w

ith c




-10 0 10 20 Labor Income Tax Rate (%)











-10 0 10 20 Labor Income Tax Rate (%)









nc (


Notes: We simulate policies in which the government changes the marginal labor income tax rate, adjusting the lump-sumtransfer to balance its budget. e horizontal axis refers to the marginal labor income tax rate . Outcomes (except for the size ofthe transfer) are reported in changes from the baseline steady state. Consumption equivalence is determined by newborns underthe veil of ignorance. CE Low SES refers to the consumption equivalence measured gains for children of low-skilled, non-collegeeducated parents. CE High SES refers to the consumption equivalence measured gains for children of high-skilled college-educatedparents. Inequality is shown using the variance of log-income (both pre- and aer-tax) while IGE mobility refers to minus theregression coecient between children’s and parents’ income ranks.

In addition to the traditional trade-o between equality and eciency of labor, endogenous childhoodskills leads to a new trade-o. On the one hand, higher progressivity may let poor parents increaseinvestments towards child’s skills. On the other hand, such progressivity would increase insurance andreduce the aer-tax returns to skills, thus reducing the incentive to invest towards children’s skills. We


nd that the second eect is stronger in the long-run. By increasing the incentives to invest towardschildren, a less progressive taxation can increase welfare in the long run, though this can be associatedwith a very costly transition. We remark that a more exible tax function may allow for conditionaltransfers that increase progressivity, allowing poor parents to invest without harming incentives. Weleave this for future research.

