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Veganism work review

Page 2: Work evalutioon

Audience • For my work, I had set myself a target audience. • The target audience that I had set for myself was.• Male’s and Females. • Age: 16-45• The reason that I chose to target both males and females for my audience, is due to the fact that

veganism does not have a specific gender. Although it mostly taken up by women, I wanted to be able to advertise to both male and females, who may be considering the choice of becoming Vegan/trying out Veganuary. The reason that I chose to also target men is because this meant I was able to have my work gender-neutral, this allowed me to have more creative freedom when creating my booklet. As well only a small percentage of vegans are male, and I wanted to try males as well, to allow everyone to be informed about veganism.

• I also chose to target the D-A demographics, due to the fact that this is the range of people who are more than likely able to switch eating lifestyles without it effecting their income. I also believe that they made do this due to their job/social surrounding in the D-C1 range as they may be reformers or explores who are willing to try new things. Which is why they are targeted as they are likely to try a vegan diet, if only for just a month.

• So overall my main target audience was both males and females who are likely to try new things, either for themselves or for others. Targeting this audience allowed me to exploer the way that I presented my ideas in a creative way, along with making sure there is enough information to help influence someone's choices.

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planning & preparation. • With my work I firstly began planning out what I was going to do for my booklet and digital media

advertisements. I collected ideas and put them into mood boards to help me with my planning. Using the mood boards I had gathered up, I was able to use the infographic on there to help inspire me for my work. This then lead to my process of planning down what I wanted to put into my work. I was able to put into a list what I wanted, which was my infographic, fact files, advertisements and articles. I then organized a time frame to create each piece of work in.

• Before I created my work, I began creating drafts for my articles. I went through two different drafts before I was happy with the over all result that would fit into my double page article spread. It took me over half a day to create my drafts and the final article. Which I was overall happy with and decided to put into my work. After the article had been drafted, I began to do further research on veganism. Doing this I began to research veganism on the websites Veganuary and the vegan society. I was then able to gather different facts about veganism that I would be able to use in my infographic and my fact files. These facts were written down into a separate document that I would be able to use for reference when creating my work. After I gathered my facts and information for my fact files and infograhics, I began to find images that I would be able to use for reference in my work without any issues.

• I looked up images that were labeled for reuse, meaning that I would be able to use or edit these images for my work without their being any issues with that. The images that I used however were only used with basic editing for one of my infographic pages, the other images that were used on my work were already issued from Veganuary so I did not need to research into finding other images related to Veganuary.

• Overall in my work, my production plan had been followed, with making the pieces of work that I did. The only piece of planning that I did not follow, was my page order as it had to be edited for the booklet to correctly piece together as the final product. However doing this did not effect the rest of my planning in any way and I was able to continued creating my leaflet as planned.

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Time management • When it came to creating my work I had a production schedule created for me to follow, so I

would be able to create all of my work within the time limit we had been given. To begin with I followed the schedule that I made, allowing me to quickly progress on with my work. However I had decided to do all of my work in order of pages, rather than what the pages continued. During production I then decided to focus on creating my adverts and infographics’ first. The reason for this was because it was going to take a long time to create my images in Photoshop, so I decided to do them first so I would have them all together to put into the booklet format. Because those types of images took up a majority of my booklet, I wanted to get those completely first to fill in most of the booklet. Which is why I decided to primarily focus on completing them first. However I did create these pages in the order that I had written down. Once they were completed I then began to work on my articles, this consisted of three different articles. My double page spread, Veganuary article as well as my “vegan recipe” page. These were also completed in the order that I had written down in, however were done on different dates due to having to complete my infographics first. Asides from this, all of my work had been created on time and slightly ahead of schedule which then gave me time to create extra social media advertisements.

• I feel that over all I worked my time management went well and that I was able to complete my work on time without any issues in the creating process to do with time, as I was able to have my work completed by the deadline.

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Creative progress• Creating my work took me approximately two weeks, I wanted to create my work with the

visual elements so the first thing that I created was the front page of my booklet. When creating the front cover of my booklet, I combined multiple Photoshop skills that I have been learning. The skills that I combined while creating my booklet were rotorscoping, quick select, text and shape tools, along with the use of filters and clipping masks. Using these skills I was able to combined multiple different aspects of Photoshop to create the front cover for my work booklet. I had a rough layout planned for the front cover of my booklet, which I chose to follow rather than making any major changes. However during my creative process some of my design elements got changed from the original plan. This was minor things such as text type and the colour of my text, so it did not clash with the background and was able to be read easily on the background that I had chosen for the cover. When it came to creating the other pages, my plans were also closely followed, so I was able to create my work to the standard that I wanted it to be. My plans occasionally had a few minor changes, but nothing that majorly effected the process of creating my booklet.

• When creating my work I also used other skills, such as the use of InDesign when creating my articles. Which was a skill that recently had been developed, so I used the skills that I had learnt to set up and lay out my articles. Which I believe came out well, as I have received positive feedback on the ways my articles are set out. Which shows that I was able to effectively use my InDesign skills to help make an appealing article. Although when I was creating my article, I went through different drafts for what I wanted it to look like. However I soon came to an overall result which I was happy with, although the layout of the articles were not complex, I felt that the simplicity of it matched the style of the booklet that I was creating.

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Skills and development • While creating my work, I feel that my skills in Photoshop and InDesign have increased, as at the start of this

project, I was unable to use InDesign as I have no knowledge about it and how to use it. However as the project moved forwards I was able to learn more about the software, which then allowed me to use it to create my articles. Which I would not have been able to do before, if I did not develop the necessary skills. Which shows that my InDesign skills have developed over the course of this project.

• I was able to use my skill of writing for different audiences in this task, as I have not written for this type of audience before. And I needed to be able to create an article that would appeal to them and that they would find interesting. This skill was used to help me write my articles and to allow me to further understand my audience, which helped me to make a few creative choices during the process of making my work.

• My Photoshop skills have also increased over the course of this project, as I have been able to create work to a standard that I haven't been able to before. Which shows that I have developed my skills in Photoshop, as I am also able to effortlessly use the tools that I once struggled to use while creating my work. Which shows that I have been able to develop my Photoshop skills further, while being able to create and keep a consistent style in my work.

• Overall I feel that throughout this project, my creative abilities have strongly improved, with me being able to plan and produce a piece of work set to a certain audience. While doing this, I was able to keep my work interesting while sticking to the brief I had been given. I feel as if having to work to a brief while keeping my work unique and interesting has strongly helped my creative skills, as I have had to find knew ways to present my ideas appropriately to my audience. While keeping my work interesting at the same time.

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These two articles are pieces of work that I have created myself while using InDesign, the piece to the left is originally the first time that I used in design and the piece of the right is the last time it had been used to create my article for my booklet. Although both articles hold a similar layout I am able to see a difference between the times I have used InDesign to create my work. From what I can see in similarities is the layout of the text and use of images to separate the text. However in the first piece of work the text is in large chunks and in large columns, giving large amounts of text to read at one time. However in my most recent piece of work the text has been separated into multiple smaller columns, making the text easier to read and not giving the audience large chunks of information at once. As well some of the text has also been separated with multiple images, giving my article some more visuals to make it more interesting. I feel that this shows a difference between the two texts as I was able to find ways to separate my text to allow it to appear slightly more interesting than the first article that had been created. I also separated the text more to make it appear like a professional article rather than giving huge chunks of text to read at once. Seeing this makes me feel that I have been able to improve my work, as well as giving it a professional look. My second article (the piece on veganism) looks almost like a standard article that could be found in an already existing booklet. The image in the center of the page is an already existing article to do with veganism. Looking at the two I am able to sport similarities and differences with my work compared to an already existing piece. Looking at what is similar with my work is the layout of the text both being in columns with sub headings to define the subject of certain points in the articles. This also helps to separate the text within the articles to help make it easier to read, as well as defining certain key points. As well the use of images in both articles are there to help make the articles more visually interesting, however in my article there are more images that are spread out across the entirety of the text. To help give visuals to topics in the article and to help make it more interesting, whereas the article only has images at the top and bottom of it. This may be due to the large amount of text in the article. In my article although there is a large amount of text, it is spread out across 6 small columns of text, whereas the existing article has the work spread across 3 different columns of text. This may be due to stylistic choice, or due to wanting to have a certain style when presenting text. I chose to have my text on 6 different columns as I wanted to get my information across in small points and to not have large chunks of text taking up the pages, I also wanted to separate my text with images which is why I had multiple columns so the images could go into the article without disrupting a large piece of text. Overall comparing the two articles there are similar stylistic themes along with the layout of text being in simple columns which gives it an overall simple yet effective look.

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• When creating my booklet, I decided that I wanted to give it a simplistic yet natural style. To do this I decided to use a mixture of different colours such as browns, greens, blues and other light colours that would be able to relate to the earth and animals. The use of the green in my work was to symbolize the earth, and how being vegan is a natural thing that realize more on nature rather than relying on an unnatural industry.

• When I was creating my booklet, I decided that I wanted it to have a simplistic yet effective style to it. The overall style that I came out with is like one that can be found in most leaflets or booklets. Which is why I aimed for a style like that, as it is common and I wanted to be able to made a product close to what you would find out available for the public. Although it is a very simple and commonly found style, it also has a “Blocky” but nice effect to it, as I have been told in my feedback. Which shows that although my style has been set similarity to a lot of others, it still holds difference and is able to effectively make an impact upon the public.

• With my booklet, having a style that is commonly found in other booklets, I have been able to compare my work and see what it is like next to an already existing product. Comparing the two I am able to see the strong points and weak points of my work holding such a style, in the next slide is an example of how my work is similar to an already existing product.

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• On the left is a pre-existing advertisement about veganism, and on the right is my own work. Comparing the two I can see some similarities but also differences. The things which are similar that I can spot are the existing theme, use of company logos, which helps to promote Veganism, the use of different colours in fonts and also changing the colour of text to make certain parts stand out on the background. However when I look at the differences what I can spot are that the two hold different art styles, as my own work is more cartoon-like and graphic. Where as the already existing work is making use of the textures which then makes the “earth” on their work stand out from the page and have it appear almost 3D . It also combines the use of real life images to graphically created images. Which highlights a key difference between the work I have done, which is purely graphically created rather than having the use of mixed media in my work.

This highlights the fact that my work has been purely created digitally, however despite these differences, the similarity of the work is still seen, as both pieces of work are meant to get across a message about Veganism which they successfully do so. When it was said in my feedback that my work looked a similar style to other informative booklets, I am able to see this point clearly and I am able to see what has been done to create work in such a similar style.

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Analysis • Looking at my work as an overall, I can see that I have met the client brief. As I have created an informative booklet

about Veganism and Veganuary, with a multi page article and infographic on several pages. Although I have met the brief with my booklet, I am able to see both strengths and weaknesses in my work as an overall product. I have combined multiple media production skills during production to come out with an overall final product, throughout the production process I feel that both my Photoshop and InDesign skills have improved as I have been able to effectively use both of these programs to create my final product. My work was made on both of these programs, with the visual elements being created on Photoshop and the written elements were created on InDesign. With the use of Photoshop for me to create my visual elements I was able to give my booklet a certain style, the style that I chose was a blocky cartoon like style. Similar to what would be found in most booklets. The reason that I chose to use this style in my work is because I felt that overall, although simple it had an effective look to it. The style that I chose was not overly complex too, so I was able to keep my style consisted throughout all of my work. Which I felt was one of my strong points in my work, being able to keep a consistent and strong style within it. I also chose to use a set colour scheme of natural/earthy colours. I was able to stick with this colour scheme throughout all of my booklet, which think helped to back up the style of my booklet. Even in my written work with the articles, I was able to stick with a certain style/colour scheme to help keep a consistent style throughout the whole of my booklet. I feel that the consistency of my style is one of the strongest points of my booklet, as I did not let the style slip. I also feel that another strong point of my booklet is the way that I present my ideas through the infographic. I felt that I was able to clearly state my point and get across information without difficulty or misunderstanding of my points. Creating my infographic also helped me to develop my skill of writing to a set audience, as some of my infographic contained some writing to help get across information on my points. The writing skill was also used in their articles that I had written, as I had to get across large points of information to a set audience. The writing had to be factual and have a certain approach to deal with the audience that I had chosen to target, I feel that I did this well and got all of my points across clearly in my writing.

• However I feel that some weaknesses of my writing, is not the information in the article, but in the way that it had been laid out. As it had been laid out in a very basic and brief way, much like any other basic booklet or leaflet on a certain topic. I believe I could have changed the layout/style of the articles to make them more interesting and appealing to an audience. I feel if I did that, my style could have been backed up more in the articles, which could have made my booklet more interesting. Although my style was followed throughout my whole booklet, changing the layout of the articles could have made the booklets layout somewhat stronger.

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Areas for improvement • Throughout my booklet, I feel that there are several things that could be improved upon. One of these main

things being my main article on Veganism. I feel that the writing in it is strong, and has well backed up points. Although I feel that the way I set it out was too basic, and not very appealing to my audience. Although the article followed the style of my booklet, keeping a blocky look with certain colours on the background. I feel that a change of text layout could have made a big impact on my work, increasing the strength of my booklets style. Having changed the layout of the text, could have made my booklet stand out more to my audience. If I had time to go back and change my booklet, I would change the layout of my articles as I feel that the way they are set out, are the weakest parts of my work.

• Another part of my work that I feel could be improved upon would be the choice of text font in my work, the reason that I would improve upon my text font is due to the fact that the font choices have been proven difficult to read on some of the backgrounds of my work. Although readable in production the choice of font, became difficult to read when put into the format for the booklet. Although the font choice did fit in with the style of my booklet, it was proven difficult to read, this could affect the way that my booklet is viewed by my audience. The difficult to read text, could give my booklet a negative aspect, rather than a positive one. To improve my booklet, I would have to change the font choice on the pages where it is difficult to read, this would make it easier to read and could also help to back up my booklets style if I chose the correct font type.

• Overall these are the areas that I feel that need improving upon, these areas are mostly texted related points on my work, which shows me that although I have been developing my text based skills on Photoshop and InDesign they could still use further improvement. I feel that if I made these improvements to the text elements in my work, my booklet would possibly have a stronger style and it would also be easier for my audience to read, due to the text on some pages being difficult to read due to the font choice. I feel that improving these elements in my work would overall give me a stronger piece of work in my written elements.

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Article analysis Looking at my article there is several things about it that I can spot for both positive and negative aspects in my work. In my article, it is clear that I have written enough information to help give my audience enough informative information about Veganism and why people should be vegans. Although my article, appears to hold enough information, along with relevant images to the subject of veganism, it appears that the layout of my article it very blank. And is only set out like a standard leaflet would be. This makes my article, appear not very interesting and keeps it with a basic appearance. I feel that such a basic appearance for an article may not make it very appealing towards my set audience, despite it having all of the needed information inside of it. However I feel the addition of the images in my article help to make it more interesting, as they also help give colour and picture references inside of the article. Which the readers would be able to refer to when reading, to help give them examples of certain points in the article. The images in the article have stayed relevant to the subject of Veganism, which helps to keep the article relevant and tied together. Looking at the articles layout, I believe that this is what could be majorly improved in my work. The way that the article is set out, although full of information. The layout of this article does not seem visually appealing and may be boring for a reader to look at. Due to the lack of colour and style in it. I believe that this article could be improved to appear much more visually interesting for my audience. If I were to improve this, I would keep all of the text that has been written into my article. However I would firstly change the way that the text is laid out, this would firstly make the article have an interesting look. This would be able to capture the interest of the audience easier. As well, an article that is visually appealing may help to keep the attention of my audience, as a large chunk of text may put the audience off from finishing reading the article. I also feel that adding more colour to my article may help it to become more visually appealing, along with making it more interesting than keeping it blank. This would help to change the style of my article as well, allowing it to fit in more with the set style of my booklet.

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Work comparisons • Comparing some of my work to already existing products I

am able to tell that there are some similarities and some differences between them, along with finding a common theme inside of the work. This would be the style of the product, the layout and the way that the information has been presented. Along with there also being some differences in layout and the style of writing when it comes to my articles. Although I feel that some of these differences are strengths in my work, as it shows individuality and creativity in my work.

This is my own infographic to do with what foods are vegan.

These are two different pieces of work, one of them is an already existing piece by the vegan nutritionists and my own infographic. Looking at the two pieces of work I am already able to tell the similarities and differences in the work. Looking at what is similar in the work is that it is to do with foods that are vegan, it also has a similar setout with the titles at the top of the image, with the images of the food underneath the text. They are both set with spaces between the food and without any other extra text on the work. Although there are also clear differences between the work the differences that I am firstly able to spot is the use of the colour scheme, as the work to the left uses blue, white and black for the backgorund of the image and for the text. This may be to help the image stand out. However I chose to use purple and light pink to follow on with the theme of my booklet. As I wanted my style to stay consistent. Another difference is that mine is to do with food that vegans can eat and it does not mention anything to do with vegetarians and it is strictly to do with vegans. Whereas the other image does mention vegetarians and is showing a contrast between the food vegetarians eat and the foods that vegans don’t. Where on my work I am simply showing what foods vegans can eat, to show that there is a large variety of food and drinks available for people who are vegans. Although different in these aspects I am able to see how my work can be similar to already existing products due to the style, and the way that my work is presented. Much like the already existing piece, I created my work with a main heading/subject and kept all of my images relevant to show what was being talked about. This then helped to give a clear idea on my work. Overall I am able to say that my work does share some similarities to already existing products, but also holds its down differences which makes it unique.

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Feedback • After my work had been created I asked for feedback from both peers in my group, and the general public asking them what they thought

about my work has been able to give me a clear idea on what needs improving and what people think about my work. To begin with I put my work up and asked for people to fill in a questionnaire to do with my work. The response that I received was overall positive and I was able to find out that 100% of people understood the message that I was aiming to get across with my booklet. This shows me that I have been able to match the brief I have been given as I have been able to inform people about Veganism and Veganuary. From this I know that my booklet is filled with enough information and does not need to have any improvement done to the text in my work, I have been able to learn that my text is the strong point within my work.

• I have also received other feedback, saying that the art style is good and consistent and that my “colour scheme compliments each other”, which helps to make my booklet look more visually appealing to my intended audience. I was also told that the “test of the use of fonts is very creative.” which shows me that I have been able to make a creative piece of work in my booklet. Which helps to back up the style that I went for in my booklet.

• Although most of my feedback was positive, saying that my work was good and full of information. I have also been told that there are some areas which could be improved upon in my work. With my work it has been suggested that I should change the font choice of some of my article, as it appears to be difficult to read on the background. I do agree with this as during the creative process the text looked good and easy to read, however in the size that the booklet is intended to be. The font choice of my article has become much more difficult to read. This is something that I may change and improve upon if given the time to, as I would like my audience to be able to read my work with no difficulty.

• One main thing that I noticed within my feedback is that the ,majority of people said that my front cover could use to be improved upon. Although the front cover of my booklet got across the message of what the booklet is about, it appears to not be very visually appealing. This may be due to the style of media that I used to create it. In my feedback I have been told that there are some parts that do not fit in with the background of the image, which means these should be improved upon to strengthen my work. It has also been suggested that I change the positioning of the text on the front cover, to make it easier for my audience to read. I agree with these comments about the front cover, as I personally feel that it is the weakest part of my booklet and could use much more development than it has been given. If given the chance, I would go back to make changes to my front cover and do to it as my feedback suggested.

• What I am able to learn from the comments that I have been given is that, my work is visually strong in the design and infographic elements and is strong in the area of information. However the way that my information is presented could be improved upon to make it more appealing and interesting to the target audience. I am also able to learn that although something may look good on screen (such as font choice) it may not look good when it has been put into a print format. Which may prove for further difficulty.

• Overall from the feedback I have been given I have been able to learn what the strong points and weak points of my work are, and how I am able to go to improve my work to make it to the best standard that’s possible.

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Overall analysis • Looking at my work as an overall, I am able to tell that I have produced a strong piece of work that reaches my original

brief. Although the work has some weak points, it is overall strong and able to meet the requirements set for my work. I have been able to produce a 12 page booklet to inform people about veganism and Vegnuary, along with making my social media infographics.

• Throughout my work I have been able to spot strong and weak points in it. My strong points appear to be the way that I present my ideas, with enough information to make my points clear. Along with showing a clear and consistent style throughout all of my work. I have been able to show this style in both my infographics and in my booklet. The style that I showed throughout my booklet was a blocky, cartoon like style. This is a type of style that could often be found in other leaflets and booklets that are advertising a certain subject. I feel that my style adds a nice effect to my booklet as it gives it a soft, yet appealing look. With the use of my colour scheme I was able to give my booklet a natural feeling with the use of pastels and natural colours such as greens, blues and browns. I feel that the uses of these colours strongly helped me to keep my style throughout my work.

• Throughout my work I was able to present my ideas in the form of infographic and articles, I feel that my infographics were my strong point when it came to presenting my points. As they were able to clearly get across the information I wanted to provide, however I felt that my articles were not able to do what I wanted to as clearly. This is due to the fact that my articles were presented in a basic and blank manor, which huge chunks of text in it. I feel that these large parts of text, although full of information. May have had too much information in it and could have been narrowed down to several key points in the articles.

• With the articles I also feel like I could have set them in a different lay out to give them a stronger appearance and to make them seem more interesting and appealing towards my audience. As well I could have possibly changed the font choice to make it easier to read, or to give my work a bigger impact.

• Although I feel this way about my articles, I still believe that my visual work is my strongest and that it clearly matches my target audience and reaches the brief I had been set for this project. I am overall happy with the final result of my booklet.

• If I did have the chance to go back and edit it, there is a few things about it that I would change, this would mainly be the layout of my articles as I feel that my articles are my main weak point of my booklet. Despite this I still believe that I have fully achieved my target with creating my booklet and infographics, with strong visual and design elements to help back up my points in my work.