Page 1: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

What are the real challenges in data mining?

Charles Elkan

University of California, San Diego

August 21, 2003

Page 2: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Bogosity about learning with unbalanced data

1. The goal is yes/no classification. No: ranking, or probability estimation Often, P(c=minority|x) < 0.5 for all examples x

2. Decision trees and C4.5 are well-suited– No: model each class separately, then use Bayes’ rule

P(c|x) = P(x|c)P(c) / [ P (x|c)P(c) + P(x|~c)P(~c) ] – No: avoid small disjuncts

With naïve Bayes: P(x|c) = P(xi | c)

3. Under/over-sampling are appropriate– No: do cost-based example-specific sampling, then bagging

4. ROC curves and AUC are important

Page 3: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Learning to predict contact maps

3D protein distance map binary contact map

(Source: Paolo Frasconi et al.)

Page 4: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Issues in contact map prediction

1. An ML researcher sees O(n2) non-contacts and O(n) contacts.

2. But to a biologist, the concept “an example of a non- contact” is far from natural.

3. Moreover, there is no natural probability distribution defining the population of “all” proteins.

4. A statistician sees simply O(n2) distance measures— but s/he finds least-squares regression is useless!

Page 5: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

For the rooftop detection task …

We used […] BUDDS, to extract candidate rooftops (I.e. parallelograms) from six-large area images. Such processing resulted in 17,289 candidates, which an expert labeled as 781 positive examples and 17,048 negative examples of the concept “rooftop.”

(Source: Learning When Data Sets are Imbalanced and When Costs are Unequal and Unknown, Marcus Maloof, this workshop.)

Page 6: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

How to detect faces in real-time?

Viola and Jones, CVPR ‘01:Slide window over image45396 features per windowLearn boosted decision-stump classifier

Page 7: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

UCI datasets are small and not highly unbalanced


PIMA 768 8 0.35

PHONEME 5484 5 0.29

SATIMAGE 6435 36 0.10

MAMMOG. 11183 6 0.02

KRKOPT 28056 6 0.01

(Source: C4.5 and Imbalanced Data Sets, Nitin Chawla, this workshop.)

Page 8: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003
Page 9: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Features of the DMEF and similar datasets

1. At least 105 examples and 102.5 features.

2. No single well-defined target class.

3. Interesting cases have frequency < 0.01.

4. Much information on costs and benefits, but no overall model of profit/loss.

5. Different cost matrices for different examples

6. Most cost matrix entries are unknown.

Page 10: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Example-dependent costs and benefits


1. Loss or profit depends on the transaction size x.

2. Figuring out the full profit/loss model is hard.

3. Opportunity costs are confusing.

4. Creative management transforms costs into benefits.

5. How do we account for long-term costs and benefits?



legitimate fraudulent

legitimate + 0.01x - x

fraudulent - 20 - 10

Page 11: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Correct decisions require correct probabilities

Let p = P(legitimate). The optimal decision is “approve” iff

0.01xp – (1-p)x > (-20)p + (-10)(1-p)

This calculation requires well-calibrated estimates of p.



legitimate fraudulent

legitimate + 0.01x - x

fraudulent - 20 - 10

Page 12: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

1. “AUC can give a general idea of the quality of the probabilistic estimates produced by the model”

No, AUC only evaluates the ranking produced.1. “Cost curves are equivalent to ROC curves” No, a single point on the ROC curve is optimal only if

costs are the same for all examples.Advice: Use $ profit to compare methods.Issue: When is $ difference statistically


ROC curves considered harmful

(Source: Medical College of Georgia.)

Page 13: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Usually we must learn a model to estimate costs

Cost matrix for soliciting donors to a charity.

The donation amount x is always unknown for test examples, so we must use the training data to learn a regression model to predict x.



donor non-donor

solicit x – $0.68 - $0.68

ignore 0 0

Page 14: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

So, we learn a model to estimate costs …

Issue: The subset in the training set with x > 0 is a skewed sample for learning a model to estimate x.

Reason: Donation amount x and probability of donation p are inversely correlated.

Hence, the training set contains too few examples of large donations, compared to small ones.



donor non-donor

solicit x – $0.68 - $0.68

ignore 0 0

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Page 16: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

The “reject inference” problem

1. Let humans make credit grant/deny decisions.

2. Collect data about repay/write-off, but only for people to whom credit is granted.

3. Learn a model from this training data.

4. Apply the model to all future applicants.

Issue: “All future applicants” is a sample from a different population than “people to whom credit is granted.”

Page 17: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003
Page 18: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Selection bias makes training labels incorrect

In the Wisconsin Prognostic Breast Cancer Database, average survival time with chemotherapy is lower (58.9 months) than without (63.1)!

Historical actions are not optimal, but they are not chosen randomly either.

(Source: William H. Wolberg, M.D.)

Page 19: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Sequences of training sets

1. Use data collected in 2000 to learn a model; apply this model to select inside the 2001 population.

2. Use data about the individuals selected in 2001 to learn a new model; apply this model in 2002.

3. And so on…

Each time a new model is learned, its training set is has been created using a different selection bias.

Page 20: What are the real challenges in data mining? Charles Elkan University of California, San Diego August 21, 2003

Let’s use the word “unbalanced” in the future

Google: Searched the web for imbalanced.  … about 53,800.

Searched the web for unbalanced.  … about 465,000.

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C. Elkan.  The Foundations of Cost-Sensitive Learning IJCAI'01, pp. 973-978.

B. Zadrozny and C. Elkan.  Learning and Making Decisions When Costs and Probabilities are Both Unknown KDD'01, pp. 204-213.

B. Zadrozny and C. Elkan.  Obtaining Calibrated Probability Estimates from Decision Trees and Naive Bayesian Classifiers ICML'01, pp. 609-616.

N. Abe et al.  Empirical Comparison of Various Reinforcement Learning Strategies for Sequential Targeted Marketing ICDM'02.

B. Zadrozny, J. Langford, and N. Abe. Cost-Sensitive Learning by Cost-Proportionate Example Weighting ICDM’03.
