Page 1: Widespread of in Alzheimerdisease: A for · 2005-06-24 · Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA90(1993) 0 o 0 CD co.. 0 0 o 10 20 30 PMI (hr) FIG. 2. Ratio of76-to 80-kDaisoforms of,LCANPin

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 90, pp. 2628-2632, April 1993Neurobiology

Widespread activation of calcium-activated neutral proteinase(calpain) in the brain in Alzheimer disease: A potentialmolecular basis for neuronal degeneration

(phosphorylation/proteolysis/membrane/,f-amyloid precursor protein/cytoskeleton)

KEN-ICHI SAITO*, JOHN S. ELCEt, JAMES E. HAMOS*, AND RALPH A. NIXON*§¶*McLean Hospital, §Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Belmont, MA 02178; tDepartment of Biochemistry, Queen's University, Kingston,ON, Canada K7L 3N6; and tDepartment of Neurology, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA 01655

Communicated by Richard L. Sidman, December 21, 1992 (received for review August 24, 1992)

ABSTRACT Calcium-activated neutral proteinases(CANPs or calpains) are believed to be key enzymes in intra-cellular signaling cascades and potential mediators of calcium-induced neuronal degeneration. To investigate their involve-ment in Alzheimer disease, we identified three isoforms of,uCANP (calpain I) in human postmortem brain correspondingto an 80-kDa precursor and two autolyticafly activated iso-forms (78 and 76 kDa). As an index of changes in the in vivoactivity of,uCANP in Alzheimer disease, the ratio ofthe 76-kDaactivated isoform of jLCANP to its 80-kDa precursor wasmeasured by immunoassay in selected brain regions from 22individuals with Alzheimer disease and 18 normal controls.This juCANP activation ratio was elevated 3-fold in the pre-frontal cortex from patients with Alzheimer disease but notfrom patients with Huntington disease. The activation ratio wasalso significantly elevated, but to a lesser degree, in brainregions where Alzheimer pathology is milder and has not led toovert neuronal degeneration. These findings indicate that,uCANP activation is not simply a consequence of cellulardegeneration but may be associated with dysfunction in manyneurons before gross structural changes occur. The knowninfluences of CANPs on cytoskeleton and membrane dynamicsimply that persistent CANP activation may contribute toneurofibrillary pathology and abnormal amyloid precursorprotein processing prior to causing synapse loss or cell death inthe most vulnerable neuronal populations. Pharmacologicalmodulation of the CANP system may merit consideration as apotential therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer disease.

Synaptic loss and neuronal cell death correlate strongly withthe degree of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer disease(1-3). The molecular events underlying these losses have notyet been defined. Interest in the role of calcium has beenrapidly growing because many putative etiologic factors inAlzheimer disease, including excitotoxicity, ,B-amyloid neu-rotoxicity, and free-radical injury, have in common thepotential for disrupting cellular calcium homeostasis (4-6).Some studies suggest that such disruption may exist infibroblasts from Alzheimer patients (7-11); however, evi-dence for altered calcium homeostasis in human brain isdifficult to obtain due to postmortem influences on calciumlevels.One expected effect of altered calcium homeostasis is

activation of calcium-activated neutral proteinases (CANPs),a family ofproteases implicated in regulating aspects of signaltransduction (12-14). Limited proteolysis by CANP is be-lieved to regulate important enzymes, including neurotrans-mitter enzymes, calcium-dependent protein kinases, andphosphatases, and to modify the function of structural pro-

teins of the membrane and membrane skeleton (15). Effectsof inappropriate CANP activation are, therefore, likely to beamplified through various metabolic cascades. While mas-sive activation ofCANP, as occurs in ischemia, induces rapidirreversible neuronal injury (16-18), persistent low-level ac-tivation by these or other mechanisms might be expected tohave slowly progressive effects on phosphorylation andprotein turnover, including some that are relevant to amyloidprecursor protein (APP) processing (19) and cytoskeletalpathology (15). Since the activation of CANPs representsboth a reflection of cellular calcium homeostasis and a directpathway through which increased intracellular calcium maylead to neuronal dysfunction and degeneration, evidence foraltered CANP activity has implications for the pathogenesisand treatment of Alzheimer disease.CANPs exist as the isozymes uCANP and mCANP, which

require, respectively, micromolar or millimolar calcium foractivation in their purified state. Both forms are present incells principally as inactive precursor isoforms (20), whichare activated by autoproteolytic cleavage of an N-terminalsequence in the presence of calcium (21-23). The action ofCANP in vivo has been difficult to monitor by in vitro enzymeassay because the precursor forms are also activated by theassay procedure, and the observed enzyme activities are, inturn, influenced by instability of the enzyme as weli as byvarious cytosolic inhibitory and activating factors (24). Tocircumvent some of these problems, we have measureddistinct isoforms ofJLCANP in postmortem human brain thatcorrespond to the autolytically activated isoforms and un-cleaved precursor previously demonstrated in platelets anderythrocytes (25, 26). Because the hydrolysis of proteinsubstrates in vivo at physiological calcium levels requires,ICANP autolysis (27), the ratio of precursor to activatedisoforms of the enzyme in tissues provides an index of,uCANP function in vivo.

MATERIALS AND METHODSTissues. Postmortem brain from 22 individuals with a

premortem clinical diagnosis of probable Alzheimer disease(28), 16 individuals with Huntington disease, and 18 age-matched (65-85 yr old) neurologically normal individualswere used. Brain tissue was provided by E. D. Bird (McLeanHospital Brain Tissue Resource Center) and J. E. Hamos(University of Massachusetts Medical Center). Controlbrains, which were from patients with no history of neu-ropsychiatric disease, exhibited negligible microscopic neu-ropathology (0-2 senile plaques or 0-6 neurofibrillary tangles

Abbreviations: CANP, calcium-activated neutral proteinase; APP,amyloid precursor protein.ITo whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Laboratories forMolecular Neuroscience, McLean Hospital, 115 Mill Street, Bel-mont, MA 02178.


The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement"in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.




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per low-power field) in representative brain areas analyzedby the Nissl and Bielschowsky stains. All Alzheimer brainsmet the neuropathologic criteria developed by the Consor-tium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease(CERAD) (29). Huntington disease severity was assigned 1 of5 grades from 0 to 4 by the criteria of Vonsattel et al. (30).Grade 3 cases (moderate-severe atrophy, neuron loss, as-trocytosis) were chosen for study. The postmortem intervalsfor brain samples in the various groups were matched (seeResults and figure legends). Agonal states of Alzheimer andHuntington patients were similar and overlapped in natureand severity with the range of agonal states experienced bythe control group.

Protein Purification and Enzyme Assay. Human erythro-cyte ,pCANP was purified from blood of normal adults byanion-exchange and phenyl-Sepharose chromatographies(31, 32). Enzyme activity was determined by using [14C]azo-casein as substrate at a final free calcium concentration of 125AM (33). Human spectrin was isolated from fresh humanerythrocyte ghost membranes by the low ionic strength bufferextraction method (34) and purified by chromatography onSepharose 4B (35).Immunoassay and Immunoblot Analyses. A 0.5-g quantity

oftissue was homogenized with 10 vol of20mM Tris HCI (pH7.4) containing 2 mM EGTA, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM benzami-dine, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluo-ride, and 0.32 M sucrose (buffer A). The 15,000 x g super-natant was applied to a column (1.0 x 15 cm) of DEAE-cellulose (DE-52; Whatman) that was developed withstepwise increments of KCI from 0 to 3 mM. ,uCANP, elutedat 0.15 M KCI, was subjected to SDS/PAGE (7.5% acryl-amide) and immunoblot analysis using a mouse monoclonalantibody to human ,uCANP (25, 26) as described (33). Insome experiments, homogenates of prefrontal cortex werecentrifuged at 15,000 x g for 30 min at 4°C to obtain cytosolic(supernatant) fractions and membrane (pellet) fractions be-fore immunoblot analysis.

Total ,uCANP content was quantified on immunoblotsusing a model 620 video densitometer (Bio-Rad). The weightof ,lCANP on the immunoblot was calculated from standard

curves prepared by measuring the immunostaining intensityof various known amounts of human erythrocyte ,gCANP onimmunoblots (33). ,uCANP standards were analyzed on everyimmunoblot that contained brain samples to control forpossible minor immunostaining variations.

Protein Sequence Analysis. The 76-kDa isoform of ,uCANP,generated by autolysis from 80-kDa ,uCANP, was separatedby SDS/PAGE and transferred to poly(vinylidene difluoride)Immobilon membranes (Millipore). N-terminal analysis bythe Edman degradation method was performed by J. Kondo(Mitsubishi Kasei, Yokohama, Japan).

RESULTSIn human brain extracts, three isoforms of the catalyticsubunit of,CANP were detected by Western blot analysiswith the g,CANP monoclonal antibody (25, 26). These formsexhibited molecular masses on SDS/polyacrylamide gels of80, 78, and 76 kDa, identical to those in human erythrocytes(25, 26) (Fig. 1A). When purified ,LCANP from humanerythrocytes was activated in vitro by adding calcium, hy-drolysis of spectrin was accompanied by N-terminal cleavageof the 80-kDa isoform at a bond not yet characterized to formthe 78-kDa isoform and at Gly26-Leu27 to form the 76-kDaisoform (Fig. 1B). Conversion of the 80-kDa ,iCANP isoformto 78- and 76-kDa isoforms was nearly complete within 30sec. Enzyme activity was maintained in the absence of80-kDa ,uCANP and remained proportional to the amount of76-kDa isoform (Fig. 1C), confirming that the 76-kDa isoformis enzymatically active (20, 37). Human brain ,uCANP wasunstable in cell-free extracts; however, conversion of the80-kDa isoform of ,LCANP to the smaller isoforms could bedemonstrated in 1-mm slices of postmortem humar. neocor-tex incubated with calcium (Fig. 1D).To evaluate the relative degree of ,uCANP activation in the

brain in Alzheimer disease, we quantitated the three ,uCANPisoforms by immunoblot assay in brain regions from 22individuals with Alzheimer disease and from 17 individualsfree of clinical neurologic disease. The Alzheimer and controlgroups were matched with respect to age of the individual




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FIG. 1. (A) Immunoblot analysis of ,uCANP in prefrontal cortex from control (CONT) (lanes 1 and 2) and Alzheimer (AD) (lanes 3 and 4)patients. (B) Autolysis of ,uCANP from human erythrocytes in vitro. ,LCANP (lane 1) was incubated with 5.3 mM CaCl2 (final free calcium, 50,uM) and 2.2 jig of human erythrocyte spectrin (36) for 30 sec at 30°C in the presence of 1 ,uM leupeptin (lane 2), 10 ,uM leupeptin (lane 3), or100 ,uM leupeptin (lane 4), or without leupeptin (lane 5). (C) Relationship between protease activity and 76-kDa ,LCANP content. Humanerythrocyte jLCANP was preincubated with 50 ,a.M calcium and spectrin for the indicated interval at 30°C, and reactions were terminated with1 mM EGTA. The content of each ,uCANP isoform was measured by immunoassay, and total ,LCANP activity was measured by radiometricassay. The 80- and 78-kDa isoforms (not shown) completely disappeared after 1 min of incubation. *, Protease activity; o, 76-kDa ,LCANPcontent. (D) /LCANP autolysis in human brain slices. Sections of postmortem prefrontal cortex were incubated at 32°C for 60 min in buffer Awith or without 5 mM CaC12. After homogenization, ,LCANP isoforms were identified in a 15,000 x g supernatant by immunoblot analysis. Lanes:1, unincubated human erythrocyte (rbc) ,CANP; 2, unincubated brain slices; 3, incubation-no added calcium; 4, incubation with 5 mM CaCl2;5, incubation with 5 mM CaCl2 plus 10 ,tM leupeptin.

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Page 3: Widespread of in Alzheimerdisease: A for · 2005-06-24 · Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA90(1993) 0 o 0 CD co.. 0 0 o 10 20 30 PMI (hr) FIG. 2. Ratio of76-to 80-kDaisoforms of,LCANPin

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o 10 20 30

PMI (hr)

FIG. 2. Ratio of 76- to 80-kDa isoforms of ,LCANP in prefrontalcortex from control individuals (o) and AD patients (o) plottedagainst postmortem interval (PMI). Immunoassay of individual iso-forms was performed as described.

(75.8 ± 2.0 yr vs. 68.9 ± 2.6 yr, respectively) and postmorteminterval for brain samples (12.2 ± 1.3 hr vs. 12.0 ± 1.8 hr,respectively).The ratio of 76- to 80-kDa ,uCANP for individual brain

samples was nearly 3-fold higher in the Alzheimer group thanin the controls (2.20 ± 0.39 vs. 0.81 ± 0.10; P < 0.001;unpaired t test) (Figs. 2 and 3). This difference reflected a

nearly 2-fold increase in the autolytically activated (76 kDa),uCANP isoform in Alzheimer brain (41.2% ± 1.6%) withrespect to controls (26.6% ± 2.2%) (P < 0.001) and a

comparable decrease in the content of cytosolic 80-kDa,uCANP (22.7% ± 1.5% vs. 37.2% ± 2.2%; P < 0.001). The78-kDa ,uCANP isoform, which has an unclear relationship tothe activation state of ,uCANP in our studies, was unchanged.The sum of the three ,gCANP isoforms was also not changed(Table 1).The abnormal ratio of ,uCANP isoforms in the cytosol was

not due to a shift in their intracellular distribution. From 27%to 30% of the total ,uCANP was associated with the partic-ulate fraction in both control and Alzheimer groups, and theproportions of isoforms were also similar in each group. Thehigh proportion of 76-kDa ,uCANP (40.4 ± 1.8, control; 43.1± 1.7, Alzheimer disease; n = 9) and the low proportion of80-kDa ,uCANP (18.2 ± 1.3, control; 17.5 ± 1.3, Alzheimerdisease; n = 9) in the particulate fraction are consistent withthe hypothesis that ,uCANP is activated mainly on themembrane (38).The degree of abnormal ,uCANP activation was compara-

ble in Alzheimer brains at all postmortem intervals. The ratioof 76- to 80-kDa isoforms regressed against postmorteminterval yielded nonsignificant correlations in control (r =

Table 1. Total ,uCANP content (sum of three isoforms) in brainregions from normal control individuals and patients withAlzheimer disease or Huntington disease, measuredby immunoassay (33)

,uCANP content, ng per mg of protein

Prefrontal cortex Putamen Cerebellum

Control 567 ± 41 (18) 661 ± 53 (8) 589 ± 43 (14)Alzheimer 536 ± 29 (22) 598 ± 33 (22) 574 t 49 (21)Huntington 597 ± 46 (12) 595 t 47 (14) 590 ± 43 (16)

Results are means t SEM for the number of cases in parentheses.

0.355), Alzheimer (r = 0.155), or combined (r = 0.148) groups(Fig. 2B). The possibility cannot be excluded, however, thatisoform ratios change within the first few hours after death.The degree of ,uCANP activation also did not significantlycorrelate with age within the age range studied.Because some neurons are degenerating in Alzheimer

neocortex, we also examined the degree of ,uCANP activa-tion in two brain areas where the neuronal dysfunction (37)has not advanced to evident neuronal degeneration (39). Theratio of 76- to 80-kDa ,uCANP isoforms was elevated in bothputamen (46%; P < 0.005) and cerebellum (58%; P < 0.005)in the Alzheimer cases (Fig. 3 B and C), although less so thanthat observed in the neocortex. By contrast, the proportionsof ,uCANP isoforms were normal in the prefrontal cortex andcerebellum from patients with grade 3 Huntington disease(30) (Fig. 3 A and C). Activation of ,lCANP was increased50% (P < 0.05) in samples of putamen from Huntingtonpatients, where neuronal cell loss is considerable (30) (Fig.3B).

DISCUSSIONThese results, coupled with existing information on CANP,indicate that abnormally increased activity of ,uCANP couldbe the molecular basis for the extensive synaptic degenera-tion and loss of neurons in Alzheimer disease. Activation ofCANPs has been suggested to be a critical event underlyingcalcium-dependent degeneration in certain states, includingthe loss of axons in Wallerian degeneration (40), the resorp-tion of synaptic terminals in neuromuscular junction devel-opment (41), and the death of hippocampal neurons byexcitatory amino acids (16, 17). The relatively high vulner-ability of neurons to ,uCANP-mediated degeneration may bedue partly to the relative enrichment of ,uCANP in neurons(42, 43), including synaptic endings (42). Neurons at greatestrisk for degeneration in Alzheimer disease are among thosenormally containing high levels of ,uCANP (43). Alterations

A. Frontal Cortex

Cont AD HD






* * m1I-*>

Cont AD HD

C. Cerebellum



1 '

0Cont AD HD

FIG. 3. ,uCANP isoform ratios (76/80 kDa) in brain regions from control (Cont), Alzheimer (AD), and Huntington (HD) patients measured byimmunoassay (33). The number of cases is given in Table 1. (A) Prefrontal cortex: means ± SEM for postmortem interval (PMI) and age fromcontrol, AD, and HD cases were 12 ± 1.8 hr and 68.9 ± 2.6 yr, 12.2 ± 1.3 hr and 75.8 ± 2.0 yr, and 10.5 ± 1.9 hr and 54.6 ± 3.3 yr, respectively.(B) Putamen: means ± SEM of PMI and age were 10.6 ± 2.9 hr and 68.5 ± 1.9 yr, 14.8 ± 1.4 hr and 71.8 ± 2.3 yr, and 14.1 ± 2.0 hr and 60.1± 2.6 yr in control, AD, or HD patients. *, P < 0.05. (C) Cerebellum: means ± SEM of PMI and age were 7.6 ± 1.6 hr and 67.8 ± 4.2 yr, 13.1± 1.7 hr and 76.0 ± 1.9 yr, and 10.6 ± 2.1 hr and 54.6 ± 3.1 yr in control, AD, or HD patients, respectively. *, P < 0.05. ***, P < 0.005.








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of ,ACANP in glia accompanying gliosis, however, are notexcluded by these data.

Additional evidence indicates that ,uCANP activation inAlzheimer brain is not simply a consequence of end-stageneuronal degeneration but reflects a more widespread met-abolic alteration that precedes as well as contributes toneuronal cell death. ,uCANP activation was abnormally in-creased in the cerebellum and putamen-brain regions wherefew neurons have advanced to a stage of overt degenerationin Alzheimer disease, but where some cells display abnormallysosome accumulations resembling those in "at-risk" pop-ulations of neurons in neocortex from the Alzheimer brain(39, 44). Moreover, the 3-fold increase in ILCANP activationin the prefrontal cortex of Alzheimer brains greatly exceedsthe change that could be expected from the small proportionof neocortical neurons that exhibit the chromatolytic changesof end-stage degeneration. Finally, alteration of the CANPsystem within a broad population of neocortical neurons issuggested by preliminary immunocytochemical studies inwhich calpastatin, the endogenous inhibitor of CANPs, wasfound to be reduced in the majority of pyramidal neurons inthe prefrontal cortex of Alzheimer brain (45). The latterfinding suggests that the differential vulnerability of neuronalpopulations to increased ,uCANP activation may depend onthe cell's ability to maintain adequate levels of endogenousprotease inhibitors or, possibly, to mount other protectiveresponses.Widespread ,uCANP activation in Alzheimer disease is

consistent with evidence for increased degradation of spec-trin and diminished content of protein kinase C in fibroblastsfrom Alzheimer patients (9, 46), since both proteins arepreferred substrates of CANPs (15-18, 20). Brain spectrinbreakdown is also increased in cortex and hippocampus ofthe Alzheimer brain (47). Our results on total ,uCANP levelsare in accord with previous reports that CANP activitymeasured in vitro is not significantly altered in Alzheimerbrain (48-50) but show further that measurements of the totalCANP pool may not sensitively reflect the functional activityof the CANP system. The cause of the abnormal ,uCANPactivation is not known. ,uCANP is activated directly bycalcium, a process modulated by acidic phospholipids (51, 52)and possibly other cellular messengers (52). Evidence foraltered calcium homeostasis in aging (4, 53) and in Alzheimerdisease (4, 7-11) suggests increased intracellular calcium asone possible basis for /.CANP activation.

Apart from promoting the loss of synapses and eventualdeath of some neurons, abnormal ,uCANP activation mayhave additional consequences in these cells and other neu-rons that are more resistant to degeneration. CANPs regulateevents at the interface between the membrane and cytoskel-eton by modifying specific membrane skeleton proteins andthe cytoplasmic domains of certain transmembrane proteinsby limited proteolysis (15, 16, 54-56). CANPs have beenshown to selectively cleave regulatory domains from proteinkinase C and calcium- and calmodulin-dependent proteinkinase, thereby influencing protein phosphorylation (12-15).These actions regulate the assembly state and other dynamicsof the proteins (15, 54) and may underlie the suspectedinvolvement of CANPs in membrane fusion (57, 58) andtrafficking (59). Abnormalities of the endosomal-lysosomalsystem are, in fact, an early marker of affected neurons inAlzheimer brain, and these abnormalities may alter APPprocessing (37, 44). A further link between CANP activityand APP metabolism is suggested by the observation thatphorbol esters, which activate a signal transduction cascadeinvolving CANP and protein kinase C (12-15), induce aphosphorylation-dependent increase in the secretion of APPderivatives in PC12 cells (19). In this regard, the degree ofabnormal ,uCANP activation found in the Alzheimer neocor-tex inversely correlates (r = 0.87; P < 0.001) with levels of

soluble APP in the brain (69). We speculate that decreasedsecretion of APP (60) and altered lysosomal/endosomalprocessing in Alzheimer brain (37, 44) could both be partialconsequences of ,uCANP activation. Finally, by altering thephosphorylation and proteolytic modification of cytoskeletalproteins, protracted low-level ,uCANP activation might con-tribute to neurofibrillary tangle formation and altered synap-tic efficacy (61).Our findings are compatible with hypotheses of Alzheimer

etiology that propose either primary disturbances of neuronalmembranes or metabolic function (4, 5, 62) or a primary roleof ,B-amyloid or amyloidogenic fragments (63). Metabolic andcompositional changes in membranes of Alzheimer brain (62,64-66) may reflect membrane dysfunction that could con-tribute to ,LCANP abnormalities, given that ,uCANP is acti-vated principally on membranes (36). Also, the toxicity of3-amyloid or APP fragments may be exerted partly throughaltered calcium homeostasis (6, 67), which would be expectedto lead to CANP activation.

Pharmacological modulation of the CANP system, whichhas been effective in vivo in limiting neural damage inischemia and vasospasm (16-18, 68), may merit furtherconsideration as a potential therapeutic strategy in Alzheimerdisease.

We thank R. Neve, K. Kosik, and J. Coyle for manuscript review;L. Kanaley-Andrews and T. Wheelock for technical assistance; andJ. Khan and D. McCarthy for assistance with manuscript prepara-tion. This work was supported in part by National Institutes ofHealth Grants 5 R01 AG08278 and 2 P50 AG05134 and by theMitsubishi Kasei Corporation.

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