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Why You Need Magento for your Ecommerce website?

As the best open sourcee-commerce platform compared with Joomla and WordPress, Magento is an easy to use, easily adaptable interface that provides seamless site building with the most advanced features available. Not only does it support e-check payments utilizing the latest in Authorize.NET payment integration, it’s a durable, strong, well-built platform that offers a stable alternative to other e-commerce managers that’s ideal for all kinds of users. And with strong SEO capabilities that can work seamlessly alongside your website, you can rest assured it can provide total customization when it comes to your business management needs.

Convenience Options

Magento is all about convenience. No customer wants to jump through hoops to make a purchase. You don’t want to make it too complicated, or span too many pages, or else they may get frustrated and go elsewhere. That’s why Magento’s one-page checkout is so important to the user experience. Plus, with a wide range of shipping and payment options, you’re sure to meet all your customers’ needs in one place. You can also include multiple payment options within your online store to make the whole process easier for the user. This way, every visitor can use their preferred method of payment for a seamless experience.

Superior Functions

With several exceptional functions perfect for building even the most complex of websites, you can draw from elements such as:

Social log-in options Site-wide security Strong community forum QuickBooks integration Installation of modules that personalize your store in the way that works best for you Ability to filter products within categories

Putting control in your hands, Magento allows you to grant access and permission to certain users, while blocking others. This systematic control gives you the power to decide what information you want available to whom, and when. All information for your online store is completely confidential, with customer records, products, orders and transactions being absolutely private with no possibility of access from third parties.

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Mobile Friendly Approach

These days, if you’re not mobile friendly, you’re doing your website — and customers — a big disservice. In fact, 75 percent of consumers say they are more likely to revisit mobile-friendly websites than those that are not, says Search Engine Watch. In addition, users are five times more likely to leave your website — even leaving their shopping carts in mid-purchase — if it’s not mobile friendly, with 80 percent going to a competitor instead. Magento allows for store integration across any device, from phone to laptop to tablet.

For these reasons and more, choose Magento for your e-commerce management. Call Commercebees to see how we can help you implement it.
