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Page 1: Winter tours

andy aungthwin photography

Winter 2010/11 photo tours

Bohinj, Slovenia

Page 2: Winter tours

About me

Well, it’s kind of a long story, but here goes. I was born in Rangoon, Burma but lived in Australia for about 30

years. In 2000, I married a Slovenian gal and we now live in the small but very beautiful village of Studor in

Bohinj, Slovenia.

In high school I played around with some BW photography and for the next 20 years or so took snap shots like

everyone else.

In 2003 I went back to visit my family in Australia and by “chance” found a simple digital camera by the side of

the road. When I came back to Slovenia I realized just how beautiful my new home was and started to take

photography more seriously.

A year later, my wife Tina “found” a Hasselblad in the cupboard of her new office. Her company said that I

could use the camera for as long as I wanted. Sheer coincidence? I think not.

By 2005 the little point and shoot Kodak just couldn’t do what I wanted to do anymore, so I bought my first “real” camera – a Nikon D70.

With films such as Kodak Portra and Fujifilm Velvia on the Hasselblad (not to mention Nikon F50, FE2 and F100), and many thousands of shots on the D70, I

knew what it was that I wanted to do with my life.

Today I shoot mainly with a Nikon D300 and three or four lenses (from 18+). All cameras and lenses I own were bought second-hand and the most I’ve ever

paid for a lens is 250 euros!

There are many great photographers out there and I would never put myself in their league. But what I can do as well as anyone else on the planet is to

show you how to create good images.

And the greatest reason to come to Studor is that the light in Bohinj is something special and that I know how to help you find it. In truth, I am no better a

photographer than the next person, but there is something that I know that the next person doesn’t. To find out though, you will have to come here

yourself, and then I will share this secret with you.

Page 3: Winter tours

The Light in Bohinj

Why is the light here so special? This is a difficult question to answer but when you come I will try to answer it for you. For now though, please have a look

at a small sample of the galleries below and maybe you can tell me.

The Lake Gorges Mountains

The Valley Portraits Studor
