
Roanoke’s U.Lab HubLeading Innovation from an

Emerging Future

Hosted by group epignosis (an urban ecolab)

Welcome to . . .

Brian McConnell - Director

Session 6 - PrototypingOutcomes

“Valuable feedback from stakeholders on an idea

that helps refine the concept and its underlying

assumptions. A practical and tested mini-version of what later could become a

pilot that can be shared and eventually scaled.

Ideas to refine the existing and invent new concepts.” from “Prototyping” at the

Presencing Institute2

Session 6 (Prototyping) – From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies

▪ Modeling the course’s “Case Clinic” approach (see handout) –Select time keeper.

▪ Brian’s “Intention Statement”–The key challenge I’m currently “up against” . . .

▪ Stillness▪ Mirroring: Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Will ▪ Generative dialogue▪ Closing remarks and Individual journaling (to capture learning



Brian’s “Intention Statement”

. . . helping us “crystalize” ideas and subsequently “prototype” them. This

“means creating a landing strip for the future, and building something that allows us to explore an

emerging idea or concept by doing.”

1 - Current situation : The key challenge I’m currently

“up against” is . . .


Brian’s “Intention Statement”

. . . that part of this process of "crystalizing ideas" entails both co-creating and holding the "we-space" in which our

core group's "story" or "shared narrative" can (and will) continue to unfold (e.g.


1 - Current situation : The key challenge I’m currently “up against”

is . . .


Brian’s “Intention Statement”

1. Property owners in southeast Roanoke

2. Local community members (including homeless)

3. Businesses and civic organizations

4. Roanoke’s citizenry

2 - Stakeholders : How might others (i.e.

stakeholders) view this situation?


Brian’s “Intention Statement”

In this same respect then, the future I'm trying to

create would be initiated at the local level by generating health,

happiness, and well-being, amongst the

community's members.

3 - Intention : What future am I trying to



“The “pilot project” adopted by Roanoke’s U.Lab Hub is a community-based, whole-system, approach to vitalizing southeast Roanoke’s

socioeconomic well-being. In the broadest practical application of knowledge and theory, and to the

fullest extent possible, this project aspires to integrate science with culture (i.e. art and religion)

through the introduction of innovative system design as a joint process of treatment recovery and community (wealth) building." from “A Pilot Project of Roanoke’s U.Lab Hub and Initial “.8” Prototype".

Brian’s “Intention Statement”

What’s a “second-tier distributed network”?

“4.0” – Co-creative -> Seeing & Acting from the


3 - Intention : What future am I trying to



Graphic from, “10 insights on the Ego-2-Eco Economy

Revolution – Otto Scharmer”


Brian’s “Intention Statement”

I need to “let-go” of my biases against 1.0, 2.0, and

3.0-type systems.

4 – Learning Threshold:

Attention’s structure assumes various forms (e.g. habitual 1.0, ego-system 2.0, stakeholder 3.0, eco-system 4.0) in both healthy

and pathological conditions across the collective scale.



Brian's Intention Statement

5 – Help : Where do I need input or help?

I’d like to expand our context to include a

community of practice by forming an integral

sangha (ashram or dojo) to support our work as a

“practice center”.


Brian's Intention Statement

5 – Help : Where do I need input or help?

. . . in forming a core holding group.

"Then, in broader "rings" beyond this core, draw the individuals and /or groups who

should experience the prototype, and with whom you should empathize around their



▪ 1 - Listen to your heart : Connect with your heart to what you're hearing

▪ 2 - Listen to what resonates : What images, metaphors, feelings and gestures come up for you that capture the essence of what you heard?



Mirroring: Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Will

1 – Coaches share what

images/metaphors, feelings, or gestures

arose for them.

2 - Having listened to the coaches, Brian reflects what he

heard in response.


Generative Dialogue

1 – Reflecting on Brian's remarks move

into generative dialogue on how these observations can offer

new perspectives on his situation and


2 - Go with the flow of the dialogue. Build on each other's ideas.


Closing Remarks

1 – By coaches.

2 - By Brian: How do I now see my situation

and way forward?

3 - Thank you: An expression of

genuine appreciation to each other.


Individual Journaling

Roanoke’s U.Lab HubLeading Innovation from an

Emerging Future

Hosted by group epignosis (an urban ecolab)

Welcome to . . .

Brian McConnell - Director
