
What about AstronomyWhat about Astronomy at Dome at Dome A?A?

A compilation of some information by Er*c FossatA compilation of some information by Er*c Fossat

Dome A

Courtesy A. Monaghan, Byrd Polar Research Centre

The annual vector mean winds from Polar MM5Dome A

4100 altitude

highest driestcoldest calmest

Wind speed (m/s)

How much better is Dome A than South Pole, Dome C???


Fig. 1. Dome A surface topographic map based on GPS data from

the 21st CHINARE. Heights are relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid.

Contour interval is 0.40 m. The black triangle indicates the position

of the summit of Dome A.

Jean Jouzel

International workshop on Dome ArgusExpedition during IPY

May 27-30, 2007, Shanghai

Ice core science

Institut Pierre Simon LaplaceLaboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (CEA/CNRS/UVSQ Saclay)

CNRS- Université Pierre et Marie Curie- Université Versailles/Saint-QuentinCEA-CNES-Ecole Polytechnique-Ecole Normale Supérieure-IRD


A French view of the 2008/09 drilling season at Dome A, Antarctica

Outline :International contextIntermediate drillingFirn physical properties

Jean JouzelDirector of Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, Paris, France

On behalf of Jérôme Chappellaz, LGGE, responsible of the project on the french side

Site testing

Atmospheric parameters for astronomyTurbulence (MASS, SNODAR, DASLE, lunar SHABAR)

Boundary layer height, distribution and variability Upper atmospheric distribution

Sky emission (Gattini SBC, Nigel)Auroral spectral intensity and distribution, (visible and infrared) skybackground versus sun/moon elevation

Sky transmission (Pre-HEAT)Transparency and noise in long wave (sub-millimetre) windows

Cloud (Gattini ASC)Cloud cover statistics and distribution

Science (CSTAR)Optical transients: variable stars, transits, micro-lensing, GRB, etc

University of New South Wales, Australia University of New South Wales, Australia

Polar Research Institute of ChinaPolar Research Institute of China

NanjingNanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, ChinaInstitute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, China

National Astronomical Observatories, Beijing, ChinaNational Astronomical Observatories, Beijing, China

Purple Mountain Observatory, China Purple Mountain Observatory, China

California Institute of Technology, USACalifornia Institute of Technology, USA

CerroCerro--TololoTololo InterInter--American Observatories, ChileAmerican Observatories, Chile

Texas A and M, USATexas A and M, USA

University of Arizona, USAUniversity of Arizona, USA

University of Chicago, USA University of Chicago, USA

Space Sciences Laboratory, USASpace Sciences Laboratory, USA


PLATO instruments



GattiniGattini SBCSBC

Battery Battery bankbank

SHABARSHABARNigelNigel webcamswebcams


GattiniGattini allall--skysky



PLATO power

Fuel tank

Exhaust outlet

Helmholtz resonator


Thermal ducting


Standard shipping container


Vibration isolation frame

PLATO Engine module10 foot shipping container6 x diesel engines (Hatz air-cooled 4-stroke single-cylinder 0.35 lt)Jet A1 aviation fuel ~4000 litresAverage power ~1 kWLow pressure testing at UNSWSolar panels for fuel reduction

Early results from PLATO have confirmed expectations (Yang et al. 2008). Pre-HEAT has demonstrated that the precipitable water vapour is significantly lower than observed at South Pole or Dome C during the same period of year. Webcam images show qualitatively that the fraction of cloud free conditions is lower, and the rate of occurrence of aurora is much higher, than typically observed at Dome C.

2008 2009 2010 2011

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


Site testing




XIAN prototype

4 m telescope

XIAN array


Dome A roadmap for astronomy


For 2007/8 traverse:

Polar Research Institute of ChinaTotal weight <6000 kg (via traverse)20 x 200 litre drums of Jet A1 (via traverse) Sled for PLATO2 astronomers on expedition

NSF/AAD: air support Aus/NZ to/from Dome A2 people, 1 week stay at Dome A

CSTAR on Dome ACSTAR on Dome A

--The progress of CSTARThe progress of CSTAR

-(Chinese Small Telescope Array)

Xiangyan Yuan(袁祥岩), Xu Zhou(周旭)

Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology/NAOC(南京天文光学技术研究所)

National Astronomical Observatories(国家天文台NAOC)

Purple Mountain Observatory(紫金山天文台PMO)


4x14.5cm telescopes4x14.5cm telescopes

4 telescopes with diameter 14.5cm, 1Kx1K 4 telescopes with diameter 14.5cm, 1Kx1K CCD each, CCD each, 4.5x4.54.5x4.5 square degrees view, square degrees view, all all point to point to the south pole (near the south pole (near the zeniththe zenith ).).With With g, r, i and none g, r, i and none filters, without any filters, without any mechanical moveable instrument.mechanical moveable instrument.Constant observation for more than 4 Constant observation for more than 4 months, take pictures every months, take pictures every 10 ~20s10 ~20s. .

Time table of CSTARTime table of CSTAR2006.12 optical design finished2006.12 optical design finished2007.4 the test telescope with normal steel tube 2007.4 the test telescope with normal steel tube finished, mounted with CCD and first observation at finished, mounted with CCD and first observation at Xinglong StationXinglong StationEarly June,2007 the invar telescopes will be finishedEarly June,2007 the invar telescopes will be finishedEnd June,2007 alignment of the whole systemEnd June,2007 alignment of the whole system2007.7 whole system test2007.7 whole system test2007.8 Package ,Transport CSTAR to Sydney2007.8 Package ,Transport CSTAR to Sydney2007.92007.9--10 Plato general testing, package and setup 10 Plato general testing, package and setup trainingtrainingOct 22, 2007 Depart from Sydney to Perth Oct 22, 2007 Depart from Sydney to Perth Nov 10, 2007 Lade Nov 10, 2007 Lade ““XuelongXuelong”” Ship with PLATOShip with PLATO……..

Astronomy at Dome Argus冰穹阿古斯天文

Lifan Wang (王力帆)


Dome C Dome A

Lawrence et al. 2004,Nature, 431, 278

Agabi 118, 840, 344Swain & Gallee 2006, PASP, 118, 1

0.5 Meter Pilot (2008-2010)

3 small wide field telescopes working together

Supernovae discoveryShort time scale variables

(gamma-ray bursts, micro-lensing, …)The first wide field polarization map of the skyThe prototype of a larger telescopes


Argus was a hero with more than the usual number of eyes. This excess ocularequipment made Argus an excellent watchman.

400, 50cm telescope array -Xian

Area for



4-meter Dark Universe Telescope (2012-2015)

La frilosité n'est hélas pas que du coté astro à l'INSU. Je me rends compte de plus en plus que l'INSU et le CNRS plus généralement nous relaient mal pour les relations internationales dans le genre. Je crois que rapidement, il faudrait se mettre autour de la table avec les Chinois de manière à développer des choses complétementaires, et surtout assurer nos propres intérêts. Mais discuter au niveau labo est une chose, discuter au niveau institutionnel en est une autre. Je ne sais pas si Le Quéau est prêt à mouiller la chemise sur les relations franco-chinoises. Faudrait tâter le terrain.

En tout cas, Dome A se fera et c'est dans notre intérêt d'articuler la science à Concordia au mieux avec ce partenaire/compétiteur. Si chacun part dans son coin en pensant être meilleur que l'autre, j'ai bien peur que les Chinois gagneront sur le moyen et long terme... La croissance mondiale est chez eux, et ils savent la réinvestir très rapidement en science et technologie !

(Jérome Chappelaz, LGGE, Grenoble)
