Page 1: Week 13 1Week 13 1st.October 2014 SPEAKERS Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host Wed. 1st. Oct. P.O.O.T. Yr Event Tue. 7th.Oct. Fellowship Meeting At Broadbeach Hub John Monks Tue. 14th.Oct
Page 2: Week 13 1Week 13 1st.October 2014 SPEAKERS Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host Wed. 1st. Oct. P.O.O.T. Yr Event Tue. 7th.Oct. Fellowship Meeting At Broadbeach Hub John Monks Tue. 14th.Oct

Week 13 1st. October 2014


Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host

Wed. 1st. Oct. P.O.O.T. Yr Event

Tue. 7th

. Oct. Fellowship Meeting At Broadbeach Hub John Monks

Tue. 14th

. Oct. Chris Taylor Gold Coast City Libraries

Tue. 21st

. Oct. Mr Ray Stevens MP Qld Parliamentarian

Tue. 28th

. Oct. Dr. Paul Klaassen Gold Coast Cardiologist Denis O’Brien


Date Attendance 1 Attendance 2 Greeter

Tue. 7th

. Oct. Russ Hutchison Noel Hodges

Tue. 14th

. Oct. Russ Hutchison Alex Jorden

Tue. 21st

. Oct. Russ Hutchison Ian Cowen

Tue. 28th.

Oct. Russ Hutchison Chris Thomsen


Birthdays Anniversaries Inductions

Sept 24th Uwe Seifert

Sept 26th Michelle Curnow

Sept 27th Claire O'Brien

Oct 5th Nayer Kavianni

Wedding - Neil Baldwin




Broadbeach Rotarians 24 Fines $ 31.95

Hon Members

(Uwe Seifert)

1 Copper Pot $ 18.85

Visiting Rotarians 1 Sausage Sizzle

Page 3: Week 13 1Week 13 1st.October 2014 SPEAKERS Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host Wed. 1st. Oct. P.O.O.T. Yr Event Tue. 7th.Oct. Fellowship Meeting At Broadbeach Hub John Monks Tue. 14th.Oct

(Assistant Governor - Darrell Brown)

Bunnings Friday 19th August $598.70

Car Boot Sale $540.00

1 Guest Speaker

(Ann Metcher)


Members Guests

(Carol Baldwin, Pat Curr, Pam Hawkins and Keith Hales)



It has been another reasonable week in the best Club in District 9640. We were fortunate to have Ann Metcher as guest speaker and Ann gave us a fascinating explanation of the methodology, tricks and traps in the world of genealogy and we viewed some very ancient records and photographs. We were also fortunate to have AG Darrell Brown visit us and congratulate us on our work at RYDA. Well done to those Members who worked on this project. We were also honoured by the presence of Partners Pam, Carol and Pat and a prospective Member Keith Hales (Who won the raffle and the heads and tails) (Beginners luck). We also recognised our Hon. Member Uwe. Members are reminded that the Gala Dinner for our Police Officer of the Year is our next meeting on Wednesday night of 01 October 6.30pm for 07.00pm at the Crown Plaza. By the time you read this, final numbers were meant to have been supplied to the hotel. If you are a last minute starter – please contact Neil Jones for the latest situation. Again all payments for the night were meant to be completed by Friday 26th, that’s why you need to contact Neil. Bookings look good with 36 members & club guests booked in to join with the QPS contingent. Again, many thanks to Ray Milton in his 10th anniversary Chair of this worthwhile Club Project. Remember all proceeds go the PCYC. This is one of our fund raisers with a specific purpose.

Page 4: Week 13 1Week 13 1st.October 2014 SPEAKERS Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host Wed. 1st. Oct. P.O.O.T. Yr Event Tue. 7th.Oct. Fellowship Meeting At Broadbeach Hub John Monks Tue. 14th.Oct

Corporal Kevin entertained us again and did a great job relieving us of approximately $32 for our general account. Neil Jones gave us an update on new sausage sizzle rosters and Service Director Noel gave us an update on the Carrara Boot Sale venture. Our numbers this week increased from 23 cars to 55 cars with rain predicted again, so at this rate we will soon be at capacity of 120 cars if we have a fine day. I recall that at the first Club assembly over 90% of the hands in the room went up in response to the question as to who was prepared to work at the car boot sale and there was absolutely NO dissention on the question about going ahead with this venture. It now appears that the same people have now done the boot sale twice. Please support Noel & our club in this venture. Remember if we all decided not to do service work and support projects, then we will have no projects and will donate nothing to the community. Jim has produced a self appointment electronic roster which looks very good. It is now LIVE from our club website, so please check it out & enter your names for slots over the next two sales Sundays. The new ClubRunner facility now implemented by Jim, where you can use the link on the advice that you receive, to go straight to the registration site is working well and his success in the sourcing of interesting guest speakers continues with bookings through October. The carpets have now been cleaned in the new building at the “Broadbeach Rotary Hub” and on Wednesday the usual workers Neil J, Kevin, John C, Uwe and I cleared the building of clutter into the new building and the containers. Well done Guys. There is still much work to be done cleaning the inside, decoration the walls permanently and cleaning up and sorting the goods and chattels outside the building. Maybe we can have some different workers on the next working bee. Whilst on the Broadbeach Rotary Hub, the meeting agreed to have a combined meeting at the Hub on 07 October 2014 with the Rotary Club of Mermaid Beach as the Crown Plaza is not available to us on that night. I have contacted the Mermaid President who is hoping to promote this with their members. We will either have a BBQ or a spit roast that evening at approximate cost of $25 per head with our Hub bar prices. Let’s make it a big attendance night with Mermaid Beach Club. Members are reminded that it is World Polio Day on 24 October and there is a function organised at the Broadbeach rotary Hub on that night, with profits going to the Polio Program. We now have an official invitation from our New Zealand Sister Club of Tauranga to their 70th Anniversary along with Kasaoka Club in Japan on 14-15 March 2015. It is also the 10th year of our 3 sister clubs agreement. Please mark your diaries for this celebration and I thank Bill Rex who has volunteered to organise our trip.

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Cec has already purchased a new second hand scooter with the Sharks Grant money that dawn obtained for our club. Thank you to all members who work tirelessly on our Projects and running of the Club in General. Thank you also to the sausage sizzlers and car booters last week for a well done job. Takings were around $1150 for the week. Both Tina and Brian are currently in hospital with Tina having an operation on her hand, so we wish them a speedy recovery and our thoughts are with them. Remember next Tuesday’s meeting is on Wednesday night being the Police Officer of the Year Event. Have a good week.

Hoo Roo John

Images from Last meeting

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Page 7: Week 13 1Week 13 1st.October 2014 SPEAKERS Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host Wed. 1st. Oct. P.O.O.T. Yr Event Tue. 7th.Oct. Fellowship Meeting At Broadbeach Hub John Monks Tue. 14th.Oct

Scribe from Last meeting

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Thank you Ann, a most interesting presentation that enables you to make a start on researching and documenting your family tree.

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From George

When it was clear that Frank was dying, Joe visited him every day.

One day Joe said, "Frank, we both loved playing golf all our lives, and we started playing soon after high


Please do me one favor: when you get to heaven, somehow you must let me know if there's golf there.

Frank looked up at Joe from his deathbed and said, "Joe, you've been my best friend for many years. If

it's at all possible, I'll do this favor for you.

Shortly after that, Frank died.

A few weeks later, Joe was awakened from a sound sleep by a blinding flash of white light and a voice

calling out to him, "Joe, Joe ."

"Who is it," asked Joe, sitting up suddenly. "Who is it?"

"Joe -- it's me, Frank"

"You're not Frank . Frank just died."

"I'm telling you, it's me, Frank," insisted the voice.

"Frank, Where are you?"

"In heaven," replied Frank. "I have some really good news and a little bad news."

"Tell me the good news first," said Joe.

Page 11: Week 13 1Week 13 1st.October 2014 SPEAKERS Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host Wed. 1st. Oct. P.O.O.T. Yr Event Tue. 7th.Oct. Fellowship Meeting At Broadbeach Hub John Monks Tue. 14th.Oct

"The good news," Frank said with joy and enthusiasm, "is that there is golf in heaven. Better yet, all of

our old buddies who died before me are here too. Even better than that, we're all young again. Better still,

it's always Summertime and it never rains. And best of all, we can play golf all we want, and we never

get tired. " And we get to play with all the Greats of the past.

"That's fantastic," said Joe "It's beyond my wildest dreams! So what's the bad news?"

"You're in my foursome this Saturday"


A young woman who was worried about her habit of biting her fingernails down to the quick was advised

by a friend to take up yoga.

She did, and soon her fingernails were growing normally. Her friend asked her if yoga had totally cured

her nervousness.

"No," she replied, "but now I can reach my toe-nails so I bite them instead."


Two cartons of yogurt walk into a bar. The bartender, who was a tub of cottage cheese, says to them, "We

don't serve your kind in here."

One of the yogurt cartons says back to him, "Why not? We're cultured individuals."


Two guys are being chased by a bear, when one stops to put on his sneakers.

The other guy yells, "You idiot, you can't outrun a bear."

The first guy gasps, "I don't have to outrun a bear - I just have to outrun you."


Random thoughts from Rod

I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people.

I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem work itself out.

I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds.

People move out of the way much faster now.

Dear paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers:

If you find one, what's your plan?

You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like someone?

That's common sense leaving your body.

I don't like making plans for the day because then the word "premeditated" gets thrown around in the

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I didn't make it to the gym today.

That makes five years in a row!!

I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim.

I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning!


"Matt Damon is planning to shoot a fourth 'Bourne Identity' movie. It tells the story of an actor who

gradually remembers he has four kids to send to college." -Jimmy Fallon


From John

Life is all about perspective: The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle

to the lobsters in the ship's kitchen.

You know you're ugly when a group picture is being taken and

you're handed the camera.


"The only gracious way to accept an insult is to ignore it; if you can't ignore it, top it; if you can't top it,

laugh at it; if you can't laugh at it, it's probably deserved." --Russell Lynes



You pick up a hitch-hiker; a beautiful girl. Suddenly she faints inside your car and you take her to the

hospital. Now that's stressful.

But at the hospital, they say she is pregnant and congratulate you that you're going to be a father. You say

that you are not the father, but the girl says you are. This is getting very stressful!

You request a DNA test to prove that you are not the father. After the tests are completed, the doctor says

the test shows you're infertile, and probably have been since birth. You're extremely stressed but relieved.

And on your way back, you think about your 5 kids at home.


From Sophie

Did you hear about the two baked beans who wanted to travel the world??

They ended up in Cairns ....

Q. Why do pirates take so long to learn the alphabet?

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A. Because they spend a lot of time at sea!!!


From Doug

Q. What鈥檚 brown and sits on a piano stool?

A. Beethovens last movement.

Q: Why do elephants have trunks?

A: Because they would look silly with glove compartments.

Q: What is smarter than a talking bird?

A: A spelling bee!

Q: What do you get when you cross a dog with a phone?

A: A golden receiver!

Q: Why can't the leopard hide?

A: Because he's always spotted.

Q: What do you call a scared dinosaur?

A: A nervous Rex.

Q: Did you hear that someone broke into our local police station and stole the toilet?

A: Right now the cops have nothing to go on.

Q: What does a bee use to brush its hair?

A: A honeycomb!
