  • 7/30/2019 What is the Present Truth for Today (Limited Edition)


  • 7/30/2019 What is the Present Truth for Today (Limited Edition)



    We have no time to lose. We know not how soon our probation may close. Eternity stretches before us. The

    curtain is about to be lifted. Christ is soon to come. The angels of God are seeking to attract us from ourselves

    and from earthly things. Let them not labor in vain. (8T 314)

    The highest interests demand attention. We must turn away from a thousand topics that invite attention.

    There are matters that consume time and arouse inquiry, but end in nothing. The highest interests demand the

    close attention and energy that are too often given to comparatively insignificant things. ( 8T 316) There are

    many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is present truth that the flock needs now. (EW 63)

    Truth, present truth, we must dwell upon it. (1T 123) Truth, present truth, is what the people need (5T


    Opposition is the lot of all whom God employs to present truths specially applicable to their time. There was

    a present truth in the days of Luther,--a truth at that time of special importance; there is a present truth for the

    church today. (GC 143) The word today can never be construed as yesterday not the day of Miller, White,

    or Houteff but the word today can only be applied to the days we are living in. (see 1 TG 43:23) Special

    truths have been adapted to the conditions of the generations as they have existed. The present truth, which is a

    test to the people of this generation, was not a test to the people of generations far back. (2T 693)

    2 SR 198 The seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirit of God. (Rev. 4:5.)

    The lamps of fire, seven in number, present before the throne, represent completeness of the truth of God --

    present truth revealed to every generation since the world began -- by which we are judged. Those who are

    obedient to all the light and truth given them, have come up to the requirements -- they are sealed, and cleared

    from the condemnation of the law of God.

    The seven lamps... which are the seven Spirits of God. (Rev. 4:5.) This Scripture proves the fact that light

    and truth are revealed by the Spirit of God only. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father

    will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have

    said unto you. (John 14:26.) The rejecting of light and present truth is the sin against the Holy Ghost. Andwhosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the

    Holy Ghost [present truth] it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. (Matt.

    12:32.) Our attitude towards present truth would Either make a tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the

    tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. (Matt. 12:33.) Thus, present truth has the

    power to change the individual and fit him for eternal life, which is the seal of the living God. Said Jesus: Verily,

    verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of

    God. (John 3:5.) (2 SR 198)

    Let us not however forget that the saints of God are sealed with present truth in all ages, and whatever that

    present truth is, that is the seal. (1 SR 28) As there are seven seals in consecutive order, it is clear that our

    worlds history is divided into seven different periods. (2 SR 202) And, as the six seals have reference to sixperiods in which the saints were sealed, the seventh must also apply to a sealing period; otherwise it cannot be

    called, seventh seal. (2 SR 215)

    Remember, the first six seals are intended to all the saints that are destined for grave and resurrection. But the

    seventh seal, being the last is intended for the living saints ( 2 SR 202). Obviously therefore, there must be a

    present Truth under the seventh seal by which the living saints are to be judged according unto it, either to

    receive the seal or be left unsealed. Such present truth the truth by which the works of each is searched and

    judged, each ones righteousness measured. (15 TR 32)

    The shrewd enemy is too wise to oppose truths and doctrines already accepted to be true (1 SR 246) Or

    in other words, the devil will no longer spent more his energy to the doctrines teached by V.T. Houteff in which

    already accepted by all Davidians to be true. But Satan bent all his cunning devices toward the newly revealed

    Truth.Inspiration declared:

    2 TG 11:10 At the times when new truths have been introduced millions have lost out only because they

  • 7/30/2019 What is the Present Truth for Today (Limited Edition)


    were too well satisfied with what they had. They saw need of nothing better, or else they were too proud to

    accept unpopular Truth from one of Gods own appointed messengers. Thus it is that when God sends a message,

    rather than it being to them a step upward toward salvation, it has been and still is to many a step downward

    toward damnation. To this end was the prophet instructed: ...Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but

    understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy,

    and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and

    convert, and be healed. Isa. 6:9, 10. (2 TG 11:10)

    Consequently, the greatest danger of the people has not been their listening to error but rather their rejectingpresent truth. (3 TR 10, 11) Consequently, our salvation, our fitness for His eternal kingdom, lies in our

    accepting the message which the Lord sends us. (7 TR 68) The unfolding of the prophetic scroll will reveal to

    all what manner of spirit (Gospel Workers p. 302) they are of (6 TR 59) Let us cease fooling ourselves or

    letting others make fools of us (GCS 5), we cannot deceive God. (1T 190) Inspiration declared clearly, that

    Gods true faithful people always bound themselves to new and unpopular truths. (7 TR 68) Whereas the

    hypocrites pretentiously lift up the old Truth, and then bitterly oppose the new truths.Inspiration declared

    1 TG 18:17 What a fearful responsibility rests upon those who carelessly handle the Word of God, who

    pose as soul guardians over the people! Both they and their abominations will fall in the ditch. Indeed, if any

    reform is needed in Christendom, this one is.

    Having now learned better, let us no longer make idols of men; let us no longer give place within us to

    unclean spirits. Let us rather give the Spirit of God a chance to lead us into His ever-advancing Truth with

    personal understanding. (1 TG 18:17)

    5 TR 15 Now, as in times past, church leaders and ministers are crying out against every increase of light,

    and are keeping the people away from it. At the same time, they are feeding the flock with so much truth-coated

    error that the sheep are dying spiritually. (5 TR 15)

    5 TR 14, 15 Ironically, though, the very ones who usually become involved in the practice of altering the

    Scriptures, are those who talk the loudest about exercising great care not to be enmeshed by false doctrine. And,

    to back up their talk, they very carefully keep themselves aloof from everything new which does not come

    through themselves. Such will never recover from their terrible blindness until they begin to search for

    eyesalve (Inspiration) as they do for gold, for only new truth can open their eyes, unmask their errors, and woo

    them to the truth. Satan, though, well knowing that their sight will quickly recover if they come with an open

    heart to the light, consequently fills them with prejudice to keep them from making an unbiased personal

    investigation of unfolding truths. (5 TR 14, 15)

    So let us start now to measure our self, no longer by what we think we are or will be, but by what the Lord

    says we are and must be?Let us begin our investigation with the ensuingFour Questions:

    1.Unto Whom such present Truth originated?

    2.In what way such present Truth is revealed?

    3.What truths can be considered as new, and old?

    4.When such present Truth be revealed, and where?

    All of us, might agree that Present Truth comes only from God. Inspiration declared clearly, as to what

    constitutes meat in due season for men today. (14 TR 22)Absolutely, therefore, we need to ascertain clearly

    as to

    What constitutes meat in due season for men today?


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    Question No. 13:How can it be true that no progressive truth was given to the church during the forty-year period from 1890 to

    1930, when so many of Sister Whites writings were published from 1890 to 1915?

    Answer:Though many of Sister Whites manuscripts were published during the period of time stated above, yet a

    careful check will reveal that if any new revelation of timely Bible truth, meat in due season, was published

    therein, it was revealed to her before 1890. In fact, as early as 1871, she herself announced this cessation of light

    through the Testimonies: I am authorized from God to tell you that not another ray of light through the

    Testimonies will shine upon your pathway, until you make a practical use of the light already given.--

    Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 606.

    So whatever Testimonies she wrote between the dates in question (1890 and 1915) were not expressly to

    reveal timely Bible truth, but primarily to furnish counsel, admonition, reproof, and instruction in righteousness

    in an endeavor to save the Laodiceans from being spued out. Any other of her writings remained, in their

    prophetic aspects, a mystery until the forty years expired with the arrival ofThe Shepherds Rod.

    So long without spiritual oil, the churchs Truth-containing vessel needed to be refilled with fresh oil, that her

    lamp might lighten her path all the way to the Kingdom, lest she fall from the strait and narrow road at the very

    end of her long pilgrimage. So in His great love and mercy, the Lord has sent The Shepherds Rodto gather up

    and make a practical use of the light already given. Therefore, now, commands the Lord, Hear ye the Rod, and

    Who hath appointed it. Mic. 6:9. (1 Ans. 93, 94)

    From 1890 A.D. up to 1915, E.G. White has still many, many books that had been published. But the SROD

    made it so plain, Though many of Sister Whites manuscripts were published during the period of time stated

    above, yet a careful check will reveal that if any new revelation of timely Bible truth, meat in due season, was

    published therein, it was revealed to her before 1890 Such statement definitely indicates that continual

    publishing doesnt mean they have that meat in due season. As long as such, publications are only a repetition

    of what already been revealed it cannot be called as meat in due season according to our reading.

    Let us be Gods real people, logical thinkers, not bait hunters. (2 TG 24:23) We need to employ our

    common sense (2 SC 1:9), says the Spirit of Prophecy, Close reasoners and logical thinkers are few. (3 SC 5,

    6:7) If even at the time when the prophet was still alive, when such Truth stops unfolding it was considered as 40

    years without refilling then how much more at the time when there is no prophet at all? Think it thoroughly!

    Now let us read7 JL 4 As the Denomination has made no progress in Truth since the death of her Heaven-called founder, it

    is obvious that she has nothing to boast about; that she is retrograding and is as dead spiritually as were the Jews

    from the time of the prophet Malachis death to John the Baptists appearance in the wilderness of Judea. The line

    of communication between her and God is cut off as it was in Johns time. She can no more now serve hermembers meat in due season than could the Jews without the prophets. Her blindness to this fact, and her

    assumption that she is in need of nothing make her wound incurable. (7 JL 4)

    What does it mean by the word since? The word since is an adverb. It simply indicates from the past time

    indicated, between a certain past time of event and the present. Then obvious it is, such statement can

    appropriately be applied to the DSDA organization rather than to the SDA church, otherwise it would have

    contradicted 1 Ans. 93, that the Truth stops unfolding since 1890, rather than in 1915 when E.G. White died. If

    we are really a genuine SROD believers, we need to acknowledge this absolute fact that she can no more now

    serve her members meat in due season than could the Jews without the prophets. Her blindness to this fact and

    her assumption that she is in need of nothing make her wound incurable.

    1 TG 51:5 If the Church is not making progress with Truth, if she is not periodically adding unquestionable

    knowledge to knowledge, then, I am sure, she has nothing to boast about. She is inactive, her communication line

    with Heaven broken, is God forsaken, dead. She can never serve her members with meat in due season from

    the throne of God. (1 TG 51:5)

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    1 Ans. 70 And what is still more basic, and more urgently to the point, is that each Movement alike failed

    to progress from one message to the next, and to go on to reach its final goal of transcendental attainments in

    divine knowledge. Instead, each fell from the heights of its own early rich experience, back down to spiritual

    poverty, because it failed to keep pace with the Truth. Each Divinely called Movement came to a standstill where

    it contentedly satisfied itself that it was yet in the sanctified steps to the Mount of Perfection, (1 Ans. 70)

    Let us ever remember That we cannot be led into all Truth without the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy. ( 1

    TG 14:17) And that is why Inspiration plainly declared Since The Revelation, the book that speaks to thepeople of God at this time, recommends the sect that keeps the commandments and that has the gift of prophecy,

    you cannot wisely connect yourself with any other sect. (2 TG 34:23) Since the Scriptures explain that the

    church in all ages has been led into truth only through the gift of prophecy, the Christian has no choice but to

    conclude that Gods will and plan for this time is just as it was for times past; that is, that the knowledge of

    salvation be imparted through the writings of the Old Testament prophets, as interpreted by those upon whom, as

    the scroll unfolds, He bestows the same Spirit by which He moved upon holy men of God in old time. 2 Pet.

    1:21. For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. Mal. 3:6. (6 TR 10)

    2 TG 45:6 Thus it is clear that the Testimony of Jesus and the Spirit of Prophecy are synonymous

    terms for a timely message sent from God -- meat in due season. The Spirit of prophecy, therefore, is Gods

    means of communicating from Heaven directly to His church on earth, as well as of unfolding the sealedprophecies to her. (2 TG 45:6)

    When the prophet died the Truth stops unfolding (7 JL 4). Then how could such group of people maintain it

    spiritual vitality and growth, without the prophet in their midst, without any communication line from heaven? (3

    Ans. 60) Think it thoroughly brethren! The voice of Inspiration declared clearly1 TG 15:5 Having deprived themselves of the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy by doing away with the

    prophets, they completely cut off Heavens communication line and were thus left in gross darkness and led into

    error, fanaticism, and crime. They became self-sufficient, proud, boastful, and high minded. (1 TG 15:5)

    Is there anything which could more completely and more quickly sever ones communication line with God

    forever than an attitude of having all the Truth and of having need of no more? ( 1 TG 8:20) If they expect

    more truth and if Jesus Christ Himself should come with more truth would they not crucify Him also? I know

    that I am not making a rash statement, not exaggerating either, and I also know that the Bible will sustain me in

    what I am saying, else I would not say it. (2 TG 24:21)

    Some reason in this way, No, all the statements cannot be applied to Davidian. For the SROD is already an

    interpretation therefore it needs no longer any interpreter. Without considering that Davidia at the present time

    are divided into different groups due to private interpretation. The voice of Inspiration declared1 TG 14:16, 17 Affirmatively stated, all Scripture, not merely a part of It, is inspired. Negatively stated,

    none of It is privately interpreted, for the reason that It did not come of men but of God; that is, as the Spirit of

    God dictated to men the Scriptures, so the Spirit of God must interpret the Scriptures to men, that no manprivately (without Inspiration) is capable of disclosing the sealed prophecies or interpreting any part of them or

    even capable of understanding their importance after they are interpreted except it be by the gift of the Spirit of

    Truth None of the wicked, therefore, shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Dan. 12:10. (1 TG

    14:16, 17)

    The SROD declared clearly Moreover, even after prophecy is thus interpreted, only to the righteous (the

    penitent) is given the gift of understanding it (Daniel 12:10) (2 TG 44:31, 32). That even after the prophecy is

    thus interpreted no one is capable of understanding their importance except it be by the gift of the Spirit of

    Prophecy, according to 1 TG 14:16. In conclusion That we cannot be led into all Truth without the gift of the

    Spirit of Prophecy. (1 TG 14:17)

    If only through the channel of Inspiration can our God communicate His people, interpret the Scriptures

    reveal truth and unmask error, then if we object such method of revelation (3 Ans. 30) then unto whom our

    communication at the present time did emanates? That is why the SROD plainly declared

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    2 SR 286 The acceptance of so-called truth, without inspiration, is the devils trap of deception, and they

    who advocate such fallacious teachings are the hardest and most impossible ones to rescue from Satans

    bottomless pit; for he makes them believe that confession of their errors would disqualify them for teachers, and

    dishonor their high standing. (2 SR 286)

    JOHN 6:28,29

    Verse 28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

    Verse 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath


    This absolute declaration of Jesus Christ is applied to all God sent ones. Jesus declared: Howbeit when he,

    the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he

    shall hear, thatshall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. (John 16:13) For all, there exists in this

    connection one great need: the Spirit of Truth, Whose right alone it is to interpret the Scriptures. ( 3 TR 91) So

    he who would have true religion, must pray for the Spirit of Truth. (5 Ans. 22) Remember, If the Spirit of Truth

    cannot now convince you of Truth and righteousness, then He never will. (1 TG 12:21)

    Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the life. (John 14:6) That Spirit which is called the Spirit of Truth is the

    Spirit of Christ in the prophet. (5 SC 1-5:6) By which such Spirit the Spirit of Christ apart from man, is also

    inactive: He, too, works through the human agent. Hence, without an inspired interpreter the concealed

    prophecies and the Spirit that unfolds them are inactive (2 TG 24:23, 24). For example, from 1915 up to 1930

    A.D., that Spirit of Truth is inactive no longer manifesting Itself for 15 years. And that is why inspiration told

    us, that in such period of time, at the time when the Spirit of Truth is not as yet manifesting, we should not

    meddle with the inspired writers work. (1 Ans. 47) But we are admonished to wait for the Spirit of Truth to

    come to teach us, which teaching is called Inspiration. (2 SC 12:6)

    7 SC 7-12:18 Thus putting aside your own thoughts and your own ways, and availing yourselves of the

    Lords (Isa. 55:8, 9), in exclusive devotion to the Spirit of, Truth, you will see eye to eye, and speak the same

    thing. Then only will you be able to dispel the spirit of confusion and to retain the Spirit of love and unity. (7 SC7-12:18)

    What is of first and supreme importance to each, however, is to know for a surety that his name is written in

    the Book. To have this most blessed assurance, one must first know what will keep ones name out of the Book,

    and what will put it in. (WHR 11) What a solemn time we have come to, Brothers, Sisters. Do you realize that

    if you do not now make an effort to put your name in the book, it may be forever too late? ( 2 TG 7:10, 11)

    Nothing in the world is worth as much as having our names written in the book. And therein we may have our

    names if we choose to follow the Spirit of Truth and to keep the commandments of God. (2 TG 16:22)

    2 SR 286 The only safe way by which Gods servants and His church can be free from error, full of faith,

    without guile in their mouth (all speak the same thing), is the never erring guide--

    The Spirit of Prophecy. (2SR 286)

    To have the Spirit of Prophecy, is to have the Spirit Who uttered the prophecies and who only can interpret

    them, nor without the inspiration of the same Spirit (2 TG 14:17) The statement Inspiration of the same

    Spirit, is the mysteries of Inspiration by which only the Spirit of Christ the Spirit of Truth transmitted such

    mystery from one person to another. (5 Ans. 55) The same with Isaiah and E.G. White, the Spirit that inspired

    Isaiah the same Spirit that transmitted and inspired E.G. White according to 6 TR 34.Now let us read

    GCS 7, 8 Thus will be the Devils deal while the day of God is approaching, and while Elijah is making

    the announcement of it as the scroll unrolls and while the prophecies concerning the day of God are being

    unsealed. His work and his interpretation of the prophecies for the great day will identify him as the promisedElijah the prophet (Testimonies to Ministers, p. 475), and this will enrage the Devil as never before.

    Nevertheless, ones only safety will be in the teaching of Elijah, for there will be no other voice of timely Truth

    and authority to whom one may turn. Any others will lead their victims blind-folded into perdition. (GCS 7, 8)

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    The DSDA, the same as the Jews, inspiration declared: Of Mosess writings the Jews made a mighty

    weapon against Christ and the prophets of that day. (1 TG 15:6) Davidia as well, they used the writings of V.T.

    Houteff, and find a mighty weapon against the manifestation of the Inspiration of today. But will you not give

    unbiased consideration, to elucidate every portion of our reading?

    1. Let us remember always to observe the inviolable rule that an interpretation of one inspired statement

    must harmonize with all other related statements. (3 Ans. 41)

    For example, V.T. Houteff declared: According to Ezekiel 2:3; 3:1, 4, 5, 7, the prophet was to bear hismessage to the whole house of Israel (the term house of Israel, denoting either all twelve tribes or only the

    ten tribes as the case might be). Yet he did not understand the meaning of the vision. Had he, he would have

    explained it, rather than declaring: I came to them of the captivity at Telabib, that dwelt by the river of Chebar,

    and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days. Ezek. 3:15.

    Since at the time of the vision, the house of Judah, the two-tribe kingdom, was in captivity in the land of the

    Chaldeans, and the house of Israel, the ten-tribe kingdom, was in dispersion among the nations whither it had

    been carried away and scattered some years before (2 Kings 17:6), there was no possibility of Ezekiels

    delivering the message to them. And as it is to both the house ofIsraeland the house ofJudah (Ezek. 9:9), -- the

    twelve tribes, -- consequently it was prophetic in Ezekiels time. (1 TR 11)

    Now let us brought such condition through our present situation.Let us readWHR 29 Thus far, the fact stands out that this final call comes at the last hour of the parabolical day, just

    before the gospel work closes. Being the last message of mercy to the world, and also the last call for servants, it

    must therefore be borne by Elijah the prophet, by him who appears just before the great and dreadful day of the

    Lord. Mal. 4:5; Matt. 17:11. Accordingly, the servants of the eleventh hour must be called to the work by him

    during the time he is announcing the day of the Lord, the day in which the Lord takes His fan in His hand (Matt.

    3:12; Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 80; Testimonies To Ministers, p. 373), and purges His floor -- blows away the

    chaff and burns the tares. Once He puts the wheat into His barn ( Matt. 13:30), into His Kingdom-church, it

    ever remains without tares, and hence a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing;

    but...holy and without blemish. Eph. 5:27. Gods White House indeed! (See Isaiah 52:1, Joel 3:17, andNahum

    1:15.) (WHR 29)

    Brethren, we need to be Gods real people, logical thinkers, not bait hunters (2 TG 24:23). And in order to

    establish authoritatively a particular prophetic time, grammatical rule must be strictly followed. (2 SR 118; 1 SR


    The word announcing is in a present progressive form. And the word during simply indicates within the

    period of time by which such prophet is announcing. If the statement is applied to V.T. Houteff, then the phrase

    during the time he is announcing must be from 1929 up to Feb. 5, 1955 A.D. Then if such the case, how

    could he be able to call the 11th hour servants which is the 144,000 (WHR 28), when at the time he is

    announcing such constituent of the living saints did not even as yet in existence? The same with Ezekiel of old,

    it utters the impossibility of delivering the message to the 12 tribes, while in captivity.

    Brothers and Sisters, Inspiration made it so plain, that the 11 th hour servants must be called to the work by

    him (not by publications), at the time when he is announcing or during the time when antitypical Elijah is

    announcing the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord.Now, lets turn back toGCS pages 7, 8.

    2.The statement was no other voice of timely Truth and authority to whom one may turn. Any others will

    lead their victims blind-folded into perdition. (GCS 8) Did we seriously consider the phrase timely Truth?

    We must not be superficial readers and thinkers. Let us be deep Bible students. (2 TG 6:15) We need to

    ascertain clearly, how the SROD explain about Timely Truth.Inspiration declared:2 SR 289 Find your explanations in the Bowl, and you will have no trouble in knowing the truth, or of

    avoiding the ever ready trap of deception. Thus the difficulty in knowing the difference between truth and error is

    eliminated. (2 SR 289)

    What is Timely Truth according to the SROD?Let us read

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    Question No. 13:

    How can it be true that no progressive truth was given to the church during the forty-year period from 1890 to

    1930, when so many of Sister Whites writings were published from 1890 to 1915?


    Though many of Sister Whites manuscripts were published during the period of time stated above, yet a

    careful check will reveal that if any new revelation of timely Bible truth, meat in due season, was published

    therein, it was revealed to her before 1890. In fact, as early as 1871, she herself announced this cessation of light

    through the Testimonies: I am authorized from God to tell you that not another ray of light through the

    Testimonies will shine upon your pathway, until you make a practical use of the light already given.--

    Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 606.

    So whatever Testimonies she wrote between the dates in question (1890 and 1915) were not expressly to

    reveal timely Bible truth, but primarily to furnish counsel, admonition, reproof, and instruction in righteousness

    in an endeavor to save the Laodiceans from being spued out. Any other of her writings remained, in theirprophetic aspects, a mystery until the forty years expired with the arrival ofThe Shepherds Rod.

    So long without spiritual oil, the churchs Truth-containing vessel needed to be refilled with fresh oil, that her

    lamp might lighten her path all the way to the Kingdom, lest she fall from the strait and narrow road at the very

    end of her long pilgrimage. So in His great love and mercy, the Lord has sent The Shepherds Rodto gather up

    and make a practical use of the light already given. Therefore, now, commands the Lord, Hear ye the Rod, and

    Who hath appointed it. Mic. 6:9. (1 Ans. 93, 94)

    This statement is sufficient enough to enlightened such beclouded mind. The message which is already in

    repetition can no longer be called as Timely Truth. The Word of God made it so plain, very plain that whatever

    message published from 1890 to 1915, it was already revealed to E.G. White prior to 1890. Obviously therefore,whatever message we did published from 1955 A.D. upward, if it was already revealed to V.T. Houteff from 1929

    1955 A.D. can no longer be called as Timely Truth. There is no dispute, that V.T. Houteff was the Elijah from

    1929 A.D. 1955 A.D., and his message in that period of time is called Timely Truth.

    Let us not however forget, that Gods law of type that where there is type, there must also be antitype. ( 9

    TR 72) And since John the Baptist, being the Elijah in his days is typological, by saying that John was a type

    of the Elijah that is to come before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) (1 SC

    4:5), therefore the Truth stands out boldly, V.T. Houteff declared: thus making Johns work an ensample of

    our work Johns work the type, ours the antitype. (1 TG 36:4)

    Typical Elijah John the Baptist being the last prophet of the entire dispensation of the militant church prior to

    the existence of the triumphant church which is the house of David, then obvious it is, the promised Elijah before

    the coming of the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord the antitypical Elijah John the Baptist which is V.T.

    Houteff must also be the last prophet of the militant church of the entire dispensation of the Christian era prior to

    the existence of the triumphant church which is the house of David. Heres some numerical number of events.

    From 1930 A.D. up to 1996 A.D., there were 66years. Number 66 represents the entire books ofthe Bible. And since Inspiration came in 1996

    A.D., plainly shows that such Inspiration must bethe unfoldment of the entire formula of the plan of


    1930 A.D. 1996 A.D.

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    In the Christian era, there are three Elijahs, namely typological Elijah John the Baptist, second antitypical

    Elijah John the Baptist which is V.T. Houteff, and antitypical Elijah the Tishbite, the last prophet who will no

    longer taste death. Therefore, there are three one 111. Number 3 represents trinity.

    1885, thus 1 + 8 + 8 + 5 =


    1996, thus 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 25











    Number50 denotes the year of jubilee. The year1996 is the year of jubilee. (Please read our pamphletTHE


    1885, thus 1 + 8 + 8 + 5 =


    1966, thus 1 + 9 + 6 + 6 = 22

    Then 22 + 22 = 44. Both prophets were 44 years old when the scroll began to unroll.

    From 1885 A.D. up to 1996 A.D. when

    Inspiration came there were 111 years. The three

    one represent the three Elijahs.

    111 YEARS

    V.T. Houteff

    was born.

    1885 A.D. 1996 A.D.

    Antitypical ElijahJohn the Baptist

    was born.

    V.T. HouteffAntitypical Elijahthe Tishbite was

    born.81 YEARS

    1885 A.D. 1966 A.D.

    44 YEARS

    44 YEARS

    1885 A.D. 1929 A.D.

    1966 A.D. 2010 A.D.

  • 7/30/2019 What is the Present Truth for Today (Limited Edition)


    And since there are two 81s, that pertains to the two RODs, first the Rod of God given to Moses, and the

    Rod of God given to Joshua, therefore such number 162 must refer to 2 SRpage 162.Let us read

    2 SR 162 The cases of all who are sealed from 1929 to the final close of probation will be investigated

    before the throne in the heavenly sanctuary while living. The investigation commences after the fulfillment of

    Ezekiel 9. Those who are sealed from 1929 to the fulfillment ofEzekiel 9 (close of probation for the church), are

    living saints, 144,000 in number, who shall never die -- translated without tasting death. The class which

    neglected their opportunity were left without the seal to perish under the ruin of Ezekiel 9; Isaiah 63; and Isaiah

    66:15-17. This example of the destruction of the sinners in the church is a type of the destruction of the sinners in

    the world after the close of probation. The great multitude of Revelation 7:9, living at the time of the close of

    probation for the world, shall also never die, of whom the 144,000 were a type. But all the wicked being left

    without the seal, shall perish. Hitherto is the end of the matter; Fear God [not man] and keep His

    commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Eccl. 12:13. (2 SR 162)

    (To have more definite understanding, please read our pamphlet entitled DOES THE JUDGMENT OF THE


    In conclusion:1. Inspiration admonished us, in order to make sure of salvation, we need to ascertain clearly what movement

    we are to enlist. (14 TR 22)

    2.God has never had more than one movement in existence at a time and it could not be otherwise now, for

    Christ cannot be divided (2 SR 125). And since there is only one Truth, and since no two (Davidian) sects are in

    absolute agreement as to what it is, naturally not all can be right, but all save one mustbe wrong. (6 TR 3, 4)

    3.That we cannot be led into all Truth without the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy (1 TG 14:17), Inspiration

    admonished us that we cannot wisely connect our self with any other sect, except that sect which has the gift of

    the Spirit of Prophecy (2 TG 34:23). For that movement having no prophetic gift among them that group must

    be running without being sent by God. (4 Ans. 80)

    4.All the Movement which is of God must have its typological representation (1 SR 68). As there is no type

    for that which is false, teachers of theories without a typical representation for their claims of so-called Bible

    truths. The types are worked out to expose the error and reveal the truth. The honest ones will shun the devil by

    embracing the facts, and by walking in the light. (2 SR 255)

    5.Thus it is clear that the Testimony of Jesus and the Spirit of Prophecy are synonymous terms for a

    timely message sent from God -- meat in due season. The Spirit of prophecy, therefore, is Gods means of

    communicating from Heaven directly to His church on earth, as well as of unfolding the sealed prophecies to

    her. (2 TG 45:6)

    81 YEARS + 81 YEARS = 162 YEARS

    81 YEARS

    1929 A.D. 2010 A.D.

    1850 A.D. 2012 A.D.

  • 7/30/2019 What is the Present Truth for Today (Limited Edition)


    When the prophet died, the church is thus cut off from the very source of its life. And no one could serve their

    members meat in due season without the prophet (3 Ans. 60; 7 JL 4). Then obvious it is, the present Truth which

    cometh only from God is channeled through the Gift of the Spirit of Prophecy in which the SROD plainly

    declared it is Gods means of communicating from Heaven directly to His church on earth, as well as of

    unfolding the sealed prophecies to her. (2 TG 45:6)Now let us read1 Ans. 90 But the secondphase, that promised power (Joel 2:28) which comes afterward, afterthe

    latter rain, is that for which most Christians are praying without considering that there is a first phase (Joel


    the teacher of righteousness, a final outpouring of Present Truth-which must be obtained before the final

    outpouring of power can be realized. (1 Ans. 90)

    The saints of God are sealed with present truth in all ages, and whatever that present truth is, that is the seal.

    (1 SR 28) The lamps of fire, seven in number, present before the throne, represent completeness of the truth of

    God present truth revealed to every generation since the world began by which we are judged. (2 SR 198)

    And since the first six seals are intended for all those who will experience death, but the seventh seal is intended

    for the living saints (2 SR 202), then obvious it is there must be a present Truth under the last seal, by which the

    living are to be judged.

    Obviously, therefore the final outpouring of the present Truth, must be the present Truth under the last seal

    the seventh seal. For As the six seals have reference to six periods in which the saints were sealed, theseventh must also apply to a sealing period; otherwise it cannot be called, seventh seal. (2 SR 215)

    Once for all, we would like to let everybody knew, that we never force our ideas we just rather share. Let

    every man be fully persuaded in his own mind is always our position. But we are fervently hoping that we

    should not be among those who are determined to identify themselves with the class who will forever be

    found Ignorantly Fighting The Truth. (6 TR 59)

    Yours in Christ Jesus,A.D.JEZREEL
