  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth


    An d  in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was

    sent from God unto a city of Galilee,

    named Nazareth, to a virgin

    espoused to a man whose name

    was Joseph,  of the house ofDavid;  and the virgin's name

    was Mary.

    An d  the angel came in unto

    her, and  said,  Hail

    the  Lordiwi thblesse d art thou among '

    women.And when she saw him,

    she  was troubled at his

    mind what manner of

    saluation this should be.

    An d  the angel said unto

    her, Fear not, Mary: for

    thou hast  found  favour withGod.  And, behold, thou shalt

    conceive in thy womb, and bring

    forth a son, and shalt call his

    name  JESUS.  He shallbe great, and shall be

    called the Son of the

    and the Lord God shall give unto him the

    throne of his father David: And he shall

    reign over the house of  Jacob  for

    i    ,  eve r; and of his kingdom there

    be no end.

    said Mary unto the angel,

    How shall this be, seeing I know

    the angel answered and said

    unto her, The Holy Ghost shall

    come upon thee, and the power

    of the Highest shall overshadowthee: therefore also  that  holy

    thing which shall be born of thee

    shall be called the Son of God.

    And,  behold, thy cousin

    Elisabeth, she hath also

    conceived a son in her old age:

    i  and this is the sixth mon th wit h

    s .:>

    x h e r ,  wh o was cal led barren. For

    with God nothing shall be


    And  Mary  said,  Behol d the handmaid

    of the  Lord;  be it unto me according

    to thy word.And  the angel departed

    from her.

    -Luke 1:26-38

    (Continued on  Page  4)

  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth



    On January  1 , 1976, som e ofour book pr ices wi l l increaseas fol lows:

    *Books cu r r en t l y p r i ced$.60 wi l l increase  t o $.75 .


    *Books cu r r en t l y p r i ced  at$1.25 wi l l increase  to $1. 50

    O r d e r s r e c e i v e d b e f o r eDecember  3 1 , 1 9 7 5  w i l l  besh ipped  at the ol d pr ice s.

    TH E  W O R D  O F  FA IT H published monthly  byKen n eth  E. Hagin Evangelistic  A s s n . ,  P.O.Bo x  501 26 , 10 29  N.  Utica, Tulsa, Ok lahom a.

    Doy le Harrison EditorBillye Brim Managi ng EditorLarry Huggins  ArtSubscription rates: $1.00/yr.  U.S. and Canadainstituted  by   payment  of regular rate  (or)  first$1 .00  of  your donation  to : Ken n eth  E.  HaginEvangelistic  Ass'n.

    Volume VIII  1 2

    Dear Mr. Hagin,I  am a new Chris tian e ven though  I grew  up in a  family where  we went to

    church every Sunday.  I  always believed  in  Jesus, but  I  really never knew him.

    I am now  22 years  old  and we are best  of   friends.

    Another friend  of   mine that  I  work with started listening  to  KDTX-FM...

    I used  to get so  upset with him and  the station  I would turn  it off.  Then one day

    God opened  up my  ears  and  softened  my  heart.  I  started listening  to Jimmy

    Swaggart,  Don  George  and youself.  It was  just forty-five minutes  a  day but it

    changed  my life--and later  on many around me.

    In  the  three programs  I  found  out that God was n't what  I  believed him to

    be  at all. Now I make it a habit  to read  the Word  at lea st two hours  a day  or  more.

    And  I  have found  out the  Holy Spirit will teach me...I asked and was filled with

    the Holy Spiri t a fter reading your book EXCEEDINGLY GROWING FAITH and

    I BELIEVE  IN  VISIONS, both  of  which  I found  to be extreme ly intense, exciting,

    and  a  real b less ing. Pra ise God...My deepest love and thanks  for showing me

    how empty  I was and how FULL God wil l make one.Yours  in Christ Jes us,

    (A Brother)

    September  30, 1975

    Dear Bro.  K. Hagin,

    ...It  was   during your br oadca st that  the Lord healed  me of a tumor of the

    uterus  on  April  14, 1975.  Praise  the  Lord!  I was to go  into the hospital on

    April  19, 1975  for sur ger y. But pr ais e God, I was lying  in bed  on  the 14th of   April

    as  you  were teaching faith  and it  seems that  it was  so plain  to me for the first

    time—and that instant  I was healed.

    Praise God!

    RADIO NEWSPlease check our radio log  in this issue

    for  new  broadcasts  in  Brighton

    (Denver), Colorado—Belle Glade,

    F l o r i d a — C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s —

    Greenville, South Carolina.

    SUtian K H I /M H I rrnitD.C. AREAPrince Frederick WMJS-FM 927 10.30 PM

    Falls Church  . WFAX 1220 3:30 PM

    ALABAMABirmingham ..  WOJC-FM 93 7 11:15 AM


    Phoenix KHCS 1010 11:30 AM

    Tucson KFMMFM 99.3 11:30 AM

    CALIFORNIACarona  . . .  KREL 1 370 11:45 AM

    San Francisco .  .KFAX 1100 215 PM

    Los Angeles KFSG FM 96.3 6 45 PM

    San Diego XEMO 860 10:45 PM

    Riverside KBBL-FM 991 1:45 PM


    Denver KBRN 800 9:00 AM

    Denver ..KQXI 1550 11:45 AM


    Belle Glade (So. Fla) WSWN 900 8:15 AM


    Atlanta WGUN 1010 10:45 AM


    Caldwell KBGN 910 4:00 PM



    WEAW 1330 12:15 PMChicago

    Peoria .  WPEO 1020 11:15 AM

    Rockford WQFL-FM 100.9 1:00 PM


    W. Terre Haute WWVR-FM 105.5 2:05 PMHammond WYCA-FM 92.3 9:00 PM

    Indianapolis WBRI 1500 3:15 PM

    Plymouth WCTAFM 94.3 6:15 PM


    Des Moines KDMI-FM 97.3 8:00 AM

    Cedar Rapids KTOF-FM 104.5 8:30 AM

    KANSASPittsburg KOAM 860 10:00 AM

    Wellington KLEY 1130 5 45 PM


    Louisville WFIAFM 103.9 6-00 PM


    Detroit WBFG FM 987 3:4519:15 AM

    MINNESOTASt Paul KNOFFM 95 3 12:00 Noon

    MitiM K H I /K H I THni


    Jackson W1FR-FM 963 10:30 AM


    St Louis WEN 1010 9:15 AM

    Kansas City KCCV 1510 11:00 AM

    St. Louis WGNUEM 106.5 6:15 PM


    Charlotte  . WHVN 1310 2:00 PM

    NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque KKIM 1000 12:45 PM

    NEW YORKNew York City WP0W 1330 5:15 AM

    OHIOHamilton WQMS-FM 965 8:45 AM

    Columbus WCV0 FM 104.9 12:15 PM

    Canton WTOF-FM 98.1 5:30 PM


    Tulsa KB1H-FM 98.5 830  AM  &

    10-30 PM

    Oklahoma City KBYE 890 9:30 AM

    Pryor KOLS 1570 4:45 PM


    Ashland KD0V 1350 8:30 AM

    Portland KPD0AM  8, FM 800 S 93 7 1:15 PM


    Philadelphia WIBF FM 103.9 8:15 AM

    Pittsburg WZDM 1590 9:45 AM


    Greenville WBBR 1580 1:15 PM


    Nashville WNAH 1360 11:45 AM


    Brownwood KLSN 99 5:45 AM

    Houston KFMK FM 98 1000 AM

    Dallas KDTX-FM 102.9 11:00 AM  S

    9:45 PM

    Corpus Christ: KCTA 1030 12.45 PM

    Crane KBSN 970 10:00 AM

    WASHINGTONSeatt le KBLEFM 93.3 6:15PM

    Yakima KBBO 1390 10-05 AM


    Monterey XEG 1050 8-45 PM


    i  T I T L E " O F P U B L I C A T I O N  ~ ~ ~ — -  1^  D A  re  O F  F I L I N G

    [HE WORD OF FAITH  ; 9/27/75 _3. F R E Q U E N C Y  O F  I S S U E  | 3 A,  A N N U A L  S U B S C R I P T I O N P R I C E

     Monthly  „._   . . . . . I ?1.00 Yr

     A  L O C A T I O N O F K N O W N  Of F I C E  OF  P U B L I C A T I O N  (Street. eity, cnun li . sta tc an d /.ll-  code)  l-\ol   printers)

    Utica Tulsa Tulsa County. .Oklahoma  7411Q _ _

    5 L O C A T I O N O F T H E  H E A D Q U A R T E R S O R G E N E R A L  B U S I N E S S O F F I C E S  O F T H E P U B L I S H E R S  (Nat  printers)

    W ? < )  N .  l l r l r f l I l i l S f l T . . T g a  m . i n l - y O U a h n m a  7 4 1 1 0

    6 . N A M E S A N D A D D R E S S E S  OF  P U B L I S H E R . E D I T O R , A N D M A N A G I N G E D IT O R

    " P U B L I S H E R  irTame  and'ad dress)  ~"

    Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Ass'n., Inc., P.O.Box 50126, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150E D I T O R  (Name  and   addrets)  "  - - - - - -  „

    Rev. Doyle Harrison, 5117 S. Lakevood, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135M A N A G I N G E D IT O R  {Name  and   address)  ' - - - - - - - - - -

    Dillye 0riint  62'. C. 13th Street, Gellinaville, Ohlaheno 74120

    7.  O W N E R  (If owned   by  n  corporation. :U name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of

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  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth



    Fourth in the Ministry Gifts Series

    b y K e n n e t h H a g i n

    EPHESIANS 4:11-1211 And he gave some, apostles; andsome, prophets; and some, evangelists;and some, pastors and teachers;

    12 For the perfe ctin g of the saint s, for

    the wor k of the minis try, for the edif yingof the body of Christ:

    The word pastor is used onlyonce in the King James translation of the New Testament. That 'she re in Ephesi ans 4:11. Thi s se emsa little strange when we realizethe office of pastor is probably the

    most widely recognized office inthe Christian ministry today. Yet  fam sa t i s f ied the re a r e m a nyreferences to this pastoral office.

    The Greek word translated pastor literally means shepherd. It istranslated so referring to our wonderful Lord and Saviour, the LordJ e s u s C h r i s t — w h o m i g h tleg i t i mate ly be cons ider ed thegreatest example of a true pastor.

    JOHN 10:1111 I am the good she pher d: the goodshepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

    HEBREWS 13:2020 No w the God of pea ce, that broughtagain from the dead our Lord Jesus, thatgreat shepherd of the sheep, through theblood of the everlasting covenant...

    1 PETER 2:2525 For ye wer e as she ep going ast ray;but are now returned unto the Shepherdand Bishop of your souls.

    I PETER 5:44 And when the chief Shep herd shallappear, ye shall receive a crown of glorythat fadeth not away.

    A pastor is a shepherd of God'ssheep . Jesu s is the Good Shep herd ,

    the Great Shepherd, the ChiefShepherd of all God's sheep. ButHe has some under shepherds.The pastor stands in that office.God calls men and equips them toshepherd or pastor a flock.

    We can see the necessity forshepherds. As believers began to

    be gathered together in recognized local churches, or groups, orassemblies, in early New Testament days, the need for certainones to exercise a position of loving overs igh t and care wouldnaturally arise. Jesus spoke of people going astray as sheep withouta shepherd. (Did you know that'swhy many sheep are going astraytoday? Because they're without ashepherd.)

    Such persons were required to

    be more or less settled in thelocality and residents, for a time atleast, of that one place. They weredistinguished from the apostlesand other ministries who werecalled to move around.

    It 's plain that the early churcheswere put in the charge of localelders. The Greek word for eldersimply means an older person. Dr.P.  C. Nelson, the noted Greekscholar, pointed out that in thebab yho od state of the chu rch th eydidn' t hav e pastors. The y wer e

    starting out."Let's get back to the Acts of the

    Apostles," some folks say.No .  Let's don 't get back th ere . If

    we do the church will be a babything—in a babyhood state. Backto some of the experiences available to us—yes. But we don't wantto get back there altogether. Whenthe church started out it was ababy church. They didn ' t haveany ministers except the apostles.It takes time to develop ministries.I t t a ke s t ime to de ve lo p th e

    pastoral office.Very often to begin with they

    would simply appoint some of theolder men to oversee the localflock or assembly until God coulddevelop ministries.

    The Word of God speaks aboutnot putting in a novice even as a

    deacon. How much more that

    would be true in any other office.That's why God starts a ministerout some place e l se—pre aching ,evange l iz ing , t e l l ing the s tory ,developing—before He makes apastor out of him. Ministry giftsa n d s p i r i t u a l g i f t s c a n b edeveloped.

    These elders would simply beolder men who by reason of theirs tanding and experience were obviously fitted to a place of positionand responsibility.

    But, if this term elder had special

    reference to their age and standing—there was the more official title of overseer or  bishop.  TheGreek word, episkopos, is thesame for both. It conveys a meaning of defini te leadership andofficial position. Re me mb er ho wJes us is the chief Shep her d andBishop of our souls—Overseer ofour souls. Hallelujah!

    Notice how the word overseer isused in Paul's admonition to theelders of the church at Ephesus:

    ACTS 20:28

    28 Take hee d therefor e unto your selv es,and to all the flock, over the which theHoly Ghost hath made you overseers, tofeed the church of God, which he hathpurchased with his own blood.

    It takes a little space to print thefollowing passages here. But Ibelieve it 's important that we getright into them and read them.We'll comment as we go:

    I TIMOTHY 3:11 This is a true say ing , If a man desi rethe office of a bishop, he desireth a goodwork...

    I want to again point out that theword here translated bishop is thesame Greek word translated, overseer. What this is really talkingabout is the pastoral gift.

    1 TIMOTHY 3:2-72 A bishop then must be blamel ess, thehusband of one wife, vigilant, sober, ofgood behaviour, given to hospitality, aptto teach;

    3 Not giv en to wine , no striker, notgreedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not abrawler, not covetous;

    4 One that ruleth wel l his ow n house ,having his children in subjection with all

    gravity;5 (For if a man kno w not ho w to rule hisown house, how shall he take care of thechurch of God?l

    6 Not a no vic e, lest be ing lifted up withpride he fall into the condemnation of thedevil.

    7 More over he must hav e a good reportof them which are without; lest he fall intoreproach and the snare of the devil.

    Continued on Pag e 7 3

  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth


    Continued from Front Cover

    sby  Kenneth Hagin

    The Virgin Birthev en hu nd re d fif ty ye ar s

    before, God had marked out thisdaughter of David who is to givebirth to that wonderful Being in a

    m a n g e r c r a d l e i n B e t h l e h e mthrough the prophet Isaiah:

    ISAIAH 7:13-1413 And he said, Hear ye no w, O hou se ofDavid; Is it a small thing for you to wearymen,  but will ye we ar y my God also?14 Ther efor e the Lord himsel f shall gi veyou a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call hisname Immanuel.

    The Lord Himself will give asign. He will show you a miracle, awonder; something out of the ordinary will take place.

    What will it be?A virgin shall conceive and

    bear a son. A virgin will give birthto a son in a supernatural way. Hisname shall be called Immanuel—which means,  God with us,  or ,  In-carnation.

    God's first promise of the Incarnation is given in His conversation with Satan just after Ad amhad committed high treason.

    God said to Satan:

    GENESIS 3:1515 And I will put enmit y be tw ee n th eeand the woman, and between thy seedand her seed; it shall bruise thy head, andthou shalt bruise his heel.

    God the Father realizes man'sneeds can only be met by the Incarnation of His Son. He realizesthis One could not be born ofnatural generation. So He gives aprophecy that a woman shall givebirth to a child independent ofnatu ra l generat ion—it shal l becalled the seed of woman.

    In Je re mi ah 31:22 God de clar ed,"...A  woman shall compass aman." 

      Or, mor e litera lly, a wo ma nshall encompass a man child.This Incarnate One could not be

    b o r n of n a t u r a l g e n e r a t i o nbecause man is a fallen being. Hisseed is subject to Satan. This Seed,this Holy One, must be One who isnot a subject of Satan. This wonderful Being must be conceived ofthe Holy Spirit. The womb of the

    virgin is to be simply the receptacle of that Holy One unto the dayHe is brought forth.

    Adam was created. The rest of

    the human race was generated bynatural processes. But this One tobe bro ug ht forth is to be formed bya special act of divine power. TheApostle Paul speaks of His birth inthe following words:

    PHILIPPIANS 2:6-86 Who, be ing in the form of God,thought it not robbery to be equal withGod:

    7 But mad e himself of no rep utat ion,and took upon him the form of a servant,and was made in the likeness of men:8 An d be in g found in fashion as a man,he humbled  himself,  and became obedient

    unto death, even the death of the cross.

    A modern translation of thatpassage helps us see i t moreclearly:

    Who existing in the form of God countednot the being on an equality with God athing to be grasped: But emptied  himself,taking the form of a servant, being madein the likeness of men, and being found inthe fashion as a man he humbled himselfbecoming obedient unto death, yea, thedeath of the cross.

    He had existed always in theform of God; but He empties Him

    self and takes the form of a bondservant; being made in the likeness of man.


    The Person we now know asJesus Christ is one of the threedivine persons of the Diety. AsGod, He had no beginning. It is thetime before He became a man thatwe refer to as His preexistence.Micah speaks of Him as existingfrom all eternity:

    MICAH 5:22 But thou , Bet hle he m Ephratah,though thou be little among the thousandsof Judah, yet out of thee shall he comeforth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel;whose goings forth have been from of old,from everlasting.

    John speaks of Him as existing inthe very beg inn ing wi th theFather:

    JOHN 1:1-31 In the beginni ng wa s the Word, andthe Word was with God, and the Wordwas God.2 The same was in the begin ning with

    God.3 All thin gs wer e made by him; andwithout him was not anything made thatwas made.

    Je su s sp ea ks of Himself asbeing before Abraham and beforethe world was created:

    JOHN 8:5858 Jesus said unto them , Verily , veri ly, Isay unto you. Before Abraham was, I am.

    JOHN 17:5, 245 And now , O Father, glorify thou mewith thine own self with the glory which Ihad with thee before the world was...

    24 Fathe r, I will that th ey also, who mthou hast given me, be with me where Iam;   that the y may behol d my glory, whi chthou hast given me: for thou lovedst mebefore the foundation of the world.

    Paul speaks of Him as existingbefore all things and as the Creator and Upholder of all things:

    HEBREWS 1:1-3, 81 God, wh o at sund ry time s and indivers manners spake in time past untothe fathers by the prophets,

    2 Hath in the se last day s sp oke n unto usby his Son, whom he hath appointed heirof all things, by whom also he made the

    worlds;3 Who being the brigh tnes s of his glory,and the express image of his person, andupholding all things by the word of hispower, when he had by himself purgedour sins, sat down on the right hand ofMajesty on high;...

    8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy thr one,O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre ofrighteousness is the sceptre of thykingdom.

    EPHESIANS 3:99 An d to mak e all men see wha t is thefellowship of the mystery, which from thebeginning of the world hath been hid inGod, who created all things by JesusChrist:

    The Incarnat ion p resupposesthat this Being who became incarnate had a separate existence previous to His coming to the earth.The entire gospel of John is basedupon the fact that Jesus had a previous existence with the Father—and that while He was walkingthe earth He remembered His ex-

  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth


    periences in the other world and

    spoke to the Father of them; andalso of when He would go backand take up again life with theFather. (See John 8:42; 13:3; 16:28,-30;  17:3-5.)

    This One to be born of thefamily of Judah to be a ruler inIsrael, according to Micah 5:2,"...whose  goings forth have been

     from of old, from everlasting," hadtraveled up and down through thee t e r n i t i e s a n d h a d l e f t H i sfootprints on the ages.

    In the beginning this Eternal

    One was with God—with Him infellowship and purpose, workingwit h Him; cr ea t i ng with H im.(John 1:1,3; Heb. 1:2.) Way back inthe beginning we hear God say,

    "Let us make man in our image."(Gen. 1:26.)

    Here are some of the divinenames and titles given to Jesuswh ic h pr ov e He is by na tu redivine and a member of theGodhead.

    GOD,  IMMANUEL  Matt.  1:23...THE  WORDJ n .  1:1...LORD  AND CHRIST  Ac t s


    Yet this Being, called the Word,who was God, and was with God infe l lowship and companionship ,possessing the same nature, existing in the same form and on anequa l i ty wi th God—took uponHimself the body of man. Heb e c a me f l e sh t h a t H e mi g h tbecome man's Redeemer.

    JOHN 1:1414 And the Word wa s mad e fles h, anddwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory,the glory as of the only begotten of theFather,) full of grace and truth.

    And when He came into thisworld God prepared a body forHim:

    HEBREWS 10:55 Wherefore wh en he com eth into theworld, he saith, Sacrifice and offeringthou wouldest not, but a body hast thouprepared me:

    God prepared a body—a specialbody—for this Being called theSon of God. He was not born bynatural generation as we know it.God performed a miracle by taking Him out of the Godhead, orfrom the Godhead, in heaven andplacing Him in the womb of avirgin to be united with flesh by aunique conception.

    We note here that when Christ

    became a man in the IncarnationHe became man for eternity. Hedid not assume humanity as a garment to be worn for 33 years, thencast off and laid aside. But Hebecame a man forever. Today atthe Father's right hand there is aman in heaven as the result of theIncarnat ion.

    I TIMOTHY 2:55 For ther e is one God, and one media tor between God and men, the man ChristJesus.

    The fact that it was possible for

    diety and humanity to becomeunited reveals the place the firstman held in the plan of the FatherGod. (See Genesis 1:26 and Psalm8:5.) God had created man in Hisown image just a shade lower thanHimself—so nearly like God it waspossible for God and man tobecome united for eternity in oneindividual. It was possible for Godand man to become united! Godcan dwell in these human bodiesof ours. God can impart His Lifean d nat ure to our spirits and dwell

    in our hum an bodies. That ' s w hattakes place at the New Birth.

    Eve ry born aga in ma n is an incarnation. The believer is as mucha n i n c a r n a t i o n as J e s u s ofNazareth. God can now irradicatespiritual death from the spirit ofman and give man His life.


    Man born into a world ruled bySatan did not by nature know His

    Creator. But the Incarnation ofJesus Christ—God manifested inthe flesh—has given the worldtrue knowledge of the nature ofGod.

    From the time Adam sinned,and man died spiritually, God andman have been spiritually separ

    ated. Spiritually dead men couldnot know the nature of man'sCreator without a revelation fromHim. And man rejected revelationin the blindness of his mind. Hebrought forth false conceptions ofGod.

    A nation's conception of Goddetermines its worship and its life.The ignorance and untold miseryof heathen nations is due to their

    darkened conception of God. Godhas been conceived as the weird,the cruel, the grotesque. As theimmoral . As the  aloof.  As an impersonal energy. But never as Heis.

    That ' s why Jesus came! Toreveal Him as He is! As a God ofLove! As a Father God!

    Even Israel which possessed asclear a revelation as God couldgive of Himself to spiritually deadmen, had no true conception ofGod when Christ came into the

    world. The product of Israel's conception of God was the Pharisee.We see the counterpart of that today in the Chris t ian world—proud, bitter, unkind, arrogant,self-seeking. Israel had such a falseconception of God they didn ' trecognize Him when He stood intheir midst.

    Jesus said,  "He that hath seenme hath see the Father."   John saidof Him,  "No man has seen God atany time, the only begotten who isin the bosom of the Father, He hath

    declared Him" (John  1:18).I love Roth erha m's tran slation of

    John 1:14.  "And the Word became flesh and pitched His tent amongus and we gazed upon His glory,the glory as of the only begotten ofthe Father."

    It has been our tendency todwell upon Christ ' s self-denial ,His sufferings in coming to earthfrom glory. Yet as we know Himbetter, we believe it was a joy toHim, who so loved man and sodesired man's fellowship to dwell

    on earth among men that Hemight give to alienated man a trueconception of his Creator.


    GALATIANS 4:4-7

    4 But wh en the fulness of the time wa s

    Continued on next page


  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth


    Continued from Page 5 ma nd ed of the hu ma n. And He

    becomes answerable.Now—after He has paid thepenalty, after He has suffered tillthe claims of Justice are fullymet—then Life Eternal must begiven to His spirit. His nature mustbe changed until the prophecyfrom the second Psalm is fulfilled,"Thou art   m y  Son; this day have Ibegotten thee."   He mus t be bornout of spiritual death into Life thatPaul may say,  "He is the first bom from the  dead,  The head of thechurch."   He is ma de alive in tha tdark domain of hell!

    He must meet Satan, bind him inhis own house, and take away thearms in which he is trusting.

    COLOSSIANS 2:1515 And havi ng spoil ed principalit ies andpowers, he made a shew of them openly,triumphing over them in it.

    A vivid picture of Jesus in hellwith all the hosts of demons uponHim, seeking to hold Him prisonerin their dark kingdom. But Jesusmust arise in His new omnipotentstrength, hurl back the hosts of

    d a r k n e s s , a n d l e a v e S a t a nparalyzed, s t r ipped of his authority, defeated. (See Hebrews2:14.)

    Jesus must possess the gate ofHis enemy. He must take the keysof death and hell.

    Then He must ascend up out ofthe darkness of hell, enter into Hisbody which would then be filledw i t h l i g h t a n d i m m o r t a l i t y ,glorified and fitted to last throughthe ages of ages as the Head of theChurch, and as a sample of the

    resurrect ion.This Redeemer must experiencespiritual death for every man sothat every man may have a legalright to Eternal Life and a legalright to become a child of God.

    All are dead spiritually. All aresubjects of Satan. If one could havebeen saved without Jesus takinghis place, then all could have beensav ed. If th e worl d could ha vebeen saved apart from Christ, thenGod's sending Jesus to hell is themost colossal crime ever commit

    ted.Man ' s t ransgress ion must be

    atoned for—and thank God, Jesusdid th at for us! He took my pla ceand yours. And He did it as God.For He was virgin born and dietymanifested in the flesh.

    Without the virgin birth—thereis no rede mpti on.

    Short Term Courses available through RhemaCorrespondence Bible School

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    made available 6-month short term

    courses for home correspondence

    school study. You can choose to study

    one or more of the following subjects:


    Charismatic Truths

    Communicating Ministries

    Dynamics of Faith

    Bible InterpretationHealing Truths

    Write today for information regarding

    Bible study at home through RCBS.

    We'll send you a catalog explaining

    our regular course of study—plus in

    formation on the new short term



    Bible SchoolP.O. Box 50220Tulsa, Ok 74150


    ATLANTA, GA. Nov. 30 - De c. 7

    Agnes Scott College

    (Decatur Area)

    Presser Hall - Gaines Chapel

    1-20 at U.S. 155

    South Candler Road

    Sunday, Nov. 30 2:30 pm

    Monday-Satur day 10:00 am & 7:30 pm

    Sunday, Dec . 7 2:30 pm

    HOUSTON, TEXAS Jan. 4- 11





    teaching in the new 2000 seat sanctuary of:

    Lakewood Church

    7400 East Houston Road

    Houston, Texas

    Sunday Se rv ic es 7:00 pmMonday-Saturday 10:00 am & 7:30 pm

    TULSA, OKLAHOMA Jan. 18-2 5

    -Sheridan Assembly Christian Center-

    205 South Sheridan Road

    Sunday Se rv ic es 6:30 pm

    Monday-Saturday 10:30 am & 7:30 pm

    come, God sent forth his Son, made of awoman, made under the law,

    5 To red eem them that we re under thelaw, that we might receive the adoptionof sons.6 And beca use ye are sons , God hathsent forth the Spirit of his Son into yourhearts, crying, Abba, Father.7 Where fore thou art no mor e a ser vant, but a son; and if a son, then an heirof God through Christ.

    God, in sending Jesus, wroughtfor us His Great Plan of Redemption.

    The Redemption of man must

    eminate from God. Because man isa broken, helpless slave withoutresources in the hands of anenemy (Satan) who rules him without mercy and who has the authority to cast him into hell. Godmust provide a Redeemer.

    This Redeemer must be adequate to meet every demand ofJustice and every need of man. Hemust be big enough to conquerSatan, and to bring Life and immortality to the broken, bondagedhuman.

    This Redeemer must become incarnate. As a spiritual being Hemust take on a human body. Thisbo dy c an no t be mor tal as ours is. Ifit were, He would be a subject ofSatan. He must have a body patterned after the pure body of thefirst man Adam. He must be conceived and born in such a mannerthat He will not be a subject ofSatan. He must be a substitute forman. He must pass the examination and requirements Justice demands of a substitute. He could not

    be an angel, a disembodied spirit,or any special being created forthe occasion. He must be GodHimself.  Di et y mu st suffer forhumani ty .

    The only way this can be done isfor God's beloved Son to come outof God's bosom, lay aside the gloryand maj es t y He ha s e n jo yedthrough eternity at the Father'sright hand, and come down hereon earth and assume the physicalbody of a human.

    Then God must take man's sin

    n a t u r e —t h a t h i d e o u s mo n s t r o u sthing called spiritual death—andlay it upon the spirit of his HolyEternal Son.

    The Son must go unto judgment.The wra th and ind igna t ion ofJustice against sin and treasonmust be meted out to Him. Hemust pay the wages of sin. It's de

  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth


    Continued from Page  3 What laborer  is  w o r t h y  of   dou

    ble honor  and his  hire?  The onewho labors  in  word  and  doctrine.He  is to be  r ewarded  and  taken

    •care  of.

    ĉ. • o m b i n i n g  all  thes e sc r ip

    tures  it's  easy  to  grasp  the  natureof   t he  ministers called pastors. Letme  say  again,  the  Greek wordtranslated pastor means shepherd.The shepherd would have  theovers igh t  of the  flock.  No  com

    p a n y  of  bel ievers  can be  gatheredtoge ther  for  long with out feelingthe need  for  such minist ry. Th ereis always  t he need  of   wise, competent oversight  of the  mee t ings  ofthe assembly,  or  prayer group,  orwhatever ,  so that  al l thi ngs will bedone decent ly a nd in order .  (I Cor.14:40.) W he n  the Word talks abo utelders, or bishops, or overseers  it ist a lk ing about people wi th  thepastoral gift.  Fo r pastors  a re  giftsg iven  by  Chris t  to the  church.T h e y w e r e  t h e  r e c o g n i z e d

    s h e p h e r d  or  s h e p h e r d s  of t h eflock. (Sometimes  a  flock ne ed smore than  one  shepherd.)

    Oh, some have figured  it all ou t,and  they're  going  to put an  elderover five people, a nd an elder overten people. These people  are tosubmi t  to  the m. The y tell t hosepeople exact ly what  to do.  Whento move. When  to bu y a car, etc.That  is  unscriptural .  It is not theplace  of an  e lder  in the  church.

    Submission doesn't mean whatma n y t h i n k    it does. T he Bible s ays ,"Submit yourselves therefore  toGod"   (James  4:7). Sometimes  youcan' t obey both  God and ma n.First  we submi t  to Him .

    T h e n  the  Bible says for us to be

    submissive  on e to  another. Doesthat mean  we are to be  slaves  ofone another? No. It mean s we're  tot ry  to get  a long with  one  another.To respect  one ano ther .  To  honorone another .  To  love  one  another.

    The scr ipture  is  ve ry clear thattrue pastors  are a  ge nu in e giftfrom  God. A b o v e  al l else  the  positive work   of a pastor  is feeding  theflock. Feeding  the  flock. Because  aflock well  fed is the  least likely  tobecome unheal thy spir i tual ly.

    The scr ipture  is  ve ry clear that

    true pastors  are a  ge nu in e giftfrom  God. (Eph. 4:8, 11.) This  is tobe especially noted  in our dayw h e n  it  seems  to be  thought pastors  can be  manu factu red withsome special course  of   training.

    If  o ne doe sn't h av e tha t gift fromGo d  to  s tand  in  this office, he'lln e v e r  be  successful.  If the  gift  isthere,  it can be and  should  bedeveloped.  No  matter  how  muchpersonal ambit ion  w e mig ht ha ve,no matter  how  good  our  intent ions—nothing  can  t a k e  the  place

    of   t he  fact that there  is a  gift  in -volved.  It  comes from  God . It isgiven  by God to the  church .  It isthe Holy Ghost  w h o  makes  menoverseers.

    (Our  study on the ministry of the  pas

    tor will be con tinued next month.)

    This port ion  o f  Kennet h Hagin's teaching o n

    the office  o f  pastor  is  ava i lable  o n  cassette.

    Order S568C MINISTRY  O F THE P ASTOR (Part

    l) ...price: $4.00.





    F r e d P r i c e . . . M o r n i n g S e s s i o n s

    Kenn eth Hagin Eve nin gs

    The  new  2000 sea t s anc tua ry  of

    Lakewood Church, 7400 East

    Housto n Road, Houston, Te xa s,i s  the  s i t e  of a m i d - w i n t e r Fa i t h

    S e m i n a r  & Indoor Ca mpm eet ing

    J a n u a r y  18  t h r o u g h  25 .  Sunday

    s e r v i c e s  a r e at 7:00 pm and

    Monday through Sa tur day  the

    t w o s e r v i c e s  a day a r e at 10:0 0

    a . m .  and 7:30 p . m .

    Notice  in  par t icular that  it isunscriptural  to put a  novi ce in tothis office.

    TITUS 1:7-97 For a  bishop must be blameless, as thesteward  of God; not  selfwilled,  no t  soonangry,  no t g iven  to  wine,  no  striker, notgiven  to   filthy lucre;8  But a  lover  of   hospitality,  a  lover  ofgood  men, sober, just, holy, te mperate ;9 Hol din g fast  the  faithful word  as hehath been taught, that  he may be  able b ysound doctrine both  to  exhort  and to  convince  th e gainsayers.

    1 PETER 5:2-32 Feed  the flock  of  God which  is  amongyou,  taking  the  oversight thereof,  not byconstraint,  but  willingly;  not for  filthylucre, but of a  ready mind;3 Neither  as   bei ng lords ove r God'sheritage,  bu t  being ensamples  to theflock.

    Money cannot  be the  control l ing interest  in the  life  of anyminister. If it is , it  will ruin him. H emust serve because  he  loves God,and because  he  loves  the  sheep.

    It  is  cer tainly  the  d u t y  of theflock   to  support  the  pastor,  theelder,  the  bishop,  but he is not to

    do  it for  filthy lucre. His mot ive  isto serve  God and to put th e  peoplefirst—really  to  serve them, takin gthe oversight thereof with  ther ight motive  in  mind .  It is  rightand scriptural that ministers  besupported.  But if   t h e y  a re  justdoing  it for  money, then  it be-comes wrong.

    I TIMOTHY 5:17-18

    17  Let the  elders that rule well  b ecounted worthy  of   doubl e honou r,especially they  w h o  labour  in the  wordand doctrine.

    18 For t he scripture saith. Thou shalt notmuzzle  th e ox  that treadeth out the corn.And,  the labourer  is  worthy of his reward.

  • 8/18/2019 WOF 1975 - 12 December, The Virgin Birth


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    W e  will send one copy free this month to all who write and re

    quest the book by name.

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