Page 1: Websites to use for research

Websites to use for research.


Also use Google to look for specific artists or movements.

Page 2: Websites to use for research


A O 1 : D E V E LO P D e v e l o p y o u r i d e a s t h r o u g h i n v e s t i g a t i o n s i n f o r m e d b y c o n t e x t u a l a n d o t h e r s o u r c e s , d e m o n s t r a t i n g a n a l y t i c a l a n d c u l t u r a l u n d e r s t a n d i n g .

AO2: EXPER IMENT AND REF INERe fi n e y o u r i d e a s t h ro u g h ex p e r i m e n t i n g a n d s e l e c t i n g a p p ro p r i a t e re s o u rc e s , m a t e r i a l s , t e c h n i q u e s a n d p ro c e s s e s .

AO3: RECORDRe c o rd i d e a s , o b s e r v a t i o n s a n d i n s i g h t s re l e v a n t t o t h e i r i n t e n t i o n s i n v i s u a l a n d / o r o t h e r f o rm s

AO4: PRESENTPre s e n t a p e r s o n a l , i n f o rm e d a n d m e a n i n g f u l re s p o n s e d e m o n s t r a t i n g a n a l y t i c a l a n d c r i t i c a l u n d e r s t a n d i n g , re a l i s i n g i n t e n t i o n s a n d , w h e re a p p ro p r i a t e , m a k i n g c o n n e c t i o n s b e t w e e n v i s u a l , w r i t t e n , o r a l o r o t h e r e l e m e n t s





Page 3: Websites to use for research


Natural World Objects


Brain storm your initial ideas

Order and/or


Page 4: Websites to use for research

Brain storm your final idea to see how you could develop it…….Include artists, material choices and concepts…..

Page 5: Websites to use for research

Possible avenue’s to explore:

• Something that was ordered/whole/complete, that has been smashed apart. Possibly burnt down etc.

Fire Bird: Eeva-Liisa Sorainen, Helena Kaikkonen, Minna kangasmaa, Finland.There are phenomena in both Finnish and Lappish ancient religions, beliefs, story telling traditions and their relationship to nature that contain features separating them from the traditions of Western and Southern Europe. Fire sculpture fits in with the Finnish cultural traditions. Fire sculpture are like the bonfires that have been built in Finland from time immemorial.

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Laurie Frick

“Daily Time Slices” 40 in x 48″, 21 days of daily activities coded by colour and duration.

“Walking, week 26″, found cut and handmade paper on 6 alumalite panels, 48″ x 72″, 2012

‘Moodjam May 3″ 8ftx8ft, Abet Laminati, Alumalite and silicon.

Installations and work based on neuroscience.

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Disorder of the brain: Mental illness and neurological disorders

Chris Mars

His painting style, examples of which graced all of his album covers, is marked by nightmarish landscapes and grotesque, distorted figures. He draws inspiration from his older brother's struggle with schizophrenia.

Page 8: Websites to use for research

Human body: Deformaties and injuries.

Hans Bellmer

Bellmer's doll project is also said to have been catalysed by a series of events in his personal life. Hans Bellmer takes credit for provoking a physical crisis in his father and brings his own artistic creativity into association with childhood insubordination and resentment toward a severe and humourless paternal authority.

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Disorder/ War

Otto Dix, Flandern, 1934

Emily PrinceMark Wallinger

Protest art in Denmark


Andy Warhol Gun 1981

Shirin Neshat Allegiance with wakefulnessShepherd Fairey

Imperial Glory

Eberhard Havekost Ghost 2

Diana Weiser - Blood

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Guerra-de-la-paz Atom Bomb Niki De Saint Phalle Shooting Picture 1961

Anti War Murals On Palestine Wall And In Belfast

Tom Lee A Thousand Yard Stare

Henry Moore Shelter Drawings

Jake And Dinos Chapman Hell 2002

Goya he Charge of the Mamelukes 1814

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Jenny Stark

Stefano Arienti.

Cornelia Parker

Dirk Skreber

Mark Chadwick Explosion Picture

Jackson Pollock

Damien Hirst Spin Paintings

Disorder/ chaos/ Explosion

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Ursus WehrliThe art of clean up

Kathy Klein

Lisa Milroy

Mark Dion

Tony Cragg

Susan Hiller

Damien Hirst, Spot paintings

Order/ Collections / Organisation

Cornelia Parker

Martin Waters

HaeckelChristopher Marley

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Linnea Strid

George JonesLouise Bourgeois


Andrew Newton


Order/ Cultural patterns/ Symmetry

Henna Islamic Pattern

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Order/ disorder/ People/ crowds

Peter Bruegel

LS Lowry

Kathe Kollwitz

Francisco de Goya

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A swimming pool in Tokyo during a heat wave

Crowds at football matches

People on an escalator


A train in India

Car parks

Jonathan Borofsky

Liz McQueen

Disorder/ CrowdsOrder /Queuing


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Brazilian Shanty Towns Indian Slums

Chinese VillageAmerican street grid system

London streets

Colombian Island of Santa Cruz de


Michael Wolf

Order/ disorder/ Places/ Habitats

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Ian Davenport

Order/ Repetition

Bridget Riley

Piet Mondrian

Andy Goldsworthy


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Paula Scher

Eye chart

Milton Glaser Jasper Johns

Order/ Disorder / Text

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Disorder- natural destruction/ weather

Mark Mawson Coloured Water

Louise Bourgoise Throbbing Pulse

Caspar David Friedrich

Maggie Hambling

Vincent Van Gogh

Amy Casey, impossible cities

Curtis Mann Modification 2008

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Oder/ disorder of movement

Eadweard Meuybridge

Anthony Gormley

Drawing with light Picasso

Edgar Degas

Effect of force on different materials. Crush/Bend/Twist

Francois Alys

Page 21: Websites to use for research

Disorder of the body/figure

Jenny Saville



Distorting the human body.

Effect of force on human body.

Francis Bacon

Gerard Butler

• Effect of force on the human body.• Forcing the body into different shapes.

David Hockney Photomontage