  1. 1. Why It Pays to Be Likeable: 7 Simple Social Concepts @DaveKerpen#INCMTY
  2. 2. #INCMTY
  3. 3. 7 Simple Concepts to Build A Likeable Business. Listen. Be Responsive. Tell, Dont Sell. Be Transparent. Be Authentic. Be a Team. Be Grateful.#INCMTY
  4. 4. When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen. - Ernest Hemingway#INCMTY
  5. 5. 1. Listen First and Never Stop Listening.#INCMTY
  6. 6. Listen To Your Staff.#INCMTY
  7. 7. Listen To Your Customers.#INCMTY
  8. 8. Listen To Your Fans.#INCMTY
  9. 9. Surprise and Delight Your Customers.#INCMTY
  10. 10. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how your react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll#INCMTY
  11. 11. 2. Responsiveness Is No Longer Optional.#INCMTY
  12. 12. #INCMTY
  13. 13. LAST: Listen, Apologize, Solve, Thank.#INCMTY
  14. 14. Respond To Positive Comments Too. In your unique brand voice.#INCMTY
  15. 15. Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today. - Robert McAfee Brown#INCMTY
  16. 16. 3. Tell. Dont Sell.#INCMTY
  17. 17. Every Brand Has Many Stories to Tell. - Your humble beginnings - Customers who have overcome obstacles - Employee challenges - Inside the lives of leadership - Community & charity partnerships#INCMTY
  18. 18. Use Social & Online Tools to Tell Your Story. - Website - Social Networks - Online Video - Pictures - Webinars - eBooks & Whitepapers - Tweets For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn. - Ernest Hemingway #INCMTY
  19. 19. Inspire Your Customers to Share Your Stories.#INCMTY
  20. 20. As a small business person, you have no greater leverage than the truth. -John Greenleaf Whittier#INCMTY
  21. 21. 4. Be Transparent. Be Vulnerable.#INCMTY
  22. 22. #INCMTY
  23. 23. The Truth Shall Set You Free.#INCMTY
  24. 24. I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as Ive become. If I had, Id have done it a lot earlier. - Oprah Winfrey#INCMTY
  25. 25. 5. Be Authentic: Just Be You.@dens #INCMTY
  26. 26. Be Vulnerable.#INCMTY
  27. 27. Individuals play the game, but the teams beat the odds. - SEAL Team Playing#INCMTY
  28. 28. 6. Work Hard. Play Hard. Together.#INCMTY
  29. 29. Host A Hackathon.#INCMTY
  30. 30. I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. - GK Chesterton#INCMTY
  31. 31. 7. Thank You.#INCMTY
  32. 32. The Original Social Media. Donors Choose, R.O.I. of Gratitude. Those who received handwritten thank you notes were 38% more likely to donate again!#INCMTY
  33. 33. Listen. Be Responsive. Tell, Dont Sell.Be Transparent. Be Authentic. Be a Team. Be Grateful. #INCMTY
  34. 34. THANK YOU/GRAND PRIZE! Dave Kerpen@[email protected] davekerpen #INCMTY