Page 1: What is ASWOOD paving? is ASWOOD paving? Paving仁reated by仁ombiningwood仁hipsand rubber modified asphalt emulsions at normal te円iperature. Being provided with excellent features

What is ASWOOD paving?

Paving仁reatedby仁ombiningwood仁hipsand rubber modified asphalt emulsions

at normal te円iperature.

Being provided with excellent features such as elasticity comfortable for walking

and high water permeability, it harmonizes with the natural environment and is

human friendly.

An application example for a walking trail


・ Cushioning characteristics comfortable for the feet

・ High rainwater permeability, forming no puddles

・Woody feeling that harmonizes with the natural environment

・ Mixture created at normal temperature is excellent for energy savings and

environment preservation.

Applicable areas

Walkways, walking trails, garden paths, jogging roads, cycling roads, walkway for

parks/historic places, internal paving for various premises such as care houses, S仁hoolsand stations

NICHIREKI CO.,LTD Hiroyuki Morihata [email protected] NICHIREKI
