Page 1: What does the Empire have Planned for Poor Justin Trudeau?

As of October 2, Member of Parliament Justin Trudeau

has announced his candidacy for the leadership of the

Liberal Party. With his press release announcing his

inner circle of advisors, it must be said here and now

that Justin is off to a very bad start. The first of the two

advisors that send off alarm bells is none other than Ted

Johnson, who was not only his father’s executive assis-

tant, but also served as Vice President of Paul Des-

marais’ Power Corp. in the 1990s, handling the damage

control during the disastrous “UN Food for Oil” pro-


Joining Johnson is Justin Trudeau’s old McGill Univer-

sity debate partner Gerald Butts, who is returning from

his former role as Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s

principal Secretary, having overseen the disastrous

Green energy initiatives of McGuinty’s government, to

handle his young protégé. Butts’ qualifications for his

Ontario job rested heavily on the fact that he was and

remains President and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund

Canada (WWFC). The Malthusian WWF was founded

by Prince Philip, Sir Julian Huxley and Prince Bernhard

of the Netherlands in 1961 as part of the British Em-

pire’s policy of making the “unthinkable once again

become thinkable” as Sir Huxley wrote in his 1946

founding document of UNESCO(1). The unthinkable of

course, is “the important science of Eugenics”, which,

in the eyes of these oligarchs, was given ‘terrible pub-

licity’ when their “Hitler project” (begun and controlled

largely as a British-Wall Street initiative until 1937)

failed them. It is no coincidence that former Nazi SS

officer Prince Bernhard is also the founder of the infa-

mous Bilderberg conferences which began in 1954 to

advance the cause of one world government and de-

population. Both Ted Johnson and Gerald Butts were

participants in those very conferences (1983 and 2007


The WWF Canada was given new powers to influence

national policy as part of Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s revo-

lution in “greening Canada” from 1968-1984. These

reforms, which included the creation of Environment

Canada, a mass of green legislation, and new financing

support systems for NGOs such as WWF, Nature Trust,

and Conservation International, have had a devastating

impact in arresting all serious development projects in

Canada as well as representing a frontal attack on the

universalizing sense of optimism that NASA’s Apollo

landing on the Moon represented, especially for Cana-

dians who took great pride that their newly founded

Canadian Space Agency partook of this great endeav-


These Pierre Trudeau-era programs have served to stunt

Canada’s development as a sovereign nation-state on

the one side, and keep Canada locked into the Power

Corp.-enforced trap of the free trade (aka: “fur trade”)

exploitation of resources for prices that often fall below

the cost of production, demonstrated by such monstrous

policies as NAFTA.

Power Corp. has been directly linked to every major

leader of the Liberal Party since Pierre Trudeau, and

that includes Conservative Brian Mulroney who re-

cently helped found the Asia Power Corp. to attempt to

control the energy program of Asia. This roster of re-

cent Liberal leaders include Jean Chrétien , Paul Mar-

tin, as well as current interim leader of the Liberal Party

Bob Rae, whose brother John Rae currently serves as

the Executive Vice-President of Power Corp. as Paul

Desmarais’ right-hand man. Paul Demarais is also a

Privy Councillor to her Royal Highness Queen Eliza-

beth II.

In light of these revelations, perhaps the Liberal Party

would do well to not be seduced by the star power of

young Justin and arrange for a competent leader with

more substance to take on the important role of leading

Canada into the future.

What does the Empire have planned

for Poor Justin Trudeau?

Justin’s Trudeau at his leadership rally

(1) UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy by Julian Hu-

xley, 1946

