
7/27/2019 Wooten NewsletterSummer 2013 1/2

Contact [email protected],(859) 858 4578

HoursMon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm

Friday 9am-midnight

VisionTo be and to build a houseof prayer for all nationsin the spirit of the Tabernacle of David 

ValuesLoving God, Loving People

a missions organization fueledby prayer and worship,mobilizes people to evangelizethe world, loving and servingJesus Christ.

God really likes you so much...

Fall 2013

Hey There :) Can you believe it is October 2013? Hope you aredoing good—I do like football season and it is here :) Well, life hasbeen full of activity this summer. Fall is in the air. Here atCornerStone we have started CrossTraining; this time it is 8 weeksof training and preparation with a new long-term missionary, Kelcy

Gallager, who is going to Casa de Fe in Shell, Ecuador—achildren’s home on the edge of the rainforest for 70+ kids. (read more about her and Casa de Fe on our website). So the next 2months will be full of all sorts of great stuff as we get to go throughCrossTraining with Kelcy. She will be joining us at the jail onThursdays, too, so that will be fun and great for the ladies there.

Speaking of jail, it is going good. We can always useBibles (softcover, not KJV). I am the worship leader (I play the cd :) and we have one of 4 or 5 womenshare each week what God has put on their hearts. We are praying God will bring transformation and newlife to each of the ladies we get to minister to. We meet with them on Thursday nights 7pm –9pm. We suredo appreciate your prayers for them and us.

Throughout the week, the prayer room is open 63 hours. We have 7, 2 hour, live prayer andworship sets. The other 49 hours we

stream (they have 24/7 worship and prayer there—a dreamof ours). On Monday nights, JoMcKenzie leads healing prayer for people. I try to be there when I can (I am usually the day shift :) and it hasbeen a blessing to me to listen for God’s heart for other people, learn tocommunicate that to them and askGod for healing. I am very gratefulthat we can offer that to people and learn more about God’s power and heart for people and ourselves.Thank you for your interest in my life here at CornerStone. Bless us all to know more and more how Godfeels about us.

Thanks :)Kathy Wooten (don’t give up)

Raymond, Melanie & Melissa at CI-HOP. Melanieis growing in her love for Jesus and we have beenso glad to walk with and cheer her on.

Sought After Project

Don’t give up.

Photo of the Rudy Ruettiger from 1976, thereal person behind the movie “Rudy”. August

23rd is his birthday.

Jesus loves us so muchand seeks after us…Isaiah 61,62:12, Revelation 5 

Support!Send to:CornerStone InternationalPO Box 192Wilmore KY 40390Memo: “Sought After”

Donate from our websitewith PayPal or credit 

7/27/2019 Wooten NewsletterSummer 2013 2/2


*Faith-topray biggerprayers

*TheWord–hideGod’sWord inour hearts.

* WaitingonGod-growing in listening& stillness

In training :) Thaddeus Jones and Nathaniel

Trimble by our wall of fame at CornerStone- our 40+

missionaries serving around the world


     N    e    p     h    e    w

     N    e    w    s

Our CornerStone International board meeting went really great. We had twoof our great folks here, Kelcy going to Ecuador and Janine serving in Zim-babwe. It is so great to see our board and whoever can come in from the

field. It reminds us of why we are here and what greatpeople we serve (and like so much). We always eatreally good too. The great Metcalf family hosts our banquet and it is so beautifully done. What a graciousfamily and host.

Our banquet speaker was Burt Jones, presi-dent of another great organization here in Wilmore,GO International– they do amazing short-term missiontrips. Burt Jones challenged and encouraged us.

To the left is a picture of Jenny Cochran, along time missionary there at GO International withher husband Larry. Jenny is the reason I go to jailevery week—she has been going for the last 20 years.I am so grateful for them.

Thank You!all of you that partner with me on my support team.Let me know if I can help with any concerns or answer any questions.

[email protected] or call 859-858-4578

I am so grateful forour new cd

duplicator. Wecan bless evenmore people withgreat encourage-ment. :) We just have to think of aname for it :)

Encourage one

another daily!-Hebrews 3:13

CornerStone July Board Meeting 2013

Dustin at recent West High

football game. Little brother

Gunner, can’t wait to suit up

It’s fun to watch them :)

Dustin and David Trimble

(who played for Asbury 

University)  hit some baseballsout of the park this summer

Bert Jones, Duane Jones, Jeff Henderson, Suzanne Jones

at our board banquet

Larry and Jenny Cochran

— heroes of mine :)

Trace (1st grade)  loves

anything super-hero-y

(thanks, Tina, for Angry 

Birds and Star Wars) 

Dalton’s broken arm,

8th grade football

Dustin, Dalton, Trace and

Gunner, Christmas 2012Dustin on his sum-

mer baseball team