
Where are English words from?

From old EnglishMany basic English words come from Old English, e.g., England, house, woman, man, child, bird, water. They sometimes have irregular pronunciation.

From LatinOther English words come from Latin, e.g., family, wine, number, school, educate.

From FrenchSome English words come from French, e.g., royal, hotel, menu, and beef.

From other languagesToday English is an international language. Thousands of English words come from other languages, e.g., siesta (Spanish), Judo (Japanese)

TechnologyEvery year hundreds of words come into English from new technology, e.g., internet, text message, e-mail.

Where are English words from?

From old EnglishMany basic English words come from Old English, e.g., England, house, woman, man, child, bird, water. They sometimes have irregular pronunciation.

From LatinOther English words come from Latin, e.g., family, wine, number, school, educate.

From FrenchSome English words come from French, e.g., royal, hotel, menu, and beef.

From other languagesToday English is an international language. Thousands of English words come from other languages, e.g., siesta (Spanish), Judo (Japanese)

TechnologyEvery year hundreds of words come into English from new technology, e.g., internet, text message, e-mail.