Page 1: Winter 2017 Issue 12 - · 8 Parent support groups Parent Training & workshops 10-11 Did you know? 12 Winter 2017 Issue 12 Distributed by Register Services


Inside this issue:

What have we been up 2

More Trustees pledge 2

Behavior Event 3

Have your say 3

PIP Parent Forum



Person Centered



Parent support


Parent Training &




Did you know? 12

Winter 2017

Issue 12

Distributed by Register Services on behalf of the Croydon 'I Count' Register for Children and Young People with Disabilities,

and Parents in Partnership, Croydon, Reg. Charity No. 1092969

Hello to all... Tel: 020 8663 5626 Email: [email protected]


Dear All,

There have been lots of developments in SEND area in Croydon and we continue to be involved in these and enable parent- carers voices to be heard. There is now a new integrated service “0-25 Disability Service” in the Local Authority, the new Crystal Children Development Centre has opened and CAMHS have re-organised the way they manage their diagnostic waiting list. PIP has been instrumental in making sure your voices have been heard - you will find details inside about these key changes and opportunities to find out more and have your say (page 4-7).

We have a good number of free training opportunities planned and have also teamed up with Mind in Croydon to run a number of reflective sessions to help you look after yourself. We are also running workshops to support you in voicing the needs of your child and communicating these effectively. As usual we compiled other workshop opportunities that other likeminded organisations offer (pages 10-11).

Following on the two autumn events about “OUTCOMES”, we are keen to keep the momentum and so you will find a page and workshop dedicated to tools useful for person centred approach (page 8).

Many of the changes will continue throughout 2017 and unfortunately one of them is the ending of big part of the PRISM consortium contract to support local parent-carers. In order to inform you of this change, a separate and detailed letter is being sent including options of how to express views and opinions.

We hope that you will find information in this Newsletter helpful. If you would like to be involved in producing the newsletter, writing an article, editing, sharing ideas, do not be shy with getting in touch! Help will be most welcomed! Regards to all, PIP Team.

For parents of children and young adults

Do you want to be

up-to-date with

information, news and

parental advice? Join our closed

PIP Parent Forum Facebook

Group! Email office your

request with no further delay!

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What have we been up to? Changes, changes, changes! We have two new team members! An Office Triage Worker, Keely Sullivan and a new Parent Forum Development Worker, Jane Speller (YES, another Jane… we really try to keep things simple and uncomplicated…) Although we did say our heartfelt thanks and goodbye to wonderful Jane Poulter; it wasn’t certainly a farewell! You will be able to meet and work with Jane in her new capacity— a trainer, so watch this space! Here are a short intros written by Keely and new Jane themselves:

My name is Keely Sullivan. I am a Croydon parent and I have recently started with Parents in Partnership. I am very much enjoying my new role and excited to be a part of PIP and all it has to offer. I have previously worked as a senior support worker - providing domiciliary care/ respite to adults and children with additional needs/ complex needs and disabilities. I had the opportunity to progress in this role, where I went on to become an Office Assistant Manager. More recently I have worked as a bank Healthcare Assistant- providing rehabilitation care to elderly patients, helping them to return home from hospital after an illness or accident. I also provided Administrative support to NHS wards and departments. Part of my job role here at PIP will be to provide information and signposting to families and to coordinate the SCD course. I look forward to meeting you!

My name is Jane Speller and I am excited to be starting work with PiP to build on the work Jane Poulter has been doing to develop the parent forum. I am passionate about the difference parents and carers can make to the lives of their children when they work together, share experiences and set the agenda for what needs to be done to improve expectations, services and outcomes for their families. An important part of this collective work is forming productive relationships with the local authority and statutory bodies, where families not only challenge them and hold them to account, but also support them in delivering the promise of the 2014 SEND reforms. I live in Croydon and have two sons aged 10 and 12, one of whom has special needs and is starting secondary school in September this year. Since he was born I have worked for the Croydon Opportunity Pre-school Group, where I was Chair of Trustees for 5 years, been a Board member of Croydon Mencap and continue to be SEND governor at a local primary school where I am also Chair of Governors. Earlier in my working life I was an account director and HR director for a branding and communications agency and recently I’ve become qualified as a personal development coach and NLP practitioner. Since 2012 I’ve been lay member of the End of Life Care Steering Group in Croydon, both for Croydon University Hospital and the Clinical Commissioning Group. Please do get in touch if you’d like to say hello, get involved with the parent forum and/or give me feedback on your experience as a parent/carer in Croydon. I would love to hear rom you. [email protected] mob.07899 893976

Would you like to become a Trustee at PIP?

Our board currently consists of four Trustees and there is a need to extend our capacity to support the further development of the Organisation.

Therefore we have an exciting opportunity for an experienced individual with a passion to support families and who is able to contribute the commitment and time to make a difference.

We are looking for:

An experienced individual with good interpersonal and communication skills, including access to email with experience in any of the following fields:

Education - mainstream and/or SEN Health or social care Finance Human Resources Marketing, fundraising and bid writing Community Leadership

Main Purpose of the role is:

To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations;

To contribute actively to the board of trustees' role in giving firm yet inspirational strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against the aims of the organisation.

Further Information and Applications If you would like further information about the role, please contact our Strategic Manager,

Agnieszka Gebka on 0208 663 5626 or email: [email protected]

If you wish to apply to become a Trustee, please send CV and covering letter along with any supporting information to: [email protected]

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Have your say on what matters to you!

THURSDAY 30TH MARCH 2017 9:30AM – 2:30PM



Understanding Behaviour






Invitation to carers and family members’ co-design workshop 6th February 2017

11.00 - 14.00

Community Space, Bernard Weatherill House

8 Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1XS

ThePublicOffice (, commissioned by Croydon Adult Disability Service,

have been listening to people with learning disabilities, and to parents, carers and family members in Croydon. Croydon Council wants to understand better what life is like, what sort of support people need to live the lives

they want to live, and how well the current system meets people’s needs.

On 6th February we are holding a workshop for carers and family members.

At this event we will do 3 things: • Play back and test with you the big messages we have heard in our research,

• Work together to identify a set of design principles to underpin a future system of support, • Use creative methods to build a picture or a blueprint of what the future needs to look like.

We would be delighted if you were able to join us for this session.

A light sandwich lunch will be offered: please can you let me know if you are intending to come, and alert us to any dietary requirements.

Please RSVP ThePublicOffice at this email address or by calling the phone number below. Alex Watson | ThePublicOffice | 07919353784 |

Save the date

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PIP Parent Forum Updates

“A parent carer forum is a group of parents and carers of disabled children who work with local authorities, education

settings,health providers and other organisations to make sure the services they plan and deliver meet the needs of

disabled children and families.”

Our forum is open to all parents and carers living or working in Croydon.

We are a group of parents that look after children and /or young people with

various needs / disabilities and just like you, go through the good and the bad

times. Although we come from different backgrounds and cultures, have

different skills and knowledge, what we all share is our experience of living and

caring for a child with additional needs and our passion to influence and

improve services for SEND families in Croydon.

The PIP Parent Forum meetings are relaxed and welcoming, nonetheless

structured and informative, often hosting a speaker from the LA or Health

services, we always ensure that there is plenty of tea, coffee and biscuits to

keep you going! Although the parent forum is not a parent support group,

the information and sharing of experiences goes a long way and you will

definitely come out of the meeting being more aware of what support is

available and how to influence change. Some of you may also be inspired to

join us and give your energy to speak up for others and offer support locally,

opportunities are truly endless!

If you would like to attend the meeting or have an informal chat about parent

forum involvement and parent representative training, please contact:

[email protected] [email protected]

We have a secret Facebook group for Croydon parent carers where we post

information, family events, links to helpful websites and confidentially

share experiences. This link should take you there:

Or your can also request to be added to the group by emailing

[email protected]

Parent Forum meeting dates:

Tues, 24th January

Tues, 28th February

Tues, 14th March

Thurs, 20th April

Wed, 17th May



at the

Carers Support

Centre at George


The new Crystal Children Development

Centre at Malling Close

is now open and seeing children and families every day.

The staff and patients said that they find it a wonderful

environment to work and be seen compared to the old

Crystal Centre.

A grand opening took place on the 11th January at Malling

Close Centre.

So far the feedback from the practitioners and a few parents had

been positive

“Lots of positives. The staff are relatively happy. Good amount of

parking. Physio rooms and audiology rooms very nice., however it

is difficult to form an opinion until one have used the place


And so we would like to know your thoughts!

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Working with other parent forums and our Croydon guides

We kept on our “quest” to visit other London parent forums. It is a great way

of gaining perspective on the local issues and compare with other areas, but

most importantly, get positively re-charged and inspired by various work that

other forums are doing.

We visited the extraordinary Kingston and Richmond Forum, SEND Family

Voices. Their guide on issue of ‘reasonable adjustments’ has motivated us to

adapt their version for the purpose of Croydon families and schools (Enabled

not Disabled, a guide to reasonable adjustments). We are working with local

parent groups, the School Improvement Officer, Judith Lunnon, Octavo

Foundation and schools on developing the Croydon guide. We are hoping for

this publication to be ready before spring term.

Another piece of work that SEND Family Voices well worth sharing is their

‘Golden Binder’-The definitive guide to support for children and young

people with SEND in Richmond and Kingston we were informed that a similar

document will be produced in Croydon. Until then, feel free to use Kingston

& Richmond’s one for reference, if you wish

In exchange, the SEND Family Voices have commented that our Croydon guide on ‘Moving to Secondary School’

has been very helpful. We have heard from Croydon parents and Sencos good feedback as well. Please feel free to

contact us for a copy. We can email and print one for you.

We are hoping to replicate this guide for Early Years - prompting families

about key elements when choosing a primary school.

Finally, Jane and Karen took part in the annual meeting of the NNPCF

(National Network for Parent Carer Forums) in London on the 1st November.

It is a very special event as it enables representatives from all parent forum in

England to meet, network, exchange experiences, moan and laugh. This year

Jane and Karen sat at the table with advisors from the Department of

Education and were able to raise some of our Croydon issues directly with

them. You can watch a short film from the meeting here:

If you feel that there is a need for a particular information or guide to be

written for our Croydon families, please do not hesitate to tell us and get


Independent Review of School Exclusions Further to a few meetings that we held with the Independent Review

panel, The report on exclusions had been finalised and published.

You can read the full report online, best to google:

‘Scrutiny review of school exclusions in Croydon’.

Following on that report, there is further and more focused work being

carried out to understand the extend of exclusions of children with SEND

in Croydon schools.

At PIP we regularly hear of many illegal/hidden exclusions (reduced

school hours, requests to pick children up from school earlier, a temporary move of excluded child to another

provision) and with consent were able to share some to highlight the extend of the problem. If you would like to

share your story or find out more about exclusions, please contact us.

There is also a guide for parents and carers on Exclusions from schools, published on the Croydon website:

And if you would like to speak to someone about your child’s exclusion, you can contact:

Paul Brightly-Jones principal officer, exclusions and reintegration Tel: 0208 726 7438 Email:


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Croydon CAMH’s

Over the last year there had been many changes to the

way Croydon CAMHs is operating and managing

diagnostic waiting list. Although we will have to wait to

see the full benefit of the changes, some of you have

already mentioned that the wait to be diagnosed and/or

seen by CAMHs have improved. This crucial work, deliv-

ered thanks to the “Croydon Transformation Plan” is set

to continue over this year and we are hoping to keep

having an input. Among some of the “new” services, you

might have heard about free on-line skype counselling

and support groups for young people (SKYLINE).

You can view the plan following link:

and do contact us to share your thoughts /feedback.

As a parent forum, together with CAMHs practitioners,

we have also started a review of the post-diagnostic

information that is handed to the families. We hope to

meet in the winter term to keep this work going.

South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust has

organised a

Croydon Parent and Carer Listening Event on the

23rd January in the Carer Centre.

This is set to be first of a series of events organised

directly by the Trust aimed at listening to the local carers

and providing information.

PIP Parent Forum updates

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old,

but on building the new” Socrates

Best Practice review of Croydon’s 0-25 SEND Service

Croydon Council are undertaking a review of their 0-25 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


The aim of this review is to understand what is currently working well, as well as areas of opportunity to

improve current services.

This will be reviewed alongside best practice within children’s disabilities services in England to inform

future commissioning and service provision.

In order to inform this review, PPL and the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) who are leading this

independence review would like to work with you. They would like to understand your current

experience and help identifies areas you think can be improved.

As part of this they will be attending our PIP Parent Forum on the 24th of January. Unfortu-

nately we are unable to meet in our usual place at the Carer’s Centre, we are looking for the

best suitable venue and will mailshot as soon as we secured one.

They are also looking for 5 volunteers to have a 30 minute phone interview to discuss your

experience. Please contact PIP office if you would like to be interviewed.

This is an excellent opportunity to help shape the future of the 0-25 Special Educational Needs and

Disabilities Service in Croydon.

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Local Area SEND Inspection (OFSTED & CQC Inspection)

From May 2016, Ofsted and CQC have been inspecting how the Local Area’s in England have been implementing

the new SEND reforms. A different Local Authority, randomly, is contacted every 2 weeks in term time and given

a 5 days notice prior to the inspection. And so, as you can imagine, in Croydon a lot of preparation has been

undertaken already. Our parent forum will take part in the inspection and Croydon parents will have an

opportunity to feedback to the inspectors. In the New Year we will have a session for parents explaining in more

detail what the inspection aims and remits are. Many thanks to all those of you, who have volunteered to be part

of the inspection; if some of you are interested to join, please let us know.

However, if you do not wish to be involve in a very structured, strategic meeting but feel that your voice and

experience is valid and should be heard, there will also be a possibility to get involved through an open webinar or,

for some of you, through school’s inspection as well. For more information on the inspections please see:

If you would like to read the outcomes letters from inspection undertaken so far (ex. Bromley, Brighton & Hove,

Surrey, Enfield) these can be found on the GOV.UK website.

There is also a very inspiring and thought provoking article on the Special Needs Jungle blog giving an interesting

perspective on the work of the inspection so far. You can read it here:

SEN Reforms in Croydon We continue to be involved in the implementation of the SEN reforms and we are keen to get your regular (!)

feedback. We have been able to use the feedback in many meetings and validate our conversations and

arguments in discussions with the LA and indeed the Department for Education, so a great thanks! However, there

is still a huge amount of work needed to implement the reforms and their spirit and so many working groups

remain active. As there have also been a lot of changes within the LA and SEND team, you may be pleased to hear

that there is now one 0-25 Disability service incorporating early years, SEND and the Social Care departments.

The 0-25 Disability Service is part of a bigger, integrated service stretching until the age of 65. The LA made

a radical decision for merging services in order to be able to better address the complex periods of transitions,

provide more joined-up care and most importantly better plan and review services, maximising the use of funding.

Alison Farmer is the head of the 0-25 Disability Service and with her background of SEND, she said she is keen to

keep the Children and Families Act reforms very high on the agenda.

Judith Lunnon SEND Improvement


George Riley 0-25 Social Care


Placements and Personalisation


Debbie Degnan (Early Years SEN)

Amalia Banon (5-15 SEN)

Sarah Block (Post 16 SEN)

Bev Clarke (Early Years Disability Unit Manager)

Sandee Nursigadoo (5-15 Unit Manager)

Dean McDonald

(PfA Post16 Unit Manager)

Deborah Johnson 0-25 SEN Manager

Head of Service Alison Farmer

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Person Centred approach—tools

Don’t miss the opportunity of a FREE RIX WIKI for any child or young

person with additional needs and/or disabilities in


Multimedia Advocacy makes the different between being included or being

excluded enabling people with additional needs to use self-made media to

take greater control of their own lives and challenge their social exclusion.

People with learning and communication difficulties can often experience problems with making themselves

understood when speaking to others. Multimedia Advocacy involves supporting them to develop their own

multimedia person centred portfolio. Using this portfolio, people with learning and communication difficulties

can share their interests and preferences and better explain the ways that they like to be supported.

Multimedia Advocacy is an approach developed by us to help people with learning disabilities

to Identify, Communicate and Realise their goals. is an inclusive way for anyone – social services staff,

teachers and teaching assistants, staff from voluntary organisations, other professionals, parents and carers –

to work with adults or children with learning or communication difficulties.

If you want further information or you want to develop a wiki with your young person contact. Don’t worry if

you aren’t an IT expert– it’s similar to using social media such as Facebook and there is support of local wiki

champions on hand! Here is a link to a wiki created by Sam, a parent in Greenwich, of her son, Shane:

If you would like to know more and start a wiki, please email: [email protected]

However, if a multimedia tool is not yours and your child’s “cup of tea”,

you might want to try:

“Hello My Name Is” Document

When my son went through the education system I was often frustrated that

information about his needs and how to support him was not shared amongst staff,

which in some cases resulted in my son being unnecessarily anxious and displaying

challenging behaviour. While working as an Inclusion Outreach Worker in Lambeth,

I met with parents that were having similar frustrations. My team developed the

Hello My Name Is document to help to address this problem.

As a Family Link Worker for PIP I realise that many Croydon parents with a child/children with additional needs

are experiencing a lack of consistency in information sharing.

As parents, we know our children better than anyone. This knowledge we have is vital in enabling us and people

supporting our child/children to meet their needs. The Hello My Name Is document allows us to quickly record

what we know in the form of a booklet, to pass on to professionals who support our children educationally or in

leisure activities. Information can be recorded using words or pictures. It can be adapted to record what you feel

is important for people to know about your son/daughter such as; how they communicate, their likes and dislikes.

It can inform people what upsets your child, how this is communicated and how best to support them.

I kept a copy of my son’s document on the computer and updated it when things changed. It was easy to email

the document to people and if, for example, I knew there was a supply teacher, new teacher or teaching assistant,

new holiday scheme or youth club I would supply them with a hard copy. The information was mostly welcomed

and enabled staff to quickly get an idea of how to work with my son and it gave me the confidence that they had

the information.

You can shortly find an example copy of the Hello My Name Is document on the PIP website and I will be

running a workshop on the 13th March to support people in developing one for their son/daughter. It would be

great to see you there!

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Chill ‘n’ Chat Special

We are never tired of these wonderful, weekly group sessions for parents & carers of

children with special needs with plenty of information, support and ‘me-time’ treats to

keep you going and your child is most welcome!

Tuesdays 9.30am - 11.30am

Woodlands Children’s Centre

Farnborough Avenue, Selsdon, CR2 8HD

Wednesdays 1pm - 2.30pm

Kensington Avenue Children’s Centre,

Kensington Avenue, Thornton Heath CR7 8BT

PRISM Partnership offers much more!

PIP + NAS Croydon + Jubilee Parenting offer 1to1 support, parent training, therapeutic sessions and a

unique 8 week parenting course for parents of children under 5 with social communication difficulties.

For more information on PRISM calendar, support and groups please contact [email protected]

For more information about joining the group, please

call 07704 061916 or contact:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Parent support groups

NAS Croydon Branch Parent Support Group

The NAS Croydon Branch Parent Group aims to reduce some of the isolation

felt by those who have received a diagnosis or are waiting to receive

a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder for a family member.

We aim to provide: monthly coffee morning, advice & information, the

opportunity to meet other parents and carers in similar circumstances, a friendly

and supportive environment.

Come and drop in to one of our sessions

at the Carers Support Centre between 10am – 12 noon

On Tuesdays 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 28 March, 18 April, 23 May, 27 June & 18 July 2016

For more information contact us: Tel.: 07833 293 263 E-mail: [email protected]

Croydon Mencap’s Chill and Chat

(formerly part of the Croydon Opportunity Group)

Chill and Chat is a service for parents who have a child with special needs under the age of 5 years and is similar

to “stay and play”. We offer support, advice and a friendly face in a safe and enabling environment.

Make new friends and share experiences, relax and chat with other parents and carers while your child has fun.

Chill and Chat is a free drop-in service and is run by two highly experi-

enced and long-standing members of staff.

This friendly group welcomes you during term time on

Tuesdays: 10.30 am-12.30 pm

Fridays: 10.00 am-2.30 pm

at Shirley Children’s Centre, 34 Lilac Gardens, Shirley,

Are you a parent or a carer of an adult or teenager with Autism?

Would you like to meet up with people like you and talk about the issues that matter to you?

The Autism Parent Family and Carer Group meet on the last Monday of each month from 6.30pm-8.00pm at :

Chatsworth Hall Autism Service

Chatsworth Hall, 1 Chatsworth Road, Croydon CR0 1HE

Refreshments are provided

For more details contact: Paul Wallingford on 0208 255 5473 [email protected]

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Training and Workshops PIP offers free training workshops for parent/carers of

children with special needs or disabilities.

Places are limited, so please book by contacting the PIP office on 020 8663 5626 or email

[email protected] all meetings are at Carer’s Support Centre, 24 – 26 George Street, Croydon CR0 1PB

Personal Budgets and Direct Payments PIP+ Audrey Simpson

Tuesday, 31st January 10am-1pm

Communication Workshop Sue Utley

Monday, 6th March 10am-12.30 noon For parents of children aged 7 and under. A workshop using puppets and different communication systems to engage, motivate and make learning fun.

Benefits & Finance PIP+ Carole Webster

Tuesday, 7 March 10am-1pm Carole is returning to talk about benefits and finances for young people aged 16 plus

Wills & Trusts PIP+ Philip Warford

Thursday, 16 March 10am-12.30pm

Crime & Vulnerability PIP+ Eka Ike

Tuesday 18th April 7pm-9pm Eka is returning to talk about what happens when young people with additional needs get caught up in petty crime. It will help you to understand the process that follows an arrest, who to contact, what to expect and how to prepare young people and yourselves.

‘Hello, My Name Is’ Sue Utley

Monday, 13th March 10am-1pm (see page 8 for more details)

Mental Capacity, Court of Protection & Powers of

Attorney PIP+ Philip Warford

Thursday, 11th May 10am-12.30pm

Makaton 1 (2-part workshop) Ann Chapman

Thursday, 27th April & 4th May 10am-12.30pm Makaton uses signs, symbols and speech to help people communicate. Ann, speech & Language therapist, will take you on a journey unlocking communication routes.

Time for me! Sessions Louise Kyffin & Ritu Awal Following on your requests for supportive and reflective sessions —we teamed up with Mind in Croydon to reflect on caring, share experiences and learn strategies (both practical and emotional) to help you look after yourself. Keeping Calm

Monday 16th January 2017 10.30am - 1pm Managing Challenging Behaviour

Monday 6th February 2017 10.30am - 1pm Managing and working with worry

Monday 6th March 2017 10.30am - 1pm Managing thoughts and keeping positive

Monday 24th April 2017 10.30am - 1pm These sessions are co-facilitated by Mind in Croydon accredited counsellers and a member of PIP team. Feel free to book yourself onto all of them or choose a particular session.

NAS & Jubilee Parenting joint Workshop

Understanding Behaviour (Part 1) Tuesday 7th February 2017 10am – 11.30am

The NAS team will be discussing the possible triggers and underlying reasons for challenging behaviour.

Managing Behaviour (Part 2) Tuesday 21th February 2017 10am – 11.30am

Building on ‘Understanding Behaviour’, the NAS team will be identifying strategies to help prevent/reduce

the occurrence of challenging behaviour. Both sessions will take place at:

Woodlands Children’s Centre, Farnborough Avenue, Selsdon CR2 8HD

PLACES MUST BE BOOKED ! Email us at [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

or call Natasha on 020 8662 4665 or Linda on 020 8662 4661 or Sarah on 020 8662 4664

Creating Person Centred Planning Map Sue Utley

Tuesday, 2nd May 10am-1pm This is an ideal workshop for those parent carers whose young people are facing an important transi-tion in their life. You will have an opportunity to: think about what your dreams are for your child/children in the future and how you can achieve these; who could be invited and included in the planning and how you can make planning centred around your child.

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Croydon SENDIAS SEND Information, Advice,

Support and Mediation service

Contact 020 8663 5630 [email protected]

Workshops for parents:

Wed, 18th January TBC

Wed, 22nd February George Riley

Personal budgets Wed, 22nd March

Judith Lunnon SEN Support in School: What are the statutory

duties Wed, 19th of April


Workshops are FREE for parents, carers and young people, a fee of £10 applies to professionals.

All professionals have to fill in an application form. To book your place in advance, email:

[email protected]

All workshops are taking place from 10am – 12 noon at :

Small Hall at East Croydon United Reformed Church Addiscombe Grove, Croydon CR0 5LP

Are you in the process of getting an EHCP for

your child and confused about the process?

Is your child transferring or about to transfer

from a Statement or LDA to an EHCP?

Croydon Independent Support Service offered

by Family Lives can help. Just pop in to one of our

drop-ins sessions where an Independent

Supporter will provide a range of free and

impartial information and support advice.

Not available to attend a drop-in?

Get in touch to book an appointment

Tel: 020 3131 3150

[email protected]

To find out more information about the Independent Support service, visit

when? On first Tuesday of the

month (term time only)




2017 7TH MARCH 2017

where? Carers support Centre

24 George Street

Croydon CR0 1PB

Training and workshops at the Carers Support Centre

All training and workshops must be booked in advance. Contact 020 8649 6280 or email

[email protected]

Enabling Change Tuesday 24 January, 10am - 3pm Is there something in your life you would like to change, but not sure how? This course will help give you the tools and confidence to make realistic chang-es for the future.

What Does a Councillor Do? Tuesday 14 February, 10.30am - 12noon Find out what your local councillor can do for you at this information session.

Personal Safety Wednesday 15 February, 10.30am - 12.30pm Get advice from a local police officer on staying safe.

Parent carers can sign up to Carers News by post or online to get the latest CIS training dates.

The Carers’ Information Service advertises training

dates on a quarterly basis in the Carers News newsletter.

To receive the newsletter by post or email, contact the Carers’ Information Service on 020 8649 9339,

option 1, email [email protected] or visit


Page 12: Winter 2017 Issue 12 - · 8 Parent support groups Parent Training & workshops 10-11 Did you know? 12 Winter 2017 Issue 12 Distributed by Register Services


Did you know?

Disney’s THE LION KING will present its fourth dedicated

Autism-Friendly Performance

on Sunday 4th June 2017 at 1:30pm

THE LION KING has partnered with The National Autistic Society to create a friendly and supportive environment to enjoy London’s landmark musical

event. This specially adapted performance is suitable for people with autism, with trained staff on hand, and dedicated

quiet and activity areas set-up should anyone need to leave their seats. To avoid disappointment, book your tickets now via:

Night Owls

& Early Birds

in the Science Museum

Night Owls enables young adults who have an Autism Spectrum Condition to come along and

enjoy the Museum free from the hustle and bustle of the general public.

On selected Saturdays across the year the Museum opens exclusively to pre-booked Night

Owls guests from 18.45 until 22.30.

For under 16’s - Early Birds enables families with children who have an Autism Spectrum Condition to come along and enjoy the Museum free from the hustle and bustle of the general public. Taking place on selected Saturdays across the year, the Museum opens early at

8.30am, and some of interactive galleries remain available exclusively to booked Early Birds guests until 11.15am.

As well as exploring some of the galleries you can enjoy a selection of fun workshops and exciting demonstrations. All of these events are completely free.

The next Early Birds will take place on 28 January 2017. Booking will open at 10am on Friday 30 December 2016.

Places are limited so you do need to book. Call us on 020 7942 4000 – we'll take your details and send an email confirming your Early Birds places.

If you would like to receive a reminder that bookings are about to open, email [email protected] and you’ll be added to the Night Owls or Early Birds mailing


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