Page 1: WHAT ABOUT KIDS? A sermon for 2010 Global Children’s day


A sermon for 2010 Global Children’s day

Page 2: WHAT ABOUT KIDS? A sermon for 2010 Global Children’s day

Introduction1. In ancient times children were an insignificant group. They were

considered less important.

2. But Jesus had a different perspective. He considered children to be of great value. Some of the most touching and endearing scenes during the life of Jesus were - the times he spent with little children.

3. Sadly children still remain as a highly neglected group in many communities.

4. The church is no exception. It is observed that we pay very little attention to Children despite all the ministries and programmes we have for them.

6. Let’s find out what the Bible says about little children and what are some of our responsibilities for them as church.

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1. Children are precious in God’s sightA. God is concerned about them

I. He listens to their cry. He carries them in his arms. Offers them the comfort of a father. This is evident in the story of Hagar and her child Ishmael, (Genesis 21:17-20).

II. He is a father to the orphan – (Psalms 10:4), He doesn’t tolerate people who oppress them, (Zechariah 7:10).

III. He wants to save them, (Matthew 18:12-14).

• They are always welcome in His presence

I. Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me…” – (Matthew 19:14).

II. God wants to bless them. Jesus was offended when the disciples prevented children from coming to him.

II. Their kind of humility and faith is always acceptable in His presence.

C. God use children to carry out his mighty works

I. The story of Naaman, (2 Kings 5:1-19). Many of us talk about Elijah – Hardly any of us talk about the slave girl.

II. Feeding the 5000 (John 6:1-14). The boy with 2 fishes and 5 loaves. III. It’s just an unknown young girl that led Rev. David Yonggi Cho to Christ.

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A. Look at children from God’s point of view

I. In God’s kingdom there are no illegitimate, poor, ugly, and spoiled children.

II. Remember, every child is equally important in God’s presence.

B. Let them enjoy God’s presence

• Encourage them attend Sunday school

• Church should be a safe heaven for children. Not a place for discipline and punishment.

• Parents, don’t complain against your child to your Pastor.

• Pastors should not judge children for their behavior.

C. Examples

I. When some one complains me against a child, instead of rebuking or advising I hold him close to myself, talk to him kindly, express my love and care.

II. If I see a small child misbehave during the assembly I invite him to sit next to me, put my arm

around him and show that he has my full attention.

Application for us

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2. Train them according to God’s wordA. The responsibility of the parents

I. This is a command parents shouldn’t take for granted. You are responsible for training your child in God’s word, (Proverbs 22:6).

II. Every Christian house hold should be a virtual Sunday school.

B. The responsibility of the Christian educator

I. I want all the Sunday school teachers to know that serving children is the greatest calling. It’s a privilege only a handful of Christians have got.

II. Ask yourself this question. Am I doing my best to train these little ones? Or am I just playing around?

C. The responsibility of the church

I. It’s not the parents’ responsibility only.

II. God has called the church to create an appropriate atmosphere for the child to grow - by setting positive examples, and pray for his/her salvation.

III. When a new born baby is dedicated the congregation vows to help the parents to raise the baby as a godly child.

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Application for usA. What parents can do to train their children in God’s word?

I. Live a model Christian life. (avoid arguing with each other before kids, don’t live a double life, don’t criticize church leaders, other believers while they are watching)

II. Set a apart a time for family devotional and stick to it. You can use this time share Bible stories with your children and teach them the Christian values. This way they will learn to maintain a disciplined prayer life.

III. Have arrangements for your kids to watch Bible based cartoon animation films. Just like adults children learn much better through audio and visual resources.

B. For the Christian educators and the church

I. If you are a Sunday school teacher get to know your little students personally. Learn their struggles so you can offer help.

II. The church members should not be harsh on children. Remember children are always children. They run around, mess up things. You can’t change them. That’s the way God has intended them to be.

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3. The Bible urges the church to pray for children

Get up! Cry out in the night when the night watches start! Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord! Lift up your hands to him for your children’s lives; they are fainting at every street corner. (Lamentations 2:19, NET)

A.Pray for the children in your church

I. Don’t be satisfied by praying for your own children. Pray for the children of other parents also.

II. If you are a Sunday school teacher, maintain a list of your students and their spiritual and physical needs. Pray and ask God to meet those needs.

B. Pray for children scattered around the earth.

I. Children are everywhere you go. They are in the streets, in market places. II. Pray for their deliverance and salvation.

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ConclusionA. This morning let us make it our opportunity to ask God to forgive because we

been ignorant of our responsibility for children.

B. Also search your heart to see if you have ever done anything wrong against a child. If your answer is yes repent and ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you.

C. Do you have any underage children serving in your house as servants. No matter how many good things you are doing for him/her right now. What you are doing is wrong. Repent right now, ask God to forgive your for your ignorance and set that child free.

D. Make a commitment to love and care for any child that you will meet in your life. Pray for their salvation.

E. Invest on children today and you will never regret.

Another sermon by

