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There were five friends who really close each other. They did everything together, since they were in high school. They loved each other even more than they loved their family. But what if an accident parted them away?

The one and only guy in our group named zayn and his full name is zaynuddin pattinson. He is someone who can make us laugh a lot. He is so cheerful. He is also being the food monster, he really likes food a lot. And lastly, he always tries to hide his sadness with his jokes.

One else, is Ima. You should know her as someone who has no shame. So excited with things. She is also a youtuber, like where ever she goes there must be laptop on her hand. She always teach us, something new that she gets from youtube. Like this one

Ima : do you guys have a glass?

Isla : for what?

Ima : I just saw something new on youtube. I am so curious. I want you guys to know it too

May : please not again

And also, I don’t know since when but she really loves ice cubes.

Ima : can I have your ice cubes, please? (she gets near zayn)

Zayn : here ( gives it to her with annoyed face)

And our novel freak isla. She really loves reading. In her bag, there are always two novels or at least one on her hand. She always imagine something based on her novel she reads. She always cares about her appearance.

Isla ; how do I look today?

Ima ; you’re always looked good. don’t worry

The girl who always chased by boys, May. She is so simple doesn’t like Isla. She doesn’t pay so much attention on herself. She wears something that suitable for her. not being too much.

And the last one is me. My name is Ailee. They always called me the smartest one. But I don’t feel like one.

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Zayn : (cough so hard even there’s blood come from his mouth)

Ailee : zayn, according to the book I’ve read when someone cough and there’s blood. There can be a

Possibility for them to have a serious disease. why don’t you go to the doctor and check yourelf


Isla : here comes the smart teacher.

I have so loving friends but I feel so lonesome. I don’t like to speak that much. I speak when I think it necessary.

So, this is our story that I think nobody has. I think no one has a story that more beautiful than ours.

Isla : why don’t we write wishes and put it on balloons?

May : such a great idea!

Then, they all write their own wishes………….

Zayn : no one can see each other’s wishes.

Ima : ( she sneaks a peek at zayn’s paper )

Ailee : okay then, let’s put it in the balloons!

*they let their balloons fly*

*at the hospital*

Zayn : Doc, why my cancer doesn’t to decrease?

Doc. K: to ease your cancer is not as easy as you think. Your cancer has begun to attack other network

Mother: Can I talk to the doctor by myself.

*zayn goes out from the room*

Mother: honestly, is he actually can survive?

Doc. K: I’m not sure, only allah decides. So you better ask your son to always pray

Mother:he’s my only one son. He’s my precious treasure. That no one can replace him

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Doc. K:I know… but just like what I’ve said. I can’t predict his life

Mother:Okay doctor. Thank you for your help. I’ll take care of my son.

Doc. K:You’re welcome

*at café*

*when they’re having fun, suddenly Zayn has nose bleed*

May : Zayn, Why you’re nose is bleeding?

Zayn : it’s nothing. Maybe I’m just a little bit tired.

Isla : these past few days when you hanged around with us, you’re always bleeding.

Zayn : yes, that’s because I play with you guys ( full of sarcasm)

Ima : so full of yourself ( she rubs zayn’s hair)

They are all laughing at how cute zayn and Ima be. But they don’t know there’s something behind it all.

Ima : so full of yourself ( she can feel there are hair on her hand that come from zayn’s. she full of thought at what happened with her bestfriend. And how he can be like this. )

Ailee : it’s late already. Let’s just go home ( while look at her wristwatch)

*Ima video calling with Isla through skype*

Ima : I have something to tell you

Isla : Is it bad or good?

Ima : unfortunately it is bad news

Isla : What happened?

Ima : when we were at the café today, I rubbed zayn’s hair. But I didn’t know why there’re strand of his hair fell on my hand. and I still feel so curious on why his hair could easily fall.

Isla : Oh My God, seriously? I also feel something uneasy going on with him. But I don’t take it seriously.

Ima : yeah, me too. I feel the same. Let’s just forget it. Maybe he really did tired.

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Isla : okay then, see you soon

Ima : See you

At zayn’s home

Zayn already falls asleep that night suddenly he feels something bother inside his body. He wakes up and tries to reach for his medicine. He feels his body stiff and his head becomes dizzy too.

Zayn : Mom…….

Mom : I’m coming Zayn

Zayn : Hurry, I can’t stand it anymore

Mom : what’s wrong? Are you okay?

Zayn : me..di..cine

Mom : here ( she gives his medicine to him)

Zayn feels a lot better after he drinks his medicine.

Zayn : Thank you mom. You can leave now.

Mom : are you sure you are okay?

Zayn : I do ( he gives a warm smile to his mom)

His mom left his room, his mom doesn’t bear to see him suffering.

Next day, zayn already feels better and he asked his friends to go to the café where they always hang out together.

Zayn : Hi guys

Ailee : hello zayn, how do you feel today?

Zayn : I’m good

Isla : you always look tired lately. What happened?

Zayn : I said I’m fine

Ima : okay then, why you asked us to go here in sudden?

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Zayn : it just you know that we’re always hang together everyday. And I don’t even know how

It feels to not being around you all. I just want to feel alone.

Ima : what do you mean?

Zayn : just think of it as a challenge for you guys to live without seeing each other.

No communication between us. And I hope you all can passed it

Ailee : me too, i also want to be alone. I want to have a time for myself .

May : okay then it’s a deal.

Isla : so, we can see each other the day after tomorrow. Right?

Zayn : yup, and the day after tomorrow we will meet at the park where we made our wishes at 08.00 o’clock. Bye guys I gotta go now

Ailee, May, isla, Ima : byeee

They spend their one day by their own activity.

Ima busy with her youtube the whole day

Isla busy shopping, choosing clothes and buy new novels at the mall

May go to the park and there must be a lot of boys chased after her

Ailee busying herself for the whole day at the library reading new science book.

But zayn, spend his day laying on his bed, suffering from his disease.

They never texted nor called each other, the four girls don’t know that their friend only has 24 hours left to live.

The next day, they are already gather at the park.

Isla : hi aim

Ima : hi, what take you so long? i already wait for hours

Isla : don’t make it too much. Just the usual traffic jam bothered my way to go here

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Not long after that ailee and may come…

Ailee : hi aim, hi isla. Sorry for waiting

May : yeah I got up a little late this morning, sorry

Ima : its okay but why zayn doesn’t show up? He always being the earlier among us

Isla : why don’t we just go to his home. Maybe he forgets or something

At zayn’s home

They are walking together to zayn’s home.

Ima : we did it zaynnnnn

Isla ,May , Ailee laughing along with Ima. They can not wait to see him. But in the end of the street they see a yellow flag hung on the tree. Near zayn’s home. They all shocked.

Ailee : look at that guys!

Isla : what actually happen at his house?

Ima : no zaynnnnn

They are all running…

Ailee : mom,, where is zayn?

Isla : where is he?

Mom : he is gone honey

May : where?

Mom : mmmm…. He is gone …to heaven

At the zayn’s grave

Isla :why you didn’t tell us about it zayn?

Ailee : how could you make yourself face your problem all alone?

Ima : you know that we’re bestfriend so that we can through everything.right?

May : you said all we can through together right? But how could you?

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Suddenly , there’s a letter that come with the wind. They open the letter

Hey guys….

By the time you read this I’ve already died. Actually I kept a little secret from you guys. I’ve already ail this cancer for 6 years. I don’t want you all to worried about me, therefore I kept this secret to my own.

I hope you guys still doing fine after I gone, because you always know that ill be by your side. Just like we used to. Keep cheerful and move forward. Remember when we wrote our wishes and put it In the balloons and flew it away? I want you guys to chase your wish.

The One Who Loves You All


*The girls return to their home

They seems frustrated because of Zayn’s death.

So they call the operator to ask heaven’s numbers.

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“My bestfriend went to Heaven, but I need him here everyday,

My heart hurts and I fell down, I need him right away,Operator, can you tell me how to find him in this book? Is heaven in the yellow part? I don't know where to look.I think his mommy needs him too, at night I know she always cry.I think she call his name sometimes, but I know because she miss him Maybe if I call him, he will hurry home to us.Is Heaven very far away, is it across the sea?He's been gone a long, long time; he needs to come home now!I really need to reach him, but I simply don't know how. Help me find the number please, is it listed under "Heaven"?I'm sorry, operator, I didn't mean to make you cry,Is your heart hurting too, or is there something in your eye? He used to made us laugh everyday, with his funny face

But who gonna make us cheerful, laugh everyday?I remember when we flew the balloons with our wishes in it

Zayn told me to chase our dreams

And that was the last time Zayn told us the wise words.”

One week later….

The girls meet each other,

Ima bring the photos when we were together,

In every photos Zayn looked happy,

So he should be happy in heaven now,

They believe that zayn’s is happy in heaven.

So they promise not to be sad anymore…….

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Leader : Ryan Ghassan Albari

Secretary : Atika Rizoda P.

Members : Kevin Julio

Muthia Tsania M.

Nadya Awaliah

Putri Hasanah F.

Putri Nurafni A.

Class : X- C

Guidance Teacher :Mr. Nanang Asep

“When I Have To

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Let You Go”
