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Page 3: WLC College India - Vijay Laxmi - WLCI College

Global warming is the increase of earth’s average surface temperature due to effectof greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossils fuels orfrom deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from earth .Global warming affects us all besides disturbing the natural balance of environment.

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The one of the major problem of global warming is dry land, not in India as well as all over the country are facing this problem because the industrialization. World climate is going through a significant changes by day by day. Rapid growth of population and unplanned industries causes global warming. The effects of global warming are very dangerous for our existence . Agriculture being badly damaged because of dry land . The trees as being cut and the forest as being destroyed for making the land in use for making factories , building etc. these causes global warming . Due to deforestation the rainfall become low and highly variable which result in uncertain crop yields. The one reason of also dry land are using chemicals in heavily way by which the land are losing their fertility because of uses of chemicals make the land dry because they loss their moisture and become dry, which causes the problem of all living beings. Dry land are not only thirsty, hungry too. We can make the soil fertile by increased there fertility, but there is extensive use of chemicals fertilizers due to lack of adequate soil moisture.All these are some reason which makes the land dry and make them dry land, if we want we don’t face this problem in our future we have to make our present better so just please “SAVE TREES AND SAVE LAND”.

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Dry land besides being water deficient are characterized by high evaporation rates, exceptionally high day temperature during summer, low humidity andhigh run off and soil erosion. The soil of such areas are often found to besaline and low in fertility. As water is the most important factor of cropproduction, inadequacy and uncertainty of rainfall often causes partial or failure of the crops, thus the life of both human being and cattle becomes difficult. The trees has been cut the forest has been destroy for the rapidly growing of industrialization the agricultural land become unfertile due to lack of water because the rainfall low and highly variable which result inuncertain crop yields because water is the most important factor to keep the land fertile. This problem effects all of us life and if we want to get rid of this serious problem of our life all of us have to plant at least one plant to make our land green and we also have to use less chemicals which badly effects the soil for making it dry use those chemicals which increase the fertility of soil these are the some solution by which we can stop the land for making it dry.

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