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Lessons for the Leader

1a Application Activities Format: Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus 20-minute Application Activities format.

1 Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large group only format.

What do these symbols mean?

Session at a Glance

What type of service do you expect when you dine at a restaurant? How do you respond if the service does not meet or far exceeds your expectations? •Read John 13:1. Place yourself alongside Jesus

and the disciples. What type of feelings do you think Jesus experienced during this time?

•Read verse 2. What do you think Judas felt as he watched Jesus? Do you think Judas struggled with his decision? What would you do?

•Read verses 3-11. Have you ever wondered: where was the servant responsible for washing the disciples' feet? Why did none of the disciples step up and begin the process of washing their feet? Why was Peter the first disciple to object to Jesus' actions?

•Read verses 12-17. What impact did Jesus' words have on the disciples? When was the last time you "washed someone's feet"? How did it make you feel being a servant for someone?

•Reflect on your life. In what ways do you serve people? What do your actions say about your commitment to Jesus? What impact does your service have on the children and parents in your ministry? Are you committed to following Jesus more than just a few hours on Sunday? Do you live your life with a servant attitude?

•Pray for yourself. Ask God to give you an attitude of servanthood that will set an example for children, parents, and other leaders in your church and community.

An Example to Follow: Service

Focus Passage: John 13:1-17

Key Bible Verse: Galatians 5:13

Life ApplicationI can follow Jesus' example by serving people.

Level of Biblical Learning (Self)I can follow the examples, teachings, and commandments of Jesus.

Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes)

Welcome the ChildrenPlay "Test Your Foot Knowledge"

Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes)

Call to Worship/PraySing "Move"Sing "Amazing Grace"Introduce the Bible StoryTell the Bible StoryReview the Bible StoryRead the Key Bible Verse/PrayShow "Kaycee and Casey" Video #2Make Life ApplicationSing "In Your Power"/Receive OfferingSing "Your Name"

Application Activities (20 minutes)

Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

Week of October 28, 2012

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Introduction to Worship

An Example to Follow: Service

1aWelcome the Children

2aPlay "Test Your Foot Knowledge"

Pull It TogetherTape, markers• Print "Feet" (CD). Display in various locations.

•Ask: "What do you know about feet? Around the room are eight true/false statements. Read each statement and decide if it is true or false. Write your name under 'True' if you believe the statement is true or 'False' if you think the statement is false."

•Assist as needed.•Read aloud and reveal the answers. •Say: "Our feet are amazing. Let's discover

how Jesus used feet to teach the disciples an important lesson about service."

Worship 3aCall to Worship/Pray (3 minutes)•Select a child to read aloud Psalm 100:1-2.•Say: "The Bible tells us to worship and serve

with gladness. Let's worship God with joyful hearts today."

•Invite volunteers to pray.

4aSing "Move" (DVD, 3 minutes)

5 Sing "Amazing Grace" (DVD, 3 minutes)

6aIntroduce the Bible Story (3 minutes)•Ask: "Have you ever taken your shoes off and

smelled a bad odor? Did you know the odor is caused by micrococcus sedentarius (my kroh kah kus seh den tair ee us), a bacteria caused by sweat on your feet. This bacteria produces a substance called volatile sulfur compound that smells."

•Continue: "Imagine living during Bible times. People did not have shoes and socks like we have today. Most people wore sandals or went barefooted. When people traveled, they usually walked on dusty, dirty roads. How dirty do you think their feet would be at the end of the day?"

•Say: "A custom of that day was to remove your sandals when you went into someone's home. A servant would come and wash your feet. Let's see how Jesus used this custom to teach the disciples about serving others."

7aTell the Bible Story (8 minutes)

Pull It TogetherPitcher, basin, towel, water, adult male Bible times costume•Enlist an adult male to dramatize the story.

Teacher Tips•Move around the group and pretend to wash and

dry the children's feet as you tell the story.•Tell the Bible story in your own words, performing

the actions as you speak.

•Welcome the actor.•Peter: "My name is Peter. I'll never forget the

night Jesus taught us about serving others. Jesus could have simply told the disciples the importance of serving, but that was not His teaching style. Jesus demonstrated service like no one else. Let me tell you about it."

An Example to Follow: ServiceBased on John 13:1-17

Jesus knew that His ministry on earth was coming to an end. He would soon return to heaven with God. Jesus loved us from the beginning and He loved us to the very end.

We reclined around the table. Even Judas, who the Devil had prompted to betray Jesus, ate with us. Jesus got up from the table, took off His outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around His waist. [Drape a towel over your arm.] Then He poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them with the towel [move around the room "washing" children's feet].

When Jesus came to me, I asked, "Lord, are You going to wash my feet?" Jesus told me, "What I'm doing, you will not understand right now, but later you will." I protested, "You will never wash my feet." Jesus said, "If I do not wash your feet, you will have nothing to do with Me." Then I said, "Then don't just wash my feet. Wash my hands and my head." Jesus said, "You only need to wash your feet." Jesus made the statement, "You are clean, but not all of you." He knew someone in the group would betray Him.

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Week of October 28, 2012

After washing all of the disciples' feet, Jesus put His robe back on and reclined at the table with us. He asked, "Do you know what I have done for you? You call Me Teacher and LORD. That is good, because I am both your Teacher and LORD. Since I washed your feet, you should wash other people's feet. I've given you an example to follow."

Then Jesus told us, "No servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."

8aReview the Bible Story (3 minutes)

Pull It TogetherScissors• Print "Washing Feet" Teaching Picture (CD).

Display.• Print and cut apart "Questions" (CD).

•Call attention to the teaching picture.•Ask: "How do you think you would feel if you

were one of the disciples and Jesus washed your feet? Why do you think none of the disciples volunteered to wash the others' feet?"

•Say: "Let's review what we learned. I'll select someone to read aloud a question. Think about the answer, then I'll pick someone to respond."

•Pick a volunteer to select and read aloud a question.

•Call on a child to answer.•Continue as time permits.

9 Read the Key Bible Verse/Pray (3 minutes)•Guide the children to open their Bibles to

Galatians 5:13.•Select volunteers to read aloud the verse.•Discuss the meaning of the verse.•Say: "God does not force us to serve other

people. He gives us freedom, but He wants us to choose to serve others as Jesus did. Think of a person you can serve this week."

•Pray for positive attitudes and opportunities to serve people.

10aShow "Kaycee and Casey" Video #2 (DVD, 8 minutes)

•Ask: "What do baking cakes, picking up trash, and washing babies' toys have in common?"

•Continue: "They are ways we can serve other people. Let's see what Kaycee and Casey discover about serving."

•Show the video.•Ask: "Have you ever had an opinion of

someone based on rumors? How was the person different when you actually got to know the person? How did Casey's view of Mr. Crabtree change?"

•Conclude: "How can serving someone change your opinion about him?"

11aMake Life Application (5 minutes)

Pull It TogetherWorship Guides

•Distribute Worship Guides. •Say: "Let's explore some ways we can follow

Jesus' example and serve others in love."•Select a volunteer to read aloud the definition

of serve.•Ask: "Does this definition match what Jesus did

for the disciples?" •Guide children to complete "Serve It Up!" and

"Stop and Serve." •Discuss ways kids can serve others.

12aSing "In Your Power" (DVD, 3 minutes)/Receive Offering

13 Sing "Your Name" (DVD, 3 minutes)

14aTransition to Application Activities or Wrap-Up

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Wrap-Up(Large Group Only Format)

Wrap-Up(Application Activities Format)

Week of October 28, 2012 Worship KidStyle Children's Edition Leader Guide© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

15 Play "Service" (7 minutes)

Pull It Together2 pieces of poster board, tape, scissors• Print "Service" (CD). Enlarge the puzzle (prepare

2 copies) and attach to the poster board (1 per team). Display.

• Copy letters (1 set per team). Cut apart and tape around the puzzles.

•Form two teams.•Assign each team to a puzzle board.•Say: "I'll read aloud a statement. Your task is to

place the letters in the correct spaces to spell the words. If you are correct, your team earns 100 points. If you are the first team to correctly spell the word, you earn an additional 50 points."

•Guide each team to select a child to attach the letters.

•Say: "Your whole team must work together to help the person spell the word."

•Read aloud the clues, awarding points as appropriate.

•Say: "We can all follow Jesus' example of serving people."

16 Sing "Nothing Is Impossible" (DVD, 3 minutes)

17 Dismiss the Children to Their Parents

Teacher TipLooking for additional resources to enhance your teaching? Check out the Levels of Biblical Learning resources available at

15aReview Application Activities (2 minutes)•Invite the children to share their Application

Activity experiences. dArts and Crafts—Service Towels dDramatic Play—Acts of Service dGames—Pass the Cards dExploration and Discovery—Sugar Foot Scrub/Feet Facts

16aPlay "Service" (5 minutes)

Pull It TogetherPoster board, tape, scissors•Print "Service" (CD). Enlarge the puzzle and attach

to the poster board. Display.•Copy 1 set of letters. Cut apart and tape around

the puzzle.

•Say: "I'll read aloud a statement. Your task is to place the letters in the correct spaces to spell the words."

•Read aloud the clues.•Guide the children to spell the words for you to

attach to the puzzle.•Say: "We can all follow Jesus' example of

serving people."

17a Sing "Nothing Is Impossible" (DVD, 3 minutes)

18aDismiss the Children to Their Parents•Play "Nothing Is Impossible" (DVD) as parents

receive their children.

Ask Yourself




What did the children hear about serving people?

What will the children know about serving people?

What will the children do to follow Jesus' example of service?

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Application Activities Select from the following choices. Each choice is designed for 20 minutes of small group time.

Service Towels•Ask: "What are some ways people serve you? How do you serve people?"•Brainstorm ways people serve one another.•Continue: "Jesus washed the disciples' feet as an example of service.

He did a job that was the servant's responsibility. How did the disciples respond to Jesus' example and words?"

•Say: "God wants us to follow Jesus' example by serving people. This does not mean we may have to wash people's feet, but if they needed it, that is what we should be willing to do. Let's make hand towels to remind us to serve."

•Place the materials on the table.•Guide the children to tape the towels to the table.•Say: "Use the markers to decorate your hand towels. You can write our

Bible verse, Galatians 5:13, or other words or pictures to remind you to serve people."

•Assist as needed.•Continue: "Look for ways to serve people. Service gives us a chance to

show others how much God cares for them and that we care too."•Pray and thank God for the opportunities of service He will provide.

Worship Through Arts and Crafts

Worship Through Dramatic Play

Pull It TogetherPlain hand towels (1 per child), permanent markers, newspaper, masking tape, table• Cover the tables with


Teacher Tips• Purchase hand towels

at a dollar store.• Use inexpensive fabric

instead of hand towels.

Pull It TogetherPoster board, marker, scissors• Print "Acts of Service"

(CD). Copy and cut apart several pages.

• Draw and cut out a large footprint shape on the poster board.

Acts of Service•Ask: "What does it mean to serve people? What did Jesus do as an

example of how to serve others?"•Review the Bible story.•Display the footprint poster.•Say: "Jesus washed the disciples' feet as an example of service. What are

some ways we can serve people?"•Write the children's answers on the footprint. •Continue: "Many people are serving in our church right now. Let's make a

list of the ways people serve." •List responses on the opposite side of the footprint poster. •Say: "Let's complete an act of service right now."•Distribute "Acts of Service."•Invite a child to read aloud the information.•Say: "Let's walk around the church and look for ways people are serving.

We will complete an 'Acts of Service' card and give it to the people."•Move around the church, completing and distributing cards.•Gather the children together.•Select a volunteer to read aloud Galatians 5:13.•Ask: "Do people in our church serve because they love other people?"•Pray, thanking God for the volunteers who serve in your church. Ask God to

help the children develop servant attitudes.

Week of October 28, 2012

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OK to copy.

Worship Through GamesPull It TogetherIndex cards, marker, chairs (1 per child), poster board• Fold index cards in

half, creating card tents.

• Write the words of Galatians 5:13 on the index cards (1 word per card). Create 2 sets.

• Form 2 equal rows of chairs facing toward each other.

• Draw a large footprint on the poster board.

Teacher Tips•Replay the passing

game using the life application statement (I can follow Jesus' example by serving people) or other service-related statements.

•Invite the children to trace their feet on the poster board. Display.

Pull It TogetherPoster board, petroleum jelly, brown sugar, mixing bowl, spoons, ziplock bags, large self-stick labels, markers, scissors, tape• Print "Foot Scrub"

(CD). Copy 1 or more card per child. Cut apart.

• Print "Feet" (CD) if not available from Introduction to Worship.

• Draw and cut out a large footprint shape on the poster board.

• Prepare and post an allergy chart listing petroleum jelly and brown sugar.

Pass the Cards•Review the Bible story.•Display the footprint poster.•Say: "Jesus washed the disciples' feet as an example of service. What are

some ways we can serve people?"•Write the children's answers on the footprint. •Say: "The Bible makes it clear God wants us to serve people. He wants us

to have a good attitude about serving."•Guide the children to form two teams and sit in chairs facing one another.•Direct the children to remove their shoes and socks. •Place the card tents on the floor.•Explain: "When I say, 'Go,' the first person will use only his toes to pass a

card to the person beside him. Continue passing the card down the row until the last person receives it. When the last person receives the card, she will run to the front of the team. Everyone will move down a chair. The new leader will begin passing another card. Keep going until all of the cards are at the opposite end. Working as a team, arrange the cards in order of Galatians 5:13. Only use your feet to move and arrange the cards."

•Invite a volunteer to read aloud the verse.•Continue: "Let's look for ways to serve people. Service gives us a chance

to show others how much God cares for them and that we care too."•Pray and thank God for the opportunities of service He will provide.

Worship Through Exploration and DiscoverySugar Foot Scrub/Feet Facts •Review the foot facts from "Introduction to Worship."•Ask: "Why do you think God took such detail in creating our feet?"•Continue: "What does it mean to serve people? What did Jesus do as an

example of how to serve others?"•Review the Bible story as you display the footprint poster.•Say: "Jesus washed the disciples' feet as an example of service. What are

some ways we can serve people?"•Write the children's answers on the footprint. •Explain: "The Bible contains many examples of Jesus serving people. We

can know that there is nothing too degrading for Jesus. He served people even if customs or traditions said it was not right to do so. He took time for everyone. We should follow Jesus' example by serving people."

•State: "Let's make a sugar foot scrub and notes of encouragement for people who serve in our church."

•Place the materials on the table.•Guide the children to mix together 1 part petroleum jelly and 2 parts

brown sugar.•Say: "Place some of the mixture in a ziplock bag. Decorate and attach

the label to your bag. Give your foot scrub to someone who serves in our church. Say to the person, 'Thank you for serving people.' "

•Assist as needed.•Select a volunteer to read aloud Galatians 5:13.•Pray, asking God to help the children develop servant attitudes.

Worship KidStyle Children's Edition Leader Guide© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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An Example to Follow: Service© 1998 The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in the USA. John 13:1-17

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

The average person walks about 10,000 steps a day. In a lifetime,

that would equal walking around the earth about 4 times or 115,000 miles.

True False

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

10% of the bones in the human body

are located in the feet.

True False

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

There are about 250,000 sweat glands in your feet. These sweat glands produce about one pint of

moisture every day.

True False

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

The average woman walks 3 miles more a day than the average man.

True False

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

The first shoes were made of animal skins and were

created during the Ice Age.

True False

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

Fingernails and toenails grow faster during hot weather and

teenage years.

True False

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

Your feet get smaller when you stand up.

True False

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Feet (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

The average person walks about 10,000 steps a day. In a lifetime that would equal walking around the earth about 4 times or 115,000 miles. (True)

10% of the bones in the human body are located in the feet. (False—25% or 52 bones)

There are about 250,000 sweat glands in your feet. These sweat glands produce about one pint of moisture every day. (False—these sweat glands produce a half pint of moisture per day)

The average woman walks 3 miles more a day than the average man. (True)

The first shoes were made of animal skins and were created during the Ice Age. (True)

Fingernails and toenails grow faster during hot weather and teenage years. (True)

Your feet get smaller when you stand up. (False—your feet enlarge because of the pressure from your body)

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Questions (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

What were Jesus and His disciples doing when Jesus began to wash their feet?

Why did Simon Peter not want Jesus to wash his feet?

When Jesus explained that those who were not washed had no part of Jesus, what did Simon Peter want Jesus to do?

What did Jesus want the disciples to do?

What example did Jesus give to us?

Name a way you can serve people.

How does how you serve provide an example for other people?

What festival were Jesus and the disciples celebrating?

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Service (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.










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Service (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

ACROSS1. ___________ gave us an example to follow on how to serve other

people. (Jesus)

2. Our Bible verse is located in the Book of _______________. (Galatians)

3. Galatians 5:13 tells us to ____________ one another. (Serve)

4. ___________ told Jesus to not only wash his feet, but his whole body. (Peter)

5. Jesus used ____________ to wash the disciples' feet. (Water)


1. The Devil told _____________ to betray Jesus. (Judas)

2. We can follow Jesus' ___________ by serving people. (Example)

3. It was almost time for the ______________ Festival. (Passover)

4. Jesus taught the disciples to be ______________. (Servants)

5. Jesus washed the disciples' ___________. (Feet)

W a e r S e r v S e r v a n

t s J e s u s u d a G a l a

t i a n s E x m p l e P s o

v e r P t e F e e t

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Acts of Service (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

AT YOUR SERVICEThis act of service

___________________________________________________________________was graciously completed by




Because Jesus served others, we want to serve others, too!Galatians 5:13

AT YOUR SERVICEThis act of service

___________________________________________________________________was graciously completed by




Because Jesus served others, we want to serve others, too!Galatians 5:13

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Foot Scrub (October 28) Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.


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