
Anyone who has ever been involved in raising private capital knows how difficult it can be. There can be thousands of steps to complete and hundreds of participants to engage —all for just one deal. It’s the same offline process that has existed for decades. Until now.

At WealthForge, we are committed to making the complicated, manual process of raising private capital simple. Our vision is to move this offline process to the online world.

With our platform, issuers and intermediaries now have a turnkey solution that enables them to move their private capital raise online. This full-featured platform provides the transparency, analytics, and reporting needed to track every step, from beginning to end.

Moving the process of raising private capital online

Our dashboards provide visibility into the entire process, making it faster to complete a private placement transaction. The power of moving online means that it’s become easier to connect, to access information and interact seamlessly.

Our solution provides value to all constituents, including issuers, intermediaries, and investors as well as their lawyers and advisors. It increases transparency among all stakeholders involved, making raising private capital faster and cheaper as well.

Lawyers and other trusted advisors involved with a deal can easily access the information they need online, simplifying their efforts.

Moving online results in a cheaper, faster and easier process.

© 2015 WealthForge. All rights reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC.

Mark, a real estate developer, is raising money for his latest fund and has worked with his lawyer, Kim, for all of his deals.

While Mark has been successful in raising capital in the past, it’s never been easy. He has run into the same problems that everyone experiences while raising private capital.

Many questions arise during the process:

• Have the investors reviewed all of the documents? • Has the investor’s lawyer reviewed everything? Is a

side letter needed? • Do they need anyone else to review the documents? • Did they get the latest version? Are all of the forms

filled out correctly? • Have they transferred funds into the escrow account?• Has the investor passed a background check?• How do I know who I need to contact to keep the

process moving forward?

An example of how the process of raising private capital can be simplified:

There are many moving parts, different people that need to review different things, and there’s very little visibility into the process.

For this fund, Mark is moving the entire process online. His goal is to simplify the process while reducing the costs involved.

Mark now uses a convenient dashboard to see everything that is occurring with the deal. He can log in and see which investors are looking at his deal, he’s notified when they have executed documents, he knows when money moves to escrow, and he can view which investors have been approved and passed background checks.

Kim also gets access to a dashboard that allows her to have visibility into the entire process. She knows which investors will need a side letter, see how quickly the process is moving forward, and can now collaborate more easily with Mark as they complete the capital raise.

With this all being so simple, Mark is now looking forward to his next deal.

© 2015 WealthForge. All rights reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC.

Issuers save time and money.Our solution saves issuers time and money by reducing paperwork and streamlining the back-office process.

Issuers gain transparency into the process.This powerful tool enables issuers and intermediaries to track who is looking at what deals, paperwork that still needs to be signed and tasks that still need to be completed. Investors can learn about and organize deals as well as invite their lawyers, accountants and other trusted advisors to review information.

Investors can invest safely and securely.Issuers can now provide investors access to deal information in a safe and secure online environment as well as upload everything needed to evaluate and invest in deals. Investor information is captured and stored in a fully encrypted format that meets federal guidelines.

Everything your issuers need, at their fingertips.

© 2015 WealthForge. All rights reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC.

Gain transparency into the process.As a trusted advisor, you’ll have access to a dashboard to easily keep up with which documents belong to which investor, review tasks that still need to be completed, easily collaborate with your clients and maintain complete visiblity into the capital raise process. Easily manage tasks.Manage your specific part of the process. Now you can control which agreements are provided to which investors at what time, manage side letters, as well as electronically sign documents.

Peace of mind for you and your clients.Relax knowing that your clients are working with a trusted partner. As a registered entity, WealthForge keeps all information your issuers and their investors enter into our system safe, secure, and compliant.

Our solution makes it easy for issuers and advisors to collaborate.

© 2015 WealthForge. All rights reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC.

We are registered with the SEC.As a licensed broker-dealer and FINRA member, we provide the security and protection that you expect from a trusted third-party partner.

Our technology is built with security in mind.At WealthForge, we treat our clients’ data with care and take measures to ensure that our solutions are both trusted and compliant. End-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, internal and external auditing, and monitored role-based access are key practices that define our dedication to security.

We provide the transparency you need.The traditional private investing process can be difficult to track. Emails and other important information are easily lost or misplaced. By taking the process online, we’re providing you with access to important documents and communication, all in one place behind a secure login.

Our secure technology includes:

Feel confident using a trusted third-party partner.

Advanced firewalls

Secure data storage

AES 256-bit encryption

SSAE 16 compliant hosting

Everything else needed to provide the highest level of security for financial transactions

© 2015 WealthForge. All rights reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC.

We make it simple to get started.

Our team will act as a personal concierge to help your clients determine the best way to begin their move online.

Once we’ve found the best fit for their business, our client relations team will help them get started quickly and efficiently.

Help your clients start their next capital raise the simple way. Contact us to schedule a demo today.

CONTACT USVisit our website at or contact us for more information.

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Your guide to making the capital raising process simpler.

© 2015 WealthForge. All rights reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC.
