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  • 7/30/2019 Wildlife of Pakistan


    Existing Wildlife in Pakistan

    The mountainous areas embracing the Himalayan, Karakorum

    and Hindukush Ranges are rich in fauna and flora, as comparedto other parts of the country. These areas provide an excellenthabitat for wildlife in the form of alpine grazing lands, sub-alpinescrub and temperate forests. These habitats support a variety ofwild animals. The areas are difficult for human beings to access,hence, most wildlife is present in reasonable numbers thoughsome are endangered for other reasons. Some of the mainwildlife species are the snow leopard, the black and the brownbears, otter, wolf, lynx, Himalayan ibex, markhor, bharal, Marco

    Polo's sheep, shapu, musk deer, marmots, tragopan and monalpheasants. The snow partridge and snowcock reside at higherelevations. The Rhesus monkey, common langur, red fox, blackbear, common leopard, a variety of cats, musk deer (over alimited area), goral, several species of flying squirrels, chakor,partridge and pheasants (koklass, kaleej and cheer) live in thelower elevations. Amongst these the snow leopard, musk deer,Marco Polo's sheep, and the brown bear are endangered. TheTibetan wild ass and the blue sheep populations have been

    reduced drastically. The cheer pheasant is reported to be extinctfrom within Pakistan's boundaries, and is included in the IUCNRed Data Book. The western horned tragopan was reported tohave disappeared from within Pakistani territory, but has nowbeen relocated to Indus Kohistan, although its numbers are low.

    The main threats to the population of wild animals in the northernmountainous regions include, the competition with domesticlivestock for existing natural forage, increasing humaninterference in the form of cultivation, the construction of roads,and hunting.

    The Himalayan foothills and the Potohar region, including the SaltRange and Kala Chitta Range, are covered with scrub forests,which have been reduced to scanty growth in most places.Medium-sized animals like the Punjab urial, barking deer, goral,

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    chinkara, partridges (grey and black), seesee and chakor aresupported in these habitats. A variety of songbird fauna alsooccurs in these areas.

    Vast Indus flood plains have been cleared of natural vegetation togrow crops. Very little wildlife habitat has been left untouched.Only animals like the jackal, mongoose, jungle cat, civet cat,scaly anteater, desert cat and the wild hare occur in these areas.Hog deer is found in riverine tracts. The crop residues and wildgrowth support reasonable populations of black and greypartridges.

    Little vegetative cover, severity of climatic conditions and thegreat thrust of grazing animals on the deserts have left wildanimals in a precarious position. Parts of Thall and Cholistan arenow being irrigated, with the situation almost identical to that ofthe flood plains. Chinkara is the only animal, which can still befound in average numbers in Cholistan, but rarely in Thall. Theblackbuck, once plentiful in Cholistan has now been eliminated.However, efforts are being made to reintroduce them back intothe country. A small number of blue bulls are found along thePak-Indian border, and some parts of Cholistan. Grey partridge,species of sand grouse and the Indian courser are the main birdsof the area. Peafowl occur in some areas in Cholistan.

    The Thar Desert supports a fair population of the Chinkaragazelle. Peacocks are only found in the wild, mainly because ofthe protection they enjoy in Hindu communities. The wild assmigrates from the Indian part of the Rann of Kutch to thePakistani part in search of food.

    The Houbara bustard is a regular winter visitor to the desert.

    Visiting diplomats have hunted and reduced their numbers. Thegreat Indian bustard is sporadically sighted. The imperialsandgrouse is another migrant visiting these areas. Greypartridges are frequently sighted. The python is also threatenedwith extinction.

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    The Sulaiman and Kirthar Ranges present habitats manifestingunique characteristics. The former supports the straight-hornedmarkhor, chinkara and urial, whereas Sindh ibex, urial, chinkaraand common leopard occupy the latter. The straight-horned

    markhor, which is almost extinct from within settled boundariesof Pakistan, occurs in somewhat fair numbers in the Tribal Areas.The chakor, seesee and grey partridge are birds commonly foundin the tracts.

    The reed beds and tamarisk bushes along the rivers support hogdeer and black partridge populations. However, due to occasionalheavy floods their numbers have also been reduced. The Indusdolphin, fishing cat, and smooth otter are found in the Indus

    River waters below the Chashma Barrage. The gavial has becomeextinct in Pakistan. The crocodile is found in small numbers inlower Sindh. Wild boar numbers have increased because of theimmunity they enjoy in a Muslim society that forbids itsconsumption by humans.

    The animals found in the south-western mountains of Balochistanare: Sindh ibex, Chiltan markhor, straight horned markhor, wildsheep, leopard, marbled pole cat, Blandford's fox, chinkara,goitered gazelle and the marsh crocodile. The cheetah, is believedto be extinct and the Makran (baluchistan) bear criticallyendangered. The Houbara bustard (migratory), sandgrouse, blackand grey partridges, and the chakor and see see partridges arealso found here.

    Irrigated forest plantations have emerged as the prevailing landuse practice for the last 100 years. These ideally provideexcellent habitat for chinkara, hog deer and blue bull. Forestmanagement does not cater to the needs of these wild animals.

    This, coupled with the poor implementation of laws has resultedin the extinction of species in the irrigated plantations. Due tohabitat disturbances, the ungulates have failed to establishthemselves, whereas the partridges have flourished well.

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    The striped hyena and the wolf are widely distributed in thesparsely populated parts of the country. However, informationabout them is scanty. Information about carnivores in general isdifficult to obtain because of their nocturnal mode of life and high

    mobility. The black bear and brown bear populations are also notunderstood completely.

    Birds of prey like the peregrine, cherrug or saker falcons, tawnyeagle, imperial and greater spotted eagles, osprey, shikra, andthe black-winged kite occur throughout Pakistan but theirpopulation statuses are unknown.

    Pakistan's coastline of 1,050 km consists of a variety of habitattypes, supporting a wide range of animals, of which over 1000are fish species. Pakistan's marine flora and fauna have not beenstudied properly. Hence, detailed information on these species isdeficient. Along the shores, there are four species of marineturtles: the ridley, green, leather back and hawksbill turtle, whichare of high economic importance. Due to loss of habitat andhuman disturbances, their population is also decreasing.

    About eight species of freshwater turtles are found in Pakistan.Sand lizards, monitors, geckos, agamas, diamond snakes, sand

    snakes, vipers, cobras, kraits and the famous Indian pythonconstitute the other reptilian fauna.

    Large water bodies in the country support a variety of waterfowlboth resident and migratory. The extent of wetlands is constantlybeing changed. On one hand, swamps and marshes are beingdrained to reclaim land, whereas on the other hand, new dams(large water bodies) have been created for irrigation purposes.Canal irrigation through seepage has also contributed towards

    increasing the land area under water in the form of water logging.Such areas support a great number of waterfowl by providingthem with an excellent habitat. The wetlands are one of the mostimportant wintering areas and "green routes" of Asia. Theimportant waterfowl in Pakistan are the ducks (mallard, pintail,shoveler, pochard, gargeny, ruddy shellduck, teals, tufted and

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    gadwall), geese (grey lag, bar-headed), coots, flamingoes,pelicans, spoon bills, storks, ibises, plovers, curlews, sand pipers,snipes, and herons. The marbled teal and white-headed duckhave decreased in number and now visit the wetlands

    infrequently. Among the waterfowl are (resident) gallinules,moorhens and rails, gulls, terns, water cock, grebes, cormorants,egrets, bitterns, and jakanas. The spot-billed lesser whistling tealand the cotton teal are resident ducks. A rich wader fauna visitsthe coastline during the winter.

    Efforts have been made to document the status of wildlife and insome cases, the correct status is known, whereas most of theinformation about their populations is sketchy. With the

    strengthening of wildlife organisations in the country morereliable information can be obtained.

    Biodiversity in Pakistan

    Flora/Fauna Number of SpeciesIn World In Pakistan Endemic

    Plants 25,000 to75,000species

    6,000species5,000 wild)


    Mammals 18 orders 10 orders IndusDolphin.ChiltanMarkhor.PakistanSand Cat.Suleiman



    188 species

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    of which:

    63 rodents39

    carnivores38 bats

    25 hoofedanimals11insectivores9 aquaticanimals,

    3 primates,1 pholidota

    Birds 8,600species

    666migratory& residentspecies

    Reptiles 6,500species

    174 speciesof which :

    88 lizards72 snakes

    10 turtles(2 marine,8freshwater)

    2 tortoises1 crocodile

    1 GavialAmphibians 16 speciesFishes 2,600

    species525 speciesof which:

    400 marine

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    Insects/Invertebrates 750,000species 20,000species 700marine

    Reptiles of PakistanOver 195 species of reptiles are known in Pakistan. Of these, 13species are believed to be endemic. As with other groups, theseare a blend of Palaearctic, Indo-Malayan and Ethiopian forms.

    The mugger (marsh crocodile) is in danger partially due to overhunting. The species is now nearly extinct and only occur in smallnumbers in Sindh and a few areas in Balochistan (Groombridge,

    1988). The gharial is in a precarious situation, or maybe alreadyextinct and has only been seen in small numbers between theSukkur and Guddu barrages. In addition monitor species areheavily hunted for their skins.

    Of the 72 snake species found in Pakistan, only 14 marine and 12terrestrial snake species are poisonous; most well known are theIndian cobra, common krait, saw-scaled viper and Russel's viper.

    On genus, the monospecific Teratolepsis, is endemic, whileanother, Eristicophis, is near endemic.The Chagai Desert is ofparticular interest for reptiles, with six species ( including fivelizards and onesnake ) are endemic to Pakistan and a further sixspecies found only here and in bordering parts of Iran. Importantpopulations of marine turtles nest on Pakistan's southern

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    beaches. Green and olive turtle, mugger, gharial, central Asianmonitor, Indian python, central Asian cobra are among theinternationally threatened species of reptiles in Pakistan (IUCN1990).

    Sea Turtles of Pakistan

    Sea Turtles are a group of shelled reptiles and belong to the orderTestudines or Chelonia. Also included within this order are the terrapins andtortoises. Within the Chelonia there are 13 families. The eight species ofmodern Sea Turtles are found within two of these, the Dermnochelyidae andthe Cheloniidae. The first family has only one Sea Turtle, the Leatherback.The other seven species of Sea Turtle are found in the other family - the

    Cheloniidae. Sea Turtles are large animals, the Leatherback attaining alength of 2m and a weight of over 500 kg. (one caught off Wales in 1991weighed 995 kg!!).

    In Pakistan family Dermnochelyidae is represented by a single species ofturtle, the Leatherback Sea Turtle Family Cheloniidae is represented by fourspecies of turtles: Green Sea Turtle, Olive Ridley Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle andthe Lagger Headed Turtle.

    Family: CHELONIIDAE (Marine Turtles)

    This Family is represented in Pakistan by four species of marine turtles:Green Sea Turtle, Olive Ridley Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle and the LaggerHeaded Turtle. Only 2 species are mentioned here:

    Green Sea Turtle(Chelonia mydas japonica) Olive Ridley Turtle(Lepidochelys olivacea olivacea)

    Monitor and Small Lizards of Pakistan

    Family: VARIANIDAE (Monitor Lizards)

    Family VARIANIDAE is represented today by at least 46 species of Monitorlizards in Africa, Asia and Australasia. They are represented by a single
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    Genera Varanus. The Genus Varanus is represented in Pakistan by thefollowing species and subspecies:

    Indian or Bengal Monitor(Varanus bengalensis)

    Yellow Monitor(Varanus flavescens)

    Desert or Grey Monitor(Varanus griseus) Transcaspian Desert Monitor(Varanus griseus caspius) Indo-Pak Desert Monitor(Varanus griseus koniecznyi)

    Family: UROMASTYCIDAE ( Spiny-tailed Lizards )

    Baloch Sping-tailed Lizard (Uromastyx asmussi ) Common or Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard (Uromastyx hardwickii)

    Family: GEKKONIDAE ( Eyelid and Lidless Geckoes )

    Leopard Gecko ( Eublepharis macularius )

    Crocodilians of Pakistan

    Crocodilians (crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and gharials), are prominentand widespread occupants of tropical and subtropical aquatic habitats. Thereare 23 living crocodilian species in the world represented by three families,ALLIGATORIDAE, CROCODYLIDAE and GAVIALIDAE. In Pakistan two familiesare represented by two species of Crocodilians.

    Family: CROCODYLIDAE (Crocodiles)

    This Family is represented in Pakistan by a single species of crocodilian TheMugger, belonging to the Genus Crocodylus:

    Muggeror Marsh Crocodile(Crocodylus palustris)Family: GAVIALIDAE (Gharial)

    This Family is represented in Pakistan by a single species of crocodilianIndian Gharial, belonging to the Genus Gavialis:

    Indian Gharial or Gavial(Gavialis gangeticus)
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    Rhesus Macaque Hanuman Langur


    Eurasian Brown Bear Asiatic Black Bear

    Wild Canids:

    Grey Wolf Golden Jackel Dhole Red Fox Bengal Fox Blandford's Fox Ruppell's Fox

    Wild Cats:

    Common Leopard Snow Leopard Asiatic Cheetah Eurasian Lynx Caracal Cat Jungle Cat Fishing Cat Indian Desert Cat Pakistan Sand Cat Leopard Cat Pallas Cat


    Stripped Hyena

    Wild Sheep and Goats:
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    Markhor Himalayan Ibex Sindh Wild Goat Chiltan Wild Goat Marcopolo Sheep Urial

    Bharal Goral

    Antelope, Gazelle and Deer:

    Nilgai Antelope Black Buck Antelope Chinkara Gazelle Goitered Gazelle Hog Deer Barking Deer Musk Deer

    Wild Asses:

    Tibetan Wild Ass Indian Wild Ass

    Wild Boar:

    Indian Wild Boar

    Whales and Dolphins:

    Indus Blind Dolphin
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    Tibetan Blue sheep or Bharal(Pseudois nayaur nayaur) Sind wild goat or Persian Pasang (Capra aegagrus blythi) Chiltan wild goat(Capra aegagrus chialtanensis) Flare-horned, Astor, Kashmir or Pir Panjal markhor(Capra

    falconeri falconeri) Straight-horned, Sulaiman or Kabul makhor(Capra falconeri

    megaceros) Asiatic or Siberian Ibex (Capra [ibex] sibirica) Afghan or Baluchistan urial (Ovis orientalis cycloceros (=blanfordi)) Punjab or Salt Range urial(Ovis orientalis punjabiensis) Ladakh urial or Shapu(Ovis orientalis vignei) Marco Polo sheep or Pamir argali(Ovis ammon polii)

    Salt Water fishes:


    Whale Shark Black Tip Reef Shark Great Hammer Head Shark

    Bill Fishes:

    Black Marlin Short Bill Spearfish Sailfish Swordfish


    Great Barracuda Spanish Mackerel

    Greater Amerjack Cobia

    Wildlife of Pakistan
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    Birds of Pakistan

    Birds of Prey:


    Lammergier or Bearded Vulture Egyptian Vulture King Vulture Griffon Vulture White Backed Vulture

    Kites and Eagles:

    Black Kite Brahminy Kite Golden Eagel Black Eagle Imperial Eagle Spotted Eagle Bonelli's Eagle Palla's Fishing Eagle Tawny and Steppe Eagle

    Hawks, Buzzards and Falcons:

    Indian Sparrow Hawk Goshawk White Eyed Buzzard Rough Legged Buzzard Perrigeren Falcon Saker Falcon Kestrel Laggar Hobby Merlin


    Siberian Crane Sarus Crane Eurasian Crane Demosille Crane

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    Indian Peafowl Western Horned Tragopan Pheasant Cheer Pheasant Himalayan Monal Pheasant Koklass Pheasant White Crested Khalij

    Amphibians of PakistanAs Pakistan is a predominantly arid and semi-arid country, it isnot surprising that only 22species of amphibians have beenrecorded, of which 9 are endemic. There are definite Himalayanelements in bufonids and ranids. However, in plains southeastAsian frogs and Palearctic toads are dominant. Endemic elementsare dominant among bufonids. Amphibians in Pakistan belong tofour families:

    Narrow-mouth frogs:

    Family Microhylidae

    Broad-mouth frogs, True frogs:

    Family RanidaeAsian Toads, Litter frogs:Family Megophryidae

    Toads: Family Bufonidae

    Family Ranidae is by five genera and ten species of frogs in Pakistan:

    Common Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis cyanophlyctis) (New) Seistan Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis seistanica) (Info not available) Spiny Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis microspinulata) (Info not

    available) Indus Valley Bullfrog (Holobatrachus tigerinus) (New) Alpine Cricket Frog(Fejervarya limnocharis) (New) Southern Cricket Frog (Fejervaryasyhadrensis) (Info not available) Hazara Torrent Frog (Paa hazarensis) (New) Karez Frog(Paa sternosignata) (New) Murree Hills Frog(Paa vicina) (New) Burrowing Frog or Malir Burrowing Frog(Sphaeroteca breviceps) (New)
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    Species of Special Concern

    ExtinctThough little data is available, there is little reason to believe that

    Pakistan's biota is exempt from this rapid decline. Within the last400 years, at least four mammals are known to have disappearedfrom Pakistan: the tiger (Panthera tigris), swamp deer (Cervusduvauceli), lion (Panthera leo) and the Indian one-hornedRhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). A further four species are alsoextinct: the Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus), theIndian wild ass (Equus hemionus khur) and the Hangul (Cervuselaphus hanglu) have most likely become extinct in recentdecades (Roberts 1977, Khan and Hussain 1985). The fourthspecies, the blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra) was listed as anextinct species but has been bred in captivity.

    Internationally ThreatenedThe latest IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals (IUCN 1996) lists37 species and 14 sub-species of internationally threatened ornear-threatened mammals that are found in Pakistan (AppendixA). Of these, two are critically endangered, nine endangered, 11vulnerable, 23 near-threatened, five data deficient and one

    conservation dependent. The critically endangered mammals arethe Balochistan black bear (Ursus tibetanus gedrosianus) and theChiltan goat (Capra aegagrus chiltanensis). The full list ofthreatened and near-threatened mammals includes: four speciesof bats (Chiroptera), two species of primates, three species ofdogs (Canidae), three species and two sub-species of cats(Felidae), one species of otter (Mustelidae), and one species andone sub-species of bear (Ursidae). The list also names threespecies of cetacean, one species and one sub-species of

    Artiodactyla, one sub-species of Cervid, 11 species and nine sub-species of Bovidae (antelopes, goats, sheep, etc.), one species ofpangolin (Manidae), and seven species of Rodentia.

    Twenty-five internationally threatened birds (one criticallyendangered, two endangered, and 22 vulnerable) and 17

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    internationally near-threatened birds are found in Pakistan (Collarand Andrew 1994, IUCN 1996) (see Appendix B). One criticallythreatened bird is the lesser florican (Eupodotis indica).

    Ten internationally threatened reptiles occur in Pakistan (threeendangered, three vulnerable, three near threatened and onedata deficient), but there are no internationally threatenedamphibians in Pakistan (IUCN 1996) (see Appendix A). The latestRed Data Book (IUCN 1996) additionally lists one species of fish,the spiny eel (Macrognathus aral) and one species ofinvertebrate, a butterfly (Hyles hippophaes) as data deficient.

    Species of National ConcernLists of internationally threatened species show only the tip of theiceberg. For example, while only 5% of European birds are ofglobal conservation concern, a further 33% have unfavourableconservation statuses in Europe (Tucker and Heath 1994). Whilethere is little data available to demonstrate the decline of species'populations in Pakistan, the accelerating loss, degradation andfragmentation of habitats clearly imply such declines. Habitatfragmentation isolates the population of a species, exposing themto a higher rate of loss of genetic diversity and a higher risk ofextinction (UNEP 1995). A few preliminary attempts have beenmade to draw up national lists of threatened species. Theseinclude a list of some 500 species of plants believed to benationally rare or threatened (Davis et al. 1986). Nocomprehensive and systematic list of species of national concernhas been compiled for Pakistan. Such a list would include species,which are nationally rare and declining, and those that arenationally rare, and not declining, but otherwise at risk (e.g. frompopulation fluctuations, natural catastrophes, indiscriminatekilling, etc.). The list would also include those that are highlylocalized in distribution and those, which are still widespread andcommon but are suffering significant decline.

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    Threats to Wildlife Biodiversity

    Threats to Biodiversity. More specific threats to biodiversity are

    posed by deforestation (estimated at 1% annually), overgrazing,soil erosion, rampant hunting and fishing, and agriculturalpractices. As a result, it is estimated that at least 12% of theflora is threatened and several of the faunal species arethreatened too. However, the real status of most species remainsunknown. Some of the major threats posed by human activitiesare discussed below:

    i. Population GrowthThe principal threat to biodiversity comes from the increasedpressure on natural resources produced by high populationgrowth and demands for increased standards of living. Theprocess of economic development itself widens inequality andmay force the poor to depend heavily on natural resources, whilethe development models followed, in most instances, have beenincompatible with the sustainable use of natural resources.

    ii. Irrigated Agriculture

    It is another major threat to both the riverine and mangrove

    forests of Pakistan, which are fast disappearing Riverine forestswere rich in a wide variety of plants such as obhan, and animalslike hog, deer, jungle cat, fishing cat, and gray and blackpartridges. Mangrove forests are particularly important habitatsfor certain fish species as noted earlier. Both have been identifiedas endangered ecosystems, and if they disappear they take withthem a unique association of species. Marginal changes in waterreleases at certain times are critical to the preservation ofriverine habitats, it might br possible to accommodate them, but

    if they require water diversions at times when irrigation demandsare high and water supplies are short, the chances of being ableto maintain them are low.

    iii. HuntingHunting has deep roots in Pakistani culture. It was the recreation

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    of the Moghul emperors and is still extremely popular today. Wildanimals have been hunted to extinction from hunting pressure.Various lizards and snakes are hunted for their skins, as arecrocodiles and the larger mammals. Distributing the natural order

    has other more subtle consequences. The increase in thenumbers of wild boars, jackals, and porcupines, for example, isdirectly attributable to the elimination of their predators,particularly the large cats. A greater number of wild boars has ledto the trampling and uprooting of gropes and a reduction in thenumbers of snakes, which in turn has led to an increase in thenumber of rats, responsible for post-harvest losses of grain. Theloss of birds of prey has led to an increase in undesirable birdspecies. And having more birds can destroy undergrowth,

    through their droppings, or even the roost tree itself, which inturn can lessen the ability to resist water erosion, an ever-present threat in Pakistan.

    iv. Deforestation and Loss of HabitatA greater threat to wildlife than hunting, however, is probably thedisappearance of habitat or the competition with domestic grazinganimals. The closed canopy forest in the North West FrontierProvince (NWFP) of Pakistan is reported to be shrinking at

    approximately 1% per year. Pressure stem from commerciallogging (though this is not extensive), and the cleared areas.More significant is the relentless, incremental incursions into theforest by subsistence farmers; the killing of trees throughlopping, burning, and tapping; the development of smallagricultural plots among the trees; and excessive grazing bydomestic animals.

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    Initiatives to Promote and ConserveBiological Diversity

    Pakistan has given serious thought to promote and conserve itsbiological resources by taking important steps in the followingareas:

    Establishment of Protected Areas (P.As)

    In order to conserve as many species and ecosystems aspossible, the government has established 190 protected areas(P.As) so far. These include 15 national parks, 83 wildlifesanctuaries, 85 game reserves and 14 unclassified areas. The

    extent of land under protection in Pakistan comprises 9% of thecountry area, i.e., 71649 square kilometers. Nine wetlands havebeen designated under the Ramsar Convention.

    Institutional MeasuresThe first step towards legislation to protect biodiversity wasintroduced in 1968 with establishment of the Wildlife EnquiryCommittee (WEC). This Committee drafted conservationlegislation which was later adopted through various provincial

    acts and ordinances. These statutes provide for the creation andmanagement of Various categories of P.As; national parks,wildlife sanctuaries; game reserves; and private game reserves.A national Council for Conservation of Wildlife (NCCW) wasestablished in 1974 within the Ministry of Food, Agriculture andLivestock. The NCCW has an advisory board and is responsible forcoordinating, formulation and implementing wildlife policies at thefederal and provincial levels, coordinating activities withinternational agencies and promoting conservation generally. The

    first piece of legislation to consider environment as a whole wasthe Environmental Protection Ordinance 1983. The NationalConservation Strategy (NCS) marked a further shift away fromsimple regulation and protection measures towards a holistic viewof environmental problems.

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    International Conventions and AgreementsPakistan is a signatory of virtually all the major internationalagreements in this field: the Convention on International Trade inEndangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), the

    Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar),the World Heritage Convention, and the Convention of theConservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals(Bonn).Pakistani is a member of the World Conservation union (IUCN)and the International Waterfowl and Wetland Research Bureau(IWRB). In addition, Pakistan also signed convention on BiologicalDiversity (Rio de Janeiro). Today 125 countries are parties to thisconvention. iv. National Conservation Strategy (NCS): TheMinistry of Environment, Urban Affairs, Forestry and Wildlife,

    Islamabad which is the apex body in Pakistan responsible forenvironment related issues has formulated a NationalConservation Strategy which encompasses Biodiversity alongwith other thirteen core programme areas. This strategy providesbackward and forward linkages among various core areas.

    The NCS recognizes that the existing protected areas (P.As)system is incomplete, in that it is not representative of all theecosystems and plants and animal communities; the boundaries

    of existing P.As are in most cases not drawn according toecological criteria; many are too small and isolated; and there arelimited management planning capabiliities and weak lawenforcement programmes. There are no plans which identifyspecies hot spots, or the specific management requirements ofrare and endangered species. The lack of any significant financialbenefits and incentives to local people to participate alsoconstrains biodiversity conservation in the country. As a result ofthese conditions, much of Pakistans biodiversity is severely

    threatened, and in critical need of attention. To conservebiodiversity, the NCS recommends investing Rs. 1.08 billion in thefollowing seven programmes.

    - management of national parks and protected areas;- development of new national parks;- development of new wetland reserves;

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    - a medical botanicals and germplasm preservation programme;- community management of game reserves;- programmes for endangered species; and- captive breeding in the private sector.

    Summary of Protected Areas in Pakistan (based on NCCWdata)



    l Parks
















    d (ha)

    % of








    Kashmir1 0 8 0 9 51,998 3.91


    n 2 15 7 7 31 1,837,704 5.29

    Punjab 2 37 19 0 58 3,315,803 16.14

    NWFP 3 6 38 5 52 470,675 6.30

    Sindh 1 35 14 4 54 1,307,575 9.27Federal

    Territory 1 1 1 0 3 94,186 100


    Areas 4 5* 9 0 18 2,092,180 2.97

    Totals 14 99 96 16 225 9,170,121 10.40


    I. Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Area: Areas of landand/or sea possessing outstanding or representative ecosystems,geological physiological features and/or species, availableprimarily for scientific research and/or environmental monitoring;or large areas of unmodified or slightly modified land, and/or sea,retaining their natural character and influence, without

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    permanent or significant habitation, which are protected andmanaged so as to preserve their natural condition.

    II. National Park: Protected Areas Managed Mainly for

    Ecosystem Conservation and Recreation. Natural areas of landand/or sea, designated to (a) protect the ecological integrity ofone or more ecosystems for this and future generations, (b)exclude exploitation or occupation inimical to the purposes ofdesignation of the area and (c) provide a foundation for spiritual,scientific, educational, recreational and visitor opportunities, all ofwhich must be environmentally and culturally compatible.

    III. Natural Monument: Protected Areas Managed Mainly forConservation of Special Features. Areas containing one or morespecific natural or natural/ cultural features which is ofoutstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity,representative or aesthetic qualities or cultural significance.

    IV. Habitat/Species Management Area: Protected AreasManaged Mainly for Conservation through ManagementIntervention. Areas of land and/ or sea subject to activeintervention for management purposes to ensure themaintenance of habitats and/ or to meet the requirements of

    specific species.

    V. Protected Landscape / Seascape: Protected Areas ManagedMainly for Landscape/ Seascape conservation and recreation.Areas of land, with coast and sea as appropriate, where theimpaction of people and nature over time has produced an areaof distinct character with significant aesthetic, cultural and/ orecological value, and often with high biological diversity.Safeguarding the integrity of this traditional interaction is vital to

    the protection, maintenance and evolution of such an area.

    VI. Managed Resource Protected Area Protected Areas ManagedMainly for the Sustainable Use of Natural Ecosystems. Areascontaining predominantly unmodified natural systems managedto ensure long-term protection and maintenance of biological

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    diversity, while providing at the same time a sustainable flow ofnatural products and services to meet communituy needs.

    Source: IUCN, 1994. Guidelines for Protected Area Management

    CategoriesIn addition to the above mentioned 14 national parks, theprovincial governments have listed 99 wildlife sanctuaries (Punjab- 19, Sindh - 35, Northwest Frontier - 6, Balochistan - 15,Northern Areas - 5).

    In addition, 96 other areas have been designated as gamereserves and these govern an additional 4407 square miles ofterrain, (Punjab - 19 areas, Sindh - 14 areas, Northwest Frontier

    - 38 areas, Balochistan - 7 areas, Northern Areas - 9 sites andAJK - 8 sites).

    Most of the areas were created to provide habitat protection foranimal species commonly referred to as game (huntable speciesfor sport or meat). Providing protection for these species alsooffered a measure of security for many lesser known plantspecies and smaller animal species. Thus, the Government ofPakistan has created a parks and reserves system governing

    about 9.1 million ha (10.40% of total land area). Althoughextensive, only a fraction of the network is protected. Gamereserves, in particular, which are often in private land, receiveminimal protection due to the lack of legal provisions to controlland use. Wildlife sanctuaries enjoy better protection, but inpractice, legal restrictions are seldom enforced other than toprevent hunting. Most sanctuaries have been designated inreserve forests of commercial value where timber and minorforest products are harvested. Enforcement is better in the

    national parks. Protected areas have been created haphazardly,often in the absence of any criteria for their selection, and theboundaries drawn with little or no ecological basis. The protectedareas system is under review to incorporate a new category ofprotected areas viz. biodiversity conservation.
