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The Devil is patient, so he can spring when you think you’re safest. It is one thing that makes him so terrifying.

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Curare: The Bringer has been born.

Lucifer: You think I don’t know that?

Curare: Of course not my Dark Prince, what should I do?

Lucifer: Your job. Get him under my control before the Archangels do.

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Lucifer: He’s still young and impressionable. Must I do everything myself?

Curare: No my Dark Prince, I will do it. I have a way in, one of the Angel spare-spawn works for the hospital. I will make myself her best friend and use that to get in close.

Lucifer: I don’t care how you do it, just DO it. Get going.

Curare: Yes, my Dark Prince.

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Cyd: What do I do? I’m a Criminal not a doctor.

Hope: Shut up and wait. That’s what you do.

Cyd: Yes, dear.

Hope: Remind me again why I wanted to do this more than once?

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Hope: Cyd? Cyd? Damn him. Well little boy your father has the attention span of a gnat, let’s hope you don’t take after him my son. You sure look like him

though but you got my eyes.

Eric: Goo?

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Cyd: I have a son…he’s perfect.

Hope: Yes he is, he looks like you with my eyes.

Cyd: I’ve always loved blue eyes.

Eric: *sucks fingers*

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Yuki: So the final Angel kid was born. I only wish I didn’t outlive Isaiah…

Yumi: Yuki-chan, at least Rachel did her part, filling in for Jeremiah like that. You should be proud.

Yuki: I am, I love my daughter. I only wish my son didn’t hate his father’s side

of the family so much. When I’m gone he’ll only have them.

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Yumi: I plan to go when you do. I can’t live without my twin sister. I do hope that David will one day forgive Rachel for leaving. Twins should never be


Yuki: I am sad that he cannot let go of his rage at Isaiah being absent…I don’t want my son to hate where he comes from.

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Yumi: I hope he will let it go too. David should not be without his twin sister. I do fear that Nos-sama has far too much influence over him. He shouldn’t be

trapped like we were. He should be free.

Yuki: Not just Nos-sama, but Drake-sama too…

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Yuki: Sadly, David thinks of Drake-sama as his father. It’s not right but he’s beyond listening to me. He thinks that I will leave him too if I try to talk some

sense into him about Drake-sama.

Yumi: He’s an adult now, he has to make his own choices.

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Saturn: So now the final mainline kid has been born, the Bringer is here. What should we do?

Dalen: Pray. Pray that his family’s influence is stronger than that of the Devil’s over his heart. From what I found out from the Oracle, this Bringer has the potential for great

good or great evil. It all depends on who gets to him first.

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Saturn: What does that mean?

Dalen: The Bringer has two very powerful bloodlines running through him: ours and that of the Archangels. His power is why Lucifer is so interested in him. That kid can destroy the world again, restart the Apocalypse. Or he can end it for good, that’s why his future is so clouded, according to the Oracle of


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Saturn: That’s more than I knew before.

Dalen: Well kid, you’re young. I’m not. I know more than you.

Saturn: That was always certain. But the Bringer is still my family, however distant he is. It makes this our problem first and foremost.

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Solan: How could I let my preparations get so far behind? I hate being unprepared. Dad would kill me if he knew.

“That sounds like Reias alright.”

Solan: Gee thanks, you’re a big help.

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Diamos: Oh relax Solan, you’re not the only one who’s not prepared. I’m not either. Cain is finally ready but I’ve been neglecting myself.

Solan: I find that hard to believe; the former Peace God isn’t on the ball.

Diamos: Yeah, yeah. We could do this all night but we have more important

things to do right now.

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Solan: The whole world knows now; the Bringer is here. And the final fight is only beginning,

Diamos: Who would have thought we’d be in the middle of a battle between good and

evil again?

Solan: We should have left before Meleager got too involved…but when our old enemy resurfaces, what can we do?

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Cain: I don’t like it.

Fricorith: Like what?

Cain: This. This sitting around doing nothing. I don’t like it. I want to do something.

Fricorith: It’s my grandson they’re after, so how do you think I feel about sitting here doing nothing? We have a major weakness in case you forgot.

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Cain: I know, I’m sorry but it’s just that sometimes I wish I hadn’t left the main house. I was born there when this whole thing began it’s a part of me.

Fricorith: You did what you had to Cain. Hannah needed to stand on her own as heiress. She encouraged you to get out there and learn to fight. You took your son with you and spent all this time learning how to fight from Dee. You both have grown so much. I’ve

been watching. And I know how much it means to be able to fight the evil that threatens you and your family…all too well.

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Back at the main house…

Theresa: I remember this being easier with your mother Luke.

Luke: Gamma!!

Theresa: Well, it’s a start I guess.

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Theresa: Although being able to conjure a Spectral Servant helps a lot too. It can take care of the new flowers your mom brought back to life much easier

than this old woman can.

Luke: Old!!

Theresa: Yes my love, grandma is old…so old.

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Soon enough Luke would have someone his own age to play with. There were only four restrictions left to lift and he could only do one when he was

grown. His sibling’s arrival would not be the last one this generation.

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Theresa: Well, tell me…

Hannah: You have another grandson mom. I’m going to call him John. And he looks just like his older brother.

Theresa: You’ll be fine. I had four daughters and three of you looked alike.

Hannah: Gee thanks mom, there goes my sense of individuality.

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Hannah: A mother always knows who her children are. Don’t worry little John, mommy will always know who you are. Because you will be a big help to the

cause and to me. The future is yours my son, make it a good one.

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Feeling guilty for missing the birth of another child, Meleager went up to the deck to clear his head and the telescope seemed like a good idea at the


Meleager: OH hell no!! I heard horror stories about abductions!! From my own grandmother too I saw my aunt Selene being born after this!!

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Meleager: I wanted six kids but not LIKE THIS!!

He can always ask Cain how well it worked out for him, after all, he was the first to experience the downside of the clear skies Esther provided for Angel’s


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Meleager: That was just wrong…don’t tell me that music was for me…I’m a Space Pirate but that’s not the kind of space I wanted to see!! You’d better

pray I don’t shoot you out of the sky next time I’m in the sector.

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Shea: This makes me happy I was Popularity and wanted to do Business.

Hannah: AHAHA!! This is too funny. Man, why wasn’t it me who went? I’m the Knowledge lover here.

Meleager: You’re welcome to it my love!! That was unpleasant.

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The next day it was time for Luke’s birthday. And since just last night Mel had his Adventure of a Lifetime, they also would have more babies around

soon. It was almost bittersweet that this was the last generation of Angels…

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Luke was adorable, a perfect mix of his parents. Although he needed a hair cut and change of clothes. When he’s older, he can thank his aunt Mary for

making it possible to change clothes and hair.

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Mel could see how his grandmother adored his aunt Selene, and whatever the aliens left him, he knew he would feel the same. He did miss his twin brother though, Lycaon stayed with their mother and grandparents until

he could achieve his dream of being a Media Magnate. They had the friends and connections he needed to do well in his career.

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Selene Reed definitely fit the icy blue eyes and red hair. She was beautiful and the markings on her skin only enhanced her looks.

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Meleager: Well, looks like we’re both off work for a while. My crew doesn’t need to see me like this.

Hannah: You’re the one who just had to use that telescope remember.

Meleager: Oh I know, and being like this helps me understand better what

you go through.

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Shea: Theresa, are you sure you don’t want to wait for our daughter?

Theresa: It’s a small pleasure to be able to toss my second grandson for his birthday…

Shea: Whatever makes you happy my dear.

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Theresa: Now, let’s get you changed my boy.

John is a genetic clone of Luke but definitely not the same personality, this kid is mean. I blame Cori, it’s his fault his grandson is so mean.

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This family loves to paint, they don’t need the money since they have nearly two million already but it occupies them. And the toddler table is a life-saver

for me. I will soon have *four babies in the house, like having quads…


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Meleager: MAN does this hurt!! And how is this gonna work?

Hannah: I tried to block out seeing my cousin born this way…

Meleager: OH that’s reassuring! Thank you soo much.

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Meleager: I am never doing this again. Well they are cute though…and it makes sense since I was twin, you were a twin that I would have them. Apollo and

Artemis, welcome to the world.

Hannah: Greek names?

Meleager: Well I am Greek after all.

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Hannah: OW!! OWW!!

Theresa: Can’t you hold it? I haven’t even had a chance to put the last two in their cribs.

Hannah: MOMMY!!

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Hannah: Oh good, you’re here. Hold her would you?

Meleager: Her?

Hannah: Yes you have a daughter Mel. I like the name Agnes for her.

Meleager: You mean there’s more?

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Hannah: Oh!!

Somewhere distant, a triumphant laughter was heard. The Angel family were too preoccupied to hear it but the words in the laughter were clear:

The Bringer has come.


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Next time on Where Angels Fear to Tread:

The Bringer has come, will he be a force for good or will he be a force for evil?
