
“What My Administrator Thinks”

Jeff Collum Superintendent

of Benton Schools


This is where it ALL begins!!!

interview tips “top 10”• You get one chance to make a first

impression:• Any phone call, email, personal

contact with “anyone” counts• Follow up personally:

• Personal touches: eye contact, hand shake, engage everyone

• Research the district, the campus, the specific job

• Be assertive but not aggressive or “desperate”

• Be confident not arrogant

Interview Tips continued…..

BE: •Honest•Available•Punctual•Personable•Yourself


“One chance to make a first impression”

“Dress to impress”

“Don’t be late”

Be a professional!!!

If you have to ask what the dress code is then there’s probably a question about what you are wearing?

Personal Grooming

Brush your teeth

Comb your hair

Take a bath or shower

Cologne and perfume in moderation

Tattoos and body piercings


Dress Ahead

You are a role model!!

Thorough Planning

“If you fail to plan…… plan to fail”

“You can con a con, you can fool a fool, but you can’t kid a kid”

They know when you’re not prepared- “Are we going to do anything in your class today?”

Give yourself ample time to prepare for each lesson each day

Know your resources

Use them

Asking for Help

Mentors?“Going at it alone mentality”- Doesn’t work in this businessTired, frustrated, lonely, isolated, burnout

Asking for help is a sign of intelligence not stupidity“The only dumb question is the one you don’t ask”Surround yourself with resources

Willingness to Help

“Freely you have received, freely give”

Beg, borrow, steal, and then share!!!

Pay it forward- “What goes around come around”

Willingness to Learn

“That’s the way I’ve done it for twenty years!!!”

“If you’re green you grow…..if you’re ripe you rot”

Be coachable and teachable- we are educators

Lifelong learners

It’s not a destination, it’s a journey

Marathon not a sprint

A Heart for the Kids

If you don’t LOVE kids, you are in the wrong businessParent, counselor, confidant, listener, teacherStories: Tardy girl with ovarian cancerTrevor, Ryan, and Seth

Openness With Parents

Remember this is their “precious baby”

You are the expert

Remember confidentiality

Trust but verify

Reach out to them with positives often and early

They can be your #1 fan or your #1 enemy!!!


Ethical behaviorJohn Doe teacher student- teacher

“friendships”Dress, conduct, behavior, speech

Social Media

Legal Issues

Inappropriate Student Teacher Relationships - #1 problem for ethical complaints across the nation

Special education and FERPA

“Lounge Talk”

Tort Immunity


Ethics Violations of Educator Standards:

Standard #1: An educator maintains a professional relationship with students

Standard #2: An educator maintains competence regarding his or her profession

Standard #3: An educator honestly fulfills reporting obligations

Standard #4: An educator can be entrusted with public funds and property

Standard 5: An educator maintains integrity regarding the acceptance of any gratuity, gifts, or compensation

Standard #6: An educator keeps in confidence secure standardized test materials

Standard #7: An educator maintains confidentiality related to student matters

Standard #8: An educator refrains from using drugs and alcohol illegally

Today’s classroom

•Did you know 2014•Technology

Final Thoughts

Are you ready?

Q & A