Page 1: Wednesday , January 18, 2012            NASA Ames Research Center

Wednesday , January 18, 2012 NASA Ames Research Center

N201, Auditorium 12:00 – 1 :00 p.m.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with

Lisette Titre

Please join us for a reception immediately after this event in Bldg N200 Lobby

“…Out of the Mountain of DespairA Stone of Hope”

Black Enterprise Cover, March 2011“Women in STEM”

Photo: Cindy Charles

“ACG artist and computer animator Lisette Titre has contributed to some of EA’s highest profile games, including Tiger Woods Golf for Nintendo’s Wii, The Simpsons, and Dante’s Inferno. Her most recent release with Emeryville's Back Bone Entertainment: Zombie Apocalypse 2 will be released in the fall by Konami.

As a character modeler, Titre takes data from scanned images of characters or real-life individuals and reworks the information to build a 3-D digital sculpture. After the character’s digital skeleton is built, she takes the skeletons and applies computer modeling controls so the fingers will curl, the legs will bend, and the character moves with fluidity.

Titre, who is often the only animator working in-house on her projects, also manages a team of outsourced artists in China, Australia, and Canada. Each team consist of five to 20 people who work on games titles for as little as one year to as long as four years.”

Article taken from Black Enterprise

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