  • More Information About

    Career & Technical Education’s

    Workforce Dual Credit Programs

  • Workforce Dual Credit • Earn high school AND college credit at the same time• Fulfill requirements in an endorsement area• Acquire skills to get a well-paying part-time job to help

    pay for college expenses or a full-time job that can support you

    • Affordable tuition - $59.00 per course (could change) at TCC

    • Tuition is waived if on Free or Reduced Lunch• Textbooks, tools and many supplies issued for free

    • Overall Grade Point Average of 70 (4.0 GPA on a 12.0 system) at end of first semester

    • Good attendance and discipline record• Program application and interview• TSI – Texas Success Initiative if required for a program


    More Benefits


  • Workforce Dual Credit Programs Business & Industry Endorsement

    • Accounting Assistant – TCC SE - TSI – Writing & Math

    • Architectural CAD Operator – TCC SO - 12th grade only

    • Automotive Engine Analysis Technician – CTC• Aviation Maintenance Technician - TCC NW - 11th or

    12th grade• Business – TCC SE - TSI – Math, Reading OR


  • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this field is expected to increase 10% until 2018.

    You Will Learn: Accounting Terminology

    Principles & Procedures How to Analyze & Explain

    Accounting Information Communication & Leadership

    Skills Application of Technology in

    Analyzing Information

    Important Qualities Aptitude for numbers & logical thinking Attention to detail & problem-solver Strong analytical skills Ability to interpret facts & figures Communicate effectively in writing Able to perform basic math calculations to

    keep accurate fiscal records Strong computer skillsTSI – Writing & Math

    Business & Industry Endorsement


    A r c h i te c t u r a l C A D O p e r a to rArchitectural CAD operators are drafters who use CAD software

    to create technical drawings for a variety of industries ranging from electronics to aeronautics

    You will use the latest computer-aided design systems to prepare drawings & blueprints

    Important Qualities Solid understanding of math

    & science Interested in Architecture Work under pressure Team Player

    JobsEmployed by manufacturing

    firms & construction companies as:

    Aeronautical, architectural, civil or mechanical drafters

    Business & Industry Endorsement

    Seniors OnlySummer Class

    AfterJunior Year

    At TCC South

  • AutomotiveEngine


    Business & Industry Endorsement

    Basic automotive maintenance Overview of automotive electrical systems Operation & repair of drum/disc type brake

    systems Diagnosis of drivability concerns How to work with the latest high-tech

    automotive equipment

    You Will Learn:

    Important Qualities Be good with tools & enjoy working with your

    hands Be able to reason, troubleshoot, & problem

    solve easily Have good communication skills Be a multi-tasker Prefer to do a variety of tasks Be busy all the time Be a good decision maker

    Information to Know

    At Career & Technical Center

    Certificate of Completion Program

  • An Understanding of EconomicsBusiness I

    Able to Lead People

    Excellent Communication


    Good Problem Solver

    Strong Math Skills



    Not just for students who expect to go into

    the business world




    What You Will Learn Important








    TSI – Reading or Writing / Math

    Business & Industry Endorsement

  • Business I Business & Industry Endorsement

    TSI – Reading or Writing AND Math

    Courses Descriptions Principles of Financial Accounting

    This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial accounting as prescribed by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to transactions and events that affect business organizations. Students will examine the procedures and systems to accumulate, analyze, measure and record financial transactions. Students will use recorded financial information to prepare a balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows and statement of shareholders' equity to communicate the business entity's results of operations and financial position to users of financial information who are external to the company. Students will study the nature of assets, liabilities and owners' equity while learning to use reported financial information for purposes of making decisions about the company. Students will be exposed to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Required Prerequisite: TSI compliant in Mathematics

    Principles of Macroeconomics

    An analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation and unemployment. Other topics include international trade, economic growth, business cycles, fiscal policy and monetary policy. Emphasis on the U.S. economy. Required for business and economics majors.

    Business Principles

    This course provides a survey of economic systems, forms of business ownership and considerations for running a business. Students will learn various aspects of business, management and leadership functions; organizational considerations and decision- making processes. Financial topics are introduced, including accounting, money and banking and securities markets. Also included are discussions of business challenges in the legal and regulatory environment, business ethics, social responsibility and international business. Emphasized is the dynamic role of business in everyday life

    Principles of Marketing

    Introduction to the marketing mix functions and process. Includes identification of consumer and organizational needs and explanation of environmental issues.

    Principles of Microeconomics (CB1831 / ECON2302)

    Analysis of the behavior of individual economic agents including consumer behavior and demand, producer behavior and supply, price and output decisions by firms under various market structures, factor markets, market failures and international trade. Required for business and economic majors. Recommended Prerequisite: ECON-2301

    Business Ethics (CB1850 / BMGT1341) or Approved Elective

    Discussion of ethical issues, the development of a moral frame of reference and the need for an awareness of social responsibility in management practices and business activities. Includes ethical corporate responsibility.

    Principles of Managerial Accounting (CB1842 / ACCT2302)

    This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of managerial accounting appropriate for all organizations. Students will study information from the entity's accounting system relevant to decisions made by internal managers, as distinguished from information relevant to users who are external to the company. The emphasis is on the identification and assignment of product costs, operational budgeting and planning, cost control and management decision making. Topics include product costing methodologies, cost behavior, operational and capital budgeting and performance evaluation. Required Prerequisite: ACCT-2301

    Business Law (CB1848 / BUSI2301)

    The course provides the student with foundational information about the U.S. legal system and dispute resolution and their impact on business. The major content areas will include general principles of law, the relationship of business and the U.S. Constitution, state and federal legal systems, the relationship between law and ethics, contracts, sales, torts, agency law, intellectual property and business law in the global context. Required Prerequisite: High school coursework in U.S. history and government, or equivalent.

    Business I

    Business & Industry Endorsement

    TSI – Reading or Writing AND Math

    Courses Descriptions

    Principles of Financial Accounting

    This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of financial accounting as prescribed by U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to transactions and events that affect business organizations. Students will examine the procedures and systems to accumulate, analyze, measure and record financial transactions. Students will use recorded financial information to prepare a balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows and statement of shareholders' equity to communicate the business entity's results of operations and financial position to users of financial information who are external to the company. Students will study the nature of assets, liabilities and owners' equity while learning to use reported financial information for purposes of making decisions about the company. Students will be exposed to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

    Required Prerequisite: TSI compliant in Mathematics

    Principles of Macroeconomics

    An analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation and unemployment. Other topics include international trade, economic growth, business cycles, fiscal policy and monetary policy. Emphasis on the U.S. economy. Required for business and economics majors.

    Business Principles

    This course provides a survey of economic systems, forms of business ownership and considerations for running a business. Students will learn various aspects of business, management and leadership functions; organizational considerations and decision- making processes. Financial topics are introduced, including accounting, money and banking and securities markets. Also included are discussions of business challenges in the legal and regulatory environment, business ethics, social responsibility and international business. Emphasized is the dynamic role of business in everyday life

    Principles of Marketing

    Introduction to the marketing mix functions and process. Includes identification of consumer and organizational needs and explanation of environmental issues.

    Principles of Microeconomics (CB1831 / ECON2302)

    Analysis of the behavior of individual economic agents including consumer behavior and demand, producer behavior and supply, price and output decisions by firms under various market structures, factor markets, market failures and international trade. Required for business and economic majors.

    Recommended Prerequisite: ECON-2301

    Business Ethics (CB1850 / BMGT1341) or Approved Elective

    Discussion of ethical issues, the development of a moral frame of reference and the need for an awareness of social responsibility in management practices and business activities. Includes ethical corporate responsibility.

    Principles of Managerial Accounting (CB1842 / ACCT2302)

    This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of managerial accounting appropriate for all organizations. Students will study information from the entity's accounting system relevant to decisions made by internal managers, as distinguished from information relevant to users who are external to the company. The emphasis is on the identification and assignment of product costs, operational budgeting and planning, cost control and management decision making. Topics include product costing methodologies, cost behavior, operational and capital budgeting and performance evaluation.

    Required Prerequisite: ACCT-2301

    Business Law (CB1848 / BUSI2301)

    The course provides the student with foundational information about the U.S. legal system and dispute resolution and their impact on business. The major content areas will include general principles of law, the relationship of business and the U.S. Constitution, state and federal legal systems, the relationship between law and ethics, contracts, sales, torts, agency law, intellectual property and business law in the global context.

    Required Prerequisite: High school coursework in U.S. history and government, or equivalent.

  • Aviation Maintenance TechnicianScheduling Information to Come

    New Program at TCC Northwest

  • Aviation Maintenance Technician

    Business and Industry Endorsement

    Courses Included in the Program

    Ground Operations

    An introductory course in fuels, servicing methods, safety procedures, aircraft movement, securing and operations of aircraft, external power equipment, aircraft cleaning, and corrosion


    Basic Electricity

    A study of aircraft electrical systems and their requirements including the use of the ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter; series and parallel circuits; inductance and capacitance; magnetism; converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC); controlling devices; maintenance and servicing of aircraft batteries; and reading and interpreting aircraft electrical diagrams to include solid state devices and logic functions. Fundamentals of safety also addressed.

    Shop Practices

    An introduction to shop safety, the correct use of hand tools, equipment and precision measurement, identification of aircraft hardware, and the fabrication of fluid lines and tubing. Emphasis on procedures for testing, heat treating, and inspection of aircraft structures.

    Aviation Science

    Fundamentals of mathematics, physics, and drawing as they apply to aircraft principles and operations as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for airframe and power plant mechanics.

    Federal Aviation Regulation/Weight and Balanced

    A course in the use and understanding of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and aircraft manufacturers’ publications, forms, and records; and the exercise of mechanic privileges within prescribed limitations. Regulations and research via CD-ROM.

    An introduction to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) required subjects relating to the weighing of aircraft, the performance of weight-and-balance calculations, and appropriate maintenance record entries. Required Prerequisite/Corequisite(s): AERM 1208

    Aviation Maintenance Technician

    Business and Industry Endorsement

    Courses Included in the Program

    Ground Operations

    An introductory course in fuels, servicing methods, safety procedures, aircraft movement, securing and operations of aircraft, external power equipment, aircraft cleaning, and corrosion control. 

    Basic Electricity

    A study of aircraft electrical systems and their requirements including the use of the ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter; series and parallel circuits; inductance and capacitance; magnetism; converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC); controlling devices; maintenance and servicing of aircraft batteries; and reading and interpreting aircraft electrical diagrams to include solid state devices and logic functions. Fundamentals of safety also addressed. 

    Shop Practices

    An introduction to shop safety, the correct use of hand tools, equipment and precision measurement, identification of aircraft hardware, and the fabrication of fluid lines and tubing. Emphasis on procedures for testing, heat treating, and inspection of aircraft structures. 

    Aviation Science

    Fundamentals of mathematics, physics, and drawing as they apply to aircraft principles and operations as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for airframe and power plant mechanics. 

    Federal Aviation Regulation/Weight and Balanced

    A course in the use and understanding of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and aircraft manufacturers’ publications, forms, and records; and the exercise of mechanic privileges within prescribed limitations. Regulations and research via CD-ROM. 

    An introduction to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) required subjects relating to the weighing of aircraft, the performance of weight-and-balance calculations, and appropriate maintenance record entries. Required Prerequisite/Corequisite(s): AERM 1208 

    Aviation Maintenance Technician

    Business and Industry Endorsement

    Courses Included in the Program

    Aircraft Propellers

    Fundamentals of propeller design, function and construction. Skill development in inspection, servicing, and repair of fixed-pitch, constant-speed, and feathering propellers and governing systems. Instruction in removal, balancing, installation of propellers, and safety procedures are also addressed. 

    Reciprocating Engines

    Reciprocating engines, their development, operating principles, and theory. Includes engine instruments, lubrication, and exhaust systems. Also addresses fundamentals of safety. 

    Turbine Engine Theory

    General principles of theory, history, and servicing of turbine engines to include lubrication, instrumentation, auxiliary power units, and exhaust systems. Fundamentals of safety procedures are also addressed. 

  • Aviation Maintenance Technician

    Business and Industry Endorsement

    Courses Included in the Program

    Aircraft Propellers

    Fundamentals of propeller design, function and construction. Skill development in inspection, servicing, and repair of fixed-pitch, constant-speed, and feathering propellers and governing systems. Instruction in removal, balancing, installation of propellers, and safety procedures are also addressed.

    Reciprocating Engines

    Reciprocating engines, their development, operating principles, and theory. Includes engine instruments, lubrication, and exhaust systems. Also addresses fundamentals of safety.

    Turbine Engine Theory

    General principles of theory, history, and servicing of turbine engines to include lubrication, instrumentation, auxiliary power units, and exhaust systems. Fundamentals of safety procedures are also addressed.

    Aviation Maintenance Technician

    Business and Industry Endorsement

    Courses Included in the Program

    Aircraft Propellers

    Fundamentals of propeller design, function and construction. Skill development in inspection, servicing, and repair of fixed-pitch, constant-speed, and feathering propellers and governing systems. Instruction in removal, balancing, installation of propellers, and safety procedures are also addressed. 

    Reciprocating Engines

    Reciprocating engines, their development, operating principles, and theory. Includes engine instruments, lubrication, and exhaust systems. Also addresses fundamentals of safety. 

    Turbine Engine Theory

    General principles of theory, history, and servicing of turbine engines to include lubrication, instrumentation, auxiliary power units, and exhaust systems. Fundamentals of safety procedures are also addressed. 

  • Workforce Dual Credit Programs Overall Admission Requirements - TCC

    • Overall GPA of 70 (4.0 GPA on 12.0 system)

    • Good attendance & discipline record• Meet specified score(s) on TSI if any part or

    parts a required for a program

    • Complete an on-line AISD Special Programs interest application and interview

    • Apply for admission to TCC by completing an ApplyTexas application (

  • For More Information on Special Programs

    and AdditionalWorkforce Dual Credit Programs

    Go to:

    - Or -Click on the QR Code Above

  • Do Not Miss Out…

    Deadline: Wednesday, January 31st

    Slide Number 1Workforce Dual Credit Slide Number 3Slide Number 4Slide Number 5TITLESlide Number 7Slide Number 8Slide Number 9 Business ISlide Number 11Slide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14Slide Number 15Slide Number 16Slide Number 17
