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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS



Dear Parent The Staff, Governors and I are delighted to welcome you to St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School and Nursery. We aim to make our school and nursery a lively, happy place where children can learn in a positive Christian atmosphere. The dedicated staff plan the curriculum and organise their classrooms in such a way that children are well motivated and enjoy being at school. By creating a caring environment with the emphasis on co-operation and mutual respect, we expect a high standard of social behaviour and every child to develop their full potential. Good communication with parents is a very important objective of our school, and although newsletters, reports, open days, curriculum meetings, information on what’s being taught, clear expectations for homework, consultations, visits, special events and an ‘open-school’ policy all contribute towards the development of a healthy home-school partnership, nevertheless they do not necessarily provide the general information that you need to have about your school. The purpose of this School Prospectus is to provide a comprehensive insight into all aspects of the school and to convey details about current school procedures. We hope that you will find it useful and informative. Yours very sincerely Helen Fletcher-Reilly Headteacher

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS




Accidents or Illnesses at School 22




10 Special Medical Conditions 23


11 Health & Safety 23




APPENDICES Crawley Schools Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Admissions Policy Nursery Information Pack

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS


School Address The Mardens Ifield Crawley West Sussex RH11 0AQ

Telephone number 01293 521077 Fax number

Email address 01293 538326

[email protected]

Headteacher Mrs Helen Fletcher-Reilly MA, B.Ed.(Hons), PGCE, Diploma in Education Management

Chair of Governors

Local Authority

West Sussex County Council

Telephone Number of LA Contact Centre 08450751007

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS

St. Margaret’s C of E Primary School


HEADTEACHER: Mrs Helen Fletcher-Reilly ASSISTANT HEADTEACHERS: Mr Thomas Moore and Mrs Linda Hummerston






Nursery Manager Mrs Jo Hiscock* Assistant Manager Mrs Nichola Rea*

Nursery Assistants Mrs Jo Whitehead* Mrs Lyn Lipop* Mrs Judith Ackroyd* Mrs Sarah Thomas* Mrs Nicky Fisher* Miss Jade Duffy*


Year R Yellow

Buttercup Sunflower

Mrs Andrea Urquhart Miss Ruby Warwick

Mrs Karen Winterflood* Mrs Kas Johnson*


Year 1


Amber Sunset

Miss Katie Berrill Mrs Jean Cooper

Mrs Minnie Speakman* Miss Charlotte Ogley

Year 2


Cherry Poppy

Miss Nicky Cooper Miss Laura Daly

Miss Nicky Burt* Miss Jordy Basson*


Year 3 Green

Fern Olive

Miss Sarah Netrefa Mrs Linda Hummerston

Mrs Sue Rumble* Mrs Philippa Mitchell

Year 4 Blue

Ocean Sky

Mrs Sharon Everitt Mr Chris Yelling*

Miss Sophia Owen Mrs Jackie McIntyre*

Year 5 Purple

Ametrine Tanzanite

Mrs Sophie Turner Mrs Louise Watts

Mrs Fiona Bromige* Mrs Tania Gale*

Year 6 Gold

Bronze Copper

Miss Nikki King Mrs Emily Wickham

Mrs Fiona Fox* Mr Ashley Reed*

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS

INCLUSION Inclusion Manager and SENCo Special Educational Needs Teacher Special Support Assistant Special Education Needs Teaching Assistants Sport Teaching Assistant Senior First Aider Pastoral and ICT Support

Mr Thomas Moore* Miss Emma Field Mrs Margaret Sheppard* Miss Ellen Ambrose* Mr Chris Arnold* Mrs Kathryn Beasley* Mrs Jeanne Gay* Mrs Debbie Major Miss Frankie Sheehan* Mrs Julie Simmons* Mrs Natasha Slaughter* Mrs Lesley Stroud Miss Amy Wadey* Mr Ollie Plunkett Mrs Kim Cooper* Mrs Sacha Ross*

* Denotes First Aider

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Business Manager and PA to Headteacher

Assistant Finance Officer School Secretary Premises Officer

Mrs Lynn Laverty Mrs Claire Budd Mrs Lynda Morgan* Mrs Cheryl Thompson-Balk*


PPA and Management Cover

Miss Sarah Bagshaw* Mrs Ester Elkin Mrs Kelly Jackson Mrs Claudia Leicester

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS

THE GOVERNORS FOR 2014/2015 Like all schools, a Board of Governors oversees life at St Margaret’s School. The Governing Body has wide-ranging responsibilities and powers and works with the Headteacher and staff to:

agree the aims and values of the school make decisions on the budget and approve School Development Plans ensure that the National Curriculum is taught monitor and review the school’s progress ensure that individual pupil’s needs are met, including special needs be involved in the recruitment of staff provide information about the school for parents produce action plans following Inspection establish and maintain positive links with the local community

The Governors meet twice a term as a full body and each governor also sits on one of the three Committees, which also meet twice a term. The two committees are ‘Resources’ responsible for the financial, physical resources & staffing of the school, and ‘Community’ and ‘Standards’ responsible for links in school, in the community and beyond, and ensuring that the curriculum is taught in school. In addition, some governors have particular responsibilities for overseeing certain aspects of the school’s work, for example, special educational needs or health & safety. The governors subscribe to and attend the LA’s training programme designed for them. The size and composition of the Governing Body is laid down by law and Governors are appointed or elected by specific bodies or groups, but Governors are not delegates who must vote according to the wishes of those groups. The groups are: Parent governors, Staff governors, LEA governors, and Foundation governors. Our Governing Body is made up as follows:

Mrs Lyndsey Plunkett Chair of Governors

Mrs James Chase Vice Chair Foundation Governor Mr Julian Dempster Foundation Governor Mrs Morag O’Shea LA Governor Mrs Claire White Parent Governor Mrs Sarah Glazier Parent Governor Mr Jeremy Walker Parent Governor Rev Simon Newham Ex-Offficio Miss Amy Wadey Staff Non Teacher Governor Mr Chris Yelling Staff Teacher Governor Mrs Helen Fletcher-Reilly Head Teacher Mrs Lynn Laverty Associate Governor Miss Claire Budd Clerk of Governors

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS


Our school, named after the Patron Saint of Ifield Parish Church, was built in 1955 to

replace the Crawley Parish Church School, which was formerly in Ifield Road, and the Ifield Parish Church School both of which were damaged in the Second World War. In September 2004, the school became a Primary School as part of the Crawley reorganisation of the Age of Transfer. Pupils will now transfer to Secondary school at the end of our Year 6. A programme of extensive building work has resulted in the school having a new library, a second hall, a meeting room, a new staff room, and a Special Support Centre for pupils with disabilities. A continual programme of refurbishment ensures that all classrooms are raised to the highest standard. The very recent erection of a permanent nursery building now provides a high quality environment for children aged two and over. The school is fortunate to be set in attractive and level grounds, which provide stimulating and exciting areas for play and opportunities for learning across the curriculum in an outdoor environment. We are a Church of England Aided School which means that in addition to the academic and social policies that are common to all West Sussex Schools we operate on Christian principles, our staff and pupils attempting to put into practice a living Christianity. This is reflected in our school promise. St. Margaret’s School will provide a happy learning environment that will encourage and extend the potential of all who work in it. Our aim is for each child to develop spiritually, academically, creatively, socially and physically within a Christian community and to leave with a love of learning and an awareness of God’s love.

o We follow the teachings of Jesus in all that we do.

o We respect the beliefs of others, show tolerance towards individuals and learn from the wider world.

o We ensure that reflection, joy and wonder are present in our work, play and


o We celebrate individual and collaborative effort and achievement.

o We ensure that the purpose of learning is meaningful and that children are provided with the skills for lifelong learning.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS


At St Margaret’s we aim to

o create a happy, stable, caring environment which provides the opportunity for every child to fulfil his or her potential in all areas of the curriculum

o stimulate the desire for knowledge and help children acquire the confidence to tackle new challenges

o teach pupils to have self respect and self discipline and to show respect for others and their beliefs and opinions, even though they may not be in accordance with their own

Our objectives encompass the all-round development of the child during their primary years, thus

intellectual development physical development spiritual, moral and social development

The intellectual development of the child will be achieved by

o extending all aspects of literacy skills: speaking & listening, reading, handwriting, spelling, and creativity in writing

o developing mathematical concepts and skills through interactive teaching and

first hand experiences

o developing knowledge of the environment, both immediate and distant, using the school grounds, the local community and other environments as a resource

o fostering an awareness of place and time and the acquisition of knowledge of the

past, drawing on and using all available resources

o developing an understanding of simple scientific processes and the knowledge of scientific concepts through observation, experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

o developing an understanding of modern technology through the use of up to

date resources

o making available opportunities to make music and to enjoy and appreciate music of all kinds and from different cultures

o developing the manipulative and creative skills through Art and Craft using

various techniques and ‘media’.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS

The physical development of the child will be achieved by

o developing an understanding of the functions of the body through first hand sensitive teaching, and an understanding of the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness

o developing the child’s gross and fine motor skills through Physical Education, and

encouraging the child to take pride in his or her achievements.

The spiritual, moral & social development of the child will be achieved by

o developing a knowledge and love of the Christian faith and an awareness of other faiths and philosophies, and encouraging the child to participate in acts of worship

o encouraging the child to display kindness, consideration and sensitivity to the

feelings of others through a programme of planned teaching, and offering sympathetic help to enable the child to understand his or her emotions

o encouraging everyone to develop a community spirit both at school and in the

locality, and by teaching the children that they are part of the community and that they must learn that they have a contribution to make to the wellbeing of the whole.

SAFEGUARDING At St. Margaret’s the health and safety of the school community is of paramount importance. We aim to keep the children in our care safe by implementing policies and procedures and systems in accordance with national safeguarding guidance and legislation designed to:

o prevent unsuitable people working with children; o promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice; o identify instances in which there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare,

and initiate or take appropriate action to keep them safe;

o contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved with providing services for our children.

The school has a child protection policy and procedures in place that are in accordance with local authority guidance and locally agreed interagency procedures, and the policy is made available to parents on request. We operate safe recruitment procedures to ensure that all appropriate checks are carried out on staff and volunteers who work with children.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS

CATCHMENT AREA AND ADMISSIONS POLICY St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School does not have a catchment area in the generally accepted sense of the phrase and we are pleased to welcome children from the wider area. The school has a capacity to admit 60 children into Reception each year and whilst we encourage children from Christian homes to apply, admission to the school is open to all, and children of all faiths are welcome. However, in the event of there being an oversubscription, we have an Admissions Policy which prioritises applications. This Policy is shown at the end of this document. Prospective parents should obtain an application form from the school office. Upon entry into Reception, it is our policy to allow all children to start school full time from the start of the academic year in which their fifth birthday falls. The option to start part time initially is, of course, still available. However, parents are strongly urged to take advantage of the school place offered to them in September, as this gives every child an equal opportunity to benefit from the full year’s curriculum. Parents who do not wish their child to take up full time education in September are very welcome to bring in the child for regular visits. PRE-SCHOOL CONTACTS All parents are welcome to visit the school before they register their child, to talk with the Headteacher and visit the classes, and to ensure that both parents and school have a shared view of what education should be. The school’s application forms request information that gives us basic family background and equips us to deal with the child in context. Our programme of induction begins when a child registers with the school: A meeting is held at which teachers share with parents how children can best be prepared for school and the classroom and administrative procedures are explained. In the term prior to entry, the children are invited to spend an initial session in the classroom with their future teacher. Early Years Foundation Stage The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the curriculum followed in the two Reception classes in the school. It is delivered through a play based approach that enables high levels of engagement and learning for all children, where they are happy, safe and secure. It values all aspects of learning, both academic and social, equally, ensuring that the very best is achieved. Most of the planning and provision in place throughout a child’s first year at St Margaret’s focuses on the development of key social skills, which underpin all aspects of learning and ensure a high level of positive behaviour, which has been acknowledged in our two previous OFSTED inspections. Every child is valued as an individual and given the care they need to succeed at school.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex SCHOOL PROSPECTUS

A particular focus is the development of spoken language skills, which will, in turn, lead to success in reading and writing during these formative years. Parents and carers are welcomed in to school on a number of occasions to help support their child and to share in their learning. A great strength of our Early Years provision is our partnership with parents and carers, as this very important relationship is proven to enable children to achieve more. Throughout the Reception year there are many opportunities to meet and discuss ways to support learning by working together. When a child starts school at St Margaret’s great efforts and care are taken to settle them in. A well-structured and successful programme is in place to make this important time as positive and exciting as possible. Each individual child’s needs are taken in to consideration to make it as personal a transition in to school as possible. In the Reception Unit there are two indoor learning spaces (classrooms) and a shared outside garden. All these areas are very well equipped and provide a wealth of opportunities for the children to explore and discover through play. The environment enables children to develop their own skills for effective learning, which they will utilise throughout their education. A majority of the day is spent initiating their own learning, as this is acknowledged as ‘best practice’ and the most effective way of ensuring high levels of motivation and engagement. THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR THE FIRST YEAR The classrooms and resources Each of the two reception classrooms has its own cloakroom and toilet area, and safe access to an enclosed courtyard where the children can play under close supervision with the large toys, the climbing equipment and the playhouse. Within the reception area, including classrooms and the courtyard play area, the following resources are available and easily accessible

sand and water play book corner construction toys large bricks role play areas

creative play areas mathematical activities scientific activities graphic making

music making area cookery computer wheeled toys

Adult help Alongside the class teacher the early years team includes classroom assistants, lunch time organisers and parent helpers, who o listen and talk to the children

o respond to the physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of the


o extend the children’s learning by interacting, encouraging or supporting their activities

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


o observe and evaluate what learning is taking place

o meet together regularly to discuss and share experiences and to plan for future learning

‘Play’ as a Learning Tool It is acknowledged that play is an important and powerful medium for learning, central to the development of children, and consequently the reception classes are geared to providing opportunities for a broad variety of play experiences; the children are given daily guidance and ideas, are encouraged to use their imagination, and are actively helped in their play by the teachers and classroom assistants thus

sharing play setting examples finding resources

following up interests offering challenges encouraging the use of language

Along side the very valuable play, children engage in daily activities to develop their skills of reading, writing and mathematics. Greater emphasis is placed on these as the year progresses in order to prepare the children for transition into Year One. Curriculum Areas Since education is seen as a whole, the early years classes focus on cross curricular themes (see grid in next section below for details) and the detailed planning addresses the general areas of learning that have been identified as the ‘Desirable Outcomes’ for 4 year olds. These areas are:

Creative Development, that is art, craft, design, music, dance and role play Knowledge and Understanding of the World focuses on the children’s environment, on other people and on features of the world Language and Literacy, that is, speaking and listening, early reading, and writing Mathematics, learning about number, shape, space and position, patterns and relationships, comparisons and measurements Physical Development, developing gross motor and fine manipulative skills, and learning about how the body works and about keeping healthy Personal and Social Development, learning to co-operate and take turns, understanding acceptable behaviour, learning independence and developing self confidence Spiritual, developing spiritually through the life of the school, through discussions with adults, and by sharing stories.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


THE CURRICULUM FOR KEY STAGE 1 and 2 At St Margaret’s School we aim to offer a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum to all Key Stage 1 and 2 children. The class teacher monitors each child’s progress very carefully, and our aim is to ensure that each child achieves his or her full potential, whatever his or her ability. All schemes of work and curriculum policies meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. The curriculum is planned mainly through topic work, which is an integrated approach to learning basic subjects. The context for the topic work draws immediately from the child’s environment and community, which we believe is the most effective way of implementing the curriculum for the child. The community is seen as a key resource and integral to the work of our school in developing children’s skills, concepts and attitudes. The cycle of topics for a typical year, in order to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, might be as follows





half term


half term


half term


half term


half term


half term



Explorers It’s a party

Twinkle Twinkle

Whose Shoes?

Farm Friends

Mr Dingle Dangles Garden

Beside The



My family and me

Super Hero’s

Wild and wonderful

Tribes & Tipis

Under the



Knights, Damsels and Dragons

Up, Up and


To Infinity

and Beyond

Nature Detectives


Fire and



Joseph Plants





Ancient Greeks




Habitats (animals)


World War 2

Earth in Space & Creation


water everywhere



Biography +


What a Waste



Passport to the World

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


Underpinning topic work, we have a team approach to the teaching of literacy and numeracy. The children are taught as a class, often as a group, and, at times, individually. The children are encouraged to work independently and also as part of a group or class. The National Curriculum is divided into the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science. The foundation subjects are Computing, History, Geography, Design Technology, Music, Art, and Physical Education. Together with Religious Education, these core and foundation subjects form the statutory school curriculum. Religious Education This is based on the Christian faith although children encounter other faiths and beliefs as part of their religious education. We encourage the children to learn tolerance towards people of other cultures through an understanding of their rituals and beliefs. This is achieved through the planning of multi-faith topics such as festivals, foods and clothes. Daily assemblies are acts of Christian Worship held to help each child realise that school is an extended family to which they belong. We aim to promote a caring environment where children are sensitive to the needs of others and the world around them. This is achieved by selected themes, stories and poetry, and by inviting members of the community into assembly. We attempt to cater both for the needs of children who have a Christian commitment and for those whose experience of worship is more tentative and exploratory. Whilst parents have the right to withdraw their children from these daily acts of worship, they are encouraged to allow their children to attend, if only as observers, in order that no child is excluded from the corporate ethos of the school. Children who are withdrawn from assembly are supervised in the school office where they are asked to read a book during this time. The school has an excellent link with Ifield Parish and Crawley Town Centre Parish and the clergy team provide a special assembly each week. Ministers from other local churches regularly attend school to contribute to our assemblies and we are privileged to have ‘Ready Assembled’, a group from Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, Horsham, who portray Bible stories through puppet shows in a termly assembly. Mathematics We hope that children will enjoy maths and the exciting challenge it offers. Through practical first hand experience, we develop the children’s knowledge, understanding and use of number, algebra, measurement, shape, space and data handling. We also hope to develop a positive attitude to maths, an ability to follow new steps in logical thinking and the confidence to apply mathematical knowledge to everyday situations. To achieve these aims, basic mathematics is taught separately from the class topic, although mathematical concepts are used within the topics wherever possible, notably for sorting and data handling.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


Language, Literacy and Communication We aim for children to read fluently, accurately and for pleasure. We encourage them to use their acquired skills for reading fiction and for obtaining information. The school operates a ‘reading group’ system in which the children are divided into groups according to their reading ability and attend a daily reading group for 15 minutes immediately after assembly. We operate a ‘split break’ system whereby half of the children go out to play whilst the other half attend reading group. This is then reversed, so that all children have an opportunity to both read and to enjoy their break. The teachers will have had their mid-morning break during assembly time. In the reading group, each child takes a turn to read whilst the others follow the text in their own copy of the book. As the children read, the teacher takes opportunities to develop discussion about vocabulary, grammar, and the meaning of the text; the members of the group also explore their views about the author, the illustrator, and so on. The group situation provides an opportunity to develop the higher-order reading skills of inference and deduction and comprehension, and also provides opportunity for reading aloud, practising expression and inflexion. The children read with either a teacher, a classroom assistant, or a parent, all of whom are trained for their role in the reading groups. It has been found that in addition to the ‘reading group’ system being an efficient way of teaching young children to read and raising reading standards generally, it has other advantages. The groups rotate regularly, so that the children have the opportunity of reading with a variety of teachers and adults; moreover, teachers no longer have to devote a considerable part of their time in the afternoon to listening to their children read, and can therefore spend time giving quality teaching in other curriculum areas. Speaking and listening skills are an integral part of the English curriculum and are an area that we plan and teach very carefully. Communication skills are developed so that children can give and receive instructions confidently and converse freely with their peers and with adults. We aim to develop children as writers using a broad and balanced curriculum as a vehicle. We teach them to write accurately, neatly and legibly for a variety of purposes using correct form, punctuation and spelling.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


Science We aim to provide experiences that encourage children to develop the skills of observation, classification, measuring, prediction, experimentation, communication and explanation. Through the exploration of living things, materials and forces, the children acquire knowledge and understanding of basic scientific ideas and develop a caring and enquiring attitude to life. Second Languages Children in Years R to 6 are introduced to Spanish. Children enjoy lively language lessons each week. Design Technology Through Design Technology children are challenged to design and make artefacts for their environment in response to an identified need. They are encouraged to work from plans and critically evaluate their models. Art & Craft We aim to develop the creative ability of the child by encouraging experimentation with a wide range of materials, followed by the teaching of technique. Aesthetic appreciation is developed by observing and discussing the work of great artists, together with evaluation of their own work. Music This is essentially a practical subject to be enjoyed by all. The children are encouraged to participate in music-making in a variety of ways: singing, playing tuned and untuned instruments, listening and responding to extracts of different music from their own and different cultures, and so on. As part of our musical curriculum, all children from Year 2 onwards are taught to play the recorder. Through visiting peripatetic music teachers, all children are given the opportunity to learn to play an instrument of their choice. The school has an enthusiastic choir. Computing Computing is now an essential part of our lives. We aim for each child to have experience in the following areas: word processing, using a database, graphics package, Power Point presentations, use of the internet, problem solving games to develop higher-order thinking skills, and to use control technology and interactive whiteboards. Mobile trolleys with suites of 15 laptops are available for use by each year group. Purpose of study A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, Science, and design and technology, and provides

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems works, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensure that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. Physical Education Physical education covers the areas of gymnastics, dance and games. There are regular lessons in all three aspects. The main school hall is easily converted into a gymnasium with apparatus suitable for the needs of children, and a second smaller hall is timetabled for lessons in dance and drama. Health and Sex Education The school emphasises the importance of healthy eating and in PSHCE lessons children are taught that our bodies are precious and should be respected by keeping them warm, clean and safe. Our policy states that children, need to know about how they will develop during puberty before they experience the onset of physical changes, and we have a programme which states what teaching is appropriate for each year group. Sex education follows on from the science curriculum, learning about life cycles and in the context of units of work on developing responsibility and forming loving relationships. Links are also made with citizenship and RE. Parents are always invited to view materials used for Sex Education before the children and have the right to withdraw their children from the lessons if they wish. Teachers are keen to build trusting relationships and ensure that children are listened to and that their questions or concerns are dealt with openly, yet sensitively and honestly. SPECIAL NEEDS All children have their own needs that make then unique individuals and at St Margaret’s we embrace and celebrate these differences. For some children they may need to be catered for in a way that is significantly different from the rest or the children due to behavioural, emotional, medical or academic reasons. Within schools this need is referred to as a ‘special educational need’. Some children may begin their school lives with this need having been already identified. Some may have this need identified at school. Whenever this need is identified our aim is always to provide the best possible support to your child through a partnership between home and school. In order for your child to reach their potential, it may require more personalised support in small groups, pairs or working one to one with an adult. There are four levels to this support that follow the guidance set out in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. Initially, when a concern is raised about a pupil a Nature of Concern is expressed where the concern is outlined and shared

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with parents or carers to gain their views. It is recorded what has already been implemented to support these needs within the whole class setting and what will then be implemented and closely monitored over the next 6-8 weeks. The impact of this concern will be discussed at the half termly Pupil Progress meetings. Following this Nature of Concern, if it is felt that further intervention is required the child will be placed on the schools Special Educational Needs register. At this level an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is drawn up setting clear, measurable and smart targets to be worked on at a whole class or group level, with a small amount of one to one working. These targets are reviewed on a termly basis or more frequently if needed. Each child will achieve these targets at an individual rate. The top tier of this personalised support is through a Educational Health and Care Plan, which provides a multi-professional assessment of the child’s needs and the provision that should be provided to address these areas. This is a legal document between the Local Authority and the parents which is reviewed annually, involving parents and professionals. The IEP also gives ideas of what you can do at home to support your child. Feedback of the progress made towards these targets is discussed with parents at every termly review point or more regularly if you should wish. Whatever support is needed for your child it is essential that this is recognised as early as possible through honest and open discussion between home and school. Included under the umbrella of these individual needs is also providing enrichment and extension for those children who have exceptional interests, talents or abilities in particular areas. This again is achieved through working with parents and providing support through an extended curriculum within the classroom or learning environment. We are lucky at St Margaret’s to have the advantage of a Special Support Centre (SSC) which opened in 2005. This is now very much an integral part of our school, which provides enhanced resources and space for children with significant physical or medical needs, within a mainstream setting. Children who join our school through the Special Support Centre are assigned to a mainstream class and spend a significant majority of their day with their peers and this is one of the features that makes our school unique and fully inclusive. NATIONAL CURRICULUM ASSESSMENTS AND ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS New systems for assessment now ensure that teachers carefully observe the progress of each child and keep detailed records of these observations. This is called Teacher Assessment and plays a vital part in ensuring progress through the National Curriculum. At the end of Year 2, and again at the end of Year 6, the teachers administer National Assessments called SATs in the core areas of English and Mathematics. Together with Teacher Assessment, the results of the SATs indicate to parents and the school how well the children are developing educationally. School reports are provided for all children annually, and parents are invited to discuss their children’s report with the staff concerned. In addition individual consultations are held each term for teachers and parents to discuss children’s progress.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex



We are fortunate to have a team of dedicated teachers who are prepared to give up their own time to offer a range of extra-curricular activities to children in Years One to Six. Clubs currently on offer are:

Art Senior & Junior Choir Cricket Club Crawley Club Football Multi Sports Football Tennis Maths Games Music DT Netball Photography Tag Rugby Tennis Activities Club Hockey Club Table Tennis Club Basket Ball

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


SCHOOL TIMES AND TERM DATES Morning and Afternoon Session The school gates open at 8.40 am and the bell rings at 8.50 am at which time the teacher takes responsibility for the children. The morning session is from 8.55 am to 12.00 noon for all children including Reception classes. The afternoon session is from 1.00 pm to 3.15 pm for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children, and from 1.00 pm to 3.20 pm for children in Years 3 to 6. Break Times There is a 15 minute morning break from 10.10 to 10.25 or from 10.25 to 10.40am for all year groups, and an afternoon break of 15 minutes at 2.00 pm for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. The school is closed on Monday 04/05/15 for the Bank Holiday. It is also closed for pupils, but teachers attend for in-service training, on certain days throughout the academic year; there are five INSET days this year,

03/09/14 04/09/14 05/09/14 03/11/14 22/07/15

School Terms and Holidays for the Academic Year 2014/15

Autumn Term Wednesday 03/09/14 to Friday 19/12/14

Half Term Monday 27/10/14 to Friday 31/10/14

Spring Term Monday 05/01/15 to Friday 27/03/15 Half Term Monday 16/02/15 to Friday 20/02/15

Summer Term Monday 13/04/15 to Wednesday 22/07/15 Half Term Monday 25/05/15 to Friday 29/05/15

School Terms and Holidays for the Academic Year 2015/16

Autumn Term Thursday 03/09/15 to Friday 18/12/15 Half Term Monday 26/10/15 to Friday 30/10/15

Spring Term Monday 04/01/16 to Thursday 24/03/16 Half Term Monday 15/02/16 to Friday 19/02/16

Summer Term Monday 11/04/16 to Friday 22/07/16 Half Term Monday 30/05/16 to Friday 03/06/16

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex



We know that all parents appreciate how vital regular schooling is. Generally, children should only miss school for a medical reason, that is to say, illness or a visit to the doctor, hospital, dentist or clinic (although parents are requested to arrange visits to doctors, dentists, and so on outside school hours if at all possible) and occasionally there may some other genuine reason why a child is unable to attend school, such as a bereavement. Parents are asked to notify the school by 0900 hours on the first morning of the child’s absence as these absences can be ‘authorised’. The school policy for attendance is in line with all local schools in the Crawley area, please see appendices.

SCHOOL PROCEDURES Late Arrivals and Early Departures Parents of children who are late for school should report to the School Office with an explanation. Children who are persistently late are severely disadvantaged in their learning. If there is an on-going reason for lateness, parents are asked to discuss the problem with the Headteacher. Sometimes it is necessary for children to leave school early. We are always willing to co-operate with such requests, but in the interests of safety we ask that parents write a brief note of explanation. Verbal requests made by children will be refused. When leaving early children must be officially booked out by the school office. Morning Arrangements All children are required to line up in the playground at 8.50 am, at which time the school accepts responsibility for them, and where their teacher waits for them to escort them into their classroom. In wet weather a procedure is in place to ensure that all children enter school safely. We want parents to feel welcome to come into the school (as much as possible) but we ask them to leave their children at 8.50 am, as this encourages independence in the child and reduces congestion in the school. These morning arrangements are designed to ensure that we are fully aware at all times of the whereabouts of all children, and are thus in the interests of safety and security.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


Break time There is a fifteen minute break for the children mid morning. Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack of fruit or vegetable to enjoy at this time. Other types of snack are not permitted. Milk is available on request through the County Milk Scheme at a subsidised rate and is presently free to children under 5. Lunchtime and Packed Lunches Lunch time is between 12 noon to 1.00 pm. Children are required to bring a packed lunch. Parents should ensure that a drink is included in the lunchbox, although we can provide water for those children who forget to bring one. Parents are also asked to avoid nuts including products containing nuts in the child’s packed lunch, as this is a health risk to children with nut allergies. Hotmeals are also available each day. These can be ordered direct with Chartwells Children have constant access to water throughout the school day via our specially installed water coolers. Water bottles can be purchased from the school office that specifically fit these machines. Any other drinks brought into school should be in a flask or a carton (but not in a glass bottle). Fizzy drinks are not permitted. Afternoon Arrangements At the end of the school day, reception, year 1 and year 2 children are handed over to their parents from their outer classroom door; children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are dismissed by their teacher and expected to meet up with their parent on the playground. The school does not accept responsibility beyond 3.20 pm unless children are engaged in after school extra curricular activities when a specific form will have been completed. Accidents or Illness at School It is the school’s policy that there will be a member of staff with first aid training on the premises at all times during school hours, currently we have members of staff who are fully trained. First aid boxes, stocked in accordance with statutory requirements, are regularly checked and maintained in every Class and in the Medical Room. It is essential that we have correct and up-to-date details of where to contact parents; if there is a change in the contact number please let the school office know immediately. Please also ensure that the school has been given all information relating to any allergy for which the child may require medication and/or monitoring. Should an injury appear to need urgent medical attention it is possible that the child might be taken to the casualty department before the parent can reach school; in this case a member of staff would accompany and stay with the child until the parent arrives. A record of all accidents is maintained in the school ‘Accident Book’ and the cause of every accident is always investigated. Should a

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


child receive a bump to the head, the parent is notified and will receive a ‘bump note’ in case there are any delayed after-effects. Medication at School We are keen for children to have good attendance at school, but your child must be fit enough to participate fully in lessons. Children who are unwell need to be at home until they have recovered. If a child is well enough to be in school they will be expected to take part in PE and go out to play. The only exception would be recovery from an injury that makes mobility difficult. A note (dated) from a parent is required for this. Parents are responsible for the administration of medicine to children. Our school nurse advises that the taking of antibiotics is possible just before and after school in order to ensure that doses are taken throughout the day. Children should not bring cough sweets to school. Special Medical Conditions The school maintains a Register of all children with special medical conditions such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anaphylaxis (extreme allergies to nuts, wasp stings, etc), epilepsy, and so on. The school’s Senior First Aider is responsible for maintaining this Register, maintaining information on these medical conditions, responding to any emergency requirement arising from them, and ensuring that any special equipment is maintained in accordance with County requirements


The NHS carry out an eye test during the first year in school and a hearing test during the second year if it is deemed necessary or recommended by the class teacher or the parent. If a child has a hearing or vision problem, it is important that the class teacher is informed so that any necessary allowances in the classroom can be made.

Welfare Agencies The Educational Welfare Officer visits the school regularly and can advise families with educational welfare problems. The EWO may also be used by the school to check on persistent, unexplained absences, or to support families that we are concerned about. Health & Safety Parents are encouraged to work towards the school’s aims for health and safety by ensuring that children attend school in good health, by providing prompt notes to explain absences, by providing support for the discipline within the school and for the teacher’s role, by ensuring early contact with the school to

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


discuss matters concerning the health and safety of their children, by allowing their children to take increasing personal and social responsibility as they progress through school, by accepting responsibility for the conduct of their children at all times, and finally, as has already been said, by ensuring that the school has up-to-date contact addresses and telephone numbers so that parents or guardians can be swiftly contacted in the event of an emergency. Head Lice This is a problem encountered in every school. Contrary to popular opinion, lice thrive best on clean, short hair. Lice cannot jump or fly, nor can they be caught from hats, chair backs or combs, but can only travel from scalp to scalp when heads come into direct contact. The pest is easily treated so parents must not panic. The local Health Clinic or Health Visitor or General Practitioner will be able to advise on the treatment recommended by the Health Authority. Hair is no longer examined by the Nurse in school. It is the responsibility of the parents to examine their families’ hair, which should be checked weekly for signs of head lice. If a child does catch nits, it would be most helpful if the parents could advise the school so that other parents can be warned to be extra vigilant. If a child complains during the school day of an itchy head and it is indicative of head lice parents may be phoned and asked to take the child home for treatment in order to minimise the child’s discomfort. School Security Security of pupils during the school day is of paramount importance. At 0910 hours each morning the school pedestrian gates will be closed & bolted, the double gates closed and entry for visitors will only be possible through the main entrance door, which itself is locked and which can only be opened by means of an electronically operated system. No Smoking Zone The school has a ‘no smoking’ policy for all, both inside the building and outside of it, and this ‘no smoking’ policy applies to all social occasions at all locations within the school grounds. Change of Address It is most important that parents notify us, in writing, of any change of address, telephone number or change of emergency contact arrangements, immediately they occur.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex



We view the family as the basic unit of Christian life and are well aware of the important role of our school in family life. We see the education of the children very much as a shared responsibility with parents and encourage them to be as involved with our school as much as possible. St Margaret’s has a home school agreement. This is based on the St. Margaret’s Promise and other information contained in the prospectus. Children will bring a copy home for you to consider and sign once they have discussed the St Margaret’s Promise in class at the beginning of the year. Thus: The child will try to follow the St Margaret’s promise o To do my best at all times o To be loving and considerate towards others, as Jesus taught us o To use polite and kindly language at all times o To give help to anyone in difficulty or need o To admit my mistakes, apologise and mean it, and try not to repeat my

mistakes in the future o To keep my temper under control regardless of the provocation o To organise myself – my work in school, my homework, my dress and my

belongings, and my timekeeping o To take a pride in my school, playing a positive role in keeping it tidy and

attractive o To enter and leave the school properly and to move around the building in

an appropriate manner The family will: o Encourage our child to participate in school activities o Support our child’s learning by attending parent’s evenings and teacher-

parent consultations o Provide our child with labelled school uniform, with PE kit, and with the

correct equipment including a water bottle o Help our child to understand the school’s behaviour policy o Behave in a way that sets a good example o Support the school’s decisions o Encourage our child to care for the property and belongings of the school

and of others o At all times park and manoeuvre vehicles inside the school grounds or on

the road outside, with care, consideration and courtesy o Help our child to understand that everyone is of equal importance o Encourage our child to respect and appreciate the views and religions of

others o Listen to and read with our child o Help our child to return homework on time o Help our child to find a suitable place and an appropriate time to do

homework o Ensure that any borrowed school property is looked after and returned o Ensure that our child attends school regularly and on time o Ensure that our child is collected on time

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


o Contact the school promptly when our child is absent o Endeavour never to take family holidays during term time, in order to o prevent disruption to our child’s education o Ensure that the school has up-to-date contact telephone numbers o Keep our child at home if unwell and inform the school accordingly o Raise concerns with the appropriate person as soon as they arise o Inform the school of any issues which may effect our child’s welfare or

progress o Read all communications from school The school will: o Ensure that every child is taught at an appropriate and challenging level o Maintain an attractive environment with good materials and equipment o Teach the full National Curriculum and Religious Education o Ensure that the children are familiar with the school’s behaviour policy o Use rewards and sanctions fairly o Ensure that the staff model high standards of behaviour o Respect the views of parents and children, acknowledging that different

circumstances exist o Offer a variety of activities catering for the needs of individual children o Celebrate the diverse backgrounds from which all members of the school

community come o Wherever possible and practical use multi-cultural examples in teaching o Not tolerate bullying, racist or other discriminating behaviour o Set homework to reinforce or extend what has been learned in school o Start lessons promptly at 08.55 hours o Adhere to the published timetable unless due notice has been given of an

alteration o Maintain an accurate record of attendance o Ensure that children are safe on the school premises and whilst on school trips o Give full and clear information about the curriculum o Give full and clear information about each child’s progress and about the

targets necessary to achieve further

NEWSLETTERS Regular newsletters are sent out to parents via parent mail to keep them up-to-date with events, items of information, relevant dates, decisions made at Governors meetings, and so on. In addition, Assistant Headteachers send out an information letter at the beginning of each half term informing parents of the curriculum and events relevant to their child’s year group.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION AND PARENT HELPERS To be successful the school relies on the help and co-operation of parents, either as members of the Parent Teacher Association, as helpers in the school, or as supporters at home. We would like parents to feel welcome in school at any time. Some parents help with small groups of children on a regular basis and children benefit from this additional help. Please do not feel shy to volunteer if you have time to spare. Activities that parents support include painting, modelling, cookery, story telling, playing reading or number games, and listening to children read. We also need help for out-of-school visits when they occur. The PTA helps the school in many ways, not least in promoting strong home/school links. However one of its main tasks is to raise money for the school, and to this end it organises a varied programme of popular and extremely successful events throughout the year. The officers of the PTA are elected annually, but all parents are welcome to attend committee meetings which are publicised in the weekly newsletter.

CONSULTATIONS There are consultations between class teacher and parents by means of formal individual appointments in the Autumn and Spring terms, and a full written report in the Summer term. In addition, class teachers are generally available immediately after school, if parents wish to raise queries or discuss their child’s progress. It would be appreciated; however, if at all possible, parents would telephone to make a mutually convenient appointment beforehand.

READING SUPPORT Reading books are sent home each evening for the children to share and gain extra reading practice with their parents. These books are selected from reading material different from that which is used in the reading group system. Every child has a ‘home-school’ reading diary to maintain a record of books read at home. We would value the help and support of parents in this matter.


An outline of the topic and main concepts that are to be taught each half term will be sent to each parent, so that they will be fully aware of what their child is learning. Teachers will make it absolutely clear to parents what they expect each child to do in the way of homework and we schedule regular curriculum meetings for parents, at which we explain how we teach the curriculum, especially literacy and numeracy

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex



When possible and appropriate, parents, governors and members of the local community will be invited to share special occasions, such as Christmas Concerts, Leavers Concerts and so on.

SCHOOL VISITS School trips are an important part of a child’s education and the year group teachers organise one or more such visits each year. Upon joining the school , each child is issued with a consent form to cover all school trips throughout the year that are within walking distance from the school. This minimises administration but still allows for individual abstention. On each trip, the accompanying staff and adults will include a suitably trained first aid person. Only coaches equipped with seat belts will be hired, and each child will occupy one seat and wear the seat belt at all times. The school always maintains a ratio of adults to children in excess of the legal requirement. If a child has displayed a pattern of disruptive behaviour over a period of time, then the organiser of the trip will determine whether or not the parent of that child should be asked to accompany the child on the trip. Trips that involve transport are notified as they arise, giving full details of cost, times and any special requirements. Whilst we try to keep charges to a minimum, there are certain activities which cannot take place unless a charge is made. Parents cannot be required to pay for activities that take place during the school day so we may ask for a contribution to be made. If parental contributions are insufficient, the proposed activity may need to be cancelled and an alternative way of teaching the subject matter will take place. Parents are asked to make contributions towards the following:

Day trips Residential visits Visits by theatre companies to the school Swimming Extracurricular activities

When families cannot make a payment in whole or part they should approach the Headteacher, in confidence, to discuss ways of resolving the difficulty.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


DISCIPLINE It is expected that the children will be well behaved, polite and obedient at all times. We encourage good behaviour by acknowledging it in many ways. We also consider that the development of a positive approach towards discipline is a partnership between home and school. The vast majority of children respond well to this approach. Children who have been noted for being helpful, considerate, hardworking, or especially obedient are nominated for a visit to the Headteacher or may receive a Headteacher award at our special assembly on Monday. Please look impressed if your child tells you that he or she has received a Headteacher’s award. At the same time, we firmly believe that all forms of anti-social behaviour, including vandalism, bullying and disruption, are not acceptable, and therefore should a disciplinary or behavioural problem arise, the school operates a discipline policy which enables us to deal with it: it may be that the class teacher would require the child to work during the play time, or classroom privileges might be withdrawn; in extreme cases, the child might be rebuked by the Headteacher, or the case might even be referred to the parents when they would be informed and asked to visit the school to discuss the matter. Car Parking and Vehicular Access to School Please note that parents should not drive into or park in the school grounds, this is for the benefit of staff and for disabled parents or children. DRESS CODE School Uniform The Governors feel that the wearing of school uniform by all children promotes a smart, positive image of the school, and we therefore insist all parents to accept and conform to this requirement. School uniform may be ordered from Taylor Made Uniforms Ltd. Girls Girls should wear grey skirt/pinafore or trousers (not black); white or sky blue polo shirt; royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt with St. Margaret’s logo; plain grey or white socks or tights. In warmer weather a sky blue and white check dress may be worn. Boys Boys should wear grey trousers (not black); white or sky blue polo shirt; royal blue sweatshirt with St. Margaret’s logo; plain grey or white socks. In warmer weather short grey trousers may be worn.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


Outdoor Wear All girls and boys are expected to bring a waterproof coat to school each day. Royal blue fleeces with St. Margaret’s logo may be worn as an outdoor garment. We recommend the wearing of sun hats in the playground during hot weather. PE Kit All girls and boys should wear royal blue PE shorts and a plain sky blue or white t shirt; tracksuit or jogging bottoms should be worn for outdoor use in cold weather; white or royal blue socks. Parents will be notified of specialist kit for example football boots or swimwear at the appropriate time. Suitable Footwear Both boys and girls should at all times wear dark flat shoes, either black or brown, that are of an appropriate style (not trainers), except for PE lessons when all children must wear either plimsolls or training shoes. During the summer term lightweight dark sandals may be worn but must have a closed in toe. Personal Jewellery West Sussex County Council regulations state that jewellery of any kind must not be worn during PE lessons or any other physical activities. Stud earrings are permitted in school but the child, not the teacher, must be responsible for removing these for PE. We ask parents to arrange for any ear piercing to be carried out at the beginning of a holiday period. No other body piercings are allowed. Watches are permitted, but will be taken off for games and PE lessons. Children should not wear make up or nail varnish in school. Hair Girls with long hair should wear it in a neat style tied back out of the way. Hair bands and other fixings should be Royal Blue to match with the rest of the school uniform. Boy’s hairstyles must be natural and tidy. Extremes of any kind (length, colour or style) are not acceptable and parents are required to accept the judgement of the school in deciding what is a permissible norm within the context of the school community.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


Personal Property and Valuables Parents are asked to help the school by making sure that all clothes are carefully named (this includes gloves, shoes, scarves, wellington boots and so on) and that the child knows where the name is. Children get upset if they lose their things and we cannot return un-named clothes. It is advisable not to allow a child to bring valuables of any kind to school – they can too easily be forgotten or mislaid, valuable toys can be broken, and young children also tend to lend or borrow items and make the most unsuitable ‘swaps’. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE Under Section 23 of the Education Reform Act (1988), formal complaints about the curriculum or about collective worship are dealt with by means of a designated procedure, details of which are available from the Headteacher or from a member of the Governing body. However, most complaints can be resolved in discussion with the Headteacher and only if such informal attempts fail would the formal procedure be administered.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex



The admission number for our school for 2015/2016 is 60. To enable St. Margaret’s to remain as a school that seeks to reinforce the Christian Worship and values that are being encouraged in children of Christian parents at home and at church, the Governors agreed the following criteria be adopted when considering admissions when oversubscribed. Priority will be given thus: 1. When the child is in public care or is considered to be a “Child Looked

After”. 2. When a senior member of the clergy has confirmed in writing that the

parent and child have attended a place of Christian worship at least twice a month throughout the previous 12 months.

3. When the parent and child are not regular attendees at a Christian place

of worship but an older brother or sister attends the School at the time of admission.

4. When there are any discernible educational, social or medical reasons why

the child should attend the school in preference to others; documentary evidence will be needed from a doctor, a social worker, an educational welfare officer or a similar professional.

5. A child who is currently (at the time of application) attending St.

Margaret’s Church of England Primary School Nursery. 6. Other.

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St Margaret’s Church of England Primary School, Ifield, West Sussex


Notes on the Criteria “Child Looked After” child refers to children in the care of the local authority. If applying under criterion 2, and you have recently moved into the area i.e. within the last 12 months, you will require a supporting letter from your previous church confirming that you meet the criterion. By a place of Christian worship we mean that your church is a full member of the “Churches together in Britain and Ireland” or of the Evangelical Alliance. A sibling is a full, half or step brother/sister living permanently in the same household, including an adoptive or foster brother or sister. All references to parents include legal guardians, either or both parents or a sole parent and, where only one of two parents satisfies criterion 2, the application will be treated equally with applications where criterion 2 is satisfied by both parents. When deciding between applicants who have equal entitlement under any of the above criteria, priority will be given to those with siblings in the School at the time of admission, followed by those who have attended St. Margaret’s CE Primary School Nursery, followed by distance from the school as measured using Ordnance Survey address point data, from a central point in the home to a central point in the school, the nearest being accepted first. Parents have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel set up by the Governing Body in accordance with section 50 of the Education Act 2002 and supporting Regulations. Details of the procedure for an Appeal will be sent to the unsuccessful applicants with the letter informing them that a place is not available at school. Children refused a place can, at their parents’ request, be put on a waiting list where priorities for any vacancies will be determined by the criteria set out above. Children will be kept on this list for a maximum of 12 months from the date of application.
