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For Immediate Release News from Routledge January 2013

New Research on Flavonoids and Nutritional Health in Older Adults from the Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics

Routledge Journals is pleased to announce a Special Issue from the Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics focusing on the impact of flavonoids on the nutritional health of older adults.

Flavonoids, found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, pose many health benefits and are often promoted in alternative and complementary medicine and dietary supplements, especially for older adults. Guest-edited by nutrition experts Adrianne Bendich, PhD, and Ted Wilson, PhD, this special issue brings a compilation of the most up-to-date reviews concerning the role of flavonoids in the diets of seniors and the potential benefits and/or risks these bioactive molecules may bring.

Flavonoids and Nutritional Health in Older Adults (Volume 31, Issue 3, 2012) features articles from leading experts in the field including Jeff Blumberg, PhD, Won O. Song, PhD, MPH, RD, Donato Romagnolo, PhD, MS, Connie Weaver, PhD, Paul Milbury, PhD, and Ryan T. Hurt, MD, PhD. Each of the chronic diseases of aging included in this supplement is reviewed in a separate article that examines the potential for diets rich in flavonoids to be of benefit to the health of the geriatric population. Topics covered include ocular health, bone health, weight loss, and age-related vascular disease. The issue also provides a background on basic chemistry and sources of flavonoids both in the US and internationally and addresses the use of flavonoid supplements and nutraceuticals.

“We hope that the comprehensive reviews within this supplement increase the awareness of the complexity, as well as the intense interest in the potential for flavonoids to affect many aspects of chronic diseases that affect the aging population,” says Bendich and Wilson.

“Flavonoids and Cancer Prevention: A Review of the Evidence” is currently available for free download. This article focuses on the scientific research regarding flavonoids reducing the risk of tumors, or in some cases having inconclusive or harmful associations to the body.

To view the complete table of contents, including article abstracts, or to download articles in HTML or PDF format, go to and click on Volume 31, Issue 3, 2012.


Special Issue Contents

Flavonoids and Nutritional Health in Older Adults: The State of the Science, Adrianne Bendich and Ted Wilson

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Flavonoid Basics: Chemistry, Sources, Mechanisms of Action, and Safety, Michael P. Corcoran, Diane L. McKay, and Jeffrey B. Blumberg

Estimated Flavonoid Intake of the Elderly in the United States and Around the World, Ock K. Chun, Sang Gil Lee, Ying Wang, Terrence Vance, and Won O. Song

Flavonoids and Cancer Prevention: A Review of the Evidence, Donato F. Romagnolo and Ornella I. Selmin

Flavonoid Intake and Bone Health, Connie M. Weaver, D. Lee Alekel, Wendy E. Ward, and Martin J. Ronis

Flavonoid Intake and Eye Health, Paul E. Milbury

Geriatric Obesity: Evaluating the Evidence for the Use of Flavonoids to Promote Weight Loss, Ryan T. Hurt and Ted Wilson

The Potential of Flavanol and Procyanidin Intake to Influence Age-Related Vascular Disease, Roberta R. Holt, Christian Heiss, Malte Kelm, and Carl L. Keen

About the Journal

Editor: Connie W. Bales, PhD, RD, Duke University Medical Center The Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics publishes original research studies that are directly relevant to clinical and community nutrition issues that affect older adults. Articles include epidemiologic and community-based studies, along with well-controlled clinical trials of preventive and therapeutic nutritional interventions. The journal invites papers on a broad array of topics in the nutrition and aging field, including but not limited to studies of: preventive nutrition, nutritional interventions for chronic disease, aging effects on nutritional requirements, nutritional status and dietary intake behaviors, nutritional frailty and functional status, usefulness of supplements, programmatic interventions, transitions in care and long term care, and community nutrition issues.


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