
Masterclass with Andrew Holecek


Exploring Lucid Dreaming

with Andrew Holecek

Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

YOUR OFFICIAL MASTERCLASS GUIDEBOOK 4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print out this workbook before the class starts so you can write down your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen out for. Make sure you've set aside private time for this session so you’ll be able to focus and fully receive the benefits of the session.

3. During the event, write down ALL the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening — that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part in any guided meditation and visualization exercises that may be a part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows the heart rate and relaxes the muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided meditations or visualizations that may happen during the class.

• You can use candles and other spiritual tools in the room to further help you feel at ease.

Thank you for joining our online class. We hope you enjoy it!


Exploring Lucid Dreaming

Masterclass with Andrew Holecek


Part 1: What is Lucid Dreaming?

Part 2: How to Lucid Dream: Practical Tips to Use Tonight

Part 3: Short Meditation

Part 4: Self Reflection


Exploring Lucid Dreaming

Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

Part 1: What is Lucid Dreaming?

The part is for you to take notes while you listen to the Masterclass. Fill in the banks as you progress. These will be the important takeaway points for this session.

1. According to Psychologist, Sigmund Freud, the mind is like an iceberg. Label the iceberg to show the various aspects of the mind (ie. Conscious, Unconscious).

2. On that same iceberg, label where you believe lucid dreaming occurs.

3. Throughout this Masterclass, Use the below space to write some of the most exciting benefits and advantages of Lucid Dreaming. Some have already been filled in for you.

_ For greater spiritual evolution________ _______________________________

________________________________ _______________________________

__To enhance creativity ____________ _______________________________

________________________________ ____To purfiy karma ______________

__To enhance problem solving _______ _______________________________

________________________________ As a training ground for the waking state_

________________________ _________________________


Exploring Lucid Dreaming

a. _____________





Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

4. The Hybrid-State can be described as where the _____________________ faces the _______________________ directly.

5. When considering the spiritual connectivity that’s possible with Lucid dreaming, Ken Wilber’s levels of awareness model can help to illustrate this potential.

Fill in the blanks pertaining to the model below.

6. Which level of this diagram are you most likely accessing, when you tap into your unconscious mind via Lucid Dreaming?


Exploring Lucid Dreaming


The inability to differentiate between self and others. This is only accessible in the _____________ state.


The attitude that one's own group is superior to another


Being aware and concerned with the welfare of all human beings


The feeling of oneness and kinship with all of life

“The further down the rabbit hole you go, the more collective the experience becomes” - Harry Hunt

Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

7. If you Right Hemisphere of your brain is activating while singing, the ______________ ________________ of your brain is activated while dreaming of singing.

8. According to The Journal of Sports Science, Lucid Dreaming has the following 4 far- reaching implications for athletes specifically:

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. Enabling underprivileged athletes to engage in effective practice of their sports even with limited access to physical facilities

4. __________________________________________

9. Return to question 3 to fill in some of the blanks on the benefits of Lucid Dreaming. Then, circle 3-5 that are of the greatest interest you.

10. Lucid Dreaming is different from Creative Visualisation because Creative Visualisation still involves ____________________ input.

11. You can add an additional ________ hours to your year if you exercise your potential through lucid dreaming

12. Answer circle True or False for the following statements.

Lucid Dreaming is as trainable as a skill as playing the piano True False

You must have a Lucid Dream every night to see direct transformative power in your waking state True False

A single powerful lucid dream can affect an entire week, month, or even lifetime. True False


Exploring Lucid Dreaming



Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

Part 2: How to Lucid Dream: Practical Tips to Use Tonight

Step One: Throughout the day, set the strong intent : “Tonight I WILL become lucid in my dreams.”

Step Two: Set your alarm to go off 2 hours before you normally wake up.

Step Three: Settle your mind, and prepare for sleep with good sleep hygiene.

Step Four: Gently, but resolutely increase your intent when you lie down by adding some emotional charge.

Step Five: Let everything go and drop into peaceful sleep.

Step Six: Use the “Awake and back to bed” Method. After waking up 2 hrs before normal; stay up for about 30 min or so, re-set your resolve, and go back to sleep.

Write some positive intentions for lucid dreaming below. Be very descriptive and specific about what situations or emotions you’d like to experience through Lucid Dreaming:








Exploring Lucid Dreaming


Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

Part 3: Short Meditation

What were some of the thoughts that came up during this short meditation? When your mind is left to wander, where do you let it go and what is your technique for bringing it back?












Exploring Lucid Dreaming

A non-lucid mind is completely connected to non-lucidity in sleep” - Andrew Holecek


Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

Part 4: Self Reflection

The right questions can spur your subconscious to feed you the right answers. So ask yourself. . .

How do you feel after the Masterclass? What were some of your biggest insights and takeaways?

Write down the 3 reasons why you think the art of Lucid Dreaming will help propel you into your next stage of evolution.


Exploring Lucid Dreaming

Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

Academic Quotes About Lucid Dreaming

“By deliberately changing elements in your dream life, you

can learn to confront many of your problems at their origin—in your own mind, rather than years later in the therapist’s office.”

- Patricia Garfield, PhD Dream Researcher & Renowned Author

“From a scientific perspective, lucid dreaming offers a

kind of distilled consciousness, a way to examine consciousness in a preparation unmixed with current

sensory input.”

- Evan Thompson, Philosopher

“[Transformation] which can take years in waking physical reality, can be greatly accelerated as the psyche understands this

process inwardly within a single dream.”

- Mary Ziemer, Manager of Dream Research Institute at the Centre for Counseling and Psychotherapy Education


Patricia Garfield

Mary Ziemer

Evan Thompson


Exploring Lucid Dreaming

Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

“Powerful lucid dreams stay with us for the lifespan, and may even permanently transform the

personality structure.”

- Ryan Hurd, Dream Researcher & Author

“That night—the results were immediate and life changing . . . How could it be so easy to have

such a powerful experience? . . . most people who lucidly dream have the potential in short order to have experiences of their innermost selves that are consistently meaningful, inspiring,

pragmatically useful, and potentially life-altering.”

- Ted Esser, professor of consciousness studies and transpersonal psychology

“It is easier to develop your practices in a dream than in the daytime. In the daytime we are limited by our material body, but

in a dream our function of mind and our consciousness of the senses are unhindered. We can have more clarity. Thus there

are more possibilities. If a person applies a practice within a dream, the practice is nine times more effective than when

it is applied during the waking hours.”

-Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, Dzogchen Teacher of Eastern Tibet

“People often consider their Lucid Dreams as among the most wonderful experiences of their


- Stephen LaBerge, Father of Modern Lucid Dreaming


Namkhai Norbu Rinpochettp://

Exploring Lucid Dreaming

Masterclass with Andrew Holecek

“Sensations in lucid dreams, which surpass waking life experience, could help writers, artists, and scientists to

overcome creative blocks…..Lucid dream creativity likely does not stop when we wake up, but leaves its traces in our

waking brain, thereby enhancing our everyday problem solving skills, artistic courage, and creative thought


- Clare Johnson, PhD in Lucid Dreaming & Creative Writing

“This one Lucid Dream gave me a new sense of identity. I felt

as if I had discovered another form of being to which my ordinary sense of self stood in relation as a drop of water to

the sea.”

-Stephen LaBerge, Father of Lucid Dreaming (on reporting 1 powerful lucid dream of his)


Dr. Clare Johnson


Stephen LaBerge,

Exploring Lucid Dreaming
