Page 1: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

What do you notice about this pattern?

Page 2: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

Page 3: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

What do you notice? Similarities/differences from previous pictures?

Page 4: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

What parallels can be drawn between this graphic art (Celtic and Norse) and Beowulf?

Page 5: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

Based on the work of John Leyerle, University of Toronto

Beowulf shifts rapidly in terms of place, time with little concern for chronological order

Composed at a time when great value placed on interlacing design, complexity of which has not been reached since

Page 6: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

Seen in variety of places: jewelry, metal and stone work, calligraphy, other forms of decoration (ships, etc.)

Ribbons of interlace appear both in knots, etc. and zoomorphs (animal forms like the brooch)

The tighter the ribbons, the harder it is to follow an individual strand

High level of skill and intricacy dispels, in part, the idea of Anglo-Saxons being ignorant and crude

Page 7: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

Variation of two or more subjects = stylistic interlace

Examples of interlace: Hygelac’s Frisian expedition comes in four parts Lines 1202-14, 2501-9, 2501-9, and 2913-21 Interlacing allows for a juxtaposition not possible

with linear narrative Beowulf’s gift of golden torque connected to its later

loss when Hygelac killed Beowulf’s preparation to face dragon connected to

Hygelac’s Frisian adventure Hygelac’s death seeking treasure parallel’s Beowulf’s

death with dragon

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Only two episodes told in chronological order: killing of Grendel and his mother, and the fighting of dragon

Narrative intersected by other stories which provide a different perspective As Beowulf prepares to fight dragon, continues

allusions to Swedish wars, illustrating the full consequences of Beowulf’s actions

Human threat far more menacing than the dragon Interlacing allows for connection to circular

nature of time, reoccurrence of human actions all told through a circular medium

Page 9: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

Fighting monsters Beowulf fights the water monsters when

swimming against Braca/battles Grendel’s mother in the water

Unferð (mar-peace) issues insult against Beowulf, he responds by saying Unferð killed his own brother connecting him to Cain, Grendel

Hospitality Grendel breaks hospitality of Heorot/

Freawaru’s marriage to Ingeld results in the erupting of a feud and Heorot is burned

Page 10: What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

Gold Leaders give gold to their retainers for their

continued allegiance/ monsters like Grendel, the dragon hoard treasure

Beowulf does not take treasure from Grendel’s cave –there for revenge/ Hygelac and Beowulf are later destroyed by treasure (Frisians/dragon)

Funerals Poem begins and ends with death of leaders,

bringing it full circle
