  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    What Are You Going To Do When The Pain is Stronger ThanYour Medicine?

    The Well-Being Journal

    Drawing on Your Inner Power to Heal Yoursel!!!

    "# Dr! $ucia %a&acchione' Ph!D!' A!T!(!' (!)!A!T!

    A guide to the Art o sel-healing!!!

    THE WELL-BEING JOURNAL takes you on an inner journeythrough the psyho!ogia! roots o" pain an# i!!ness to your o$nnatura! po$er to hea!%

    "At the age o" &'( I a)e #o$n $ith a !i"e-threatening #isease$hih turne# out to *e the greatest teaher I+,e e,er ha#% This*ook is the resu!t o" the !essons I !earne# "ro) that i!!ness

    Dr. Lucia Capacchione

    Health research shows that writing about one's illness or chronic pain strengthens

    the immune system and reduces dependence on medical intervention.

    This book contains drawing, writing, imagery and meditation techniques forenhancing health and well-being.

    The reader learns how to identify psychological causes of stress or disease and howto create a self-nurturing lifestyle.

    This *ook is *ase# on the author+s training progra)s "or hea!th arepro"essiona!s an# $orkshops "or persons !i,ing $ith AI./( HI0 positi,e(

    aner an# hroni pain%

    ecent research shows that writing our feelings about an illness or traumatic

    e!perience actually improves the efficiency of the immune system. n thisgroundbreaking book,

    #r. $ucia %apacchione shares a unique method of &ournal-keeping that she developedwhile recovering from a life-threatening collagen disease.

    Her simple techniques include effective ways to
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    $isten to your body

    $ove and nurture yourself

    $et your nner %hild out to play

    %reate a personal support system

    #ecode messages hidden in symptoms

    #iscover the healing power of dreams (ind guidance in the wisdom of the body

    "%apacchione's work is great) recommend her books to people work with who

    have a variety of problems. think both drawing and writing encourage a

    fundamental need that we have for self-e!pression. There may be an added benefitto writing in that it translates e!periences into language--which helps the person to

    resolve a trauma more quickly."

    *rof. +ames . *ennebaker#epartment of *sychology

    outhern ethodist /niversity

    The We!! Being Journa!( paper*ak 1'' pages 213%4'5 /a,e 367 216%&'

    Add to %art

    This book makes reference to the "ell-0eing +ournal editation" audio tape that is

    no longer available - t has been replaced by #r %apacchione with a new, updatedaudio %# 1compact disc2 which is &ust like attending one of #r. %apacchione's

    workshops) clic* this lin* or +ore ino

    We guarantee you $i!! *e happy $ith our /e!" He!p *ooks an# tapes *y

    o""ering you our 46 #ay Risk 8REE )oney *ak guarantee( e9!u#ingshipping% We ship your or#er usua!!y the sa)e *usiness #ay $e reei,e it%

    :hapter tit!es in!u#e;

    3 +ournal of Healing the psychology of the body, the &ournal process, uses of art

    and reflective writing for healing and well-being. writing with your other hand,

    guidelines to &ournal-keeping

    0ody 3wareness 0ody mapping, breathing meditation, the body parts speak

    0ody image history and beliefs - how see myself, body conversation and much


    elf-care 4urturing 0ody, ind and pirit, foods and moods, eating patterns, gettingunhooked, nurturing all of me, y nurturing self and more
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    ela!ation and e-%reation drawing your feelings out, a dance on paper, tension

    and slowing down, where the time goes, time to play

    upportive elationships y own best friend, the gift of friendship, personal supportgroup, picture me se!ual, the facts of love, male and female, the marriage within

    Healing from the nner elf #reams remembering and recording, the dream body,the healing dream, the Healer ithin, Health affirmations, solitude, meditation,

    prayer, endings and new beginnings

    ant to know more5 What is Art Thera?

    6uote from The Picture o Health - Healing Your $ie with Art "# Dr $ucia%a&acchione

    "ince the mid-789:'s have shared my discoveries at seminars for people of allages and occupations in schools and colleges, churches, corporations, counseling

    centers, and spiritual retreats."

    ";ver the years have documented my discoveries and techniques in many books

    1Sel Disco,er# Boo*store2 The feedback has been so inspiring, especially in regard

    to the healing power of art, that was moved to write this book. t includes not only

    my personal story and triumph over difficult odds and a life-threatening condition,but the impressive success stories of others."

    " became an art therapist in 789< after healing an "incurable" disease primarilythrough spontaneous drawing and writing. 3t the time of my illness, was a

    professional artist and teacher. had never heard of art therapy, and there were nopopular books on the sub&ect. y spontaneous self-e!ploration through art was

    undoubtedly guided by a higher healing power within, taking me step by step backhome to my nner elf.

    "hen you read my story you will see how the nner 3rtist has played the role ofhealer throughout my life. Through the writing and drawing e!ercises, affirmations,

    visuali=ations, meditations, and inspirational stories, hope you will find the healingpower of your own nner 3rtist. have found that tremendous love - for yourself and

    for others - becomes the overflowing pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. it comes

    with the &oy of finding and e!pressing your own truth."

    #r. $ucia %apacchione

    "There is a simplicity and innocence in the way the book unfolds because it uses the

    tools and language of the child. >et it is profound in its impact."

    obert 3ult, 3.T..

    The enninger (oundation
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    .r% Luia just re!ease# this ne$

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    #r. $ucia %apacchione, *h.#., 3.T.., .?.3.T. is an 3rt Therapist egistered @egistered ?!pressive 3rt Therapist, artist, psychologist, popular international

    workshop leader, author of 7A books, including her ne$est re!ease( Living WithFeeling;Visioning Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams, and the best-

    selling Recovery of Your Inner Child. The originator of the %reative +ournal ethod,#r. %apacchione is recogni=ed as a pioneer in health and healing through creativity.

    3s a career counselor, she has conducted &ob outplacement seminars, talentdevelopment, and corporate consulting for business and industry, including suchclients as Hallmark, attel, and alt #isney magineering. he lives near 0ig ur,


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    What is Art Thera?

    "# $ucia %a&acchione' Ph!D!' A!T!(!' (!)!A!T!Pioneer ).&ressi,e Arts Thera&ist

    became an 3rt Therapist in 789< after healing an "incurable" disease primarilythrough spontaneous drawing and writing. 3t the time of my illness, was a

    professional artist and teacher.

    had never heard of art therapy and at that time, there were no popular books on

    3rt Therapy. y spontaneous self-e!ploration through art was undoubtedly guided bya higher healing power within, taking me step-by-step back home to my nner elf...

    Art Therapy is a "or) o" psyhotherapy in $hih the !ient usua!!y reatesso)e "or) o" art$ork suh as a #ra$ing( #oo#!es( a su!pture )a#e o" !ay(

    o!!age( or other 3 or & #i)ensiona! art% None o" these tehniues reuireany speia! ta!ent( e9periene or training in the arts%

    The art$ork is then use# as a "ous "or re"!etion in $or#s *et$een the!ient an# therapist% This art$ork is use# in )uh the sa)e $ay as #rea)s

    are use# in therapy *eause *oth art$ork an# #rea)s aess theunonsious ,ery rapi#!y%

    y approach to 3rt Therapy includes keeping a &ournal or diary, using both art andwriting. This tool, which call The %reative +ournal ethod, guides the individual

    through focus questions about different areas of life. /sually activities begin with adrawing or some form of art e!pression, followed by reflective writing about the

    images. hen the feelings are captured in artwork and interpreted in &ournal writing,powerful insights are the result.

    One o" the great a#,antages o" art therapy is it "osters use o" *oth si#es o"the *rain% The non,er*a! art e9pression is pri)ari!y a right *rain proess

    the $riting is o)ing "ro) the !e"t-*rain !anguage enters%

    y %reative +ournal ethod includes another technique that integrates both

    hemispheres of the brain) 3s documented in my second book "The Power o Your

    /ther Hand" this technique includes written dialogs using both hands alternately.

    riting with the non-dominant hand is a proven method for letting the left brainknow what the right brain is thinking. This is a powerful tool for use in therapy and

    also for opening up creativity in all areas of one's life. 4one of these techniquesrequire any special talent, e!perience or training in the arts.

    /ine the )i#-14K6+s have shared my discoveries at seminars for people of allages and occupations in schools and colleges, churches, corporations, counseling

    centers, and spiritual retreats.
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    The feedback from my workshop participants 1over

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    5isioning Ten Ste&s to Designing the $ie o Your Drea+s

    Ta"le o %ontents6

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    Mo4ing 'rom the -reati4e (el'

    Mo4ement Meditation: Inner 5istening

    The (ilent Partner

    0ournal: Meet Your -reati4e -onscience

    :hapter & - Get a .rea)( Get a Li"e '

    )irst Design Princi"le: 2et an Idea

    Visioning (te" 6:Make a Wish

    The -ourage to Dream

    0ournal: Permission to %ct

    )inding a )ocus

    -ra'ting a )ocus Phrase

    )ocus Phrases: % menu o' Possi#le Themes

    0ournal: )inding My )ocus Phrase0ournal: Whats the Pro#lem?

    &ein'orcing Your )ocus Phrase)ocus: )lash -ards

    :hapter C /orting an# /hi"ting K&

    (econd Design Princi"le: )eed Your Idea with &esearch

    Visioning (te" 7: (earch 'or Images and Words

    !8"lore the Treasures in Your &esearch $ank: The %rt o' 2athering

    Image*)inding as Meditation

    &esearch: 2ra# What 2ra#s You

    %d %rt as Poetry in the Market"lace

    Poem*making: Word"lay Third Design Princi"le: -onnect the &esearch to Your 1wn Idea

    Visioning (te" 9: )ocus on the Vision

    The $alance $etween )reedom and (tructure

    )ollowing Your Heart

    )ocus: Whats Hot and Whats ,ot?

    Whats in a Word?

    Magazines as -hinese )ortune -ookies

    Poem*making: More Word"lay

    :hapter ' A

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    )inding Your 1wn (tyle

    )ocus: Playing in the 5and o' Make*$elie4e

    Matching Words and Pictures

    Word 0azz: &ansom ,otes 'rom the (oul

    :hapter M Or#er Out o" :haos 16&

    )i'th Design Princi"le: Mi8 and Match in &ough Mock*u" (tage

    -haos and -reati4ity

    Visioning (te" ;: !8"lore and )ind 1rder in -reati4e -haos

    &ecognizing the Inner -ritic

    0ournal: The Inner -ritic

    The Mistakes Myth

    0ournal: 2uidance 'rom the -reati4e (el'

    :hapter K The .esign o" our Li"e 113

    (i8th Design Princi"le: De4elo" the Design

    The Pieces -oming Together

    Visioning (te"

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    % Wish Your Heart Makes

    :hapter 4 /eeing is Be!ie,ing 1CM

    ,inth Design Princi"le: 2et Hel"

    Visioning (te" A: !m#race the &eality Dont 0ust Do (omething+ (it There

    Whats $ehind the Dream

    Its %#out Time

    0ournal: %t the Write Time

    Taking -are o' $usiness

    0ournal: Thinking with $oth (ides o' Your $rain

    %s 5uck Would Ha4e It

    0ournal In the Write Place

    &each 1ut 'or Hel"

    0ournal: My Personal Dream Team

    :hapter 16 Let+s Ha,e a

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    (tructuring a 2rou" (ession

    2rou" Dynamics

    The Power o' 2rou" (u""ort

    -olla#orati4e Visioning 'or Teams+ -om"anies+ and 1rganizations

    Visioning at Work

    Visioning and 1rganizational De4elo"ment %cti4ities 'or 1rganizational Visioning

    Team $uilding and Proect De4elo"ment

    :hapter 13 0isioning an# Re!ationships 361

    )inding 5o4e in %ll the &ight Places

    -ase (tudy: 5isas (tory and -ollages

    Wedding $ells and Honeymoons

    -ase (tudy: %letas -ollages

    $a#y Makes Three

    -ase (tudy: -hristines (tory+ -ollage+ and $a#y %nnouncement (uggestions and %""lications

    -reating a ,ew &elationshi"

    Im"ro4ing an 1ngoing &elationshi"

    -olla#orati4e Visioning 'or )amilies

    Media 'or )amily -ollages

    -ase (tudy: $e4erly and Tom Vision Together

    % -ollage 'or the Whole )amily

    :hapter 1& 0isioning "or Hea!th an# We!!-Being 333

    &egaining the (el'-ase (tudy: 2ayles (tory o' Inner Healing

    The -reati4e (el' Diet

    -ase (tudy: (usans (tory o' Healing+ -hange+ and Weight 5oss

    Money+ (el'*Worth+ and the Pursuit o' Ha""iness

    -ase (tudy: Marks (tory

    )inding %#undance Within

    -ase (tudy: 2regs (tory o' Disco4ering True Wealth

    (uggestions and %""lications

    $ody Image+ (el'*Image

    Illness and Pain


    :hapter 1C 0isioning to 8in# our

    % Home 'or the Heart

    -ase (tudy: 5ucias (tory o' her Dream House

    Dreams 'or &ent

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    Mara Mo4es to (anta )e

    -ase (tudy: &elocating to a ,ew %rea

    %nnas &anch

    -ase (tudy: %nna )inds Her Dream &anch

    In -losing

    Resoure Gui#e 3'C

    Books Audiotapes Art and Journal Supplies

    /a)p!e E9erise "ro) the Book - 8in#ing your Heart+s .esire

    *repare >our nner pace

    eaching a place of inner silence that naturally leads into purposeful activity is an

    important preparation for isioning. 3s my movement teacher says "(ind thestillness within the movement, and the movement within stillness." t is easier to do

    this when you are working alone. However, alone or with others, there will be yourown chattering mind, the e!traneous and irrelevant thoughts that distract you from

    truly e!periencing with your senses. Here is an e!ercise for centering in the present

    moment and "being here now."

    (ocus %reating the %ontainer

    it quietly in your studio space. eated at your work area, look at your arrangement

    of materials and supplies. How do you feel being here5 How does it feel to besetting out on this inner &ourney to find and reali=e your dreams5 pend a moment

    reflecting on your physical sensations. #o you fell an!ious or tense5 f so, allowyourself to breathe the an!iety out of your body. ;n the e!hale, simply let it go.

    emember that there is no way you can possibly make any mistakes in isioning.There is no right or wrong way to do any of this work.

    %heck out your work area. 3re you completely satisfied with where it is and how youset things up5 f not, take the necessary time to ad&ust things the way you want

    them. >ou don't need any rational e!planation for this. +ust follow your instincts andintuition.

    4ow focus your attention on the work area or playing field. This is the magic circleof creativity where you will actually be making your isioning collage. *lace your

    hands in the space. un the palms of your hands over the paper, tracing the outlineof your paper with your fingertips. %ontemplate the 3ustralian 3boriginal practice of

    each artist painting her own "dreaming" or element of nature and thereby co-creating that element. 0e willing to co-create, in partnership with your creative self,

    the life that your heart truly desires.

    %lose your eyes and focus your attention within. 3s you sit in silence and stillness,

    allow yourself to become aware for your creative self, that fount of limitless potentialthat lives inside of you. ee that you are becoming the conscious container of your
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    creative self. 3sk your creative self to be your silent partner, flowing through you.3sk it to show its face as you portray your heart's desires in your ision collage.

    ;pen up your own innate wisdom pouring out through images and words.

    3s you get a deeper sense of partnering with your creative self, it is helpful to allowan image to appear. This is a highly intuitive process and, again, there is no right or

    wrong way to do it. The ne!t e!ercise is intended to help you allow your creative selfto transmit an image to your mind, one that is relevant for you today. ?ach time youdo this e!ercise, a different image is likely to appear. The creative self has many

    messages to send us, depending on what we need at any given time.

    Order Visioning...

    Table of Contents

    back to main Visioning page - where ou left off
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    0/T... How to do it5

    How can take what 'm day dreaming about - and bring

    it into my physical world5

    0isioning si)p!y )eans%%% Thinking in

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    isuali=ation and other techniques for creating mental pictures are being used in thefields of medicine. *atients of all ages and walks of life have been taught to use their

    imaginations for

    managing pain

    dealing with life-threatening or chronic disease. %ancer patients are guided inmental "*ac-an" games in which they visuali=e the cancer cells being

    gobbled up

    losing weight 1see my book "$ighten & Your Bod# - $ighten & Your $ie"2

    0isioning is roote# in the i#ea that you an #esign your o$n!i"e( that it is $ithin your o$n po$er to;

    take charge of your own imagination

    become a purposeful dreamer

    design the life of your dreams

    ision your dream into reality

    isioning begins by naming your heart's desire and translating it into pictures andwords on paper

    It is the sa)e proess #esigners( arhitets( an# engineers use $hen theyget an i#ea an# reate skethes( )o#e!s( an# *!ueprints%

    THE kno$ the a!he)y o" turning thoughts into things

    There's nothing mysterious about it)

    t's the process know as #?I4. 34# you can learn it too, by designing from yourheart's desires

    /o%%% Ho$ an I use this in )y !i"e

    #r. $ucia shows you how to use isioning in 3ction in your

    ork and career - dealing with problems on the &ob, &ob changes and career


    elationships - finding love in all the right places

    Health @ ellness - the %reative self-diet, self-worth and the pursuit ofhappiness

    (ind your true home - a home for the heart

    Ok( I think I+) getting it%%% BUT Na)e )e JU/T ONE .rea)erthat rea!!y #i# a!! this
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    Ho$ a*out Wa!t .isney%%%"f you can dream it, you can do it" was hisma!im. alt once dreamed of storytelling in a real J-dimensional place, a placeparents could take their kids and 3$$ have a good time.

    3nd out of his dream - #isneyland and the #isney empire was created.

    But $hat are the prinip!es an# steps that #rea)ers an##esigners( suh as Wa!t .isney( use to *ring their #rea)s intophysia! rea!ity

    isioning follows the same rules that inspire professional designers and shows

    how >;/ can use them in in >;/ life, everyday - To #?I4 the $ife of

    >our #reams.

    isioning sparks "the designer within you" and makes real the notion that if

    you can dream it, you can do it.

    The ten steps of isioning are a road map to the creative process, applied to

    your health, relationships, career, home, and all the other areas of your life. >ou will learn how to apply her blueprint to your life, from making a wish

    through the "creative chaos" to reali=ing your personal goals and dreams.

    ith easy-to-follow and playful, activities and time-tested techniques, you

    will effectively grasp how to take >our ish, then visuali=e that wish into yourlife in a tangible and effective form)

    8i!!e# $ith suess stories o" her stu#ents $ho ha,e a!rea#y use# thisproess%%% one stu#ent ,isione#( then ahie,e# her #rea) ranh%%%

    No$( is the ti)e to a## your suess story%%% isn+t it /rder
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    These 4()) )7)(%IS)S are co+&li+ents o (ichard Bingha+ 83owGet%reati,e!co+ and Dr! $ucia %a&acchione' Art Thera&ist

    (egistered' ).&ressi,e Arts (egistered Thera&ist!

    The %reati,e Journal and Dr! $ucia %a&acchione9s other :; "oo*s'audio &rogra+s' and Dr! $ucia9s reco++ended art su&&lies are

    a,aila"le in our Sel Disco,er# Boo*storeto learn +ore a"out ArtThera and how to use it in #our lie read6 What is Art Therapy?to learn

    more about Creative Journaling read: What is Journaling?

    About the Creati!e Journal "ethod

    #hat #ill $ %isco!er&

    "aterials for Journaling

    Origin of the Creati!e Journal "ethod

    'ow the Creati!e Journal "ethod #orks

    A (ew Tips Before )ou Begin Journaling

    Creati!e Journal *+ercises and Acti!ities

    Subscribe to our (ree Art Therap,Journaling ewsletter

    Take a (ree "ini Course on how to achie!e our goals

    #hat is Art Therap&

    Self %isco!er Bookstore

    ecommended Art and Journaling Supplies

    ow /et Creati!e 0ids
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    Tell a (riend about these (** Creati!e Journal *+ercises

    *mail ichard1ow/etCreati!

    Copyright 1996-2004 Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D. A.T.R. A right! re!er"e#.[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    "out the Creative Journal $ethod

    The :reati,e Journa! =etho# was developed by %r. 2ucia

    Capacchione, internationally known author of ten books,

    including The :reati,e Journa!( The

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    The originator of this innovative and therapeutic approach to &ournaling invites you to

    &oin her in an inward &ourney of discovery, healing and growth.

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    &hat &ill ' Discover(

    I ho"e this is the most rewarding ourney o' yourli'eE Why shouldnt it #e? The -reati4e 0ournal is

    a#out Y1/E Its a thera"eutic tool 'or 2!TTI,2 T1@,1W Y1/&(!5) $!TT!&+ #ody and mind+heart and soulE

    /sing techni.ues #ased on e8"ressi4e arts thera"ies

    and my original #rainFmind and creati4ity research+

    youll 'ind out:

    What you really 'eel and think

    How to decode your dreams and use the

    in'ormation hidden thereWhere youre at in your li'e and where youre


    How your own #ody can #e a healer and guide

    How to remo4e #locks to creati4ity

    How to re*"arent your inner child and 'ind the creati4e child within

    What your true hearts desire is

    How to 'ind s"iritual guidance within

    Youll #e doing all this while "laying with new media o' e8"ression:

    drawing and doodlingcolor and images

    creati4e writing and "oetry

    written dialogues

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    $aterials %or Creative Journaling

    B!ank *ook or !oose !ea" "o!#er ?un!ine# pages@ 3.45+ 665or !arger

    (elt pens?13 assorte# o!ors or )ore@ :rayons an a!so *e use#%

    ome %reative +ournal activities must be done in a journa!1blank book or loose leaffolder2 ;thers can be done directly on the o)puter.

    #rawings and written dialogues must be done by hand in your &ournal. n some casesyou'll be using both your right and left hand. ounds weird, huh5 riting and

    drawing with the non-dominant hand has been shown to put people in direct touchwith the creative, emotional and intuitive faculties of the right brain. *lease see my

    new revised book, The Power o Your /ther Hand - A course in channeling theinner wisdo+ o the right "rain
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    Origin o% the Creative Journal $ethod

    $e'ore introducing you to the method+ let me tell you #rie'ly how I disco4ered this trulyamazing "ersonal growth and creati4ity toolE %t the time+ I was a "ro'essional artist and

    teacherE I had ne4er had any thera"y and the 'arthest thing 'rom my mind was #ecoming a"sychologist or writing #ooks a#out "ersonal growthE

    I was in a maor crisis a'ter 'i4e years o' co"ing with di4orce+ 'amily illness+ se4eralmo4es+ o# changes and raising two young daughters on my ownE My #ody 'inally #roke

    down 'rom too much stress and I #ecame 4ery illE

    The nature o' my disease was .uite mysterious: it con'ounded all the doctors and terri'iedmeE My sym"toms? -om"lete e8haustion+ an8iety attacks+ and se4eral in'ections Gside*

    e''ects o' anti#iotics and other medicationsE %t one "oint+ my la# test was mi8ed u" with

    someone elses and I was gi4en the wrong "rescri"tionE $y the time I was told+ it was too

    lateE I had already taken the medicine and was ha4ing reactions: more in'ections+ morean8iety attacksE

    /na#le to work or do much o' anything else+ I was in #ed 'or weeksE I #egan doodling

    and writing in a sketch "ad that sat on my #ed standE &eading The Diary o' %nais ,in

    ins"ired me to turn my sketch "ad into a "ersonal ournalE

    Here is a drawing I did in one o' my 'irst ournalsE Itscalled 3-o"ing with -risisE3

    %nother drawing done at this time was one that I called32i4ing $irth to Mysel'E3

    When I did these drawings I really had do idea what they meantE It was like ha4ing a

    dream on "a"erE

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    I was later to learn that I had ta""ed into the creati4e and healing "ower o' my right #rain

    Gwhich s"ecializes in 4isualFs"atial "erce"tion as well as emotional and intuiti4e

    e8"ressionE $ut I didnt know that at the timeE )rankly+ I thought I was losing itE Theylooked like the "aintings o' mental "atients you might see in the occu"ational thera"y

    ward o' a "sychiatric hos"ital E

    Yet+ these odd little sketches intrigued meE It was as i' I was writing in a 'oreign language

    that I didnt understandE The im"ortant thing was that I 'elt a lot #etter a'ter I did thesedrawingsE (omething a#out doing this was healing me+ although I couldnt tell you how

    or whyE 5ater+ I learned to read the language o' sym#ols and decode these mysterious

    messages 'rom the unconsciousE 0ust as you will learn to do in kee"ing a Creative


    Doing these drawings 'elt so thera"eutic that I decided to kee" a ournal o' my 'eelings

    and thoughtsE My 'irst 3o''icial ournal3 was a little #lank #ook I had #ought twenty years

    #e'ore when I was 'i'teen and thought I wanted to #e a ournalist E GHows that 'or

    "ro"hetic wisdom?E I had ne4er written a word in that #ookE $ut I startedE %nd I ha4e notsto""ed writing sinceE The -reati4e 0ournal healed me and led to a new career as an art

    thera"ist and authorE I am "leased to share with you what I learned a#out the art o''inding yoursel'E

    The Creative Journal $ethodis uni.ue #ecause it de4elo"s #oth sides o' the #rain: the

    rational+ 4er#al le't hemis"here and the artistic+ intuiti4e right hemis"hereE Drawing is a

    right #rain 'unction+ writing words is "rimarily a le't #rain acti4ityE /sing the nondominant hand hel"s to I,T!2&%T! the #rain hemis"heresE Writing with the hand you

    don)t normally write withallows you to e8"ress * in words * 'eelings and intuitions

    associated with the little*used right side o' the #rainE

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    *uidelines: Just a +ew Tips ,e%ore -ou ,egin Creative Journaling

    ow O%ten ow Long and &henYou dont ha4e to do ournaling e4ery dayE The more you do+ the more youll #ene'itE Its

    u" to youE 5ate e4ening is a good time+ ust #e'ore retiringE (ome "eo"le "re'er ournaling

    early in the morning #e'ore they start their dayE $lock out at least 'i'teen minutes in anyone sessionE (ome acti4ities take longerE The great thing a#out a ournal is that you can

    use it "ractically anywhereE Its chea" and its great thera"y when you4e got "ro#lems to

    resol4e and its a lot o' 'unE


    Its #est to ha4e a .uiet "lace where you can #e alone with yoursel' and concentrate onournalingE )ind a "lace that is 'ree 'rom loud noises+ distractions and interru"tionsE Many

    "eo"le 'ind that they ha4e a 'a4orite chair or desk or e4en a s"ot in nature where they like

    doing their -reati4e 0ournalingE )ind the "lace that 'eels #est 'or you a "lace thats sa'e+

    .uiet and conduci4e to taking little ourneys insideE

    0tructure and 0pontaneityIts a good idea to "ut the date on 'irst "age o' each ournal entryE This way you can go#ack and re4iew where you4e #een during your little tri"s into 3inner s"aceE3 Youre

    likley to see changes and growthE (ometimes you night unco4er old "atterns that you

    wish to change or new ones that you want to culti4ateE

    !8"ress yoursel' as o"enly as "ossi#leE Dont edit or re4ise what you write or drawE 0ustlet it all hang outE The im"ortant thing is to #e as honest as honest and s"ontaneous as

    "ossi#leE &emem#er+ no on is grading you or e4aluating your workE There is no right way

    or wrong way to kee" a ournalE )ind the way that works )1& Y1/E %'ter all+ its Y1/&ournal+ its your li'eE

    onesty and 1rivacyIn order to #e really honest with yoursel' it is V!&Y IMP1&T%,T that you kee" your

    ournal "ri4ateE This is a 'rom o' sel'*thera"y and ust as thera"y is held con'idential+ so is

    ournal workE I' youre worried a#out what "eo"le will think a#out your 'eelings+

    thoughts+ drawings and musings+ youll ne4er #e a#le to #e really honest with yoursel'EWithout total honesty+ the -reati4e 0ournal will not yield the #est resultsE

    0elective 0haringThere are times when you may want to share an insight+ a 'eeling a dream or some

    drawings with someone elseE $e selecti4e a#out who you share these s"ecial "ieces withE

    $e sure the "erson is sa'e+ wont criticize you and is su""orti4e o' you and your ournalworkE (ometimes you may want to share with your thera"ist+ counselor+ #est 'riend or

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    s"ouse Gi' its sa'eE Whate4er you do+ a4oid sharing with "eo"le who "ut you down+ think

    ournal*kee"ing is a waste o' time or want to tell you how to think and 'eel or how to li4e

    your li'eE How you li4e your li'e is u" to youE Dont let others talk you out o' #eing ande8"ressing who you really are in your ournalE

    0el%2CriticismThe written and drawn illustrations were done #y other ournal*kee"ers ust like youE

    Their work is meant to ins"ire you and s"ark your own creati4ityE It is not %or you tocopy or compare your work to. There is no right or wrong way to do -reati4e0ournalingE 1nly Y1/& wayE &ela8+ e8"ress whats inside and get to know the real youE

    I' you encounter sel'*dou#t or #locks+ there are e8ercises s"eci'ically 'or dealing with itE

    You do not need any e8"erience+ training or s"ecial talent in writing or art to do these

    ournal acti4itiesE %ll you need is the willingness to e8"lore yoursel'+ e8"eriment withnew media o' e8"ression and ha4e a good time with yoursel'E

  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You


    Creative Journal !ercises and "ctivities

    +inding -oursel%

    #arm 7p'ow %o $ (eel ight ow&" $nner and Outer Self2ooking Back

    #here Am $ At&Current ChallengeSelf-8ortraitBlock Buster $" Creati!e SelfThe /uide #ithin "e

    ealing the ,ody/$ind

    Bod TalksTension and ela+ationurturing the Child #ithinurturing All of "e%rawing Out )our $nner 'ealer8ersonal Support Sstem

    Dream &ork

    %raw a %reamTranslating " %reams
  • 7/26/2019 When Your Pain is Stronger Than You

