
Welcome The Student Engagement Formula Tutorial 1: Buy-in Your presenter: Rob Plevin Behaviour Needs Ltd Question What proportion of your students are disengaged or unmotivated at the start of your lessons? 1.10% 2.25% 3.50% 4.More than 50% Question What words do you associate with Study? In my 30 years of investigating peoples associations with the word study, ten major words or concepts have emerged. They are: boring, exams, homework, waste of time, punishment, irrelevant, detention, hate, fear. Tony Buzan Goals for Today Learn creative ways to hook students at the start of lessons Learn how to make students feel welcome and actually enjoy being in the lesson Learn several ways to make the curriculum more relevant to students Resources Accompanying resources for the ideas in this webinar in the resources section 1. Get Buy-In Buy-In Method 1: Create CURIOSITY Buy-In Method 2: Make it RELEVANT Buy-In Method 3: Make them feel WELCOME Buy-In Method 4: Give them instant SUCCESS Buy-In: Welcome Features of the best teacher in school: Buy-In: Welcome Enthusiasm 7% of meaning in the words that are spoken. 38% of meaning is paralinguistic (the way that the words are said). 55% of meaning is in facial expression and body language. While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart. Francis of Assisi Professor Albert Mehrabian Buy-In: Welcome Mood/atmosphere Buy-In: Welcome Humour Buy-In: Welcome 1:1 Relationships Provide support, give responsibilities Buy-In: Welcome Positive Expectations Q. Why did the $100k lawyer flunk her exams? Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles - Dingbats Ice Cube Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles - Dingbats Show-off Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles - Dingbats Dead Ringer For Love Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles Mad Gabs The Titanic THOUGH TIGHT AN HICK Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles Mad Gabs Santa Claus SAND TACKLE LAWS Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles Lateral thinking They werent playing each other Two scrabble champions played five games of Scrabble. Each won and lost the same number of games and there were no draws. How was this possible? Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles Lateral thinking The letter U What occurs once in June, once in July and twice in August? Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles Physical Challenges Stand with your back against a wall, with a coin between your feet. Can you bend over without bending your knees, and pick up the coin? Buy-In: Welcome Puzzles Slow Reveal happy v Buy-In: Welcome Whiteboard games Buy-In: Welcome Method : Active Games Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits Treasure hunts Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits prompt sheet Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits - experiments Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits - sorting task Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits - text exercises Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits - kinaesthetic learning Buy-In: Curiosity Learning Kits - audio/video files Buy-In: Curiosity Magic Buy-In: Curiosity Magic Buy-In: Curiosity Magic Buy-In: Curiosity Props & Entry Resources Subject-related prop Buy-In: Curiosity Timer Props & Entry Resources Buy-In: Curiosity Choice Card Props & Entry Resources Buy-In: Curiosity Puppets Props & Entry Resources Buy-In: Curiosity Awards & Trophies Props & Entry Resources Buy-In: Curiosity Team Hats, Flags, Cards & Badges Props & Entry Resources Buy-In: Curiosity Photo/picture Buy-In: Curiosity Furniture/room Unexpected Change Buy-In: Curiosity Dramatic Demonstrations & Apparatus Set-up Unexpected Change Buy-In: Curiosity In Role Unexpected Change Buy-In: Curiosity Special Events Unexpected Change - application Buy-In: Curiosity Guest Speaker /Expert Unexpected Change Buy-In: Curiosity Silence Unexpected Change Buy-In: Curiosity Mysteries Because I said so. Because its on the test. Why do we have to learn this? Buy-In: Relevant Group Brainstorm Buy-In: Relevant Group Brainstorm OK, so these are the many benefits weve come up with for taking part in the lesson......and these could be some of the consequences of NOT taking part. Are we all agreed it would be beneficial to put some effort into this? Buy-In: Relevant WIIFM? Posters Link to their real life through these SUREFIRE student topics (in no particular order) blood/guts/gore/horror, The Simpsons, any current Xbox game, latest blockbuster film, Skins, Hollyoaks, A place they all congregate at night (local park/mall), their home town, adolescence, fighting/gangs, triumphing at sport, their style of music, quotes from their idols/heroes, their hobbies/interests Buy-In: Relevant Create a Buzz Buy-In: Relevant Advertise Your Lesson Today Im going to show you a really cool memory technique (used by astronauts and world memory champion Dominic OBrien) that will help you learn any information without hours of revision. Heres How You Can...(benefit) in... (certain amount of time) without... (usual drawback) Buy-In: Relevant Analogies & Metaphors Buy-In: Relevant Comparisons Compare the rules to Buy-In: Relevant Comparisons Buy-In: Relevant Comparisons Romance Family Feuds Gang fights Buy-In: Relevant Comparisons Buy-In: Relevant Case Studies What would you do in this situation? How does this relate to ? If you were (the victim/shopkeeper/student/etc) what would you do? What five mistakes did the person make in this situation? What five things did the person do right in this situation? Give three examples of from the above case study Personal story/anecdote Very Nice Buy-In: Relevant Video Buy-In: Relevant News Item Buy-In: Relevant Local Picture Buy-In: Relevant Local Picture Questions
