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Words That Sound Rude But Aren't Aprosexia, noun, means an abnormal inability to concentrate one's attention. It has nothing to do with sexy aprons or with sex at all unless, perhaps, sex is the reason you can't concentrate your attention ;)Coxcomb, noun, is a foolish, conceited, showy person, vain of their accomplishments, appearance, or dress; a fop. I am tempted to use the word d*ckhead.Decocting, verb, isn't male castration. It means boiling in water or other liquid so as to extract the soluble parts or principles of the substance.Firkin, noun, is a small cask for liquids, fish, butter, etc. It's a firkin good word. But don't, whatever you do, confuse a firkin with a merkin.Formicate, verb, means to crawl like ants. It has nothing to do with "fornicate" unless you have a particularly kinky sex life.Futtock, noun, isn't a fat buttock or a swear word. It is one of the middle timbers of the frame of a ship, between the floor and the top timbers.Inspissate, verb, means to thicken, condense. So now you can inspissate your pee er, "pea" soup.Macerate, verb, means to soften by steeping in a liquid. I macerated once but was told I'd go blind.Opisthenar, noun, is the back of the hand. The emphasis in pronunciation on "pis" makes this word sound a little crude, but only if, like others, you have a dirty mind.Quakebuttock, noun, is an old word for coward. Perhaps cowards have shaky bottoms?Repullulate, verb, does not mean to pull again; rather, it means to bud or sprout again.Rhinocerotic, adjective, is not a sexual attraction to noses. It simply means pertaining to a rhinoceros.Yanker, noun, has nothing to do with maceration. It means a big or "thumping" lie.
