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  • 7/31/2019 Whenever



    2: 20. The lightning almost snatches awaytheir sight, whenever it flashes for them, they

    walk therein, and when darkness covers them,they stand still. And if Allah willed, He

    could have taken away their hearing and their

    sight. Certainly, Allah has power over allthings.

    2: 38. We said: "Get down all of you fromthis place (the Paradise), then whenever there

    comes to you Guidance from Me, and

    whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be

    no fear on them, nor shall they grieve.

    87. And indeed, We gave Musa (Moses)

    the Book and followed him up with asuccession of Messengers. And We gave' isa

    (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), clear

    signs and supported him withRuh-ul-Qudus

    [Jihrael (Gabriel) i')L..Jl~]. Is it that

    whenever there came to you a Messenger

    with what you yourselves desired not, you

    grew arrogant? Some you disbelieved and

    some you killed.

    5: 70. Verily, We took the covenant of theChildren of Israel and sent Messengers to

    them. Whenever there came to them a

    Messenger with what they themselves desired

    not, - a group of them they called liars, and

    others among them they killed.

    6: 152. "And come not near to the orphan'sproperty, except to improve it, until he (orshe) attains the age of full strength; and give

    full measure and full weight with justice We

    burden not any person, but that which he can

    bear. And whenever you give your word (Le.judge between men or give evidence), say the

    truth even if a near relative is concerned, and

    fulfil the Covenant of Allah. This He

    commands you, that you may rememberl1l.

    7: 131. But whenever good came to them,they said: "Ours is this." And if evil afflicted

  • 7/31/2019 Whenever


    them, they ascribed it to evil omens

    connected with Musa (Moses) and those with

    him. Be informed! Verily, their evil omens

    are with Allah but most of them know not.

    9: 124. And whenever there comes down a

    Surah (chapter from the Qur'an), some ofthem (hypocrites) say: "Which of you has had

    his Faith increased by it?" As for those who

    believe, it has increased their Faith, and they


    127. And whenever there comes down a

    Surah (chapter from the Qur'an), they look at

    one another (saying): "Does anyone see

    you?" Then they turn away. Allah has turnedtheir hearts (from the light) because they are a

    people that understand not.

    17: 97. And he whom Allah guides, he is ledaright; but he whom He sends astray, for such

    you will find noAuliyd'(helpers and

    protectors), besides Him, and We shall gather

    them toge~er on the Day of Resurrection ontheir faces, Iblind, dumb and deaf; their

    abode will be Hell; whenever it abates, We

    shall increase for them the fierceness of the

