Page 1: What is happening in these images? What is similar and what is dissimilar?

What is happening in these images? What is What is happening in these images? What is similar and what is dissimilar?similar and what is dissimilar?

Page 2: What is happening in these images? What is similar and what is dissimilar?




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DefinitionDefinition: : The The process of process of sendingsending and and receivingreceiving messages.messages.

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ChannelsChannelsCommunication is Communication is transmitted through transmitted through many different many different channels or channels or means of means of sending a messagesending a message..

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The 3 important Channels are:The 3 important Channels are:

1 Sound WavesSound Waves: Verbal : Verbal MessagesMessages

2 Light WavesLight Waves::NonverbalNonverbal (IE: (IE: Stop Stop LightsLights))

3 Sense of TouchSense of Touch::Nonverbal Nonverbal (IE: Handshakes/Hugs) (IE: Handshakes/Hugs)

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The Communication ModelThe Communication ModelConsists of 5 main partsConsists of 5 main parts

1. 1. SenderSender-transmits message-transmits message

2. Message2. Message

3. 3. ReceiverReceiver-person who -person who

intercepts the message and intercepts the message and

then decodes the messagethen decodes the message

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4. 4. FeedbackFeedback-includes -includes reactions that receiver reactions that receiver gives to message offeredgives to message offered

5. 5. InterferenceInterference-anything -anything that gets in the way of that gets in the way of clear communicationclear communication

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The Communication The Communication ProcessProcess

Sender:Transmits message.

Message:Verbal andnonverbal

Receiver:intercepts andinterprets messageand transmitsFeedbackFeedback:

Verbal and Nonverbal Response to Senders Message

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DefinitionDefinition: : Anything that Anything that gets in the way of the gets in the way of the original message.original message.

There are 3 Types of There are 3 Types of interferance or NOISEinterferance or NOISE

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2. 2. Psychological noisePsychological noise: thoughts : thoughts or feelings that distractor feelings that distract

3. 3. Semantic noiseSemantic noise: interference : interference caused by negative feelings caused by negative feelings against the speaker or the against the speaker or the subject.subject.

1. Physical Noise

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the setting in the setting in which the which the communication communication takes placetakes place

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Informal SettingsInformal Settings

Informal SettingsInformal Settings--where where most of your communication most of your communication occurs; casual, unstructured occurs; casual, unstructured situationssituations

ExampleExample: Talking with family and friends, giving : Talking with family and friends, giving instructions, asking directions, giving and receiving instructions, asking directions, giving and receiving information in class, introducing people, etc.information in class, introducing people, etc.

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Formal SettingsFormal Settings Formal SettingsFormal Settings--situations situations

you can prepare for ahead of you can prepare for ahead of time, sometimes allow you to time, sometimes allow you to affect the ideas and feelings affect the ideas and feelings of people in a variety of of people in a variety of settings.settings.

ExampleExample: Public speaking, banquets, : Public speaking, banquets, church,, etc.

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PhobiaPhobiapersistent, irrational persistent, irrational fear that causes us to fear that causes us to avoid specific avoid specific situationssituations

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Non-Communication PhobiasNon-Communication Phobias(Don’t Write)(Don’t Write)

Arachnophobia- Fear of spidersArachnophobia- Fear of spiders Clinophobia- Fear of going to Clinophobia- Fear of going to

bedbed Zoophobia- Fear of animalsZoophobia- Fear of animals Linonophobia- Fear of string.Linonophobia- Fear of string.

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Social phobiasSocial phobias

involve fear of involve fear of being evaluated being evaluated by othersby others

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Stage frightStage frightCauses a lot of Causes a lot of reactions in reactions in different peopledifferent people

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overall fear of overall fear of speaking aloud-speaking aloud-often afraid of often afraid of hearing own voicehearing own voice
