
WINGS of CHANGE what has changed – what will change

Product development challenges (2015)

•  Interdisciplinary design •  Digitalisation •  Simulation & prototyping •  Networks and outsourcing •  Masscustomization •  Creativity and innovation

Product development challenges (1981, INSKO)

•  Departments’ cooperation •  Computer aided design •  Utilization of models and prototypes •  Subcontracting of design •  Challenges os mass production •  Creative problem solving



[C], competence

Success = [C] x [E]2 [competence] [enthusiasm]

Growth platform

•  Economic state •  Abilities •  Management competence •  Operational environment

Growth directions

In-house • product/customer-matrix • new deliveries • new branches In-network • re-structuring Internationalisation • new regions

Growth makers

In-house • Competences In-network • Competences • partnerships Internationali-sation potential

Growth State

• Product protfolio • Future ways of growth

Innovation capacity = ability to create new products, services and courses of action •  Culture •  Threshold of showing your ideas •  Resources available •  Cost reduction pressure •  Tolerance for uncertainty •  Support from management

Metrics •  Turnover from new products •  Number of inventions (initiatives, patents) •  Inventions / New products •  Time allocated for new ideas •  Atmosphere (?)

Finding opportunities •  Market trends, global megatrends •  Users, customers, clients •  Competitor reviews and benchmarking •  Patent searches, technical literature reviews, trade fairs •  Own employees, subcontractors, partner companies •  Universities, research institutes •  Analogous fields and products •  Legislation and regulation

•  ….and the list goes on

L = 1400 ???

What is max/min diameter?

In general: -transportation? -doorways? -stairs? -what kind of car? -weight limit? -handles? -is help available?

Make your self easy to find Make yourself easy to help Do your homework We are all human Start with what you can give Look for the win win Be concistent Build your project brand (=promise,

no conflict with your ethics) Luck happens (must buy tickets anyway!) When all fails, just laugh!

By Heidi Roizen 2011 @ADF