
Work Programme ENERGY 2014-

2015: per una strategia italiana verso

Europa 2020


Università degli Studi di Siena

Rappresentante Italiano nel Comitato di Programma H2020 “Secure, clean and efficient Energy” e Delegato MIUR per il SET PLAN

Energy in H2020: Giornata Nazionale di Lancio Bandi 2014-2015; Roma 16 Dicembre 2013 17/12/2013 WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di RICCARDO BASOSI

Source: Hessen-Nanotech (2008

) 17/12/2013 WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di RICCARDO BASOSI

In the Middle East are located more than 60% of total reservoir

Crude Oil: dimensions of countries based on reservoir

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“Clean energy” doesn’t exist (the only clean energy, is the

one we do not need to use, that is to say: the saved


Energy prominently derives or was derived from the sun. 17/12/2013 WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di RICCARDO BASOSI


Why does Energy Efficiency matter?

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Energy Demand/Supply distribution as a function of

End Uses in the Italian Energy System

Electricity is commonly associated with a T > 1000 C°



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The total annual comsumption of Energy (12000 MTep) is equal to:

1/14000 of total annual flux of solar energy 1/40 of total annual wind potentiality 1/9 of total annual biomass potentiality

1,3 x 1014 Tep

The Flux of Renewable Energy

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The route of Horizon 2020

Draft Horizon 2020 Strategic Programme (Feb2013)

Launch of first calls (December 2013)

EC proposal for H 2020(30 Nov.2011)

Member States Consultation Draft Work Programmes (Sept 2013)

Approval of the Work Programme (November 2013)

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Excellent science (€ 24,4


Industrial leadership

(€ 17 billion)

Societal challenges

(€ 29,6 billion)

Three priorities in Horizon 2020:

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6. Space

8. Health

12. Climate


14 PROGRAMME COMMITTEE CONFIGURATIONS (provide Member States oversight and input into work programmes)

2. ERC




3. Research



4 . ICT

5. Nanotech,Materials,

Biotech, Manufacturing 10. Energy

13. Inclusive


9. Bio-economy

11. Transport

14. Security

7. SMEs,

Risk Finance

Governance – Horizon 2020

Industrial Technologies Excellent Science Societal Challenges

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SC3 in Horizon 2020

Excellent Science

European Research Council

Frontier research by the best individual teams

Future and Emerging Technologies

Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation

Marie Skłodowska Curie actions

Opportunities for training and career development

Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure)

Ensuring access to world-class facilities

Industrial Technologies

Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies

ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space

Access to risk finance

Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation

Innovation in SMEs

Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs

Societal Challenges

Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy

Secure, clean and efficient energy

Smart, green and integrated transport

Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

Security society

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation

Science with and for society

Joint Research Center (JRC)

12 Euratom

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Representative’s working group

Representative (+Experts


Draft Work programme

National consultation

on R&D&I priorities (by APRE)

“Consultation Board”


WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di RICCARDO BASOSI

• esprime la posizione italiana nella elaborazione

dei Programmi di Lavoro (quindi dei bandi)

e nei diversi stadi della loro implementazione

• riferimenti:

gli obiettivi generali della ricerca EU d’interesse per Italia

i piani nazionali e regionali della ricerca le capacità di ricerca

del Paese

• Obiettivo: il massimo numero di progetti italiani di successo

Delegazione italiana

nei Comitati di Programma

sostenere temi in cui la partecipazione italiana

può avere successo

in generale tentare di ottenere un ritorno del 14%





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MS participation on Energy in FP7 vs FP6 (courtesy of G. Zollino)

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La partecipazione italiana al tema Energia del FP7 (courtesy of G.Zollino)

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Success of stakeholders in Energy Projects in the frame of FP7 (courtesy of G.Zollino)

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Integration of Research and Innovation Instruments

Emphasis on the impact on Society, Industry and Jobs

A strong challenge-based approach, allowing applicants to have considerable freedom to come up with innovative solutions

Simplified list of possible types of action (e.g. research and innovation -100%; innovation actions - 70%,…)

Less prescription, strong emphasis on expected impact

Broader topics. Cross-cutting issues mainstreamed (e.g. social sciences, gender, international…)

Horizon 2020 is different.....

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IDEA business coaching throughout the project MARKET

Concept & Feasibility


Demonstration Market Replication

Research Development


SME window EU financial facilities


SME instrument

Horizon 2020

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Overcoming the valley of death



Success as

a New product Product



Success as

a business

Research Development






Valley of Death

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Formulation of Work Programme topics

Structure reflects the challenge based approach

– 3 key features

•Specific Challenge

o sets the context, the problem to be addressed, why intervention is necessary


o delineates the problem, specifies the focus and the boundaries of the potential action BUT without overly describing specific approaches

•Expected Impact o describe the key elements of what is expected to be achieved in

relation to the specific challenge

TRL ! 17/12/2013 WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di RICCARDO BASOSI

Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) – a useful tool in development and deployment of KETs

in FP7: TRLs 1 – 4;

up to 5-6 in 2012-13 (pilots and demonstrators)

KETs: TRLs 3/4 – 8; centre at TRLs 5-7


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Technology Readiness Level

..... TRL 4: Small Scale Prototype Development Unit (PDU) The components of the technology have been identified. A PDU has been built a laboratory and controlled environment. Operations have provided data to identify potential up scaling and operational issues. Measurements validate analytical predictions of the separate elements of the technology. Simulation of the processes has been validated. Preliminary LCA and economy assessment models have been developed. TRL 5: Large Scale Prototype Development Unit The technology has been qualified through testing in intended environment, simulated or actual. The new hardware is ready for first use. Process modelling (technical and economic) is refined. LCA and economy assessment models have been validated. Where it is relevant for further up scaling the following issues have been identified: Health & safety, environmental constraints, regulation, and resources availability. TRL 6: Prototype System The components and the process have been up scaled to prove the industrial potential and its integration within the energy system. Hardware has been modified and up scaled. Most of the issues identified earlier have been resolved. Full commercial scale system has been identified and modelled. LCA and economic assessments have been refined. TRL 7: Demonstration System The technology has been proven to work and operate a pre-commercial scale. Final operational and manufacturing issues have been identified. Minor technology issues have been solved. LCA and economic assessments have been refined. …… 17/12/2013 WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di RICCARDO BASOSI

Proposed Work Programme Cycle

2014 2015 2016 2017

2018 2019


WP 1

WP 2

WP 3

WP 4

Italian delegation first proposal WP cycle 1+2+2+2;

topics for 2015 are indicative 17/12/2013

WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di RICCARDO BASOSI


•2-year work programme to allow for better preparation of applicants

One call BUT several deadlines and different evaluation processes

Topics can be repeated BUT challenges could change

•Challenge-based approach (not prescribing technology options)

•Focus areas (Efficiency, Low Carbon, Smart Cities......)

•Use of TRLs to specify scope of activities

•Indicative project size range

•Cross-cutting actions

•Grant signature within 8 months from the deadlines


Time to grant


Deadline Informing

Applicants Grant


5 0



Energy-related activities in other parts of the Horizon 2020 work programme

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Secure, clean and efficient Energy

FOUR CALLS 1. Energy efficiency

2. Smart cities & communities

3. Competitive low-carbon energy

4. SME's and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy


• 2-year work programme (2014, 2015)

• Scope: Horizon 2020 SP = FP7 + market


• Challenge-based approach

• Cross-cutting approach: inputs from and

collaboration with other H2020 parts

Indicative Call budgets

Calls 2014 (M€) 2015 (M€)

Energy Efficiency 97,5 98,15

Smart Cities and Communities 92,32 108,18

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy 359,1 372,33

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation 33,95 37,26

Part B – other actions 75 61

TOT 657,87 676,92


Energy WP 2014-2015

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Energy WP 2014-2015

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Call Energy Efficiency: Deadlines

Topics* 2014 2015

EE1, EE3, EE18 20/03/2014

EE4, EE5, EE7, EE8, EE9, EE10, EE11, EE12, EE13, EE14, EE15, EE16, EE19, EE20, EE21


EE2, EE18 09/12/2014

EE5, EE6, EE7, EE9, EE10, EE11, EE13, EE14, EE15, EE16, EE17, EE19, EE20, EE21


* Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme


Call Energy Efficiency: Budget

Topics* Short-hand Description 2014 (M€)

2015 (M€)

EE1, EE2 EeB PPP: Pre-fabricated modules and New

Energy Efficient Buildings 8 9

EE3 EeB PPP: Historic Buildings 5

EE18 SPIRE Topic PPP: Heat recovery 8 8

EE6, EE12, EE13 Demand response in building blocks, socio- economic research and technology for DHC

8,5 13,35

EE11 ICT for energy efficiency 8,5 8,5

EE4, EE5, EE7, EE8, EE9, EE10, EE14, EE15, EE16, EE17

Market uptake in Buildings, Consumers, Industry and Products

Empowering public authorities and its stakeholders

34,5 32,8

EE19, EE20, EE21 Finance for sustainable energy including

project development assistance 25 26,5

* Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme


Call Smart cities & communities: Deadlines

Topics* 2014 2015

SCC1 07/05/2014

SCC2, SCC4 07/05/2014

SCC1 03/03/2015

SCC3, SCC5 03/03/2015

* Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme


Call Smart cities & communities: Budget

Topics* Short-hand Description 2014 (M€)

2015 (M€)

SCC1 SCC solutions 90,32 106,8

SCC2 Developping framework for monitoring 1

SCC3 Developping system standard 1

SCC4 Public procurers networks 1

SCC5 Prize 1

* Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme


Call Competitive low-carbon energy : Deadlines

Topics* 2014 2015

LCE1, LCE2, LCE11, LCE15, LCE16 01/04/2014

(Stage 1) 23/09/2014

(Stage 2)

LCE22 01/04/2014

LCE4, LCE7, LCE8, LCE10, LCE14, LCE18 07/05/2014

LCE1, LCE2, LCE11, LCE15, LCE17 03/09/2014

(Stage 1) 03/03/2015

(Stage 2)

LCE3, LCE12, LCE19, LCE20 10/09/2014

LCE3, LCE12, LCE19, LCE21 LCE4, LCE5, LCE6, LCE9, LCE14


LCE18 28/04/2015

LCE13 05/05/2015

* Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme 17/12/2013

Call Competitive low-carbon energy : Budget (M€)

Topics* Short-hand Description

2014 2015

LCE1 New knoweldge & tech. 20

LCE2, LCE11 RES – Research 60* 59*

LCE3, LCE12 RES - Demonstration 73* 80*

LCE4, LCE14 Market uptake 20 20

LCE5, LCE6, LCE7 Smart grids 60 71,48

LCE8, LCE9, LCE10 Storage 44,15 26

LCE13 Joint topic with Brazil 10

LCE15, LCE16, LCE17 CCS & other 33 35

LCE18 ERANET 34,25 57,85

LCE19 Coordination of MS 3 3

LCE20 Socio-Eco. 10,5

LCE21 Socio-Eco. 10

LCE22 NCP Network 1,5

* Corresponds to the topic

code in the work-programme


Call SIE: Cut-Off Dates Topic SIE1 = SME Instruments

Open for submission on 01/03/2014

2014 2015

Phase 1 18/06/2014 24/09/2014 17/12/2014

18/03/2015 17/06/2015 17/09/2015 16/12/2015

Phase 2 09/10/2014 17/12/2014

18/03/2015 17/06/2015 17/09/2015 16/12/2015

Budget 2014 2015

Phase 1 3,40 3,73

Phase 2 29,89 32,79

Mentoring & coaching and Phase 3

0,68 0,74

Budget 33,95M€ 37,26M€


Energy WP 2014-2015

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Energy WP 2014-2015

• Energy efficiency call • Buildings and consumers • Heating and cooling • Industry and products • Finance for sustainable energy • Smart Cities and Communities • 'Light-house projects' • Support measures for enhancing the roll-out of Smart Cities and Communities solutions by stimulating the market demand

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Energy WP 2014-2015

Competitive low-carbon energy • Renewable electricity and heating/cooling • Modernising the single European electricity grid • Providing the energy system with flexibility through enhanced energy storage technologies • Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix • Enabling the sustainable use of fossil fuels in the transition to a low-carbon economy • Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy • Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system • Cross-cutting issues

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SIE1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low

carbon and efficient energy system

SMEs play a crucial role in developing resource-efficient, cost-effective

and affordable technology solutions to de-carbonize and make more

efficient the energy system in a sustainable way. They are expected to

strongly contribute to one or a combination of more than one of the

challenges outlined in the legal base of the Horizon 2020 Societal

Challenge ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’

SIE2 – 2015: Fast track to Innovation Topic - Pilot

Under this Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) pilot, proposals for innovation

actions linked to any technology field will be invited, on the basis of a

continuously open call (with its first cut-off date in 2015) and a bottom-up-

driven logic.

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Other parts of H2020 of direct relevance to Energy

• LEIT – KET materials, nano, electronics, manufacturing, processing

• FET-open and FET-pro-active

• Research Infrastructures


• SME instrument (directly paid from Energy SC budget)

• JRC direct actions (IET, IPTS)

Close links

• Transport (societal challenge)

• Agriculture, marine, bio-economy (societal challenge), including Blue growth (strategic focus area)

• Climate action, resource efficiency, raw materials (societal challenge)

• Secure societies (societal challenge)


NMP Budget/ Calls 2014-2015







Sustainable Process Industries 13,5%

Energy Efficient Buildings 11,5%

Factories of the Future 16%

Indicative Budget / year: 515 mln

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Italy towards Horizon2020: SC3 Consultation Board

National Technology Platforms, NTPs (related to ETPs/SET PLAN)

• Biofuels / Biofuels Italia TP • EU PV TP • TP Wind

• RHC • Smart Grids

• ZEP National Research Platforms: EERA/AIREn

Knowledge Innovation Communities, KICs

• KIC InnoEnergy

But also: EIT ICT Labs and CLIMATE-KIC

Joint Programming Initiatives, JPIs

• Urban Europe • CliK'EU

European Innovation Partnerships, EIPs

• EIP Smart Cities and Communities (SCC)


• EMIRI • Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform

• NER300 • EUROGIA2020

• Smart Cities MSI

Delegate Experts



SmartGrids ERA-Net, FENCO-NET

Public-Private Partnerships, PPPs

• Energy efficiency in buildings • SPIRE



• EERA • 15 Integrated Research

programmes in the energy field • EIIs

• Wind, Solar, Electricity Grids, CCS, Bioenergy,SmartCities,FuelCellsH2


WP ENERGY 2014-2015 Presentazione di



per una partecipazione di successo

Leggere bene le call:

• Technical content / scope

• Special features

• Expected impact

• Funding scheme

• Verificare il grado TRL

non conviene « forzare » rispetto alla call

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Se trovate « la vostra call »

• Scegliere i partner sulla base della qualità e del reale

contributo al progetto sinergie tra imprese e uni/ricerca

• Non aspettare: le cordate si formano ora, dopo potrebbe

essere tardi

• Leggere bene i criteri di valutazione e le istruzioni per i


• Far leggere l’idea progettuale, e poi il proposal, con buon

anticipo a qualcuno che ne abbia già fatti con successo.

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Se non trovate « la vostra call »

• altre parti di Horizon 2020

• input per prossime call attraverso

• Piattaforme tecnologiche

• Delegati e esperti nazionali

• Organizzazione di workshops/position Papers

• Incontri per rafforzare collaborazioni con gruppi di altri

Paesi (i.e Meetings di settore)

• Giornate info nazionali e europee, incontri regionali

• Esperti per la valutazione dei progetti

National contact points (NCP) @ APRE

Chiara Pocaterra [email protected]

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Contact Call "Energy Efficiency

[email protected]

Contact Smart cities & communities coordinator

[email protected]

Main Contacts Call Competitive low-carbon energy

Call coordination & LCE1: Philippe Schild

LCE2 & LCE3: Fabio Belloni (PV), Piero de Bonis (CSP & RHC), Matthijs Soede (Wind & Ocean), Geothermal (Susanna Galloni) & Hydropower (Erich Naegele)

LCE4 & LCE14: Maria Velkova

LCE 5 to 10: Alexander Kolomyjczuk

LCE11, LCE12 & LCE13: Maria Georgiadou

LCE15, LCE16 & LCE17: Jeroen Schuppers

LCE18, LCE19, LCE20, LCE21, LCE22: Martin Huemer

Corresponds to the topic code in the work-programme

Email: [email protected] 17/12/2013


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